Method that isn't working: To make this trigger happen at intervals i've attempted using Countdown timer and causing Countdown timer to reset when it reaches zero. Also, when it reaches 0 I have the units spawn.
Everything is working except this trigger below... (actually this trigger represents about 26 triggers that are all supposed to fire when the countdown timer reaches 0)
Trigger("Player 1"){
Bring("Player 1", "Flag", "CA 10 o'clock", At least, 1);
Countdown Timer(Exactly, 0);
Bring("Player 4", "Power Generator", "BP 10 o'clock", At least, 1);
Create Unit("Player 1", "Terran Marine", 10, "CA 10 o'clock");
Create Unit("Player 1", "Terran SCV", 1, "CA 10 o'clock");
Set Resources("Player 1", Add, 50, ore and gas);
Preserve Trigger();
Trigger("Player 1"){
Bring("Player 1", "Flag", "CA 10 o'clock Natural", At least, 1);
Countdown Timer(Exactly, 0);
Bring("Player 4", "Terran Academy", "BP 10 o'clock Natural", At least, 1);
Create Unit("Player 1", "Terran Medic", 2, "CA 10 o'clock Natural");
Set Resources("Player 1", Add, 50, ore and gas);
Preserve Trigger();
The trigger does not consistently fire, as far as I can tell (and i've been paying close attention) all the conditions are met but it fires only sometimes. For instance, all the conditions are met and the countdown timer reaches 0, marines are produced! Yippe! only when the countdown timer reaches 0 a second time nothing happens.
The Second Example, that spawns medics will sometimes NOT fire when the countdown timer reaches 0 the first time. But then it will fire when the countdown timer reaches 0 from then on... its very very confusing...
The below is the countdown timer reset trigger.
Trigger("All players"){
Countdown Timer(Exactly, 0);
Bring("Player 4", "Protoss Zealot", "A The Start Zone", At least, 1);
Comment("TIMER RESET");
Set Countdown Timer(Set To, 30);
Preserve Trigger();
I don't understand whats wrong with these triggers, i've been at it for many long hour over several days.
Tell me if you want anything clarified. Oh and if there is just an easier way to achieve my 'goal' as stated above without messing with these problematic triggers let me now