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What should I do?
Dec 13 2010, 12:57 am
By: Alzarath
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Dec 15 2010, 1:12 am Fire_Kame Post #61

wth is starcraft

Quote from EzTerix
Move to Iceland :P. A haven for no lifers because they have huge welfare and a government that basically sustains your entire life.
I'm packing my bags right now.

Dec 15 2010, 1:42 am BeDazed Post #62

Life is long if you put it this way. But seriously, life is too short.


Dec 15 2010, 10:29 pm MadZombie Post #63

Fuck Artanis. Can we derail for a second? It seems I was mistaken when I thought I had the opportunity to live off my mom if I wanted to (wasn't planning on it but it gives me the option to pursue a bunch of things). Give me your opinion.

Since I'm going to be 18 soon I'm going to be emancipated and won't get 400 dollars a month from child support. I'm really not getting callbacks from places I'm applying to (jobwise) but I'm going to assume that will change once I turn 18 as other places will hire me and my chances to get higher increase with a job with decent hours. I need to come out with more than 400 dollars a month. Even with child support my mom has to use a credit card so I'd like to make 500~ a month to help instead of the 400 I get from child support. Besides actually finding a job I'm also going to need the right hours, Nearly full part time or a full time. But I'm still in fucking school. FFFF.

I'm SUPPOSED to join an acceleration program but the main gripe i have with it is that I'm hearing that it's a ton of baby work and I always see the kids who go to that program in the local YMCA for 2 hours since that's their Gym + Lunch periods. What a waste. If I want to go to an acceleration program I'd want all my time spent on Work. It doesn't seem serious but I guess they have it that way so they can push more kids out instead of them dropping out and not pursuing a GED or any other kind of education.

Wat do? Has anyone had experience with having a full time job + full time student? I feel as though dropping out of high school and pursuing the GED. I really feel as though I can pass it. Or at least have the enthusiasm to go out and buy a GED book for a subject or two and learning from it. I think it's implied if you drop out of school you are going to say "I'm going to study lol!" but never do it, since I guess that's what most people do. I think I'm capable of learning things on my own. I've picked up a couple of hobbies from going out of my way and learning them on my own without anyone being there to push me. Why can't I do that with the GED? I think I can.

What do you think? tbh I don't know if I'll be able to handle being a full time student with a full time job, not really sure. Maybe I can. If I did drop out of school I wouldn't do so until I actually had a job though. I'm wondering, would being in school to begin with prevent me from getting a job with a lot of hours? Or would that help me seeing as it's better than hiring a guy who isn't in school and without a diploma and says he is trying to get his GED? Bleh.

At least once I get a job I won't have to worry about much :kame:

At least until I have to figure out what I'm going to do for college if I even decide to do it. I want to go for an arts. How gay. I wish my father was a Nigerian prince.


Dec 15 2010, 10:44 pm payne Post #64


Quote from MadZombie
What do you think?
Capitalism just owned your life.

Anyways, education is long-term investment, do your best to keep studying, seriously. :/


Dec 15 2010, 10:52 pm MadZombie Post #65

education is long-term investment
implying I was planning on not getting a highschool education.

implying I'm not being serious.



Dec 16 2010, 12:16 am Jack Post #66

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

@MZ It's going to be a lot harder than you think to get a job, even when you're 18. If you're lucky, you'll get a part time job of some sort, probably paying minimum wage and doing basic as labour, unless you live in texas or some place that hasn't been hit that badly by the recession. Now, if you DO manage to get a part time job, and can afford education on top of that, then do it as long as possible, especially if the education is free.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Dec 16 2010, 12:24 am MadZombie Post #67

lot harder than you think to get a job
Why exactly? I need straight answers.

paying minimum wage
I don't care how bad the job is nor how low I get payed as long as I get enough hours to make the 500 a month at least.

can afford education on top of that, then do it as long as possible, especially if the education is free.
Afford education? Wut? I'm not sure I understand? Where does price come in for a high school education? I'm not in college yet.


Dec 16 2010, 12:33 am Fire_Kame Post #68

wth is starcraft

Quote from MadZombie
Fuck Artanis. Can we derail for a second? It seems I was mistaken when I thought I had the opportunity to live off my mom if I wanted to (wasn't planning on it but it gives me the option to pursue a bunch of things). Give me your opinion.

