Staredit Network > Forums > Serious Discussion > Topic: What do you think about America?
What do you think about America?
Sep 1 2007, 3:06 am
By: PwnPirate
Pages: < 1 « 3 4 5 6 713 >

Sep 17 2007, 10:24 pm Golden-Fist Post #81

Quote from JordanN
Quote from Golden-Fist

Might pointing out what you just said or was that spam?
Oh I'm sorry Jordan it looks like you're mini-modding, and actually since you're not a mod your post is completely useless and considered spam. Luckily for you, you don't have a history on this website of spamming so you'll only get a caution right now. But if you do it again I'm going to have to warn you. If you (or anyone) have a problem with this caution feel free to PM me or make a thread in Staredit Network and state your case. But do not reply to this post within this thread.

And Doodan has it right. You asked how they died with all their armor on, and I said "Bombs" which in case you didn't know bullet proof armor, does not stop explosions.


Sep 17 2007, 10:39 pm Demented Shaman Post #82

Also, I'm sure that just the shock of the explosion/shrapnel/fire could do some massive internal damage.


Sep 18 2007, 1:28 am Centreri Post #83

Relatively ancient and inactive

Which facts?
Geography as a separate class, botany as separate class, stricter enforcement of rules... Not a great change, but definitely better. She also said that the mathematical curriculum is more advanced, though I'm not sure how much more advanced. Suffice to say, I knew everything I was supposed to learn in grades 1-8 three or four years before everyone else. It's honors math that's teaching me new stuff. And all this in a country which has been scathed by war and recently changed governments. I'll tell you some more later if you want - I can call and find out.


Sep 18 2007, 2:27 am PwnPirate Post #84

Geography as a separate class, botany as separate class, stricter enforcement of rules... Not a great change, but definitely better. She also said that the mathematical curriculum is more advanced, though I'm not sure how much more advanced. Suffice to say, I knew everything I was supposed to learn in grades 1-8 three or four years before everyone else. It's honors math that's teaching me new stuff. And all this in a country which has been scathed by war and recently changed governments. I'll tell you some more later if you want - I can call and find out.
I'm not really sure what you are saying. Are you saying that you live in a different country, or do you live in America (because it seems like you are criticizing the quality of your classes except honors math)?


Sep 18 2007, 4:55 pm Kellimus Post #85

Quote from Redhead
Yeah, letting your mother know it would be alright to kill you would be different. And whats wrong with adoption? Personally, having to know I killed an innocent being just for my own relief would make me go crazy. And if you were dying, and you got an abortion, you might die anyways, but if you didn't, the baby, and you might live through it. If you got an abortion just to save yourself, that's sick. If you were in the middle of a catastrophe, and the only way to make it out would be to kill someone, would you? If you would than that's just like abortion. Just put the baby up for adoption! That way you don't have to see it, take care of it, or anything! That's a lot bettr than killing it. I'm sorry, but I'm bad at politics, but I do know that abortion is wrong. I know Catholicism, is Christianity. Oh, and who said the Bushes were dictators? They are PRESIDENTS, not dictators, they do not have full power over this country.

First off, learn how to properly quote me. Thanks.

Next: What's wrong with adoption? Do you know how many people actually become unstable after they find out they're adopted, especially when they're younger?

And yes, I would. If it saves me and my loved ones to kill another being in your scenario, then I would do it.

How old are you?

Do you live in the real world, or do you live with mommy and daddy?

Judging by the retort you have came up with, you have no REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE what-so-ever.

Do you work? Do you have your own appartment? Do you have a kid to support? Do you have to fork out money to constantly buy food and drink for your growing baby?

More then likely (judging by how you retorted so... Unthoughtfully) you have none of the above RESPONSIBILITIES, and you just sit at home, mooching from mommy and daddy while you play Blizzard games and Maplestory.

Mind you, I did that as well in my days (when I was a teenager - the Maplestory)

But alright, cool. Let's see you have a one year old child, get pregnant and nine-months later, have another kid, and now have TWO kids to feed and take care off.

Oh, and mind you, you have one job that pays $9 hourly and you get paid weekly, you work four days a week (12 hour shifts), you have a one-bedroom apartment that is $600-650, which is two paychecks. Thank god her apartment (along with mine) have free utilities, or there would be an extra $40-80 racked on for electricity, and then you would even have to pay an extra bill for the water!

