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Greek Mythology 101
Sep 5 2012, 5:54 pm
By: Fire_Kame
Pages: < 1 2 3 47 >

Sep 6 2012, 5:05 am Vrael Post #21

Check inventory for containers to use.

Get a blood sample off the chair/floor/desk or whatever (or perhaps the knuckles of the hand you punched her with) from Reese's bloody nose for examination. Leave class and find a computer lab/library and start looking up magic ritual summoning spells that utilize blood samples -- quickly, before the blood dries out!

If the professor says anything when you run out of the classroom, just yell "GOTTA GO NUMBER 2!!!"


Sep 6 2012, 6:13 am Fire_Kame Post #22

wth is starcraft

You find a pencil tin in your bag. Dumping the pencils into the bottom of your backpack and pulling out a handy Qtip you always carry with you, you're able to take a sample of it and place it in the container. You run out of the classroom, taking only your pencil case so as to not raise suspicions. After looking on 4chan for several minutes (which for some reasons is not blocked by the school's settings) you are able to find a demonic ritual that should help you summon Reese.

You run to your dorm room and lock the door. The QTip is still wet. After performing the complicated and self deprecating acts at summoning Reese, a spectral form appears before you. "What do you want?" Reese asks. She doesn't look happy.

Sep 6 2012, 10:00 am Vrael Post #23

Say "Hey babe, jus' wonderin' wuz up, u kno? U been actin' all strange lately, appearin' in classes you ain't registered for, dissapearin' when I lookin' for you, yo eyes goin' all red an' stuff. Why donchu tell me wuz wrong, shorty?"


Sep 6 2012, 2:27 pm Fire_Kame Post #24

wth is starcraft

"You went through all this trouble to act like an ass to me?" She asks you incredulously. "This is a game moron. Of my own design. Find the trinket and progress. Otherwise be careful where you step. You don't know who - or what - is out to get you."

Sep 6 2012, 2:58 pm rayNimagi Post #25

Ask her what the trinket is and where it is located. If she won't reveal an exact object or location, ask for a clue, preferably a cryptic one written as a limerick.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Sep 6 2012, 3:16 pm Sand Wraith Post #26


Kick her in the nuts, she's probably a tranny.

Sep 6 2012, 4:28 pm Fire_Kame Post #27

wth is starcraft

"What and where is the trinket?" You ask her.

"I already told you," she says with a sigh, "close to my heart." She stares at you meaningly. "Oh, you don't know me very well, right? You don't know my hobbies or my friends or my personality. I forgot. You're pretty self absorbed you know that? I suppose I'll give you a hint, at least: I'm studying Nutritional Biology."

She flicks her hands and a golden inscription appears in the palm of her hand, glowing brightly like fire. It swirls brilliantly, but too fast for you to read. You have the impression that it is written in Latin. She blows on her hand and the inscription flickers and floats away like ashes.

"Anyways, I suppose I should be going now. Good luck on my game~" she said. The world goes black, and then the dim lighting of your apartment shows through again. Your last class has been out for an hour, and so you decide to go back to campus to collect your things. On the way there you get a facebook notification on your cell phone. It's an invitation to a campus party where attendants can only wear three pieces of clothing. The party will be held next Thursday night in an off campus apartment by an upper classman you do not recognize.

Sep 6 2012, 8:07 pm Vrael Post #28

Go to the party. Wear two shoes and boxers. Forget about supernatural crap and get hammered.


Sep 6 2012, 8:14 pm Fire_Kame Post #29

wth is starcraft

You make plans to go to the party, but it is still a week away. You retrieve your backpack from the lab and go back to your apartment, wearing nothing but boxers and crocks and sit on the couch in anticipation of the party.

Sep 6 2012, 8:55 pm Vrael Post #30

Put on more clothes, then leave the campus on the theory that this is an elaborately constructed closed circuit world like the Truman show. If you try and leave, someone will go to extraordinary lengths to stop you, leading to interesting events that I might actually care about. Take a bus to Dallas, Texas. I hear they have some good steakhouses in Texas.


Sep 6 2012, 9:13 pm rayNimagi Post #31

Go to the party wearing two gloves and one hat
Ger ready for bed and sleep in your normal sleeping place. Tomorrow, do the usual morning stuff (getting dressed, eating breakfast, etc.). When you have at least an hour between classes, visit the nutritional biology department. Ask if anyone there knows the girl that keeps haunting you (give them a description if needed). Try and find out what the trinket is.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Sep 6 2012, 9:39 pm Fire_Kame Post #32

wth is starcraft

You strip to nothing and sleep on the ratty, bed bug infested couch that you inherited with the apartment for a nice comfortable sleep. Upon waking up the following day, you proceed with your normal routine of wolfing down a Hungry Man Entree and can of coke while crying deeply about your life. You realize that you can make the change at any minute, should you wish to, but apparently that hasn't popped into your mind until now. Luckily for you, today is a day off from classes, so you have no pressing matters to take care of on campus, and so you are free to wander at your whim. It's a good thing you did, too, as it turns out that there is no "Nutritional Biology Department" - only a small office (that you're pretty sure was a closet at one point) with a meeting table nestled in the back of the biology department. Turning around you run into two girls carrying some boxes of stuff.

