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Hushcreek Boarding School : Redux
Jan 25 2012, 1:51 am
By: Fire_Kame
Pages: 1 2 34 >

Jan 25 2012, 1:51 am Fire_Kame Post #1

wth is starcraft

Your parents had always threatened to send you to boarding school if you didn't shape up, but you never thought they would actually do it. Now while your classmates and friends are returning to classes within the next week, you and your parents are waiting at the airport for your delayed flight to begin boarding. You sit in silence next your father, who is staring with glazed over eyes at a word game on his iPad, and mother, who is quietly humming while reading an information packet from Hushcreek Boarding School for parents and new students. "Oh look at that," she says suddenly to no one in particular, "eighty eight percent graduation rate, most with classwork that can apply directly for local college credit." Your father grunts in response, and you sink down into your chair a little further. Your phone buzzes in your pocket, making you jump. You pull it out, and see the familiar number of a friend. "Oh, I thought we had taken care of that at the house," your mother says with a frown, reaching for your phone, "we're canceling your phone service. Don't worry dear, they have dorm phones. Call us from there if you need us." You open your mouth to protest right as a stewardess steps in front of the gate with a microphone, "thank you for being patient with us while we prepare your flight. We will start the process momentarily right after we have cleaned the airplane. If I could have passengers in sections A through D line up at the door, please..."

You and your companions of similar origin are to start school on the 31st, with new student orientation happening on the evening of the 30th. Hushcreek Boarding School exists for the "Unchallenged and Uninspired" - a boarding school designed for children that need further help - or discipline - while finishing high school. To prepare you for orientation on Monday, it is suggested that you fill out a quick bio of yourself to share at orientation.

Collapsable Box

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 25 2012, 2:26 am by Fire_Kame.

Jan 25 2012, 1:56 am Azrael Post #2

Short version: No joke entries. Take five minutes to make a real character or don't post one at all.

Jan 25 2012, 2:04 am lil-Inferno Post #3

Just here for the pie

Name: Soot Ketchup
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Appearance: Disheveled black hair, slight acne problem on forehead, somewhat frail.
Motivation: To be the very best that no one ever was.
Hobbies/activities done after school: Starcraft, masturbation.
Social Status: Self-proclaimed introvert, which he uses as an excuse to not be social.
Home: Buford, Wyoming
Reasons for being sent here: Parents want him to make friends against his will.
Classes (Excelling & Poor): Excels at math, sucks ass at English.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 25 2012, 2:27 am by lil-Inferno.

Jan 25 2012, 2:13 am DevliN Post #4


Inigo Montoya
Grade (9-12): 12
Age: 30
What you look like, health problems: Spanish, dashing, black hair down to shoulders, mustache, depressed alcoholic.
Motivation: My father Domingo was a great swordmaker, but he remained obscure because he disliked dealing with the rich and privileged. When Count Rugen, a nobleman with a six-fingered right hand, asked him to forge a sword to accommodate his unusual grip, Domingo poured his heart and soul into the project. When Rugen returned, he reneged on his promised price. Thus, Domingo refused to sell him the sword, not as a matter of money, but because Count Rugen could not appreciate the great work of the sword. He proclaimed that the sword would now belong to me. Angered, Rugen killed Domingo. At age 11, I witnessed the crime and challenged Rugen to a fight, wherein Rugen easily disarmed me; he spared my life and allowed me to keep the sword, but scarred my face to "teach me a lesson". Devastated by the loss, I devoted myself to becoming a great swordsman to be able to avenge my father.
Hobbies/activities done after school: Fencing, revenge-plotting.
Status with friends, family, etc, and enemies you may have had in your 'old life': Orphan, loner, known to socialize with a large brute and a Sicilian.
Where you're from...what state/city, where your parents live (ie are the overseas celebrating now that you're gone in Bermuda?): Spain, but more recently moved to Florin.
What got you sent here: The search for the six-fingered man that killed my father. And excessive drinking and general alcoholism.
Classes you excel/do poorly at: Excel: Fencing, home economics. Poorly: Any and all mathematics, science, or history.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jan 25 2012, 2:16 am Observer12425 Post #5

I'll bite.
Dan Buelem

--Initial Rant--
They always told me I was "so bright," always "wasting my potential." Well, they'll learn pretty damn quick that there's more than meets the eye. Their eyes. More than meets their eyes. I can handle this school left-handed if I wanted to. I mean, like, I won't, you know, 'cause I'll get out faster - this is all bullshit, I'll show my parents I'm not a screwup and they'll take me out soon. From the boarding school, I mean. I'll still be stuck in high school, but not this hellhole. Hell, I've never even had a drink, where do they get off telling me I'm wasting anything when they can't handle themselves? I'll show them.

