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Pirate RP
Feb 18 2013, 3:39 am
By: rayNimagi
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Mar 6 2013, 3:20 pm Azrael Post #201

Quote from Wing Zero
I think the benefit would be we progress throught the story 6 days faster.

Oh, so you're just too impatient to wait.

You should go read a book or something until the deadline is a little closer then.

Some people are actually enjoying playing the RP, not just trying to get it over with.

Mar 6 2013, 4:34 pm Fire_Kame Post #202

wth is starcraft

Given how frustrated you are getting with opposing views, and Ray generally siding with you the whole time...maybe you'd both be happier co-authoring a story.

I want to kill Peavey. If it'll make you feel better, I suggest we find incriminating evidence on D'Artsy first - then kill Peavey. At least when he blackmails us into further deals we'll have something to shoot back at him. But also by working with him for now we'll have a strong ally until we gain our ultimate means. Saying no now will mean it might never be possible to climb the ranks. We'll lose a powerful ally and he'll most likely kill us if we don't do it.

Mar 6 2013, 5:09 pm Azrael Post #203

It has nothing to do with opposing views. We have been given a week to investigate the circumstances, but you're saying "screw that, i dont care what the consequences are, lets just do the most reckless thing possible and kill a critical NPC right now because I say so".

Your suggestion prevents my suggestion from possibly happening, while my suggestion does not prevent yours.

At the same time, you're saying "well yeah, we could do BOTH your thing AND my thing, but instead i just want to do MY thing, because FUCK YOU".

Pretty obvious which of us has an issue with "opposing views". This isn't just your storyline. Either learn to compromise with people, like I'm already doing for you, or go write your own storyline where the character commits suicide because "lol doing stupid shit for no reason is fucking hilarious".

As for Ray's "choices", he hasn't really had any choices to make. He's been taking the most reasonable actions presented, which mostly haven't been mine. Everyone's actions have been incorporated into the end result most of the time, except for people making ridiculous or knee-jerk suggestions. Like now, he says "you have a week to make a decision" and your response is "FUCK THAT KILL HIM RIGHT NOW LULULUL".

When Ray has to "choose" between either "Investigate the town" or "Abandon the pirate crew to become a famous painter", it isn't really a choice, you know? If you want to be taken seriously, then start taking the RP seriously. If you can't respect that the host and other players don't want to suicide the character or completely abandon the storyline, then you always have the option of not participating.

Mar 6 2013, 5:38 pm Fire_Kame Post #204

wth is starcraft

I feel more like the week was given to first trust our loyalty to D'Artsy (hesitating and waiting proves we're weak in more than one way that could end up putting us in a bad position), and also so that if something happened to us or Peavey we wouldn't run out of time before we got to that point.

The artist thing? Kinda a joke.

But seriously, get off your high horse. I legitimately want to kill Peavey because the character I want to play is a brash shoot-em-up-pirate. I'm sorry you don't want to play the same way I do. This is really why for serious RPs (if that is what you're inferring this is, as opposed to the one shots I moderate from time to time) it really works best to have people play a variety of characters, or their own character. Because I really hate sulking in the shadows in any case, I've never played any game like that given the chance - RP or otherwise.

Mar 6 2013, 6:28 pm Azrael Post #205

If Ray wants to put in some additional work, he could branch the storyline two ways, into two instances of the RP, to show both outcomes. One would be for the players who want to take careful consideration before making game-altering decisions (me, Inferno, Excalibur, Sacrieur, jjf, TiKels), and the other would be for the players who want to nonchalantly kill off senior officers and critical NPCs, making significant game-altering decisions in a reckless fashion without caring about the consequences (you, Wing).

If he decides to go this route, then when one of these two characters dies (as is, of course, possible in most RPs), the players who wanted that playstyle can just watch for the rest of the game, since by getting their character killed, they were able to play the character exactly the way they wanted to up until their version of the game concluded.

That seems like a superbly fair way of ensuring everything happens exactly the way you specifically want it to, and you won't mind having to sit out for a large portion of the game, since you knew ahead of time that your intended playstyle put the character at a significantly higher risk of death and permanent imprisonment.

If rayNimagi doesn't feel like putting that extra effort in though, then we can just compromise on the outcome so none of us is playing exactly the way we want to, but all get a partial say.

