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Pages: < 1 « 1920 1921 1922 1923 19243540 >

[2016-1-30. : 5:56 am]
Dem0n -- Voy how old are you
[2016-1-30. : 5:52 am]
Voyager7456 -- ally end
[2016-1-30. : 5:52 am]
Voyager7456 -- nr 20
[2016-1-30. : 5:51 am]
Moose -- GL HF DD
[2016-1-30. : 5:46 am]
Voyager7456 -- Thanks Moose :wob:
[2016-1-30. : 5:45 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Voyager7456
Voyager7456 shouted: Now I'm sending wedding invitations tomorrow, and I'm still here
[2016-1-30. : 5:44 am]
Moose -- :voy:
[2016-1-30. : 5:42 am]
Moose -- Lmao! Congratulations!
[2016-1-30. : 5:40 am]
Voyager7456 -- jfc
[2016-1-30. : 5:40 am]
Voyager7456 -- Now I'm sending wedding invitations tomorrow, and I'm still here
[2016-1-30. : 5:39 am]
Voyager7456 -- At least, when I joined the first time, not the lies v6 tells you
[2016-1-30. : 5:38 am]
Voyager7456 -- I joined SEN when I was like 12... or 13 or something
[2016-1-30. : 5:37 am]
Voyager7456 -- Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: Doodle77 Including us, lmao!
I know, right?
[2016-1-30. : 5:33 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: Doodle77 Including us, lmao!
no im not im 12
[2016-1-30. : 5:13 am]
Dem0n -- lmao
[2016-1-30. : 5:05 am]
Moose -- Doodle77
Doodle77 shouted: everything is so old
Including us, lmao!
[2016-1-30. : 4:50 am]
rayNimagi -- test
[2016-1-30. : 3:27 am]
KrayZee -- Pr0nogo
Pr0nogo shouted: any fathers in here
I'm a mother. We're all mothers here.
[2016-1-30. : 2:48 am]
Pr0nogo -- any fathers in here
[2016-1-30. : 2:06 am]
dumbducky -- That sounds awful
[2016-1-30. : 1:37 am]
Dem0n -- What's that one language where lines of code are connected by arrows, so you can put your code in any order and link them together with ---> ?
[2016-1-29. : 11:15 pm]
Dem0n -- No
[2016-1-29. : 11:06 pm]
Corbo -- And he was always naked in them
[2016-1-29. : 11:06 pm]
Corbo -- that was payne.
[2016-1-29. : 11:05 pm]
Dem0n -- Was that Doodan?
[2016-1-29. : 11:05 pm]
Dem0n -- Who was the person who posted pictures with instruments
[2016-1-29. : 11:05 pm]
Corbo -- ;o
[2016-1-29. : 11:02 pm]
Doodle77 -- everything is so old
[2016-1-29. : 11:02 pm]
Doodle77 -- seven years wtf
[2016-1-29. : 11:02 pm]
Corbo -- Oh.
[2016-1-29. : 11:01 pm]
Corbo -- What thread?
[2016-1-29. : 11:01 pm]
Doodle77 -- for like 5 years now
[2016-1-29. : 11:01 pm]
Doodle77 -- i'm in that thread
[2016-1-29. : 11:01 pm]
Doodle77 -- add me
[2016-1-29. : 11:01 pm]
Corbo -- then add me and farty ;o
[2016-1-29. : 11:01 pm]
Corbo -- that app should have a chat
[2016-1-29. : 11:00 pm]
Doodle77 -- Corbo
Corbo shouted: Doodle, You should get the steam chat ;o
what steam chat
[2016-1-29. : 11:00 pm]
Doodle77 -- i have steam
[2016-1-29. : 10:26 pm]
jjf28 -- tuples 4 double edge sword
[2016-1-29. : 10:19 pm]
Moose -- Yeah, or just putting way too much shit in the alternatives
[2016-1-29. : 10:19 pm]
Dem0n -- Nested ternary amirite
[2016-1-29. : 10:06 pm]
Moose -- People have done stupid and convoluted things with the ternary conditional, but yours is perfectly fine and readable.
[2016-1-29. : 9:58 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- image->paletteType = hallucination ? 0x10 : 0;
[2016-1-29. : 9:58 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Are ternary bad? if (hallucination) { image->paletteType = 0x10; } else { image->paletteType = 0; } is stupid.
[2016-1-29. : 9:37 pm]
Corbo -- Doodle, You should get the steam chat ;o
[2016-1-29. : 9:33 pm]
