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50 Signs you are a shitty artist
Oct 14 2010, 11:45 pm
By: Aristocrat  

Oct 14 2010, 11:45 pm Aristocrat Post #1

I must say, I've been guilty of quite a few of these recently. D:

1. They never admit their lack of drawing skills. They insist that it's their drawing style.

2. They always make excuses for the shitty quality of their works. "I'm still practicing" or "I'm working on it" are the most common? excuses.

3. They draw shitty characters with a mouse and tell people that they don't have a tablet.

4. They always draw heads and face.

5. Their characters always face the same

6. The proportion is awful.

7. Every character looks the same.

8. They draw same faces with different hairs.

9. Their characters' angle and direction are very odd.

10. They don't give a shit about the basic drawing.

11. Others only care about the basic drawing.

12. They have no idea what a layer is. (Photoshop)

13. They always draw one character. (no more? than two characters in a single canvas)

14. They always draw characters in same angle.

15. Every character has same facial expression.

16. Static and passive pose. They can't draw characters in dynamic pose.

17.? They never draw feet.

18. They can't draw figures from high or low angles.

19. Some of them don't even know the definition of high and low angle drawing.

20. A shitty figure drawing in dynamic pose can be turned into a 4th Dimensional abstract.

21. Same character looks totally different when it is drawn in different angle or direction.

22. They can't even draw anything other than characters or draw everything but characters.

23. They always draw cute characters.

24. They don't know how to draw old people.

25. They don't know how to draw hands

26. Their characters' hands are always hidden behind. (because they don't want to draw hands)

27. The idea sketch is professional but the actual quality is shitty.

28. They try to cover up? one of the eyes with hair so that they can draw only one eye.

29. Their works are always asymmetrical.

30. Line art = Finished piece

31. Rough sketch = Finished piece

32. They have no anatomical knowledge.

33. They only draw eyes.

34. The? size of the character's eyes and boobs are ridiculously huge.

35. They love boobs but they don't know how to draw boobs properly, so they only love boobs.

36. Their works are free from all logic. Awkward anatomy and proportion.

37. They lose confidence when other people's works look great.

38. They think they are genius when they come up with satisfied quality.

39. They collect other people's works as practice references but they actually collect them as a collection.

40. They are not patient enough to practice.

41. They think tablet is the magic wand that makes them draw like Bob Ross.

42. They regain confidence when other people's works look shitter than theirs.

43. They are more? than willing to draw but they lose the spirit so easily.

44. They completely lose the confidence when they see the works of true genius.

45. They draw once a month or even once a year.

46. They get mad when their favorite artists are being lazy.

47. When they draw Hentai art, they end up drawing grotesque horror pictures because their proportion is so fucking awful.

48. They don't even have a faith in themselves.

49. The word 'slump' is? their most common excuse for being lazy.

50. They realized their problems and know where to fix but they never do.


Oct 15 2010, 12:03 am MadZombie Post #2

I already know I'm a bad artist. :sly:


Oct 15 2010, 12:17 am LoTu)S Post #3

Im bad at drawing and decent at photoshop :rolleyes: 90% of these apply to me.


Oct 15 2010, 3:19 am poison_us Post #4

Back* from the grave

That's because about 89% of these are rehashes of earlier stated signs.

Oct 15 2010, 3:40 am Echo Post #5

I'm not an artist.

I'm an architect. :cool:


Oct 15 2010, 5:07 am CecilSunkure Post #6

I stopped reading at like 25. Most of these points are all based on that people who are terrible artists often draw symbols of subjects, instead of actual subjects. For example:


The above picture can be used by someone as the symbol for an "eye", and when this someone tries to draw a person as they see them, they may just revert back to their memory of what the "eye" symbol looks like, and then draw that. This type of drawing arises early on in people's lives, around elementary and kindergarten ages, and many people don't ever break of this basic drawing skill level.


Oct 15 2010, 6:04 pm rockz Post #7

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

I'm not an artist.

I'm an engineer.

My CAD drawings are gorgeous.

Though I do sing, so I suppose that's an art form.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Oct 15 2010, 6:21 pm Aristocrat Post #8

Quote from CecilSunkure
Most of these points are all based on that people who are terrible artists often draw symbols of subjects, instead of actual subjects. This type of drawing arises early on in people's lives, around elementary and kindergarten ages, and many people don't ever break of this basic drawing skill level.