I've already been compromising at every point of the game, personally. So far, whenever someone makes a suggestion before me, I either add on to their actions or modify them as little as possible, with a sincere explanation as to the perceived risk I was avoiding by doing so. I'd also prefer only focusing on charisma, and disregarding strength completely (since it has more utility and obvious benefits), but I don't mind keeping the levels even (ie, putting the SIC point into strength if it's lower than charisma) because I know there's at least one semi-serious player who wants the levels of these stats to be relatively even.

Another example is that right now, as I stated earlier, I'd prefer going straight to Peavey and explaining the situation to him, so that he can protect us, eliminate the guy threatening us, and earn us loyalty points from the ship's officers in the process. However, instead of doing that, I compromised and suggested using our allotted week of free-time to investigate the circumstances so we know which one should be killed and the potential consequences of helping either of them. I mainly did this because you and Wing wanted to kill someone different than I did, so it made sense to find out which choice is better first, and then go with that one.

If you can't consider the other players as important as yourself, and compromise in a similar fashion, then an RP with a shared character probably isn't the most ideal environment for you.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 7 2013, 2:37 am by Azrael.

Mar 6 2013, 6:42 pm Fire_Kame Post #206

wth is starcraft

I considered plenty before I decided to kill Peavey. You really aren't looking into the issue, and the surrounding issues deeply. In fact it shows extreme weakness of character that you would so blatantly and openly express to him and the others that you do not trust D'Arsty. Shoot now ask questions later does work to our benefit in some cases, and this is one of them.

Mar 6 2013, 7:03 pm Azrael Post #207

It doesn't show weakness to anyone, that isn't even relevant to what's going on. There is also no "express that you distrust him".

My desired actions right now are:

Go to Peavey, and say "Hey, d'Artagnan made me promise a favor to him as a condition for getting his training. I didn't know what the favor was, but since the other condition he had was convincing the crew to start using his proper name, I figured it would be something similar. He just came to tell me what the favor is though, and it turns out the reason he trained me is because he wants me... to kill you. He didn't give me a reason, other than saying you deserve it.

Well, it wasn't fair of him to make me promise to kill someone without knowing what I was promising to, that's just dirty. I pledged my loyalty to this ship and its officers first, knowing full-well what I was agreeing to, and you've been really good to me since. Even if there is a reason for his disagreement with you, I don't share it, and it's none of my concern. He's just using me so he doesn't need to get his hands dirty. Those are the reasons I'm here, telling you this, instead of letting him threaten me into compliance. He said he'll kill me himself if you aren't dead in 6 days from now. If you know of a good way of dealing with this situation, tell me how I can help and I'll assist you."

The fact I want to do this is written right in my first post of the chapter.

Like I said, the only reason I compromised instead and went with the method that benefits both of us (finding out which person would be better to kill, and then killing that person) is because I wanted to kill someone differently than you wanted to.

If you can't consider the other players as important as yourself, and compromise in a similar fashion, then an RP with a shared character probably isn't the most ideal environment for you.

Mar 6 2013, 7:09 pm Fire_Kame Post #208

wth is starcraft

If I ask someone to get something done by the end of the week, and then I perceive or hear of them asking questions about the assignment or in some way relating to the assignment (even if not directly) I'm going to be suspicious. I'm going to start asking my own questions. And alerting Peavey to this web of lies might be a bad idea too. Frankly I see D'Artsy as a stronger ally than Peavey.

Mar 6 2013, 8:17 pm Azrael Post #209

And frankly I see murdering the captain's right-hand man "just cuz" as irresponsible, immoral, and suicidally reckless.

Mar 6 2013, 8:40 pm NudeRaider Post #210

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Kill peavey because we're not a detective, but a pirate hotshot.

Mar 6 2013, 8:43 pm Fire_Kame Post #211

wth is starcraft


lol we're pirates; you think this wouldn't already happen?

like hell. It's more reckless to get on the bad side of the most talented swordsman on the ship.

We could frame Ron...invite them both out for drinks. Get them both drunk to the point they black out - push Peavey off a dock and knock Ron out. Return to the ship. Make sure you're seen by other pirates to corroborate your story that you were never out. When you see Ron the next deny seed into his mind that he and Peavey ran off, leaving you at the pub so you headed back to the ship. Plant seeds of doubt as if he did it. Indicate him if questions are asked about Peavey's disappearance.

