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Temple Siege M8e
Oct 27 2009, 4:30 am
By: Moose
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Jun 10 2010, 10:57 am ThedarKOne Post #821

Quote from Fashioned
Quote from
Not many heros have the dps required in early game to win against the sin at the beginning of the game with this much hp...

If the sin dodged spawns right, it is entirely possible for it to enter and l1 from mid for an eternity stall in the early gateway scramble.
In 3.4 Assassin had the potential to stall mid forever in most situations. In M9 he is now absolutely useless in the opening.

Unless of course he somehow manages to stall until that first night, and get L2... which is unlikely.


Jun 10 2010, 11:32 am Post #822

Quote from Fashioned
Quote from
Not many heros have the dps required in early game to win against the sin at the beginning of the game with this much hp...

If the sin dodged spawns right, it is entirely possible for it to enter and l1 from mid for an eternity stall in the early gateway scramble.
In 3.4 Assassin had the potential to stall mid forever in most situations. In M9 he is now absolutely useless in the opening.

With enough practice, it is possible to still do that even in M8. Practice practice practice!

Sin, although not a very fast hero, actually outruns half the heros in the game, and the other half runs from its blade in mid/late games. Some heros are built for early games, some late games. It's just the way you handle them.


Jun 10 2010, 11:33 am Fashioned Post #823

Quote from
Quote from Fashioned
Quote from
Not many heros have the dps required in early game to win against the sin at the beginning of the game with this much hp...

If the sin dodged spawns right, it is entirely possible for it to enter and l1 from mid for an eternity stall in the early gateway scramble.
In 3.4 Assassin had the potential to stall mid forever in most situations. In M9 he is now absolutely useless in the opening.

With enough practice, it is possible to still do that even in M8. Practice practice practice!

Sin, although not a very fast hero, actually outruns half the heros in the game, and the other half runs from its blade in mid/late games. Some heros are built for early games, some late games. It's just the way you handle them.
I'm not arguing with pubs. I'm TELLING you how it all works out against decent players.


Jun 10 2010, 3:22 pm Changeling Post #824

Quote from Fashioned
Quote from
Quote from Fashioned
Quote from
Not many heros have the dps required in early game to win against the sin at the beginning of the game with this much hp...

If the sin dodged spawns right, it is entirely possible for it to enter and l1 from mid for an eternity stall in the early gateway scramble.
In 3.4 Assassin had the potential to stall mid forever in most situations. In M9 he is now absolutely useless in the opening.

With enough practice, it is possible to still do that even in M8. Practice practice practice!

Sin, although not a very fast hero, actually outruns half the heros in the game, and the other half runs from its blade in mid/late games. Some heros are built for early games, some late games. It's just the way you handle them.
I'm not arguing with pubs. I'm TELLING you how it all works out against decent players.
there is nothing one player can do keep an assassin from stalling unless your a dm


Jun 10 2010, 6:12 pm ClansAreForGays Post #825

Quote from Changeling
Quote from Fashioned
Quote from
Quote from Fashioned
Quote from
Not many heros have the dps required in early game to win against the sin at the beginning of the game with this much hp...

If the sin dodged spawns right, it is entirely possible for it to enter and l1 from mid for an eternity stall in the early gateway scramble.
In 3.4 Assassin had the potential to stall mid forever in most situations. In M9 he is now absolutely useless in the opening.

With enough practice, it is possible to still do that even in M8. Practice practice practice!

Sin, although not a very fast hero, actually outruns half the heros in the game, and the other half runs from its blade in mid/late games. Some heros are built for early games, some late games. It's just the way you handle them.
I'm not arguing with pubs. I'm TELLING you how it all works out against decent players.
there is nothing one player can do keep an assassin from stalling unless your a dm

Also, just a crazy idea I won't be doing out of fear of backlash, but would it really be so wrong to give sin 50 base damage? Or how about 45, so that it just needs to kill a wave to get its 1hit up requirement.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 10 2010, 6:57 pm by ClansAreForGays.

Jun 10 2010, 7:30 pm Jack Post #826

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Extra minerals given for randoming REALLY needs to be removed.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jun 10 2010, 8:08 pm ClansAreForGays Post #827

Don't tell me you're losing to people because they are getting 10 minerals in the start of the match, and aren't even counter-picking.

Jun 10 2010, 9:30 pm Decency Post #828

No, the problem is that it encourages people to random rather than using their brains to pick a good team.

Soccer game probably not getting rained out tonight. =( Save reps!


Jun 10 2010, 9:38 pm DoLLe Post #829

The Sin will never stall mid anymore, period, what don't people understand about this. It's not about practice, practice has nothing to do with facts. Sin cannot cap/stall mid forever since m8, making him useless in the cap race. No noob zone is in effect ok?

Would Really Like to thank Jambi for his efforts on catching hackers, I think he deserves everyone personal thanks in his efforts. Throw him a whisper.