Oh, can't forget your phone bill that is $65 dollars.

Oh, and can't forget that you have to buy milk at about $2-3 a gallon for the one year old AND NOW FORMULA at about $15-25 a can for the newborn. The one-year old goes through a gallon of milk in two days.

Oh, and can't forget the fact that you have to buy groceries for yourself, your one-year old, and now you have to buy baby-food (Which is over-priced) for your newborn.

Oh, can't forget gas money (which my girlfriend pays to me), or cab money, or bus money for transportation to work every day (She doesn't pay me gas money everday, that would be rediculous)

Then can't forget about the $25 every day she works, so she can have a baby-sitter (If her baby's father is working)

So RedHead: Please stfu. Your ignorant-retort has just angered me more (but in respect for the mods, I have kept my anger to a minimum) and proven to me the lack of sentience (just kidding) within you.

Maybe when you get some REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, you can come tell me that my girlfriend is horrible for aborting a baby she wouldn't be able to support in the fucking first place. Maybe then, I will take what you say with a grain of salt.

But until then: Good day.


Sep 18 2007, 5:05 pm Dapperdan Post #86

Kellimus, it would be useful if you didn't talk down to people and acted in a more civilized manner when posting/debating/arguing. That is all for now. :unsure:


Sep 18 2007, 5:25 pm Kellimus Post #87

Quote from Dapperdan
Kellimus, it would be useful if you didn't talk down to people and acted in a more civilized manner when posting/debating/arguing. That is all for now. :unsure:

Wow. Attacking me because I like to point out how people need to sometimes THINK?

That's kind of pathetic actually.. If you knew me, you'd know this is the "lite" me.

And honestly, if you don't like it, report me. I've done nothing wrong, except make a very good point. I suppose I did it in a "hostile" way, but I'm not the only one that does it that way.

Man, I can now see why a lot of the old people never come back.


Sep 18 2007, 7:02 pm Dapperdan Post #88

Wow. Attacking me because I like to point out how people need to sometimes THINK?

That's kind of pathetic actually.. If you knew me, you'd know this is the "lite" me.

And honestly, if you don't like it, report me. I've done nothing wrong, except make a very good point. I suppose I did it in a "hostile" way, but I'm not the only one that does it that way.

Man, I can now see why a lot of the old people never come back.

I didn't attack you in any way shape or form. I don't wish to continue this bickering so I'll end at that. :><:

P.S. I wouldn't report you (i don't have that option), I could just delete/edit your posts if it actually came to that... which it hasn't.


Sep 18 2007, 10:04 pm Centreri Post #89

Relatively ancient and inactive

I'm not really sure what you are saying. Are you saying that you live in a different country, or do you live in America (because it seems like you are criticizing the quality of your classes except honors math)?
No, I live in America... reread what I said a few more times until it dawns on you.

And, Dapper? This is Kellimus holding his anger in check, and he really made a few valid points. Abortion is in no way bad. Wowz0rz, I gotz 12 childrens and no monies. Woot! Do you really think those children would be any happier than they would (not) be if they had been born?


Sep 18 2007, 10:48 pm Dapperdan Post #90

And, Dapper? This is Kellimus holding his anger in check, and he really made a few valid points. Abortion is in no way bad. Wowz0rz, I gotz 12 childrens and no monies. Woot! Do you really think those children would be any happier than they would (not) be if they had been born?

I was not and am not making a statement about abortion or whether Kellimus's arguement was right or not. I just dislike the tactics of talking down to people like that, I don't feel it is something we need in this forum. It is something I myself sometimes have to deal with, at that.