Since I'm going to be 18 soon I'm going to be emancipated and won't get 400 dollars a month from child support. I'm really not getting callbacks from places I'm applying to (jobwise) but I'm going to assume that will change once I turn 18 as other places will hire me and my chances to get higher increase with a job with decent hours. I need to come out with more than 400 dollars a month. Even with child support my mom has to use a credit card so I'd like to make 500~ a month to help instead of the 400 I get from child support. Besides actually finding a job I'm also going to need the right hours, Nearly full part time or a full time. But I'm still in fucking school. FFFF.

I'm SUPPOSED to join an acceleration program but the main gripe i have with it is that I'm hearing that it's a ton of baby work and I always see the kids who go to that program in the local YMCA for 2 hours since that's their Gym + Lunch periods. What a waste. If I want to go to an acceleration program I'd want all my time spent on Work. It doesn't seem serious but I guess they have it that way so they can push more kids out instead of them dropping out and not pursuing a GED or any other kind of education.

Wat do? Has anyone had experience with having a full time job + full time student? I feel as though dropping out of high school and pursuing the GED. I really feel as though I can pass it. Or at least have the enthusiasm to go out and buy a GED book for a subject or two and learning from it. I think it's implied if you drop out of school you are going to say "I'm going to study lol!" but never do it, since I guess that's what most people do. I think I'm capable of learning things on my own. I've picked up a couple of hobbies from going out of my way and learning them on my own without anyone being there to push me. Why can't I do that with the GED? I think I can.

What do you think? tbh I don't know if I'll be able to handle being a full time student with a full time job, not really sure. Maybe I can. If I did drop out of school I wouldn't do so until I actually had a job though. I'm wondering, would being in school to begin with prevent me from getting a job with a lot of hours? Or would that help me seeing as it's better than hiring a guy who isn't in school and without a diploma and says he is trying to get his GED? Bleh.

At least once I get a job I won't have to worry about much :kame:

At least until I have to figure out what I'm going to do for college if I even decide to do it. I want to go for an arts. How gay. I wish my father was a Nigerian prince.

Working full time and going to school is incredibly difficult, but do-able. Your best bet is to find a company that will help you pay for classes to lighten your financial load. Hell, even Starbucks offers a program. Four hundred bucks a month is beyond doable at part time. If you're looking for a way to make money quickly, and if you're personable enough, I suggest waiting tables. Some nights suck, of course, but budgeting compensates. Several restaurants also pay their hosts well - a few dollars/hour above minimum wage. Cons: many restaurants also over staff, and then send servers home early without much in the way of money.

I mentioned this to Artanis, but I'll tell you the same thing. If you don't mention any intention of completing the GED, you look like you're unable to follow through with tasks. That means to most employers that you aren't worth their time. Many people without high school certificates/GEDs get jobs. A few of them even make something of themselves. But more of them are seen as...well, immature and annoying, and are usually the first ones to quit because they think they deserve better than minimum wage (which I do want to point out is true of degree holders. I know several people who refused to 'stoop' to hourly wages after they came out with bachelors).

In short, if you're motivated, you can do it. I want to point out that most employers that I've met find it admirable to 'go back' if you will - finish up what you started. The trick is to set up your schedule in a way that will make you successful. I know that sounds really cliche, but its true. Setting up a feasible schedule is what will get you through. I don't know how GEDs work, otherwise I'd give you more help on setting up schedules. When I first started college I made the dumb mistake of signing up for a class at 8AM. I personally could not do it, meanwhile others can. That's what I mean. I do know however that there are tests that prove you understand the equivelant of a GED (is that linked to the program? I kinda forget. I think it allows you to bypass the classes altogether, but I'm not sure).

Good luck...

Dec 16 2010, 12:55 am MadZombie Post #69

Oh. Thats what you guys mean by pay for education. GED preparation classes. They are not mandatory but It would be like trying to get into professional fighting with your street fighting experience. Maybe you can fight but you won't know the rules that you need to follow. If I haven't said it the only things I'd have problems with would most likely be English and Math. I've finished all of my Sciences and History. Theirs a fifth course the GED test contains that I'm forgetting... what is it again?

