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iPhone is a Jip
Jan 8 2008, 1:20 pm
By: JordanN
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Jan 8 2008, 1:20 pm JordanN Post #1


My friend bought an iPhone the other day for like over 9000 dollars and I told him that apple is just robbing you of you're money. He asked me why and I responded. "If you really wanted a phone that plays music then just buy a cheap one for $60. Or for $20 more you can get one with music,internet,phone and a working camera." He still said it' nothing compared to the iPhone so I made another statement "Then if you want something bettter then for $300 you can get a nintendo ds(upgrade it with music,internet,multimedia(like playing movies)) and attach a phone to it and there you go a cheaper iPhone"

Boy, is it me or are todays people just buying into consumerism?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 9 2008, 1:08 am by JordanN.


Jan 8 2008, 7:22 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #2

Where can you find a cheap phone that plays music for 60 dollars?
Where can you find a phone for 20 dollars that has music, internet, phone and "working camera" capabillities.


Are you trying to compare watching videos on an iPhone to watching videos on a Nintendo DS?
Are you trying to compare listening to music on an iPhone to listening to music on a Nintendo DS?
Are you trying to compare browsing the internet on an iPhone to browsing the internet on a Nintendo DS?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you fail.
Not only do you not need 32932903 add ons, cartridges, etc to use the iPhone for reasons such as that, the iPhone does it almost flawlessly. I cannot comment on how well the DS add-ons work, but I can tell you right now the iPhone is better off for things like watching videos, etc, compared to the DS just based on things like screen size and layout.

ATTACH A PHONE? Is that a joke?. I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How come you aren't as smart as your friends? :(


Jan 9 2008, 1:18 am JordanN Post #3

Woops I ment for 20 bucks more.
Where can you find a cheap phone that plays music for 60 dollars?
Where can you find a phone for 20 dollars that has music, internet, phone and "working camera" capabillities.

Not only do you not need 32932903 add ons, cartridges, etc to use the iPhone for reasons such as that, the iPhone does it almost flawlessly.
Not exactly as you only need 1 custom/predone DS card and 1 custom/predone GBA cartridge because if you buy the software/download it onto the the 2 then you can use them as easily as the iphone or dare I say it, even better (for the price)!11!1!

but I can tell you right now the iPhone is better off for things like watching videos, etc, compared to the DS just based on things like screen size and layout.
1.Theres nothing wrong with the screen as some/most software utilize both uniquely.
2.Nothing wrong with the layout as you are primarily using the touch screen.

ATTACH A PHONE? Is that a joke?. I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.
That's what they said about the worlds fastest couch. Anyways consumerism is taking a huge impact on society and I think apple contributes to it.


Jan 9 2008, 1:26 am ~:Deathawk:~ Post #4

Please show me the phone from radioshack that can do what the iPhone does the way the iPhone does it. Even if it plays music, it doesn't organize it the way the iPhone does. I'm not a big fan of shuffling out 4 MicroSD cards to listen to all my music either.

So wait, you gotta buy all this junk, and do all this stuff to get it to work? and you still don't get a phone? and you get how much storage space? and what does the end result look like?
No matter what you do, the resolution of the DS's screen will not change. It will not beat the iPhones.

Theres nothing wrong with the screen except its not as good as the iPhones. And the fact that it's too small to actually enjoy videos, me thinks. If you're watching videos that small, you're losing the whole experience. But shoot, if you're interested in watching videos on small little screens, enjoy.

I don't get WTF you're talking about, but you still fail.


Jan 9 2008, 1:36 am JordanN Post #5

Please show me the phone from radioshack
I can't, they decided to move out of Canada. (Which was a crappy decision)

Also my backup


Jan 9 2008, 1:59 am ~:Deathawk:~ Post #6

Start looking. But you wont find anything regardless.


Jan 9 2008, 4:26 am Bianca Post #7

iPhone is worthless.

Get an iTouch and a normal cellphone,Nuff said.


Jan 9 2008, 4:41 am ~:Deathawk:~ Post #8

And the iPod Touch + a Normal Cellphone costs how much in comparison to an iPhone? At that point, whose to say the extra money isn't worth paying for the luxury of having an all in one device.
Personally, I like not having to carry two gadgets around in my pocket when I don't have to, and if I were able to, would much rather carry only one.
Also, the iPhone has features that many "nromal cellphones" and the iPod Touch do not have. (Some can be added through firmware updates and stuff.)