--Personal Statistics--
Grade: 11, age 16
Average looks; brown hair, green-grey eyes.
Motivation: Leaving ASAP, any cost.
Hobbies: Tennis, track, swimming, electronics and engineering.
Status: strained relationship with parents, few friends, but those few are very loyal and have a significant merit; brute strength, intelligence, and so on.
Origin: Pittsburg, PA
Reason for attending: Simply not completing school work, at all, ever, often skipping classes to avoid it, even though engineering projects often take more work than several weeks of school.
Classes to excel in: Mathematics, sciences, and linguistics.
Classes to perform poorly in: Fine arts and literature.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 25 2012, 2:30 am by Observer12425.


Jan 25 2012, 2:25 am Fire_Kame Post #6

wth is starcraft

Please post character names so that I know what to call you.

Jan 25 2012, 2:36 am Dem0n Post #7

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Name: Jeremiah
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Appearance: 5'11", tanned skin, thick, black hair, brown eyes, very skinny
Motivation: None as of late
Hobbies: Sleeping, eating (but not so much recently), gaming
Status with friends/society: Many hate me, many think I'm an asshole, some like me, few really like me
Home: Maryland
Reason for attending: Got expelled from previous school because of fighting due to pent up frustration/anger
Classes you excel at/do poorly at: Good at math, English, abysmal at physics and Spanish.

January 24th, 2012

Is it gay to write about what's happened to me? Probably. Oh well.

Well, this sucks. My life went from sucking to being amazing to sucking more than ever in only a few months. I always looked down on myself, and I was fine with that. I barely had any societal success, only had a few friends, and a lot of people hated me for no reason. I was okay with it, though, because I didn't let assholes get to me. Then, everything changed. I actually became happy and enjoyed going to school. I found a friend who was amazing. We'd talk for hours each day, always talk at school, and I was never in a bad mood. I felt like I was on top of the world; for once, I was a normal teenager with a true friend who cared about me. I was making money through my job, and I finally got a cell phone. Yay, spoiled child status. My own phone to talk through for hours end each day? I thought that would elevate my friendship. Turns out it did nothing at all. What was once constant talking turned into empty nothingness. I would sit there for hours, staring at my computer screen in hopes of my friends coming online. They hardly did. Even when they did, I couldn't muster up the courage to make a conversation. I knew my friend wouldn't mind talking to me; I mean, we're friends, after all. But I couldn't help but find myself, at least in her eyes, to be incredibly annoying, always messaging her and trying to talk whenever given the chance. I knew this wasn't the case; it was just my massive paranoia of not having any friends getting to me and making me feel like shit.

Life was good a month ago. I thought I had an actual friend. Actually, scratch that. I know I made a true friend. But I couldn't help but feel we had drifted apart for no reason. I know it was my paranoia that was making me feel this way, but I couldn't stop feeling like this. I was too much of a bitch to do anything about it, and I allowed us to further drift apart from each other. I guess that wasn't a good idea. Anger fucks me up. Frustration makes me do stupid shit. My idiotic friend, who I'm pretty sure is insane, wouldn't stop his maniacal talks about stupid stuff that happened in the past. Over and over, he'd talk about the girl that ruined his life, that made him feel like shit and made him want to kill himself. Over and over, he talked about how he wanted to kill her, and all his douchebag friends agreed with him. Well, I finally snapped. I beat his ass into the ground and got expelled. My senior year, ruined because of absolutely nothing. I'm lucky my parents didn't murder me right there in the principal's office. Hell, I'm lucky they didn't bury me alive once we got home. They've kicked me out of the house and sent me to this stupid boarding school. Sounds terrible. Probably will be. Oh well, not much I can do now. I've already fucked my life up enough. I guess I deserve this.

herp. :massimo:

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 25 2012, 3:05 am by Dem0nS1ayer.

Jan 25 2012, 3:53 am Bar Refaeli Post #8

Name: Tyrawn (tie-ra-own)
Grade: 12
What you look like: Thug ghetto gangsta
Motivation: Go hard all day eery day niqqa
Hobbies/activities done after school: Smoke weed, chill, and rap
Status with friends, family, etc, and enemies you may have had in your 'old life': Dad's in jail. Mom's supporting my 4 baby sisters. Just broke up with girlfriend.
Where you're from...what state/city, where your parents live (ie are the overseas celebrating now that you're gone in Bermuda?): Live in ghetto.
What got you sent here excessive tardies, anger mismanagement, deviancy, etc.: All of the above.
Classes you excel/do poorly at: I'm pretty good at gym. Got a D+. Otherwise? Idk man.


