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League of Legends
May 25 2010, 6:33 am
By: poison_us
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Jan 4 2011, 10:30 pm OlimarandLouie Post #1241

Being able to stun a champion like that after guardian angel revives them with no hope of flashing or getting away is kind of stupid.


Jan 4 2011, 10:44 pm ShadowFlare Post #1242

Quote from OlimarandLouie
Monster experience range reduced to 800 from 1250
Are you sure that isn't still talking about the dragon there?


Jan 4 2011, 11:24 pm OlimarandLouie Post #1243



Jan 4 2011, 11:35 pm ShadowFlare Post #1244

Or they were at least not talking about minions or it would say so.


Jan 4 2011, 11:43 pm ShadowFlare Post #1245

Quote from name:Rammus
Quote from name:Riot Games
Shrine (spawn) turrets now ignore all resistances and immunities

If this means that sometime I'll see a Tryndamere ult and go in for the kill, not knowing about this change, I'll be laughing when I see that. :lol:
(assuming this means his ult doesn't work on that)


Jan 4 2011, 11:49 pm Kaias Post #1246

The experience range decrease only applies to neutral creeps, not minions.


Jan 5 2011, 3:13 am Lingie Post #1247

Quote from ShadowFlare
Quote from name:Rammus
Quote from name:Riot Games
Shrine (spawn) turrets now ignore all resistances and immunities

If this means that sometime I'll see a Tryndamere ult and go in for the kill, not knowing about this change, I'll be laughing when I see that. :lol:
(assuming this means his ult doesn't work on that)

Tyrn doesn't have a damage resistance, just death resistance. This'll go through things like Zhonya's, Kayle's Ult, and armor.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Jan 5 2011, 4:46 am Riney Post #1248

Thigh high affectionado

Btw I noticed, its only the Obelisk that does this, not the nexus turrets.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 5 2011, 4:15 pm Alzarath Post #1249


Quote from Riney
Btw I noticed, its only the Obelisk that does this, not the nexus turrets.

Duh. I skimmed it at first and was like :D. Then I read it and was like "Oh, okay."

EDIT: Heh, just had a game where the true damage got me a double kill. xD

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 5 2011, 5:55 pm by Artanis186.


Jan 5 2011, 6:40 pm poison_us Post #1250

Back* from the grave

Quote from Riney
Btw I noticed, its only the Obelisk that does this, not the nexus turrets.
What part of "spawn turret" is hard to understand :boxed:

Jan 5 2011, 8:08 pm Kaias Post #1251

Quote from poison_us
Quote from Riney
Btw I noticed, its only the Obelisk that does this, not the nexus turrets.
What part of "spawn turret" is hard to understand :boxed:
The part where the nexus turrets are where the minions spawn. Not unreasonable to get it wrong.


Jan 5 2011, 8:39 pm Riney Post #1252

Thigh high affectionado

A few people had the thought it was the nexus turrets, I was clarifying

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 5 2011, 8:42 pm Bar Refaeli Post #1253

Quote from poison_us
Except those items take up two slots for the same stats. Though they may be more cost efficient, buying 2 items for the same or slightly higher stats than a single item is completely retarded, especially late game.
Morde excels early game, late game his ulti is his only really good spell. His abilities have extremely small ap ratio and he has 0 tanking ability. (0 cc, 0 taunt, etc). Plus it is EXTREMELY rare where morde would get a full build in a game (even though he is an amazing farmer). IMO Rylai's staff provides much more benefits than this for him. 20 less AP, a slow that is CRUCIAL for morde, and HP. If you build morde with 0 HP..... I will just laugh when you get raped.


Jan 5 2011, 9:51 pm poison_us Post #1254

Back* from the grave

Quote from name:Raccoon
Quote from poison_us
Except those items take up two slots for the same stats. Though they may be more cost efficient, buying 2 items for the same or slightly higher stats than a single item is completely retarded, especially late game.
Morde excels early game, late game his ulti is his only really good spell. His abilities have extremely small ap ratio and he has 0 tanking ability. (0 cc, 0 taunt, etc). Plus it is EXTREMELY rare where morde would get a full build in a game (even though he is an amazing farmer). IMO Rylai's staff provides much more benefits than this for him. 20 less AP, a slow that is CRUCIAL for morde, and HP. If you build morde with 0 HP..... I will just laugh when you get raped.
Why again am I quoted? Ah, I see it now. I wasn't arguing about how the OP Morde should be built, nor taking a jibe at anything you said. I was commenting that cost efficiency isn't as important as some people think it is. Two items that give the same, or even slightly better, stats than one item are far worse than a more expensive single item.

