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Any WoW users?
Sep 12 2007, 1:03 pm
By: Kow
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Apr 12 2008, 2:41 am DevliN Post #41


Quote from Syphon
Quote from Centreri
Well, he must've been insanely determined. It took me overall maybe half a year or more of casual playing to get to 70 - granted, I tried to enjoy it as much as possible, such as stopping at the top of PvP brackets and going instances to get the best gear.

Insanely determined is putting it lightly, it was only his second main. He plays like 14 hours a day.
Yeah after I got my Shaman to 70, I started a Paladin and got him to 65 in about 6 days /played time. If you don't do anything but questing (as in no PvP, no auction house, etc.) its very possible in a short amount of time. 50 hours seemed insane, though, hence the response. :)

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 12 2008, 3:21 am lil-Inferno Post #42

Just here for the pie

Quote from Hercanic
Dear lil-inferno:
Because I love you.
I love you too :ermm: .

Apr 12 2008, 4:05 am Centreri Post #43

Relatively ancient and inactive

In addition to the gamestyle (which, I could, under better circumstances, learn to love), what pissed me off was the class differentiation. I was a mage - at the time of creation, I chose the caster with the best offense bar none, with many methods to keep enemies off. What did I get at 70? A mediocre damage class with the lowest stamina/armor of any other class (check the Vengeful Gladiator gear - Warlocks and Priests get more Stamina, and I know for a fact that Warlocks get like double the armor), which I expected - however, unlike Warlocks, I had CRAPPY mana sustenance which pissed me off to no end while grinding to 5k gold (I think I had 2.5k from questing when I quit...).

What? Crappy life, no spell-pushback resistance and bad mana sustenance? Well, you'd expect to be a good damage-dealer, amirite? So I hoped. Even in pre-BC content, I was occasionally beaten by warlocks - and I was really good at maximizing damage (I was occasionally able to match/beat the DPS of much better-geared folk in heroics) and had above-par gear. The only thing I'd say mages really have that's good for PvE that's really unique is Polymorph.

Well, then. You're CC/mediocre DPS for groups. What about for soloing? As I said, crappy mana sustenance! I've had a rogue friend who was able to beat my damage and then go straight to the next opponent, while I had to beat two, maybe three enemies and then sit and drink. Pissed the hell out of me. What I wouldn't have given for the Warlocks' Life Tap (Life ->> Mana transfer).

PvP? Don't get me started. 2v2 Arenas, the most common Arena type and the only I tried with any consistency (I'm shy online!) is a slaughter park for mages. Where in 1v1 I was able to outmaneuver most other classes somehow, in 2v2 we were massacred. We won only maybe 45% of the time, and at a 1550 level. Battlegrounds? Sure, I enjoyed those. I don't have as many complaints except at how overpowered Hunters were. I get crit for 2k on an instant cast multishot (in a world where my 2-sec frostbolt cast single-target crit for maybe 3.5k..)... in the end, it was probably the PvP that drove me away. I reverently prayed that no member of the WoW team works on SCII :-( .


Apr 12 2008, 5:55 pm Nintendo_Confed Post #44

I play but on a private server. Its a good server, slightly bugged but I found one that is as blizzlike as it gets. Theres no way im paying 15 dollars a month to play a game. Im currently lvl 33 as a Night Elf Hunter.
Id post the link to the servers page, but im not sure if id get fined/post deleted.


Apr 13 2008, 2:35 am Hercanic Post #45

STF mod creator, admin, staff

nvm, got it myself.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 13 2008, 1:18 pm by Hercanic.

Apr 13 2008, 3:17 am candle12345 Post #46


UD warlock, i play with my friends from school mostly, so don't expect me to be ready for a level 70 run of kara :P


Apr 13 2008, 5:18 am FatalException Post #47

Fizgig. This is on my friend's account, and I haven't been on it for OVER 9000.


Apr 13 2008, 6:49 pm DevliN Post #48


Quote from Centreri
In addition to the gamestyle (which, I could, under better circumstances, learn to love), what pissed me off was the class differentiation. I was a mage - at the time of creation, I chose the caster with the best offense bar none, with many methods to keep enemies off. What did I get at 70? A mediocre damage class with the lowest stamina/armor of any other class (check the Vengeful Gladiator gear - Warlocks and Priests get more Stamina, and I know for a fact that Warlocks get like double the armor), which I expected - however, unlike Warlocks, I had CRAPPY mana sustenance which pissed me off to no end while grinding to 5k gold (I think I had 2.5k from questing when I quit...).

What? Crappy life, no spell-pushback resistance and bad mana sustenance? Well, you'd expect to be a good damage-dealer, amirite? So I hoped. Even in pre-BC content, I was occasionally beaten by warlocks - and I was really good at maximizing damage (I was occasionally able to match/beat the DPS of much better-geared folk in heroics) and had above-par gear. The only thing I'd say mages really have that's good for PvE that's really unique is Polymorph.

Well, then. You're CC/mediocre DPS for groups. What about for soloing? As I said, crappy mana sustenance! I've had a rogue friend who was able to beat my damage and then go straight to the next opponent, while I had to beat two, maybe three enemies and then sit and drink. Pissed the hell out of me. What I wouldn't have given for the Warlocks' Life Tap (Life ->> Mana transfer).

