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Sep 16 2009, 11:26 am
By: Forsaken Archer
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Dec 30 2010, 4:55 pm Sand Wraith Post #1961


I have earned 980 coins at last to purchase the Flamboyant Pack.

let's celebrate

Dec 30 2010, 6:18 pm poison_us Post #1962

Back* from the grave


Dec 31 2010, 5:44 pm Riney Post #1963

Thigh high affectionado

Oh god :hurr:

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 9 2011, 1:03 am poison_us Post #1964

Back* from the grave

Favorite: Kongor has been SLAAAAAAIAIAIAIAN!!

Feb 2 2011, 7:18 pm Sand Wraith Post #1965


28/12/18 SW with Codex and Spellshards. 28442400

Lost the match, but was hilarious regardless. Enemy team was absolutely terrible; only reason we lost was 'cause MQ was lagging incredibly hard.

Hilarious game though, no regrets (except for maybe forgetting to taunt).

Feb 2 2011, 7:22 pm ShredderIV Post #1966

Empath is looking like she's gonna be fun. Also, i might be on at like 3 on the east coast so if you wanna play, ill be there.


Feb 2 2011, 7:34 pm Decency Post #1967

I hope it's Dark Seer. =o

Oh, it's not:

Doesn't seem terrible, her ultimate seems pretty meh though and her wall seems ridiculously strong.

Empath+Armadon autowin lane incoming.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 2 2011, 7:39 pm by FaZ-.


Feb 2 2011, 7:50 pm ShredderIV Post #1968

Her wall only lasts that long at lvl 4, apparently at lower levels it doesnt last nearly as long. Look at it as a slight inconvenience, probably for like, 1 second at level one. And her third skill seems like it would be boss for laning, so i'd see people maxing it out over the wall.

Don't quite see how she would be a better lane with armadon than any other hero with a 2 second stun... Other than the hp regen.

I just cant wait to be playing with someone and be like, "dude... I'm INSIDE YOU"


Feb 2 2011, 7:57 pm Sand Wraith Post #1969


Oh, that reminds me: I have the Sachi Swiftblade alt.

Feb 5 2011, 5:14 am ShredderIV Post #1970

Played with kevin. Magebane. Ended game 9-5-11, 608 epm, 409 gpm. We lost.

What should have happened is that the team should have warded, focused on staying alive and trying to gank some, so that once i got farm, we could beat them. Their madman, their carry, was not farming nearly as fast.

What happened is that our hellbringer decided to go codex, and kevin on tort decided to go sotm first, which usually isnt a good choice. Bloodstone or at least shrunken before. Our pesti also picked up a mock (...) and our engi never warded. So while i made sure i did my job and farmed, helping in big fights along the way, they got killed. A lot. Especially madman. Also had a quad kill stolen from me by our pesti. Literally was about to attack the guy and pesti turns and takes it. I was like, FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU!

Anyways, in the end, their mq, zeph and madman basically could take down the rest of the team way too easily. Despite the mad magic damage on their side, no one else on my team decided that a shrunken head would be useful. It was not a lack of farm issue, as hellbringer had a lvl 5 codex, most expensive item in the game. It was bad choices by pub players.

Of course i guess magebane is kinda useless till that farm, but i had over 300 for most of the game. It shouldnt have been lost really.


Feb 5 2011, 4:40 pm l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #1971

Just here for the activity... well not really

lol yeah my bad... I got glowstone with the intentions of getting sac stone, but later without thinking I went for SotM.

so how about that Empath? I haven't seen her lose a game yet...

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Feb 5 2011, 7:19 pm Decency Post #1972

Those lineups are both hideous, this is the same shit from 6 months ago.

Madman MQ Zephyr on the same team? ... three very hard carries. Plus Soul Reaper who's a semi-carry and Deadwood who needs farm.
Magebane Pesti Torturer on the same team? ... A hard carry, two semi-carries, and Engineer and Hellbringer on your team need decent farm too.


Empath looks massively OP, but most new heroes do until people figure out how to play against them. I think Portal Key or Tablet will become core on her to cause stuns with her first skill, it'll be pretty skill-intensive. Other than that I'm guessing that Astrolabe and maybe Frostfield Plate if she farms well will be big buys. She'll be great on a team with BKB's, say with Predator or Swiftblade or ranged carries later in the game.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 5 2011, 7:29 pm by FaZ-.


Feb 5 2011, 8:14 pm ShredderIV Post #1973

I know hero roles man... And Hb can be played as pure support, if needed. He basically babysat me, and did a decent job with it. This was single draft also. Me n kevin swapped fast, and the other 3 chose after. Pesti was gonna go wildsoul actually, but we convinced him to at least go with pesti.

I also dont know if i'd call zeph a hard carry. He can get tanky and do a lot of aoe dps, but at some point, other hard carries overtake him easily. It's also of note that pesti and engineer, who should have raped their lane hard, managed to get like, maybe 1 kill. They also dies in lane a lot...

So yeah, bad lineups, but thats what happens when the idiots on your team all decide to pick that shit.


Feb 5 2011, 9:19 pm Decency Post #1974

- HB without items is pretty much just an ultimate after laning phase. With his core, he's very strong.
- Whether Zephyr is good or not is irrelevant, it's his playstyle that's important. He farms and farms and farms then shows up to teamfights. He's bad at anything else. Thus, hard carry.
- Engi/Pest is not a good lane, Engi can't function as a babysitter and the double stun is weak.
- I've gotten maybe one SD team ever that didn't have better options than what you guys have for picks.

There is no possible way that the game provides enough income to support your team. Their team is even worse off, and you have pushing power in Torturer Engineer and Hellbringer. You should have taken 6 towers in 20 minutes.

Picking first is not an excuse. Was that your first game ever or were you somehow unaware that players at your level prefer playing carries? You are two of the idiots- until you acknowledge that and stop blaming your teammates you will not get out of the shithole that is the 1500's.


Feb 5 2011, 11:31 pm ShredderIV Post #1975

Picking first is not an excuse. Was that your first game ever or were you somehow unaware that players at your level prefer playing carries? You are two of the idiots- until you acknowledge that and stop blaming your teammates you will not get out of the shithole that is the 1500's.
Part of the problem with this level of play, is that even trying to communicate with teammates barely ever helps. In almost every game mode, I'll be like, "ok, so what about picks?" And nobody ever responds. Most people dont even right click their heroes anymore. Communication just isnt there, no matter how hard you want to try and force it.

I've been out of the 1500's, and i have to say, it isnt really even that much better in the 1600's, except up there, everybody thinks they're hot shit. When games come along where teammates actually communicate, it works out well. I try and have good communication every game so that happens, but most people just dont want to. Yes, we should have pushed better. Would our team have listened if we had tried to tell them that? Probably not. They probably would rather farm, thinking we could out carry them.


Feb 6 2011, 12:17 am NudeRaider Post #1976

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

That's a bad excuse for not even trying. :P
Still love you though Shred. ;)

Feb 6 2011, 12:30 am Sand Wraith Post #1977


Empath is a pretty loser Hero so far. I played so many damn games with/against.

Gotta say, a bit disappointed.

Feb 6 2011, 5:24 am Neki Post #1978

Maybe I should come back to HoN. Too bad school is so time consuming. :-_-:


Feb 6 2011, 7:27 am ShredderIV Post #1979

That's a bad excuse for not even trying.
I tried for a long time, and found that all it accomplishes is getting raged at.

Nude, you need to come back to HON. Always seemed to play better when u were supporting.


Feb 12 2011, 4:40 am Sand Wraith Post #1980


Beta Electrician soundset. I just uploaded it and I am finishing up with the video description.

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