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Nov 23 2009, 5:42 pm
By: CecilSunkure
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Nov 7 2015, 12:06 pm CecilSunkure Post #61

School is super expensive, education is fairly meh (in my opinionated opinion). I really wish I went to a cheaper state school and saved a lot of money.

Also I apologize for being the bearer of bad or mopey news. It just feels good say once and for all how it really is.


Nov 7 2015, 1:06 pm Oh_Man Post #62

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Yeah man good to know. I think there are a lot of things in life that are like that.

They market themselves as a premium experience where in actuality they're scarcely any different from the rest. It's just that whole elitist mentality that exists in society.

Nov 7 2015, 5:59 pm Fire_Kame Post #63

wth is starcraft

Quote from CecilSunkure
School is super expensive, education is fairly meh (in my opinionated opinion). I really wish I went to a cheaper state school and saved a lot of money.

Also I apologize for being the bearer of bad or mopey news. It just feels good say once and for all how it really is.

I'm sorry to hear that, Cecil. :( I think that's true about a lot of private schools - we hype them up so much as a society and they almost always fall flat. I was in a similar situation with the first school I went to. :\ I was much happier when I went to a community college and then a state school.

Nov 7 2015, 8:21 pm dumbducky Post #64

Did you graduate, at least?


Nov 7 2015, 9:42 pm Lanthanide Post #65

I'd only ever heard bad things about digipen.


Nov 8 2015, 12:54 am CecilSunkure Post #66

Quote from dumbducky
Did you graduate, at least?



Nov 8 2015, 6:18 am Oh_Man Post #67

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

How come??

Nov 8 2015, 6:28 am ClansAreForGays Post #68

Quote from CecilSunkure
School is super expensive, education is fairly meh (in my opinionated opinion). I really wish I went to a cheaper state school and saved a lot of money.

Also I apologize for being the bearer of bad or mopey news. It just feels good say once and for all how it really is.
Just be glad you didn't throw 10k away at DeVry. It's all that and less.

Nov 8 2015, 7:54 pm CecilSunkure Post #69

Quote from Oh_Man
How come??

I was born 11 days too early to qualify for more financial loans from the US government upon my final year of attendance. Usually this isn't a problem for most students, but I had some delays in attendance right after highschool.

Private banks weren't able to offer any student loans without a cosigner (which I don't have), and I'm not really interested in taking out separate loans since that becomes a huge hassle to pay back. It will already be difficult enough to refinance the loans I have.

Also @CAFG, try ~200k.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 8 2015, 8:10 pm by CecilSunkure.


Nov 9 2015, 1:40 am Oh_Man Post #70

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Woah 200k and no degree. That's brutal man, absolutely brutal.

Time to flee the country?

Nov 9 2015, 5:01 am Lanthanide Post #71

That's pretty obscene. You could get a medical doctorate in NZ for less than that, and have guaranteed employment with a big pay packet for life (assuming you can deal with the stress, and aren't incompetent).

Hence why student loans have been called the next sub-prime mortgage crisis - at least sub-prime mortgages are backed by houses that can be re-possessed and sold. There's no security for student loan debt.


Nov 9 2015, 6:47 am CecilSunkure Post #72

Yeah it's really absurd. Luckily I can get a high paying job without much trouble and pay it off in less than a decade. I might not have the paper degree but I did work extremely hard during school have very strong skills as a result.

Like I originally said -- if I just went to a state school that could have been an order of magnitude cheaper. For-profit organization that feeds off of children's dreams, or something like that.

The school seemed to actually have been a pretty good place for the price in the past. It looks like more recently (past ten years or so) prices have really jumped, and the school is pretty much just taking advantage of students.


Nov 9 2015, 5:33 pm Sacrieur Post #73

Still Napping

Quote from CecilSunkure
Yeah it's really absurd. Luckily I can get a high paying job without much trouble and pay it off in less than a decade. I might not have the paper degree but I did work extremely hard during school have very strong skills as a result.

Like I originally said -- if I just went to a state school that could have been an order of magnitude cheaper. For-profit organization that feeds off of children's dreams, or something like that.

The school seemed to actually have been a pretty good place for the price in the past. It looks like more recently (past ten years or so) prices have really jumped, and the school is pretty much just taking advantage of students.

Brutal man. Brutal.


Nov 9 2015, 5:47 pm Vrael Post #74

Quote from CecilSunkure
Yeah it's really absurd. Luckily I can get a high paying job without much trouble and pay it off in less than a decade. I might not have the paper degree but I did work extremely hard during school have very strong skills as a result.

Like I originally said -- if I just went to a state school that could have been an order of magnitude cheaper. For-profit organization that feeds off of children's dreams, or something like that.

The school seemed to actually have been a pretty good place for the price in the past. It looks like more recently (past ten years or so) prices have really jumped, and the school is pretty much just taking advantage of students.
Not to be a debbie downer, but "pay off in less than a decade" might be a little overoptimistic. You have what amounts to an actual mortgage in terms of quantity, and those typically involve 30-year agreements. If you get a good job, play it super smart and super conservative, live with your parents, never eat out, don't buy video games, etc, and pour all your extra income into your loans you might make that 10-year goal. I have a shitload of loans too, but nowhere near 200k, but I sympathize. Best of luck man.


Nov 9 2015, 7:50 pm Lanthanide Post #75

I'd agree. Paying back $200k, in 10 years, on your after-tax salary, when the $200k is earning interest is going to be a tough ask, unless you really do sacrifice everything in your life or you get a very-well paying job at the outset (like $80k+).


Nov 9 2015, 7:56 pm dumbducky Post #76
It's about 29k a year. That's doable if you have a good paying job and are super aggressive about paying it off.


Nov 9 2015, 8:36 pm rockz Post #77

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

Living on $20k/year is tough, but doable if you have a support net.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Nov 9 2015, 8:42 pm Moose Post #78

We live in a society.

Not to get overly political in here, but this is a prime example of the problems with a for-profit education system. Enabled by people in power who probably received a free or subsidized higher education. (lel)

Nov 9 2015, 9:20 pm zsnakezz Post #79

digipen did a presentation at my highschool technical class a few years back.

The work they are doing there is sad.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Nov 9 2015, 9:24 pm CecilSunkure Post #80

Quote from rockz
Living on $20k/year is tough, but doable if you have a support net.

Quote from Lanthanide
I'd agree. Paying back $200k, in 10 years, on your after-tax salary, when the $200k is earning interest is going to be a tough ask, unless you really do sacrifice everything in your life or you get a very-well paying job at the outset (like $80k+).

It's all good guys :) I've actually already had a job offer for 80k doing something I really like. I ended up not settling with it to go for a bigger fish.

My girlfriend works at a tech company down the street making well over 100k starting salary just after graduation.

I'm in particular looking to get into SpaceX right now since they just opened up a new campus about 10 minutes from my apartment and are going on a mad hiring spree. They pay pretty well, have good benefits, and it's an extremely good career path.

I appreciate the concern, but like I said I have strong technical skills and there's a lot of hiring around here.


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