Anyways hopefully I can get a job, one that gives me enough hours to earn what I need monthly. Like I said. I honestly don't care if it's minimum wage, as long as I get the hours to make up for minimum wage. A lot of my friends have problems with doing physical work. Everyone (my friends) want jobs where you sit in front of computer doing the same thing over and over again. They see that as easy. I find that ridiculously annoying. Tbh I'd rather be working in the back of a retail shop moving boxes or unloading trucks. It's not like certain jobs wouldn't annoy me. I have a thing against being around a TON of people or doing something like customer service where I have to explain something over and over again. But I wouldn't be against it so much that I'd pass up a job because of it. I'd like to think that I'm not that spoiled :kame:

I turn 18 on the 26th of December.


Dec 16 2010, 1:12 am BeDazed Post #70

Jobs are hard to get because they're competition. You lose if you are not competent. Therefore, you have to try and win- rather than do nothing about that fact.


Dec 16 2010, 1:44 am MadZombie Post #71

I've noticed. Some jobs that require you to apply online will almost never get you a call back. They want people to call the ma week later after they've applied and then they tell them that they should come in for an interview. I have a couple of a friends who have applied at one place and only one of my friends got the job. He called them.


Dec 16 2010, 2:00 am payne Post #72


Four hundred bucks a month is beyond doable at part time.
I'm working at most 13 hours per week with minimum wage and I can get 400$ per month. >_>
I turn 18 on the 26th of December.
lol that sucks.

Anyways, the point when trying to get a job, is to look interested. The work you annoy the boss of the place, the more he'll remember about you. He really doesn't give a fuck about reading 100 CVs... Motivated people > Competent people when looking for small jobs.


Dec 16 2010, 2:05 am MadZombie Post #73

Part time doesn't guarantee hours. I have a friend who works minimum wage and even though his schedule changes he only gets about 10 hours at minimum wage. I think his first check was for 70 dollars. I was like "wat?". But thats perfect for him since he's in college and he doesn't even need money.


Dec 16 2010, 3:03 am Alzarath Post #74


Quote from MadZombie
Fuck Artanis.

Lol, we were talking about me?


Dec 16 2010, 3:18 am Jack Post #75

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from MadZombie
lot harder than you think to get a job
Why exactly? I need straight answers.

paying minimum wage
I don't care how bad the job is nor how low I get payed as long as I get enough hours to make the 500 a month at least.

can afford education on top of that, then do it as long as possible, especially if the education is free.
Afford education? Wut? I'm not sure I understand? Where does price come in for a high school education? I'm not in college yet.
Why? Economic recession, excess competition of people with phd's and stuff trying to get jobs at mcd's (form what I've heard, and over in NZ too).

I assumed you meant post-high school education, if you mean working while at school that's fine.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Dec 16 2010, 4:27 am rayNimagi Post #76

Quote from MadZombie
But thats perfect for him since he's in college and he doesn't even need money.

College students don't need money? :wtfage: Even the cost of a state university is ~8k/yr for tuition alone.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Dec 16 2010, 4:37 am Centreri Post #77

Relatively ancient and inactive

Quote from rayNimagi
College students don't need money? Even the cost of a state university is ~8k/yr for tuition alone.
This is where I come in and laugh at everyone.

Not all college students do. Even if I couldn't laugh at everyone, my parents would pay for my college education, and so I wouldn't really need money. I'm sure it's the same for many others.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 16 2010, 4:45 am by Centreri.


Dec 16 2010, 4:48 am BeDazed Post #78

Oh Centreri. That is evil. No bragging about your juicy scholarship and free tuition, etc.
Not that I don't have one either..

Oh. edit edit.


Dec 16 2010, 4:50 am Vrael Post #79

Quote from Centreri
Quote from rayNimagi
College students don't need money? Even the cost of a state university is ~8k/yr for tuition alone.
This is where I come in and laugh at everyone.

Not all college students do. Even if I couldn't laugh at everyone, my parents would pay for my college education, and so I wouldn't really need money. I'm sure it's the same for many others.
No one likes being taunted because they're poor. Don't be an ass.


Dec 16 2010, 5:04 am Centreri Post #80

Relatively ancient and inactive

I'm not laughing at those poor. I'm commenting about those unable to perform well academically. Most universities, including the ivies, have a graduated scholarship system. Many of the top universities, like Harvard, allow people in families making less than $60k in for free. It's called a full-tuition scholarship. If you make more, you can usually receieve a generous amount in financial aid anyway. Colleges like mine give full-tuition scholarships even without being near the poverty line.

Please don't make comments like that again, Vrael. You've made a simple brag of mine seem like elitist disdain for everyone else. And you were wrong while doing it...

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Dec 16 2010, 5:29 am by Centreri.


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