For the record, we are not discussing an "iTouch". It's called the iPod Touch.


Jan 9 2008, 5:16 am Riney Post #9

Thigh high affectionado

Motorola RAZR suits me just fine. Touch screen? One rock and a drop on the ground and its history.

And not to mention, being a diehard against mac, Ill just lul >:3

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 9 2008, 5:16 am InsolubleFluff Post #10

cell phones are useless.
what you want is games, music, video and internet



Jan 9 2008, 5:17 am Riney Post #11

Thigh high affectionado

I actually use my cell phone. People with "Lives" are supposed to have one XD (Pun intended)

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 9 2008, 9:49 pm JordanN Post #12

Anways I looked on that website and I couldn't find the cell phone I have that I got for $100 CAN (moterolla w/tax). It plays music, has web access, can be used as a phone, has multimedia options and plays videos (extremely laggy.
So thats $100 CAN dollars.
Now to make a better lets add a DS to it which is $146.89 CAN (w/tax).
Add those 2 together to get $249.89 CAN. Now if you buy the R4 flash card for the DS it's $75. It can play music(and organize) with touch screen, play videos (On top or bottom screen), browse the interwebs(w/touch screen), multimedia preferences, organize photos/images, play games, tell the time/date and more.
Add that together and that's $324.89. Save an additional 20 bucks if you get a $60 phone with a decent camera thus bringing the final price to $304.89. You save much more money and you still have the same capabilities as the iPhone. Also lets not forget that you have to order a battery ($79) when the the already built it one reaches the end of its life.

So as I was saying, too much consumerism has been effecting society.


Jan 9 2008, 10:19 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #13

lol, you until you realize that having 2gb of storage on a DS and having a cellphone is not the same as having an iPhone, I don't think there's any point in continuing on about this. There really is no comparison when it comes to ease of use, etc. Even then, you have things like GPS, etc, that put the iPhone on top.

I had more, but I don't think it's worth arguing back with you. You won't change your opinion, so just bask in your failure.

Have a nice day! :)


Jan 9 2008, 10:27 pm Rantent Post #14

Consumerism is people buying things to make them happy, not you.


Jan 9 2008, 10:47 pm JordanN Post #15

My watch has that plus it tracks the lunar calender/phase (such as is today half a moon,full moon), does the weather, displays a compass, counts the number of steps I take, displays heart rate, alarm, gives off light, tracks date/time and it can be used as a stop watch all for under 100 Canadian dollars oooooooooooooh.
you until you
What? :lol:

I don't think it's worth arguing back with you.
Just because you lost an argument doesn't mean you have to continue but that's ok, I understand. As I always say "If I was arguing with an opponent who is better then me then I would stop before it got brutal".

You won't change your opinion, so just bask in your failure.
I sure wont. $700 musical phone vs $304.89 media player and you expect me to accept the iPhone? :lol:
Hell, even the watch is better then that crappy device.


Jan 10 2008, 12:26 am DT_Battlekruser Post #16

The sad thing is consumerism that leads people to believe they cannot survive alone for more than a minute without some form of music playing device.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 10 2008, 11:48 pm by DT_Battlekruser.


Jan 10 2008, 2:39 am Syphon Post #17

Quote from Bianca
iPhone is worthless.

Get an iTouch and a normal cellphone,Nuff said.

iPod touches are also useless and overpriced. When I listen to music, CALL ME CRAZY, but I don't like to look at the player every 12 minutes when I'm walking around. Tactile response ftw.


Jan 10 2008, 3:00 am Centreri Post #18

Relatively ancient and inactive

I actually got an iPod touch for christmas (I didn't ask for it) - but it's actually very nice. Slim, great quality, very responsive. Listening music or watching a movie on it it awesome. I do think it was a small waste of money, though - I don't travel enough to justify having a handheld music playing/video watching device, and I'm too afraid to lose it to take it to school.


Jan 11 2008, 11:18 pm Conspiracy Post #19

My IPhone: Cell Phone + Duck Tape + IPod.


Jan 12 2008, 1:30 am A_of-s_t Post #20

aka idmontie

Take that!

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