"Can I help you?" A stunning, voluptuous blonde girl asked you in a seductive voice. She brushes past you and places one of the boxes on the table.

"I'm looking for Reese," you respond, finding it hard to resist her.

"Reese, hmm?" She looks thoughtfully to the other girl, who rolled her eyes at the other girl's antics. "I don't know of any you Catherine?"

"No, I don't know anyone named Reese either, sorry," she said curtly, pushing past you into the office. "What are you still doing here? We have work to do."

"Oh let him stay," the first girl begged, "at least until the TA gets here." She waves you in, and you sit on a chair. She sits on the table next to you. "I'm Cynthia, what's your name? And why are you looking for this...Reese?"

Sep 6 2012, 11:52 pm Sand Wraith Post #33


Say Reese is your girlfriend and you want to propose to her right now. Cynthia might help you or at least stop bothering you unless she is a selfish, jealous slut.

Sep 7 2012, 4:29 pm Fire_Kame Post #34

wth is starcraft

"You want to propose to her?, I don't think you do," Cynthia says, giggling like a school girl, "no one would want Reese." Catherine rolled her eyes.

"Not very subtle, are you Cynthia?" see asked, unpacking the box of books.

"You don't like her either!" Cynthia told Catherine defensively before turning back to you, "none of us do. She exists just to cause problems I swear. You should see her in the green house - I don't even know why she goes down there. It isn't required for our major. But every time she leaves it's like she killed an entire section of the place. Coincidence? I think not."

Catherine scowled. "It isn't required but she might just appreciate the horticultural arts. Though she is not very good at it, is she? Did you see the carrots she pulled up last year?" She snickered, Cynthia joined in.

A third woman walks into the room. She is a little older than Catherine or Cynthia, and so you decide this must be the TA. "Alright, are you two ready to get started?" The TA asks. "Hi, I'm June. Are you looking for information on the nutritional biology department?" she asks you.

"No, he was looking for Reese," Catherine responded. "But she told us she couldn't come to the lab today."

"Again? This is the second required lab this year she'll miss," June said, "oh well, let's get started. Sorry but Reese doesn't appear to be with us today. If she shows up I'll be sure to let her know you stopped by," she said, pushing you out of the room and shutting the door. You are now alone in the hallway.

Sep 7 2012, 6:53 pm rayNimagi Post #35

Go to the greenhouse. Ask if anyone near the greenhouse has seen Reese today, or where in the greenhouse area she frequents. Search for a trinket in her most-frequented places. Ask to borrow tools (for digging) if necessary and use said tools.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Sep 7 2012, 7:37 pm Fire_Kame Post #36

wth is starcraft

You proceed to the green house. You are on the path that will take you around towards it when you run into a girl, looking dazed and confused, carrying a potted plant, The plant was still very small, with leaves that looked spiky and were tinted deep red. As you passed her you hear a crashing sound. "Oh, my flower pot..." the girl mumbles in a dazed voice behind you. "Will you help me pick it up?"

Sep 8 2012, 4:35 am Sand Wraith Post #37


If there are gloves in the vicinity, put those on and help her.
Else take off your shirt and use it as a glove substitute and help her.

If you have anything that can be used as a weapon, inconspicuously prepare to use it.

Sep 10 2012, 3:47 pm Fire_Kame Post #38

wth is starcraft

You turn around to help her. There is a dark mist surrounding her and you think you hear crying. As you bend down to pick up the fallen pieces, using some gloves you find nearby to protect yourself from cuts, the plant transforms into a headious, oozing vine like plant with a purple flower that has rows of teeth at the center. It growls at you, and you tries to eat you. You dodge it, taking a little damage to your leg. You remove a switch knife from your pocket and get in a defensive stance.

Sep 10 2012, 7:33 pm Sacrieur Post #39

Still Napping

Jump away and quick suck the suspected poison out of your leg.


Sep 10 2012, 7:38 pm Fire_Kame Post #40

wth is starcraft

You suck out the suspected poison from your blood and spit it back out. Using this moment to it's advantage, the plant wraps a tendril around your leg. Luckily this leg is still fully covered, and so the small, sharp thorns are not able to penetrate the thick material of your jeans just yet.

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