Sep 19 2007, 12:58 am Redhead Post #91

Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Redhead
Yeah, letting your mother know it would be alright to kill you would be different. And whats wrong with adoption? Personally, having to know I killed an innocent being just for my own relief would make me go crazy. And if you were dying, and you got an abortion, you might die anyways, but if you didn't, the baby, and you might live through it. If you got an abortion just to save yourself, that's sick. If you were in the middle of a catastrophe, and the only way to make it out would be to kill someone, would you? If you would than that's just like abortion. Just put the baby up for adoption! That way you don't have to see it, take care of it, or anything! That's a lot bettr than killing it. I'm sorry, but I'm bad at politics, but I do know that abortion is wrong. I know Catholicism, is Christianity. Oh, and who said the Bushes were dictators? They are PRESIDENTS, not dictators, they do not have full power over this country.
First off, learn how to properly quote me. Thanks. Next: What's wrong with adoption? Do you know how many people actually become unstable after they find out they're adopted, especially when they're younger? And yes, I would. If it saves me and my loved ones to kill another being in your scenario, then I would do it. How old are you? Do you live in the real world, or do you live with mommy and daddy? Judging by the retort you have came up with, you have no REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE what-so-ever. Do you work? Do you have your own appartment? Do you have a kid to support? Do you have to fork out money to constantly buy food and drink for your growing baby? More then likely (judging by how you retorted so... Unthoughtfully) you have none of the above RESPONSIBILITIES, and you just sit at home, mooching from mommy and daddy while you play Blizzard games and Maplestory. Mind you, I did that as well in my days (when I was a teenager - the Maplestory) But alright, cool. Let's see you have a one year old child, get pregnant and nine-months later, have another kid, and now have TWO kids to feed and take care off. Oh, and mind you, you have one job that pays $9 hourly and you get paid weekly, you work four days a week (12 hour shifts), you have a one-bedroom apartment that is $600-650, which is two paychecks. Thank god her apartment (along with mine) have free utilities, or there would be an extra $40-80 racked on for electricity, and then you would even have to pay an extra bill for the water! Oh, can't forget your phone bill that is $65 dollars. Oh, and can't forget that you have to buy milk at about $2-3 a gallon for the one year old AND NOW FORMULA at about $15-25 a can for the newborn. The one-year old goes through a gallon of milk in two days. Oh, and can't forget the fact that you have to buy groceries for yourself, your one-year old, and now you have to buy baby-food (Which is over-priced) for your newborn. Oh, can't forget gas money (which my girlfriend pays to me), or cab money, or bus money for transportation to work every day (She doesn't pay me gas money everday, that would be rediculous) Then can't forget about the $25 every day she works, so she can have a baby-sitter (If her baby's father is working) So RedHead: Please stfu. Your ignorant-retort has just angered me more (but in respect for the mods, I have kept my anger to a minimum) and proven to me the lack of sentience (just kidding) within you. Maybe when you get some REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, you can come tell me that my girlfriend is horrible for aborting a baby she wouldn't be able to support in the first place. Maybe then, I will take what you say with a grain of salt. But until then: Good day.

No life experience? Let me tell you a little story...My mother had an abortion, and after that, she couldn't live with herself so she went suicide!!! Now because of abortion my whole life is ruined, along with the rest of my family. And I hav 3 three bros, and my dad has to support us all!!!


Sep 19 2007, 1:44 am PwnPirate Post #92

No, I live in America... reread what I said a few more times until it dawns on you.
And all this in a country which has been scathed by war and recently changed governments.
What exactly do you mean scathed by war and recently changed governments? The war in Iraq hasn't really affected our daily lives compared to other wars, and our government has been the same for a hundred years. That's why I was wondering if you were referring to a different country.


Sep 19 2007, 3:51 pm Kellimus Post #93

Quote from Dapperdan
And, Dapper? This is Kellimus holding his anger in check, and he really made a few valid points. Abortion is in no way bad. Wowz0rz, I gotz 12 childrens and no monies. Woot! Do you really think those children would be any happier than they would (not) be if they had been born?

I was not and am not making a statement about abortion or whether Kellimus's arguement was right or not. I just dislike the tactics of talking down to people like that, I don't feel it is something we need in this forum. It is something I myself sometimes have to deal with, at that.

If that's how you think it is, better keep a look out for Moose then. Last time I was here, he was worse than I am now.

Please don't think you're better than me because you have moderator abilities, cause that isn't the case, sorry.