I couldn't agree more. This seems to be a plague of sorts that people just can't break free from even if they are aware that they suffer from it. I can imagine something, but I still think in terms of symbols rather than the actual subject. These are the primary flaws I have:

Collapsable Box

I don't really finish that many of my pieces. Maybe about 3 in 10 sketches get inked (mostly partially), 1 in 5 inked images get colored, and about half of that actually posted somewhere. The rest just sit in my drawers or HD and rot because I suck at art :massimo:. I have to disagree with the claim that tablets aren't necessary for good quality art though: a tablet will save you an immense amount of time; its usage generally leads to higher-quality final work as well.


Oct 15 2010, 11:44 pm TiKels Post #9

You should specify what type of "artist" you mean. Also, hands (actual hands, not anime or non-real representations) are one of the hardest things to draw accurately. They have immense amounts of detail.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Oct 16 2010, 3:58 am Apos Post #10

I order you to forgive yourself!

I'm an artist in my very own way. :-_-:

Oct 16 2010, 11:33 am FlashBeer Post #11

2. They always make excuses for the shitty quality of their works. "I'm still practicing" or "I'm working on it" are the most common? excuses.
How is saying that you are still practicing an excuse? You've just admitted that you need practice.

12. They have no idea what a layer is. (Photoshop) So you have to know about Photoshop to be a good artist?

(they always draw...)
4. They always draw heads and face.
5. Their characters always face the same
7. Every character looks the same.
8. They draw same faces with different hairs.
13. They always draw one character. (no more? than two characters in a single canvas)
14. They always draw characters in same angle.
15. Every character has same facial expression.
23. They always draw cute characters.
33. They only draw eyes.

(they never draw)
17.? They never draw feet.
24. They don't know how to draw old people.
25. They don't know how to draw hands
26. Their characters' hands are always hidden behind. (because they don't want to draw hands)
28. They try to cover up? one of the eyes with hair so that they can draw only one eye.

(bad angle)
9. Their characters' angle and direction are very odd.
18. They can't draw figures from high or low angles.
19. Some of them don't even know the definition of high and low angle drawing.
21. Same character looks totally different when it is drawn in different angle or direction.
16. Static and passive pose. They can't draw characters in dynamic pose.
20. A shitty figure drawing in dynamic pose can be turned into a 4th Dimensional abstract.

(bad proportion)
6. The proportion is awful.
34. The? size of the character's eyes and boobs are ridiculously huge.
35. They love boobs but they don't know how to draw boobs properly, so they only love boobs.
36. Their works are free from all logic. Awkward anatomy and proportion.
47. When they draw Hentai art, they end up drawing grotesque horror pictures because their proportion is so fucking awful.
29. Their works are always asymmetrical.

Most of the questions are just the same category. Based on the same rules, I could make "a million signs you are a shitty artist" (you can't draw an apple, you can't draw an orange, you can't draw a refrigerator... you can't draw a thing, you can't draw anything, you can't draw something). I think the person that made this list is just so full of himself/herself and venting (I don't like crappy artist, I really don't like crappy artist, I really really really don't like crappy artists, hence the repetition)


Oct 16 2010, 1:53 pm Aristocrat Post #12

Quote from TiKels
You should specify what type of "artist" you mean. Also, hands (actual hands, not anime or non-real representations) are one of the hardest things to draw accurately. They have immense amounts of detail.
Anime/modern eastern style art. Actual anything on the human body is incredibly frustrating to draw, of course, but it's also a common thing for new artists to forgo drawing anime hands because they have no idea how to shape them (due to lack of anatomical knowledge).

Quote from FlashBeer
2. They always make excuses for the shitty quality of their works. "I'm still practicing" or "I'm working on it" are the most common? excuses.
How is saying that you are still practicing an excuse? You've just admitted that you need practice.
This is directed towards people who are perpetually in the "practicing" stage: people who do not improve at all for months or maybe years, and continue to churn out half-assed works. "I'm working on it" is usually not followed up at all; "I'm still practicing" typically means "I'm too lazy to actually practice so I'll just push out low-quality work and tell everyone I'm still practicing."

Quote from FlashBeer
12. They have no idea what a layer is. (Photoshop) So you have to know about Photoshop to be a good artist?
This is more saying "Someone uses photoshop for art yet has no idea how to use layers properly, and draws clearly different things on the same one." It's generally accepted that most pixiv artists use Photoshop to an extent and it's fairly common to notice people who fail to realize that extra layers can be used liberally; they would add highlights/etc. on the same layer as the subject, and when they realize the lighting is wrong, they can't change it because it's in the same layer. It's a genuine criticism of poor practice.