I will further compile the list of hackers with this. (Some of those were a no brainer, however didnt think X_Rated hacked. R3flect was a total no-brainer)

Speaking of hackers here are some more that you should watch out for:

2010-06-10 15:46:38 - Scanning 1286 replays done in 3 min 48 sec 972 ms
Found 59 hacker replays.
Skipped 0 replays.
The following players were found hacking: 1o1, apopo, azn]boy[, betterthangod, biazing_taco, bloodycreed[ls], chaoyd (x2), chittychittybi, cowman2333, d0mu, dark_templar (x2), darktassadar, darthrune, dem, dr.doomonyou, eatmydust, emp3r0r, eternal_hellx, fh-chezncracker, fh-mr.rabbit, fountain, fourty6ix, irteleet, jman117, killing, kirillius, l-d, lostheaven (x2), m0rt3r0, manga-anime, meneldil (x2), min[kok] (x2), mintz, n00bfest (x4), noob_killer_2.0 (x2), pleasegoeasy, ppa, rawrcupcake, shattered_dream, shaza07, spooonz, stuuusy, swet[o]tews, templesiege, thelostazn, therager, thewhiteguy, verbal, wakeup02.heat, waldoiii, zenolife001, zexalpha9.
2010-06-10 15:46:38 - A detailed HTML summary report has been saved to file '/home/owner/Desktop/BWHFAgent/HTML Reports/Manual scan report 2010-06-10 15-46-38.html'.

^^^Courtesy of BWHF. Replays made available by Maxx.^^^

*NOTE: This was scanned off of over 1.2k of TS reps, everyone listed here was using multi-select/auto-que. Bottom line, if you are using MS/AQ 99.9% you are using oblivion or some variation of a HACK with comes with multiple features. The 1.2k reps came from maxx, the scanning was done by my BWHF.

Proof of people I have drophacking/admitting drophacks:

Wall of Shame (Map Hackers w/ my personal notes):
Leviathan. <--Hacker account
Cheko. <-- Never was really good in the first place. Just kind of there.
Mechintosh <--Trash. Obvious. So bad it doesnt matter. Don't even play with him.
Stranger <-- Hacker account
Refl3ct <-- Pretty bad so it really didnt matter. However always had suspicious behavior.
PlayWithHonor <--Trash. Obvious. Admitted. Will spoof,troll and drop games.
GoSu66 <-- Suspicious behaviour always figured. Never was sure. thanks for confirmation.
Recon <--- He was so bad it didn't matter.
Tekai12 <-- Hacker account
vergolino <-- So bad it didnt matter. Rushes rine every game. Avoid.
SVnarutoVS <--Sucked anyways.
**The-Chinnnk <-- Trash. Drops. Hacks. Trolls. Spoof. Will drop if you win, just avoid.

**Sidenote/Edit: Everyone who knows someone in TS knows the The-Chinnnk Hacks, should be a no brainer.

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jun 10 2010, 10:21 pm by DoLLe.


Jun 10 2010, 10:36 pm Fashioned Post #830

Found 23 hacker replays.
Skipped 0 replays.
The following players were found hacking: 000snider000, 1o1, charizardftw, cheezncrackers, dark_templar, darktassadar, dr.doomonyou, farsight727, forthewin, irteleet, killing (x2), m0rt3r0, mintz, noob_killer_2.0, reaper, saenuri, stuuusy, t80, templesiegejack, thunder]es[, vatiel (x2), zenolife001, zexalpha9.
2010-06-11 08:27:10 - A detailed HTML summary report has been saved to file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Full\Desktop\BWHFAgent\HTML Reports\Manual scan report 2010-06-11 08-27-10.html'.

Too bad the program is made for melee and only checks for the type of hacks that aren't even used in Temple Siege i.e You have to REALLY fuck up to get caught by this thing.


Jun 10 2010, 10:54 pm Jack Post #831

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from name:FaZ-
No, the problem is that it encourages people to random rather than using their brains to pick a good team.

Soccer game probably not getting rained out tonight. =( Save reps!
@CAFG this. It's gone back to everyone randoming for minerals. I don't usually lose because of it, but when people on your team random even when you scream at them not to because the other team is picking counters, it's gayyyy.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 11 2010, 6:03 pm by Mini Moose 2707. Reason: Off-topic

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jun 11 2010, 11:41 am ThedarKOne Post #832

The minerals given for random is great, as it gives people a reason to random.

I'm loving this list of hackers, many people who I suspected of hacking are indeed hackers.

Quote from Jack
Quote from name:FaZ-
No, the problem is that it encourages people to random rather than using their brains to pick a good team.

Soccer game probably not getting rained out tonight. =( Save reps!
@CAFG this. It's gone back to everyone randoming for minerals. I don't usually lose because of it, but when people on your team random even when you scream at them not to because the other team is picking counters, it's gayyyy.

BTW maxx is DoLLe if anyone hasn't figured it out yet.

Then play with better people, or wait to pick your unit and then pick one that counters the counterers. No brainer?

Also, counters really mean nothing unless your team plays like idiots. I've won many games that my whole team was countered, just because we didn't die trying to stall the gates and then just trained up and eventually raped them.