Quote from Redhead
Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Redhead
Yeah, letting your mother know it would be alright to kill you would be different. And whats wrong with adoption? Personally, having to know I killed an innocent being just for my own relief would make me go crazy. And if you were dying, and you got an abortion, you might die anyways, but if you didn't, the baby, and you might live through it. If you got an abortion just to save yourself, that's sick. If you were in the middle of a catastrophe, and the only way to make it out would be to kill someone, would you? If you would than that's just like abortion. Just put the baby up for adoption! That way you don't have to see it, take care of it, or anything! That's a lot bettr than killing it. I'm sorry, but I'm bad at politics, but I do know that abortion is wrong. I know Catholicism, is Christianity. Oh, and who said the Bushes were dictators? They are PRESIDENTS, not dictators, they do not have full power over this country.
First off, learn how to properly quote me. Thanks. Next: What's wrong with adoption? Do you know how many people actually become unstable after they find out they're adopted, especially when they're younger? And yes, I would. If it saves me and my loved ones to kill another being in your scenario, then I would do it. How old are you? Do you live in the real world, or do you live with mommy and daddy? Judging by the retort you have came up with, you have no REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE what-so-ever. Do you work? Do you have your own appartment? Do you have a kid to support? Do you have to fork out money to constantly buy food and drink for your growing baby? More then likely (judging by how you retorted so... Unthoughtfully) you have none of the above RESPONSIBILITIES, and you just sit at home, mooching from mommy and daddy while you play Blizzard games and Maplestory. Mind you, I did that as well in my days (when I was a teenager - the Maplestory) But alright, cool. Let's see you have a one year old child, get pregnant and nine-months later, have another kid, and now have TWO kids to feed and take care off. Oh, and mind you, you have one job that pays $9 hourly and you get paid weekly, you work four days a week (12 hour shifts), you have a one-bedroom apartment that is $600-650, which is two paychecks. Thank god her apartment (along with mine) have free utilities, or there would be an extra $40-80 racked on for electricity, and then you would even have to pay an extra bill for the water! Oh, can't forget your phone bill that is $65 dollars. Oh, and can't forget that you have to buy milk at about $2-3 a gallon for the one year old AND NOW FORMULA at about $15-25 a can for the newborn. The one-year old goes through a gallon of milk in two days. Oh, and can't forget the fact that you have to buy groceries for yourself, your one-year old, and now you have to buy baby-food (Which is over-priced) for your newborn. Oh, can't forget gas money (which my girlfriend pays to me), or cab money, or bus money for transportation to work every day (She doesn't pay me gas money everday, that would be rediculous) Then can't forget about the $25 every day she works, so she can have a baby-sitter (If her baby's father is working) So RedHead: Please stfu. Your ignorant-retort has just angered me more (but in respect for the mods, I have kept my anger to a minimum) and proven to me the lack of sentience (just kidding) within you. Maybe when you get some REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, you can come tell me that my girlfriend is horrible for aborting a baby she wouldn't be able to support in the first place. Maybe then, I will take what you say with a grain of salt. But until then: Good day.

No life experience? Let me tell you a little story...My mother had an abortion, and after that, she couldn't live with herself so she went suicide!!! Now because of abortion my whole life is ruined, along with the rest of my family. And I hav 3 three bros, and my dad has to support us all!!!


Its not my fault your mom wasn't strong enough to handle the fact she had an abortion, so why punish everyone else for your mother's selfishness?

Suicide is a very selfish thing.

Your mother (if this story is even true) was selfish in taking her own life because she didn't take her friends and families emotions into consideration.

So don't you even dare to try to punish my girlfriend because your mom was VERY SELFISH.

See my point yet?

And yes, no life experience. This is life experience:
And I hav 3 three bros, and my dad has to support us all!!!

Please tell me how YOU are gaining LIFE EXPERIENCE (E.G. Working to get your OWN money, working to SUPPORT YOURSELF) by having your father SUPPORT you?


Exactly. You have experience in some things (petty or not), but no LIFE EXPERIENCE such as I, IsolatedPurity, and other adults here have.

And judging by your retort (again), you still don't fathom the fact that abortion CAN, and IS a good idea in SOME cases.

But not in cases of selfish people.