Mar 6 2013, 8:54 pm Excalibur Post #212

The sword and the faith

I don't think I'd frame Ron honestly.

If no one can help us confirm the fiancee thing, we might as well disregard it. And quite frankly. d'Artsy is one man, and he is gifted with a blade sure. However there is an entire crew and WE HAVE FUCKING GUNS! Hell, you could sneak up on him while he sleeps, leave a dagger in his heart, and no one would know. Not that I want to kill the guy but I'd tell him straight up that he needs to give me a good reason to kill Peavy because I'm not about to kill the Captain's right hand man for a favor with no reasoning. I'm not here to get him his promotion, I'll work with him, and pay off that owed favor, but not on the blind like this.

Go to d'Artsy, and tell him he needs to tell you exactly why he wants Peavy dead or there's no deal.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

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Mar 6 2013, 9:55 pm Vrael Post #213

"Yarrr..." loudly then set sail as captain of your own Pirate Ship.

Alternately, wait the week and see if d'Fartignan has the balls to try and kill us for not doing his stupid favor.


Mar 6 2013, 10:39 pm jjf28 Post #214

Cartography Artisan

We best start thinking like a pirate, use this opportunity to better ourselves, and strengthen our position.

The next night d'Artagnan is drunk we should creatively have him framed for us killing Peavy. We've gathered enough information to show d'Artagnan has motive, and should be very easily able to 'out-talk' d'Artagnan - the gruff fighter - with all our charisma.

Before we do so, however, we should try to take advantage of d'Artagnan's presence. Tell him you have the perfect plan for Peavy, if he asks - perhaps divulge that you have a chump in mind to take the fall and are just waiting for the proper moment. Ask for more training, this time with gold in hand.

"When the big one falls, four little ones move up." - with Peavy dead and d'Artagnan likely walking the plank, we're up for promotion.

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Mar 6 2013, 11:16 pm Fire_Kame Post #215

wth is starcraft

Quote from Vrael
Alternately, wait the week and see if d'Fartignan has the balls to try and kill us for not doing his stupid favor.

Oooh I like this. Sting operation get.

Mar 7 2013, 3:12 am rayNimagi Post #216

It is nighttime. You silently creep into Peavey's cabin as he sleeps. It is barely six steps from the door to the Peavey's body. Slowly you raise your sword and fulfill your promise to d'Artagnan.

The next day, word spreads that Peavey has been murdered. By mid-morning, the crew has assembled on the deck.

"I know not the dishonorable bilge rat who murdered our dear quartermaster," says the captain. "And I know not why such a knave would commit this crime. But In these times, a strong man be what we need. As the pirate code dictates, we be electin' a new quartermaster in the evenin'. Think about Peavey, and cast yer vote wisely."

The crew returns to their duties, some with teary eyes, some in suspicion. You hear a few murmurs about suspects, but no one accuses you. You overhear several pirates discussing who they think should be the next quartermaster. One even mentions that the captain could be replaced by a vote, if the pirates chose to do that.

d'Artagnan approaches you in the corridors. He leans down close to you and whispers, "Excellent, mon ami. My friends and I have great plans for the Devil's Trident. Make it public that you support me, and we will be unstoppable." d'Artagnan smiles and disappears into the shadows.

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 7

Traits: Creative

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Mar 7 2013, 3:30 am Fire_Kame Post #217

wth is starcraft

lols we killed peavey but we didn't even try to hide it XD

why would a crew vote for the captain?

do we need to now come up with someone to frame? I'd choose someone that is otherwise unimportant.

Mar 7 2013, 4:09 am Wing Zero Post #218

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Tell D'art that your obligation to him is over. Tell him you are planning to leave this crew and start a crew of your own and if he helps you with that you will support him. Also tell him that the condition is to make the change as bloodless as possible, any crew unwilling to support D'art is to be dropped off at the nearest port with their share of plunder intact and in their possesion.

Mar 7 2013, 4:25 am Fire_Kame Post #219

wth is starcraft

how are we leaving the crew and starting a new crew as well as dropping the crew off? Sounds like two things mixed into one.

Mar 7 2013, 4:31 am Wing Zero Post #220

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

We're getting dropped off too

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