Well goddamn, I can't find an example where Riot gave the roughly half stats and cost to two comparable items :massimo: Apparently they made the single item with better stats cheaper than two smaller items, such as Null-Magic Mantle and Negatron Cloak (cloak is 60 gold cheaper than 2 mantles, same stats). But, for argument's sake, imagine that you're building MR, do you take two Mantles that suddenly got a cost buff to make it cost 350 rather than 400, or one Cloak that now costs 40 gold more than two Mantles? Also, in this scenario, you're not upgrading the MR into a better item, you have enough money for either choice, and you have 2 available slots in your inventory.

Plus, I don't play Morde, so I'd get raped playing as him anyways.

Quote from Kaias
Quote from poison_us
Quote from Riney
Btw I noticed, its only the Obelisk that does this, not the nexus turrets.
What part of "spawn turret" is hard to understand :boxed:
The part where the nexus turrets are where the minions spawn. Not unreasonable to get it wrong.
Meh. If you ask me, all towers should ignore an increasing percentage of resistances as the game progresses. For example, an outer tower at 50 minutes should do more damage than an inner tower at 15. It's absolutely retarded how Riot ignores tanks. We played a game where there were 3 tanks, MF and the new Cat. The tanks did all the damage, including a 5v4 at our inhibitor tower that we lost. If towers ignored an increasing % of resistances (because a flat number helps resistance stacking tanks), it would hinder their ability to successfully pull off a 5v4 right at our tower, which was Fortified and still did basically no damage. Forgot to mention, they had the 4, I can't even remember which DPSer was the 4th.

Or, if instead of the 50% splash with Fortify mastery, towers ignored 100% of resistances...:awesome: Maybe then people would stop sucking Ignite's cock. Probably not, though.

Jan 5 2011, 10:10 pm OlimarandLouie Post #1255

Quote from name:Raccoon
Quote from poison_us
Except those items take up two slots for the same stats. Though they may be more cost efficient, buying 2 items for the same or slightly higher stats than a single item is completely retarded, especially late game.
Morde excels early game, late game his ulti is his only really good spell. His abilities have extremely small ap ratio and he has 0 tanking ability. (0 cc, 0 taunt, etc). Plus it is EXTREMELY rare where morde would get a full build in a game (even though he is an amazing farmer). IMO Rylai's staff provides much more benefits than this for him. 20 less AP, a slow that is CRUCIAL for morde, and HP. If you build morde with 0 HP..... I will just laugh when you get raped.
Which is why the first item I build into is Warmogs. Then FoN for increased health regen. Afterwards I get whatever the situation needs.


Jan 5 2011, 11:09 pm Neki Post #1256

HP on Morde, you guys are hilarious. :lol:


Jan 6 2011, 12:13 am Alzarath Post #1257


Quote from Neki
HP on Morde, you guys are hilarious. :lol:

And if you're caught without a load of creeps near you?


Jan 6 2011, 12:22 am Neki Post #1258

The more heroes they brought, the better chance I have of beating them. If they brought one, ghost + ignite + ultimate him. You underestimate how much shield he can get from all four of his abilities, which is amplified by more enemies. Also, I'm going to either have high armor/MR or high AP, which is more effective than HP. Having high AP is just as good as HP, but you can't grasp that concept apparently. Having high hp makes no difference whether you survive a gank or not. If they brought their whole team to gank you, 1000 HP is not going to save you. Your teammates might, but you're going to get butt-raped either way.


Jan 6 2011, 12:25 am Lingie Post #1259

Quote from Neki
The more heroes they brought, the better chance I have of beating them. If they brought one, ghost + ignite + ultimate him. You underestimate how much shield he can get from all four of his abilities, which is amplified by more enemies. Also, I'm going to either have high armor/MR or high AP, which is more effective than HP. Having high AP is just as good as HP, but you can't grasp that concept apparently. Having high hp makes no difference whether you survive a gank or not. If they brought their whole team to gank you, 1000 HP is not going to save you. Your teammates might, but you're going to get butt-raped either way.

This is why I preach Spell Vamp on Morde. So you're charging more then just your shield.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Jan 6 2011, 12:30 am poison_us Post #1260

Back* from the grave

Quote from name:Rammus
Quote from Neki
The more heroes they brought, the better chance I have of beating them. If they brought one, ghost + ignite + ultimate him. You underestimate how much shield he can get from all four of his abilities, which is amplified by more enemies. Also, I'm going to either have high armor/MR or high AP, which is more effective than HP. Having high AP is just as good as HP, but you can't grasp that concept apparently. Having high hp makes no difference whether you survive a gank or not. If they brought their whole team to gank you, 1000 HP is not going to save you. Your teammates might, but you're going to get butt-raped either way.

This is why I preach Spell Vamp on Morde. So you're charging more then just your shield.
I preach Spell Vamp on Vlad for a similar reason.

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