Quote from FlashBeer
Most of the questions are just the same category. Based on the same rules, I could make "a million signs you are a shitty artist" (you can't draw an apple, you can't draw an orange, you can't draw a refrigerator... you can't draw a thing, you can't draw anything, you can't draw something). I think the person that made this list is just so full of himself/herself and venting (I don't like crappy artist, I really don't like crappy artist, I really really really don't like crappy artists, hence the repetition)
I love how most of the replies to this thread involve bashing the list rather than reflecting on why those things in the list exist. Just because some things can be grouped into the same category as another doesn't mean it's unnecessary and repetitive. If you just say "You are a bad artist because you don't draw some certain things", that's poor communication; specific examples are much more effective because specificity grabs attention. News organizations don't report "Terrorist organization kills people"; they report "Al-Qaeda responsible for heinous attack on WTC". Which headline would you rather see?

Keep in mind that this video wasn't made so that you can go look at other people's works and say "LOL UR A BAD ARTIST FAIL". It was designed to give the artists among viewers a chance to reflect on their own inadequacies. Perhaps all this bashing comes from sour grapes?



Oct 16 2010, 7:48 pm FlashBeer Post #13

Quote from Aristocrat
I love how most of the replies to this thread involve bashing the list rather than reflecting on why those things in the list exist. Just because some things can be grouped into the same category as another doesn't mean it's unnecessary and repetitive. If you just say "You are a bad artist because you don't draw some certain things", that's poor communication; specific examples are much more effective because specificity grabs attention. News organizations don't report "Terrorist organization kills people"; they report "Al-Qaeda responsible for heinous attack on WTC". Which headline would you rather see?
This list could have been easily condensed to 10 reasons, then they could just briefly give examples of each.

Quote from Aristocrat
Keep in mind that this video wasn't made so that you can go look at other people's works and say "LOL UR A BAD ARTIST FAIL". It was designed to give the artists among viewers a chance to reflect on their own inadequacies. Perhaps all this bashing comes from sour grapes?
Just looking at the choice of words, gives off a negative impression of the video. The person commonly uses "shitty", as opposed to less harsh and more constructive words (We already know that one who draws shitty, will probably be a shitty artist). To me, it comes off as "For those of you that are shitty artists, LOL UR A BAD ARTIST FAIL"

According to the list, the only reason I would be a shitty artist, is because I have a tendency to make my character's faces look the same. I never said I'm awesome, but I'll let you decide if I'm at least decent.


Oct 16 2010, 8:20 pm RIVE Post #14

Just Here For The Pie

4. They always draw heads and face.
- I start there...

5. Their characters always face the same
- Mostly guilty.

17.? They never draw feet.
- I have drawn bare feet a few times long ago, but I do draw characters in shoes.

21. Same character looks totally different when it is drawn in different angle or direction.
- This happened to me with only one character.

37. They lose confidence when other people's works look great.
- For me, it is more of a, "How the hell did they do that?" sort of deal.

45. They draw once a month or even once a year.
- I went an entire year in high school not drawing a damn thing.

48. They don't even have a faith in themselves.
- I have been drawing since I can remember. It will get me nowhere.


Oct 16 2010, 8:21 pm CecilSunkure Post #15

Oh flash, that art is really interesting. I can tell you don't practice anything like still lives very often as you are akin to the symbol-ish system I mentioned earlier. You do understand some really basic light logic, but, if you want to improve in your artistic ability you really should just get a pad and pencil and sketch from things you see from life. You also have some quirky proportions in your figures, which just means you have a lack of knowledge when it comes to the human body.


Oct 16 2010, 9:47 pm FlashBeer Post #16

Quote from CecilSunkure
Oh flash, that art is really interesting. I can tell you don't practice anything like still lives very often as you are akin to the symbol-ish system I mentioned earlier. You do understand some really basic light logic, but, if you want to improve in your artistic ability you really should just get a pad and pencil and sketch from things you see from life. You also have some quirky proportions in your figures, which just means you have a lack of knowledge when it comes to the human body.

The funny thing is, is that I draw (or at least used to) real life renditions better than anime. I don't usually draw still life, but I do observe it a lot, such as how I would draw it. Some proportions (such as face and skinny limbs) are meant to be that way, but I'm trying to improve in other areas- I usually make the hands too small.


Oct 17 2010, 6:53 am Phobos Post #17

Are you sure about that?

51. They think art only relates to anime.

this is signature

Oct 17 2010, 7:01 am MillenniumArmy Post #18

Quote from Echo
I'm not an artist.

I'm an architect. :cool:
which is equally as fail

Quote from rockz
I'm not an artist.

I'm an engineer.

My CAD drawings are gorgeous.
The science behind engineering designs is in itself an art


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