Sep 19 2007, 11:08 pm Redhead Post #94

Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Dapperdan
And, Dapper? This is Kellimus holding his anger in check, and he really made a few valid points. Abortion is in no way bad. Wowz0rz, I gotz 12 childrens and no monies. Woot! Do you really think those children would be any happier than they would (not) be if they had been born?
I was not and am not making a statement about abortion or whether Kellimus's arguement was right or not. I just dislike the tactics of talking down to people like that, I don't feel it is something we need in this forum. It is something I myself sometimes have to deal with, at that.
If that's how you think it is, better keep a look out for Moose then. Last time I was here, he was worse than I am now. Please don't think you're better than me because you have moderator abilities, cause that isn't the case, sorry.
Quote from Redhead
Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Redhead
Yeah, letting your mother know it would be alright to kill you would be different. And whats wrong with adoption? Personally, having to know I killed an innocent being just for my own relief would make me go crazy. And if you were dying, and you got an abortion, you might die anyways, but if you didn't, the baby, and you might live through it. If you got an abortion just to save yourself, that's sick. If you were in the middle of a catastrophe, and the only way to make it out would be to kill someone, would you? If you would than that's just like abortion. Just put the baby up for adoption! That way you don't have to see it, take care of it, or anything! That's a lot bettr than killing it. I'm sorry, but I'm bad at politics, but I do know that abortion is wrong. I know Catholicism, is Christianity. Oh, and who said the Bushes were dictators? They are PRESIDENTS, not dictators, they do not have full power over this country.
First off, learn how to properly quote me. Thanks. Next: What's wrong with adoption? Do you know how many people actually become unstable after they find out they're adopted, especially when they're younger? And yes, I would. If it saves me and my loved ones to kill another being in your scenario, then I would do it. How old are you? Do you live in the real world, or do you live with mommy and daddy? Judging by the retort you have came up with, you have no REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE what-so-ever. Do you work? Do you have your own appartment? Do you have a kid to support? Do you have to fork out money to constantly buy food and drink for your growing baby? More then likely (judging by how you retorted so... Unthoughtfully) you have none of the above RESPONSIBILITIES, and you just sit at home, mooching from mommy and daddy while you play Blizzard games and Maplestory. Mind you, I did that as well in my days (when I was a teenager - the Maplestory) But alright, cool. Let's see you have a one year old child, get pregnant and nine-months later, have another kid, and now have TWO kids to feed and take care off. Oh, and mind you, you have one job that pays $9 hourly and you get paid weekly, you work four days a week (12 hour shifts), you have a one-bedroom apartment that is $600-650, which is two paychecks. Thank god her apartment (along with mine) have free utilities, or there would be an extra $40-80 racked on for electricity, and then you would even have to pay an extra bill for the water! Oh, can't forget your phone bill that is $65 dollars. Oh, and can't forget that you have to buy milk at about $2-3 a gallon for the one year old AND NOW FORMULA at about $15-25 a can for the newborn. The one-year old goes through a gallon of milk in two days. Oh, and can't forget the fact that you have to buy groceries for yourself, your one-year old, and now you have to buy baby-food (Which is over-priced) for your newborn. Oh, can't forget gas money (which my girlfriend pays to me), or cab money, or bus money for transportation to work every day (She doesn't pay me gas money everday, that would be rediculous) Then can't forget about the $25 every day she works, so she can have a baby-sitter (If her baby's father is working) So RedHead: Please stfu. Your ignorant-retort has just angered me more (but in respect for the mods, I have kept my anger to a minimum) and proven to me the lack of sentience (just kidding) within you. Maybe when you get some REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, you can come tell me that my girlfriend is horrible for aborting a baby she wouldn't be able to support in the first place. Maybe then, I will take what you say with a grain of salt. But until then: Good day.
No life experience? Let me tell you a little story...My mother had an abortion, and after that, she couldn't live with herself so she went suicide!!! Now because of abortion my whole life is ruined, along with the rest of my family. And I hav 3 three bros, and my dad has to support us all!!!
So? Its not my fault your mom wasn't strong enough to handle the fact she had an abortion, so why punish everyone else for your mother's selfishness? Suicide is a very selfish thing. Your mother (if this story is even true) was selfish in taking her own life because she didn't take her friends and families emotions into consideration. So don't you even dare to try to punish my girlfriend because your mom was VERY SELFISH. See my point yet? And yes, no life experience. This is life experience:
And I hav 3 three bros, and my dad has to support us all!!!
??? Please tell me how YOU are gaining LIFE EXPERIENCE (E.G. Working to get your OWN money, working to SUPPORT YOURSELF) by having your father SUPPORT you? Well? Exactly. You have experience in some things (petty or not), but no LIFE EXPERIENCE such as I, IsolatedPurity, and other adults here have. And judging by your retort (again), you still don't fathom the fact that abortion CAN, and IS a good idea in SOME cases. But not in cases of selfish people.
HOW COULD YOU!!!! You shrug my problems off like its no big deal!!! Guess what I have been through, I'm trying to help other ppl from making the same mistake!!! I Have cried myself to sleep many times, and I have had to endure this for my whole childhood! YOU STILL HAVE YOUR MOTHER!! YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL!!!!