Corbo -- So the issue is fixed but now I am working with a clutter AutoCAD with tons of superfluous features I don't really need. So right now I am actually configuring it so it's like a stripped down version without all the unuseful, distracting stuff :P
[2016-1-29. : 9:31 pm]
Corbo -- I just ended up installing AutoCAD 2016 which seems to not have this issue (Makes sense since 2014 was before W8 and W10) and 2016 seemsto have taken this issue into account.
[2016-1-29. : 9:31 pm]
Corbo -- It does a little bit, I already tried that and disabling dynamic input. It helps but it was still not smooth, still had a couple miliseconds lat. Enough to annoy me since I'm used to working super fast.
[2016-1-29. : 9:27 pm]
Doodle77 -- Corbo
Corbo shouted: Doodle77 Doodle77 Doodle77 Yeah, that's what I was saying. They removed it.
apparently disabling tooltips helps? i'm skeptical
[2016-1-29. : 9:17 pm]
Moose -- :farty:
[2016-1-29. : 8:36 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- void Graphics::removeUnit(int index) { UnitNode* unit = UNITGraphics[index]; UnitDestructor(unit); UNITGraphics.erase(UNITGraphics.begin() + index); } UnitDestructor is the name that I already had for that function, I was going to rename and condense this huge list of functions
[2016-1-29. : 8:36 pm]
Roy -- You could make your own eraseAt function.
[2016-1-29. : 8:36 pm]
Roy -- Does C++ support prototyping or extension methods?
[2016-1-29. : 8:35 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I'm doing it once
[2016-1-29. : 8:35 pm]
Roy -- I read somewhere that myvector.erase(& works for some compilers.
[2016-1-29. : 8:35 pm]
jjf28 -- if you're removing by index remove it like that, just wrap it up in a function if you're going to be doing it multiple times
[2016-1-29. : 8:34 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I went to like or whatever and FaRTy1billion
FaRTy1billion shouted: How do you remove an array element? myvector.erase (myvector.begin()+5); ? that sounds stupid
is what it had
[2016-1-29. : 8:34 pm]
jjf28 -- actually mines a poor example xD
[2016-1-29. : 8:33 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I want to remove it by it's index, that was the example I found
[2016-1-29. : 8:33 pm]
jjf28 -- yes but it's rare you'd actually want to remove an element by its index
[2016-1-29. : 8:31 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- that's not C++, that's STL
[2016-1-29. : 8:21 pm]
Dem0n -- Welcome to C++
[2016-1-29. : 8:03 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- How do you remove an array element? myvector.erase (myvector.begin()+5); ? that sounds stupid
[2016-1-29. : 8:02 pm]
Corbo -- Doodle77
Doodle77 shouted: right click on the shortcut->properties->compatibility->disable desktop composition
Doodle77 shouted: disclaimer: i don't actually have windows 10
Doodle77 shouted: Doodle77 actually they removed that in windows 10 wut
Yeah, that's what I was saying. They removed it.
[2016-1-29. : 8:02 pm]
Corbo -- you called?
[2016-1-29. : 7:56 pm]
TiKels -- :corbo:
[2016-1-29. : 7:09 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Film is supposedly higher quality since it can capture more (or different) details, but it's probably just film snobs being snobby
[2016-1-29. : 6:34 pm]
Dem0n -- What's the difference between shooting a movie on film rather than digital? Apparently Star Wars Episode IX is gonna be shot in film.

Pages: < 1 « 1920 1921 1922 1923 19243540 >

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