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SEN Mafia VII: The 7 Shifters
Jun 18 2008, 8:42 pm
By: Moose
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Jul 2 2008, 4:33 pm Greo Post #401

Quote from MadZombie
Quote from JaFF
Quote from MadZombie
k so i didnt see it in the rules on the first page but can you change your avatar? becuase i just bought some +5 avatar space D:
Of course you can. But then everyone will suspect that you have something to hide. ;)
who me? impossible

i em mafia,yo!


Jul 2 2008, 5:14 pm MadZombie Post #402

WUT U SAY!? somone hacked that post...obviously


Jul 2 2008, 6:32 pm Paravin. Post #403



Jul 2 2008, 11:07 pm HailFire Post #404

Once the sun comes back up, that lazy fucker. :<_<:


Jul 3 2008, 2:28 am Zell. Post #405

damn this takes FO EVA


Jul 3 2008, 4:57 am Echo Post #406

Blame mafia for taking forever to submit who to die.


Jul 3 2008, 6:28 am Greo Post #407

It's been 3 days.


Jul 3 2008, 6:48 pm Moose Post #408

We live in a society.

As night falls, the mafia set out to fulfill a plan of brutal cunning. Slips of paper cleverly modified to resemble mayoral summons are distributed to an unlucky five, and five men show up outside of a light blue house with a pale green door. Suddenly, the seven mafia appear out of the gloom, reaching into their pockets for weapons. One of the five men, coming prepared, roundhouse kicks a mafia and speeds around the side of the house, leaping into a waiting car and making his escape. Enraged, the mafia set about executing the others. One falls with a gunshot wound, and two more are dispatched with blades. Surrounding the final townsperson, the mafia are again startled when he leaps at one of their throats, and the pair crashes to the ground. The townsperson is finally disposed of, but not before the injured mafia needs to rest a night and recover. Later that night, a shadowy figure creeps down the lane, examines one of the bodies lying in the mud, and drags the seriously wounded man to his house to nurse him back to health.

Despite having laid three men to rest that night, the mafia decide they have some unfinished business to which to attend. With professional execution, the mafia swarm through the night, quickly surrounding the mayoral mansion, in which DT_Battlekruser resides. A mafia removes a short blade from an array of weaponry and expertly picks the lock, and the seven dark forms slip inside. Quickly, explosives are laid along the edge of the house, and then the mafia begin to search for their victim.

Enjoying a glass of wine in the cool cellar, DT_Battlekruser looks up and nods as the seven mafia file in the door, shoving aside two bodyguards, one with a bullet through the temples and the other with a slit throat.

"Mafia," acknowledges the mayor. "I thought I smelled a foul air."

"This town is now ours," replies one of the mafia, removing his mask and drawing a silenced pistol. "Your time is done." He casually puts a bullet in DT_Battlekruser's skull, crippling the mayor. DT_Battlekruser's eyes widen as he recognizes his killer. The seven mafia then file out, stealing silently upstairs. As the mafia arm the explosives, the digital timers cast an eerie green light that reflects off a mafia's large, circular sunglasses. All the mafia then slip off into the gathering dawn, leaving the mansion to detonate.

With seconds to live, DT_Battlekruser knows he must leave a message to the town. He draws his pocket laser cutter to burn a message into the floor, but his mind is fading fast and he does not know if he can write intelligibly. As his consciousness begins to fade, numbers rise to his mind. The mansion soon detonates, entombing DT_Battlekruser's corpse.

As the sun rises the next day, the devastated townsfolk sift through the ruins of the mayoral mansion. They dig up DT_Battlekruser's corpse, laying him in the local cemetery beneath a marble headstone. Beneath his corpse, the town discovers a strange pattern burned into the concrete floor (see image). Then someone strays into the street with the blue house, and the town discovers the bodies of ClansAreForGays, Brontobyte, and HailFire. Returning to their guillotine, the townsfolk decide that they cannot elect another mayor to suffer death in their mafia-infested village. The leaderless people then begin to clamor for blood.


Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jul 3 2008, 8:26 pm by DT_Battlekruser.

Jul 3 2008, 7:14 pm Paravin. Post #409

Holy shit.


Jul 3 2008, 7:16 pm JaFF Post #410

About the image: the brown lines probably show in what directino to read the symbols (top right; down right; down left; top left). I have no idea about what they mean, though.


Jul 3 2008, 8:07 pm Ultraviolet Post #411

I was the one who dodged suckas. Roundhouse kick ftw :P

reflects off a mafia’s large, circular sunglasses

That's NudeRaider. I wanted to kill him last time (I didn't want Doodle or Darkling dead), but whatever. I vote Nude.

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Jul 3 2008, 8:15 pm Doodle77 Post #412

Bottom left one looks like a chinese character.


Jul 3 2008, 8:17 pm EzDay281 Post #413

Bottom left one looks like a chinese character.
Really? My first thought was Korean.


Jul 3 2008, 8:19 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #414

I noticed something retarded about the picture that I missed. Fixed (and in the original post).

Which of course fucks up directional unicode quotes... Fixed for the last time, I hope.

Hits: 15 Size: 2.86kb

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 3 2008, 8:25 pm by DT_Battlekruser.


Jul 3 2008, 8:19 pm Doodle77 Post #415

numbers rise to his mind.
Me, EzDay, and DM have numbers in our names.


Jul 3 2008, 8:26 pm FatalException Post #416

And Kevin. That random 9 he has in there.

The characters are probably Korean, since DTBK is always liek, "LUUK I'M SHOUTIN IN KOREAN".
Quote from DT_Battlekruser
Which of course fucks up directional unicode quotes... Fixed for the last time, I hope.
Is that why everything suddenly turned into...
%u201CMafia,%u201D acknowledges the mayor. %u201CI thought I smelled a foul air.%u201D


Jul 3 2008, 8:27 pm Ultraviolet Post #417

Quote from Doodle77
numbers rise to his mind.
Me, EzDay, and DM have numbers in our names.

Kevin, Farty, and Viet as well. And DM actually doesn't have numbers in his name anymore. His name is incorrect on Moose's list.

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Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV2 | Impossible UV3
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Join me in Torn City
It's a text-based MMORPG, kind of like GTA, and played from your browser. Sounds silly, but it's fun. I get a referral reward if you join after clicking my link. Let me know if you do, and if you make it to level 10, I'll send you the reward I get.

Jul 3 2008, 8:29 pm Doodle77 Post #418

Quote from name:NerdyTerdy
Quote from Doodle77
numbers rise to his mind.
Me, EzDay, and DM have numbers in our names.

Kevin, Farty, and Viet as well. And DM actually doesn't have numbers in his name anymore. His name is incorrect on Moose's list.
Good point, i was only thinking at the end of names :/


Jul 3 2008, 8:31 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #419

Is that why everything suddenly turned into...

Yeah; HTML and SQL don't handle Word's angle quotes well. I wouldn't use them, but it's automatic in Word and it looks nicer anyway. I just replaced them with normal " and '.


Jul 3 2008, 8:33 pm Ultraviolet Post #420

Quote from DT_Battlekruser
Is that why everything suddenly turned into...

Yeah; HTML and SQL don't handle Word's angle quotes well. I wouldn't use them, but it's automatic in Word and it looks nicer anyway. I just replaced them with normal " and '.

Use notepad instead?

My Projects:

Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV2 | Impossible UV3
Mercenaries 2020 | Mercenaries III
Squad Defense

Legacy Projects (No guarantee of functionality in modern SC):

Pixel Adventure 2 | Space Snipers | Control the Ball


Join me in Torn City
It's a text-based MMORPG, kind of like GTA, and played from your browser. Sounds silly, but it's fun. I get a referral reward if you join after clicking my link. Let me know if you do, and if you make it to level 10, I'll send you the reward I get.

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