Sep 20 2007, 1:41 am Centreri Post #95

Relatively ancient and inactive

We're not dismissing your problems, we're saying that just because she couldn't live with herself and suicided, that's HER fault. It's not abortion's fault. If you can't handle having an abortion, don't have one. Don't ruin the lives of others because of it.

Oh, and sorry about your mother suiciding. Can't imagine what I would do if that happened to me. But it still isn't a very relevant point...


Sep 20 2007, 4:41 pm Kellimus Post #96

Quote from Redhead
Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Dapperdan
And, Dapper? This is Kellimus holding his anger in check, and he really made a few valid points. Abortion is in no way bad. Wowz0rz, I gotz 12 childrens and no monies. Woot! Do you really think those children would be any happier than they would (not) be if they had been born?
I was not and am not making a statement about abortion or whether Kellimus's arguement was right or not. I just dislike the tactics of talking down to people like that, I don't feel it is something we need in this forum. It is something I myself sometimes have to deal with, at that.
If that's how you think it is, better keep a look out for Moose then. Last time I was here, he was worse than I am now. Please don't think you're better than me because you have moderator abilities, cause that isn't the case, sorry.
Quote from Redhead
Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Redhead
Yeah, letting your mother know it would be alright to kill you would be different. And whats wrong with adoption? Personally, having to know I killed an innocent being just for my own relief would make me go crazy. And if you were dying, and you got an abortion, you might die anyways, but if you didn't, the baby, and you might live through it. If you got an abortion just to save yourself, that's sick. If you were in the middle of a catastrophe, and the only way to make it out would be to kill someone, would you? If you would than that's just like abortion. Just put the baby up for adoption! That way you don't have to see it, take care of it, or anything! That's a lot bettr than killing it. I'm sorry, but I'm bad at politics, but I do know that abortion is wrong. I know Catholicism, is Christianity. Oh, and who said the Bushes were dictators? They are PRESIDENTS, not dictators, they do not have full power over this country.
First off, learn how to properly quote me. Thanks. Next: What's wrong with adoption? Do you know how many people actually become unstable after they find out they're adopted, especially when they're younger? And yes, I would. If it saves me and my loved ones to kill another being in your scenario, then I would do it. How old are you? Do you live in the real world, or do you live with mommy and daddy? Judging by the retort you have came up with, you have no REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE what-so-ever. Do you work? Do you have your own appartment? Do you have a kid to support? Do you have to fork out money to constantly buy food and drink for your growing baby? More then likely (judging by how you retorted so... Unthoughtfully) you have none of the above RESPONSIBILITIES, and you just sit at home, mooching from mommy and daddy while you play Blizzard games and Maplestory. Mind you, I did that as well in my days (when I was a teenager - the Maplestory) But alright, cool. Let's see you have a one year old child, get pregnant and nine-months later, have another kid, and now have TWO kids to feed and take care off. Oh, and mind you, you have one job that pays $9 hourly and you get paid weekly, you work four days a week (12 hour shifts), you have a one-bedroom apartment that is $600-650, which is two paychecks. Thank god her apartment (along with mine) have free utilities, or there would be an extra $40-80 racked on for electricity, and then you would even have to pay an extra bill for the water! Oh, can't forget your phone bill that is $65 dollars. Oh, and can't forget that you have to buy milk at about $2-3 a gallon for the one year old AND NOW FORMULA at about $15-25 a can for the newborn. The one-year old goes through a gallon of milk in two days. Oh, and can't forget the fact that you have to buy groceries for yourself, your one-year old, and now you have to buy baby-food (Which is over-priced) for your newborn. Oh, can't forget gas money (which my girlfriend pays to me), or cab money, or bus money for transportation to work every day (She doesn't pay me gas money everday, that would be rediculous) Then can't forget about the $25 every day she works, so she can have a baby-sitter (If her baby's father is working) So RedHead: Please stfu. Your ignorant-retort has just angered me more (but in respect for the mods, I have kept my anger to a minimum) and proven to me the lack of sentience (just kidding) within you. Maybe when you get some REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, you can come tell me that my girlfriend is horrible for aborting a baby she wouldn't be able to support in the first place. Maybe then, I will take what you say with a grain of salt. But until then: Good day.
No life experience? Let me tell you a little story...My mother had an abortion, and after that, she couldn't live with herself so she went suicide!!! Now because of abortion my whole life is ruined, along with the rest of my family. And I hav 3 three bros, and my dad has to support us all!!!
So? Its not my fault your mom wasn't strong enough to handle the fact she had an abortion, so why punish everyone else for your mother's selfishness? Suicide is a very selfish thing. Your mother (if this story is even true) was selfish in taking her own life because she didn't take her friends and families emotions into consideration. So don't you even dare to try to punish my girlfriend because your mom was VERY SELFISH. See my point yet? And yes, no life experience. This is life experience:
And I hav 3 three bros, and my dad has to support us all!!!
??? Please tell me how YOU are gaining LIFE EXPERIENCE (E.G. Working to get your OWN money, working to SUPPORT YOURSELF) by having your father SUPPORT you? Well? Exactly. You have experience in some things (petty or not), but no LIFE EXPERIENCE such as I, IsolatedPurity, and other adults here have. And judging by your retort (again), you still don't fathom the fact that abortion CAN, and IS a good idea in SOME cases. But not in cases of selfish people.
HOW COULD YOU!!!! You shrug my problems off like its no big deal!!! Guess what I have been through, I'm trying to help other ppl from making the same mistake!!! I Have cried myself to sleep many times, and I have had to endure this for my whole childhood! YOU STILL HAVE YOUR MOTHER!! YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL!!!!