PvP? Don't get me started. 2v2 Arenas, the most common Arena type and the only I tried with any consistency (I'm shy online!) is a slaughter park for mages. Where in 1v1 I was able to outmaneuver most other classes somehow, in 2v2 we were massacred. We won only maybe 45% of the time, and at a 1550 level. Battlegrounds? Sure, I enjoyed those. I don't have as many complaints except at how overpowered Hunters were.
There's a Mage in my guild that consistently does top damage/DPS in our raids (or if not top, definitely seconds or third out of 25 people). I don't want to say it depends on skill, because as all WoW players know, if you're a great player in sub-par gear, you'll get your ass handed to you by a 10-year-old in amazing gear. For the most part you're right, though. It seems like people only want Mages for Polymorph, biscuits, and buffs.

Arenas, on the other hand, is unfortunately based on a lot on class make-up. I've beaten a ton of Mages simply by abusing Grounding Totem, and I've lost to a ton because of how well I can be CCed or kited.

Quote from Centreri
I get crit for 2k on an instant cast multishot (in a world where my 2-sec frostbolt cast single-target crit for maybe 3.5k..)... in the end, it was probably the PvP that drove me away. I reverently prayed that no member of the WoW team works on SCII :-( .
Every class has its overpowered side (Hunters just seem to have more of those than the rest). Hell if I use Nature's Swiftness, I can instantly cast a Lightning Bolt that hits for about 1500 (or 3000 crit). Then, I follow it with Elemental Mastery and a 1.5 second cast Chain Lightning dealing a 3.5k crit. In 1.5 seconds, I'll deal between 5,000 and 6,500 damage to one target. But then I die shortly after. :)

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 13 2008, 10:04 pm Centreri Post #49

Relatively ancient and inactive

There's a Mage in my guild that consistently does top damage/DPS in our raids (or if not top, definitely seconds or third out of 25 people). I don't want to say it depends on skill, because as all WoW players know, if you're a great player in sub-par gear, you'll get your ass handed to you by a 10-year-old in amazing gear. For the most part you're right, though. It seems like people only want Mages for Polymorph, biscuits, and buffs.
Well, I never got around to raiding. I don't really have the time to raid.

Every class has its overpowered side (Hunters just seem to have more of those than the rest). Hell if I use Nature's Swiftness, I can instantly cast a Lightning Bolt that hits for about 1500 (or 3000 crit). Then, I follow it with Elemental Mastery and a 1.5 second cast Chain Lightning dealing a 3.5k crit. In 1.5 seconds, I'll deal between 5,000 and 6,500 damage to one target. But then I die shortly after. :)
The best I can do is a frostbolt/icelance crit combo against someone for maybe 4k damage. But then, most classes (read: Shaman, druid, priest, paladin) can outheal me, and others, especially rogues/warriors, can do the same or more in one hit, and that really pisses me off.

Crap. This topic is drawing me back in... I'm debating whether or not to renew my subscription... :(


Apr 13 2008, 11:33 pm DevliN Post #50


You totally should. :shifty:

Actually I haven't played in a while and I'm trying to convince myself to get back into it before WotLK comes out, but I just don't have the stamina for it anymore.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 14 2008, 12:04 am Syphon Post #51

Don't do it!

I'm waiting for Diablo 3 to get into an MMO.


Apr 14 2008, 9:29 pm Kow Post #52

My old guild leader, while sometimes being a decent prick, was GOD at dpsing. Give him a pally, and he'll top dps charts in a raid, that's how good he is. He was ALWAYS number 1 on dps charts, no matter the character.


Apr 14 2008, 10:38 pm Centreri Post #53

Relatively ancient and inactive

Hey, gusy, it would be nicer if we kinda got a server where you can find most SEN WoW players - probably one the server one of us uses. Just to make it more fun. And to not forget about SEN. Whaddaya say? I wanted to drop my mage and make a druid anyway.


Apr 14 2008, 10:56 pm DevliN Post #54


Do I sense an SEN guild forming?! :D

I play on Arthas, though I recently started an alt on Auchindoun with a friend of mine.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 14 2008, 11:11 pm Centreri Post #55

Relatively ancient and inactive

Meh. I'm on deathwing, but I'm willing to transfer if we actually got a group of like 3+ SENners.


Apr 15 2008, 6:11 am DevliN Post #56


Transfer or re-roll? I wouldn't mind transferring my 65 Paladin, but at the moment I'm doing well in a raiding guild with my Shaman so it would seem pointless to transfer that and start over with it. I would totally be willing, however, to start new characters if others were interested.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 15 2008, 9:40 pm Centreri Post #57

Relatively ancient and inactive

That would be even better. I want to go a bit further with this drood to see if it gets any better after 20 (right now, being a druid is horrible..), otherwise, I'll go shaman or warrior or something. Four SENners, leveling together, would be graet!

Oh, I just checked, Deathwing was at Medium when I joined, and it's 'Full' now. Full = bad :(.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 15 2008, 9:48 pm by Centreri.


Apr 15 2008, 10:25 pm DevliN Post #58


Oh no need to tell me, on typical raid nights, Arthas has about a 20 minute queue time. Sheesh.

Druids get a lot better when you reach cat form (at like level 18 or 20), then it becomes identical to playing a Rogue. Shamans are awesome until endgame where they're expected to only heal, and Warriors own in general (though I prefer Paladins for plate-wearing and self-healing).

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 15 2008, 10:32 pm Centreri Post #59

Relatively ancient and inactive

Yeah, I want to see how much cat form changes gameplay. Druids at 70 looks awesome - great Arena 2v2'ers, great healers, good tanks, decent damage-dealers..


Apr 15 2008, 10:47 pm DevliN Post #60


Even though they're rare (or at least they are on my server), Boomkin Druids are amazing! Talk about incredible ranged DPS...

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

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