Jan 25 2012, 7:47 pm Dem0n Post #9

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

btw, I've hardly even read the OP. And I didn't know what was going on in the first thread. What exactly goes on here/how to play? ;o

Jan 25 2012, 10:20 pm FatalException Post #10

Name: FH.Swim
Grade: 10
Physical: 5'3", Korean, possesses the cheeks, has the Flash twitch and non-stop APM
Motivation: Have to get into the GSL
Hobbies: Starcraft 2
From: San Francisco, CA
At boarding school because: Parents thought skipping school to practice Starcraft was stupid
Classes: Don't attend, practice Starcraft
Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
Name: Jeremiah
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Appearance: 5'11", tanned skin, thick, black hair, brown eyes, very skinny
Motivation: None as of late
Hobbies: Sleeping, eating (but not so much recently), gaming
Status with friends/society: Many hate me, many think I'm an asshole, some like me, few really like me
Home: Maryland
Reason for attending: Got expelled from previous school because of fighting due to pent up frustration/anger
Classes you excel at/do poorly at: Good at math, English, abysmal at physics and Spanish.

January 24th, 2012

Is it gay to write about what's happened to me? Probably. Oh well.

Well, this sucks. My life went from sucking to being amazing to sucking more than ever in only a few months. I always looked down on myself, and I was fine with that. I barely had any societal success, only had a few friends, and a lot of people hated me for no reason. I was okay with it, though, because I didn't let assholes get to me. Then, everything changed. I actually became happy and enjoyed going to school. I found a friend who was amazing. We'd talk for hours each day, always talk at school, and I was never in a bad mood. I felt like I was on top of the world; for once, I was a normal teenager with a true friend who cared about me. I was making money through my job, and I finally got a cell phone. Yay, spoiled child status. My own phone to talk through for hours end each day? I thought that would elevate my friendship. Turns out it did nothing at all. What was once constant talking turned into empty nothingness. I would sit there for hours, staring at my computer screen in hopes of my friends coming online. They hardly did. Even when they did, I couldn't muster up the courage to make a conversation. I knew my friend wouldn't mind talking to me; I mean, we're friends, after all. But I couldn't help but find myself, at least in her eyes, to be incredibly annoying, always messaging her and trying to talk whenever given the chance. I knew this wasn't the case; it was just my massive paranoia of not having any friends getting to me and making me feel like shit.

Life was good a month ago. I thought I had an actual friend. Actually, scratch that. I know I made a true friend. But I couldn't help but feel we had drifted apart for no reason. I know it was my paranoia that was making me feel this way, but I couldn't stop feeling like this. I was too much of a bitch to do anything about it, and I allowed us to further drift apart from each other. I guess that wasn't a good idea. Anger fucks me up. Frustration makes me do stupid shit. My idiotic friend, who I'm pretty sure is insane, wouldn't stop his maniacal talks about stupid stuff that happened in the past. Over and over, he'd talk about the girl that ruined his life, that made him feel like shit and made him want to kill himself. Over and over, he talked about how he wanted to kill her, and all his douchebag friends agreed with him. Well, I finally snapped. I beat his ass into the ground and got expelled. My senior year, ruined because of absolutely nothing. I'm lucky my parents didn't murder me right there in the principal's office. Hell, I'm lucky they didn't bury me alive once we got home. They've kicked me out of the house and sent me to this stupid boarding school. Sounds terrible. Probably will be. Oh well, not much I can do now. I've already fucked my life up enough. I guess I deserve this.

herp. :massimo:

oh wait you're not good at math LULZ


Jan 25 2012, 11:48 pm BiOAtK Post #11

Zach Lance
Grade 11, Age 16
What you look like: 5'11"; long (just above shoulders) dark hair; stout, strong body type (think linebacker)
Motivation: Hoping to get a full ride scholarship for college.
Hobbies/activities done after school: Drugs, football, lifting.
As soon as I got busted, all my "friends" deserted me. Family says I'm the biggest disappoint of their lives.
Where you're from: Madison, Wisconsin.
What got you sent here: My parents found out about my small level of production and sales of MDMA.
Classes you excel/do poorly at: Do well: Physics, gym, chemistry

As Zach sat there next to his mother and father, he thought back to his life:
Star quarterback and safety at his old highschool and with several colleges contacting him already, life looked pretty good for him after his sophomore year. He hated all of his teammates, who he regarded as ignorant fucks, and experimented heavily with drugs and music for all of highschool.
Then his parents found out from Tom's parents that he was producing pretty damn fine quality X. After that, it was yelling, screaming, anger, and now, Hushcreek.
He sighed, looking out the window.
He hoped they had a good football team.