Sorry. I guess I'm too cynical for you. Oh well *shrugs*

And I am thankfull.

That my mother wasn't a selfish and un-intellectual individual like yours :)

Quote from Centreri
We're not dismissing your problems, we're saying that just because she couldn't live with herself and suicided, that's HER fault. It's not abortion's fault. If you can't handle having an abortion, don't have one. Don't ruin the lives of others because of it.

Oh, and sorry about your mother suiciding. Can't imagine what I would do if that happened to me. But it still isn't a very relevant point...

And Centreri gets 25 dolla.


Sep 20 2007, 10:33 pm Demented Shaman Post #97

Quote from Centreri
Oh, and sorry about your mother suiciding. Can't imagine what I would do if that happened to me. But it still isn't a very relevant point...
Don't fall for his appeals to emotions. Just don't bother replying to them.


Sep 21 2007, 4:52 am PwnPirate Post #98

Its not my fault your mom wasn't strong enough to handle the fact she had an abortion, so why punish everyone else for your mother's selfishness?

Suicide is a very selfish thing.

Your mother (if this story is even true) was selfish in taking her own life because she didn't take her friends and families emotions into consideration.
Depression is a defection of the mind, you can't reason yourself out of it. That's like telling a man with Tourette's Syndrome to stop moving.
Don't fall for his appeals to emotions. Just don't bother replying to them.
He's not letting emotions change his argument at all, he's just offering sympathy to a sensitive issue.


Sep 21 2007, 5:56 am Demented Shaman Post #99

Quote from PwnPirate
He's not letting emotions change his argument at all, he's just offering sympathy to a sensitive issue.

HOW COULD YOU!!!! You shrug my problems off like its no big deal!!! Guess what I have been through, I'm trying to help other ppl from making the same mistake!!! I Have cried myself to sleep many times, and I have had to endure this for my whole childhood! YOU STILL HAVE YOUR MOTHER!! YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL!!!!
Yea, okay. :-_-:

And he's not offering sympathy. That would require someone else sharing his similar feelings, when really his responses are against opposing views and feelings.


Sep 22 2007, 2:13 am Redhead Post #100

Quote from Kellimus
Next: What's wrong with adoption? Do you know how many people actually become unstable after they find out they're adopted, especially when they're younger? .

Oh yeah, so killing them is better than atleast giving them a chance to live.

[quote=Kellimus] Your mother (if this story is even true) was selfish in taking her own life because she didn't take her friends and families emotions into consideration.[quote]

You know whats selfish, killing an innocent being for your own relief!!!!!!!!! Stop whining about your own problems while thinking everyone elses is so much smaller. Your lucky, you dont hav to go through the trauma I do, every single day! You don't know what its like! I wish I could go back in time just to save my mom! She wasn't selfish either! She wasn't thinking straight, and couldn't acknowledge what she was doing. First, you wanted me to die, now you make fun of my problems!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!???


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[2024-6-02. : 4:59 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:59 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:58 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:58 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
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