Jun 11 2010, 4:59 pm DoLLe Post #833

Everytime in a public game everyone cries random, they always end up being REALLY REALLY bad. They scream "RANDOM IS PRO OMG STOP COUNTERING NOOB!" They usually end up dying before the first night then when you ask "Wow, I thought random is for pro's?", their usual response is "STFU THIS IS MY 4TH TIME HYDRA JUST A GAME NOOB!".

Bottom line: Randoming is not for pro's stop feeding the noobs minerals for ruining games by going random and then dying the first night, ok?

Counters mean everything, thats why you need to build a solid team.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 11 2010, 6:03 pm by Mini Moose 2707. Reason: This is why you were banned (or not banned) the first five times


Jun 11 2010, 5:11 pm Azrael Post #834

CharizardFTW says, "I leave my hacks on by accident because I play a lot of RPs and need them to help me stack."


By the way, I got drophacked from TS for the first time yesterday. Must mean I'm getting better D= The guy had "billy" in his name.

Jun 11 2010, 7:01 pm Changeling Post #835

At least we all agree that mins for random is bad.


Jun 11 2010, 7:21 pm Jack Post #836

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from ThedarKOne
The minerals given for random is great, as it gives people a reason to random.

I'm loving this list of hackers, many people who I suspected of hacking are indeed hackers.

Quote from Jack
Quote from name:FaZ-
No, the problem is that it encourages people to random rather than using their brains to pick a good team.

Soccer game probably not getting rained out tonight. =( Save reps!
@CAFG this. It's gone back to everyone randoming for minerals. I don't usually lose because of it, but when people on your team random even when you scream at them not to because the other team is picking counters, it's gayyyy.

BTW maxx is DoLLe if anyone hasn't figured it out yet.

Then play with better people, or wait to pick your unit and then pick one that counters the counterers. No brainer?

Also, counters really mean nothing unless your team plays like idiots. I've won many games that my whole team was countered, just because we didn't die trying to stall the gates and then just trained up and eventually raped them.
We don't want to give people a reason to random.

In a pro v pro game, if one team randoms and the other chooses counters, the team that chose will win. Sure, you might be able to win a pubstomp if you random and they don't, but not a proper game.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jun 11 2010, 7:24 pm LoTu)S Post #837

Quote from Jack
Quote from ThedarKOne
The minerals given for random is great, as it gives people a reason to random.

I'm loving this list of hackers, many people who I suspected of hacking are indeed hackers.

Quote from Jack
Quote from name:FaZ-
No, the problem is that it encourages people to random rather than using their brains to pick a good team.

Soccer game probably not getting rained out tonight. =( Save reps!
@CAFG this. It's gone back to everyone randoming for minerals. I don't usually lose because of it, but when people on your team random even when you scream at them not to because the other team is picking counters, it's gayyyy.

BTW maxx is DoLLe if anyone hasn't figured it out yet.

Then play with better people, or wait to pick your unit and then pick one that counters the counterers. No brainer?

Also, counters really mean nothing unless your team plays like idiots. I've won many games that my whole team was countered, just because we didn't die trying to stall the gates and then just trained up and eventually raped them.
We don't want to give people a reason to random.

In a pro v pro game, if one team randoms and the other chooses counters, the team that chose will win. Sure, you might be able to win a pubstomp if you random and they don't, but not a proper game.

If thats the case having no vision of the other team's choices could prevent this?


Jun 11 2010, 7:36 pm Jack Post #838

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from LoTu)S
Quote from Jack
Quote from ThedarKOne
The minerals given for random is great, as it gives people a reason to random.

I'm loving this list of hackers, many people who I suspected of hacking are indeed hackers.

Quote from Jack
Quote from name:FaZ-
No, the problem is that it encourages people to random rather than using their brains to pick a good team.

Soccer game probably not getting rained out tonight. =( Save reps!
@CAFG this. It's gone back to everyone randoming for minerals. I don't usually lose because of it, but when people on your team random even when you scream at them not to because the other team is picking counters, it's gayyyy.

BTW maxx is DoLLe if anyone hasn't figured it out yet.

Then play with better people, or wait to pick your unit and then pick one that counters the counterers. No brainer?

Also, counters really mean nothing unless your team plays like idiots. I've won many games that my whole team was countered, just because we didn't die trying to stall the gates and then just trained up and eventually raped them.
We don't want to give people a reason to random.

In a pro v pro game, if one team randoms and the other chooses counters, the team that chose will win. Sure, you might be able to win a pubstomp if you random and they don't, but not a proper game.

If thats the case having no vision of the other team's choices could prevent this?
Then the outcome of the game would be pretty much random. Ideally picking would be 1 by 1, one team then the next. Red then purple then blue etc.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jun 11 2010, 8:14 pm Norm Post #839

Bonus minerals for random goes way back in terms of SC AoS. The reason is that it works well, the only reason it would be a negative thing to have is if it was poorly implemented.


Jun 11 2010, 8:19 pm Jack Post #840

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from Norm
Bonus minerals for random goes way back in terms of SC AoS. The reason is that it works well, the only reason it would be a negative thing to have is if it was poorly implemented.
It isn't poorly implimented, it just makes people random instead of choosing, which promotes a lower level of skill.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

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