Jan 26 2012, 5:11 am rayNimagi Post #12

Grade 12/Age 19
Appearance: Caucasian, blonde hair
Motivation: Find his father
Hobbies/activities done after school: Bartering, lockpicking, first aid, computer-hacking, crafting home-made weapons, collecting bottle caps
Status with friends, family, etc, and enemies you may have had in your 'old life': see below
Where you're from...what state/city: see below
What got you sent here excessive tardies, anger mismanagement, deviancy, etc.: See below
Classes you excel/do poorly at: Excel: Sniper. Poor: tanker

"You may have heard of me. I'm that guy that everyone's been talking about. My father and mother were scientists. She died when I was born but my father continued to raise me alone. He loved science and the pursuit of knowledge, but he decided it would be safer to abandon his experiments and settle down as a doctor in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. In our newfound home, I was treated like an outsider. A kid named Butch bullied me. Eventually, he formed a gang and worked in cahoots with the mayor to stifle any opposition to the mayor's oppressive rule. One day, my father left without a warning, leaving no clue as to where he went. I decided to leave the community I grew up in and venture out into the dangerous world. As I passed Butch's dwelling, he pleaded me to save his mother from a group of mutated insects. Instead of helping him, I left his mother to die, ensuring that Butch felt the pain that I did for so many years.

My name is the Lone Wanderer. I will not rest until things have been set right."

[/not an actual character]

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jan 26 2012, 5:26 am poison_us Post #13

Back* from the grave

Name: Cap'n Jack Sparrow
Age: 48
Grade: 12
Appearance: 5'10", long, twin-braided beard, raven locks swaying in the ocean breeze.
Motivation: To woo women, acquire immortality, and be perpetually drunk.
Hobbies/activities done after school: Adventure!
Social Status: Pirate captain, Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea, Governor of Rumrunner's Isle. Drunkard and scoundrel. Enemies include another Pirate Lord, Davy Jones, Her Majesty's Navy, and generally everyone aside from the crewmembers. Father's a guardian, and mother's a shrunken head.
Home: Unknown.
Reasons for being sent here: Perpetual drunkenness, exceptionally poor hygiene, and a clear disdain for anything not related to the ocean. Also, attempting to commandeer a ship while being a pirate probably had something to do with it.
Classes (Excelling & Poor): Excels in swimming and fencing, poor at mathematics.

Diary/thoughts/whatever coming shortly ;P

Jan 26 2012, 7:05 am Fire_Kame Post #14

wth is starcraft

Knock the crap off. Seriously.
Ash ketchum? Jack Sparrow? Whoever the fuck Ray thought he was being clever by impersonating? Nope. Create a real character, leave, or else convince me that you can play that character straight faced and seriously or else get the hell out.

Jan 26 2012, 1:48 pm poison_us Post #15

Back* from the grave

I can play that character straight faced and seriously. Well, unless he's not being straight faced and/or serious at the particular time I am playing him.

Jan 26 2012, 11:02 pm Observer12425 Post #16

Lightning bolts ensue.


Jan 26 2012, 11:10 pm Fire_Kame Post #17

wth is starcraft

Quote from poison_us
I can play that character straight faced and seriously. Well, unless he's not being straight faced and/or serious at the particular time I am playing him.
Bull shit.

Jan 27 2012, 4:19 am poison_us Post #18

Back* from the grave

Quote from Fire_Kame
Quote from poison_us
I can play that character straight faced and seriously. Well, unless he's not being straight faced and/or serious at the particular time I am playing him.
Bull shit.
What, because a pirate and a drunkard is expected to keep a straight face at all times?

Jan 27 2012, 4:56 am rayNimagi Post #19

Quote from rayNimagi
[/not an actual character]

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jan 27 2012, 9:04 pm Fire_Kame Post #20

wth is starcraft

Quote from poison_us
Quote from Fire_Kame
Quote from poison_us
I can play that character straight faced and seriously. Well, unless he's not being straight faced and/or serious at the particular time I am playing him.
Bull shit.
What, because a pirate and a drunkard is expected to keep a straight face at all times?
You're missing the point somehow. If Nude demands a no-fun policy in my rpgs, I'm going to enforce it. Not to mention Jack Sparrow is a really annoying character. I think I'd kill myself if I were that annoying.

Quote from rayNimagi
Quote from rayNimagi
[/not an actual character]
No shit. Doesn't make you clever. Get out of my thread.

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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- no one seems to have properly cracked the puzzle of breaking habits have they
[04:59 pm]
Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
[04:38 pm]
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
[04:17 pm]
Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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