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Hero Sanctuary v1.10
Sep 26 2009, 8:33 pm
By: Norm
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Feb 28 2010, 9:14 pm Norm Post #741

Here, I dunno if anyone wants this, but I put it here anyway...

Hero Sanctuary [1.05].scx
Hits: 10 Size: 415.82kb


Feb 28 2010, 9:56 pm fat_flying_pigs Post #742

Quote from Norm
Here, I dunno if anyone wants this, but I put it here anyway...
It's about time...

When playing CoM you run the risk of some strange things happening. This is unavoidable because CoM at this stage of the game has been deemed 'too fucked up to bother fixing'.
I lol'd :lol:


Feb 28 2010, 10:04 pm Norm Post #743

Just played my first game on 1.05

It feels sexy. I got 4 kills as serpent, so I was pretty happy about that.

Also, thanks reload.


Mar 1 2010, 3:22 am Lt.Church Post #744

how does ninja send an ally AI back to base again? i havent played ninja much so im not knowledgeable on stuff


Mar 1 2010, 3:27 am Xero Post #745

Ninja can stand next to his allies and poof back to base. Any allies next to him will tele to where the obs is including the ninja. Teleporting your whole team to the front lines and back can prove to be very useful.


Mar 1 2010, 5:03 am -BW-Map_God Post #746

Wouldn't they have to teleport you to a mineral patch to save you if your the A.I. and get stuck somewhere? So that you could gather more fuel and all. Not sure I follow how getting you back to base would help. But then I've only played twice as the A.I.

Too bad about the CoM errors, I guess it's just a risk I'll have to take with selecting random everytime, CoM has come up about 15% of the time so far selecting random (for me).

Glad to see 1.05 is out even if we don't get to hear about what changed :P.


Mar 1 2010, 7:21 pm gentlemEn. Post #747

Is my origin up in 1.05? xD
Anyway.. what all is new in 1.05?

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
use a splash unit, or the CW, or storm. It gets a ton of exp, and will reduce the lag.

At the time I was in the game, I had been Samurai for a while and a Necro/MM team had destroyed my base defenses and left me with no spawn to help me. The NE team was spawning wayyyy too much for me to tear through all the spawned ghosts, so I ended up losing.


Mar 1 2010, 11:31 pm Xero Post #748

Quote from -BW-Map_God
Wouldn't they have to teleport you to a mineral patch to save you if your the A.I. and get stuck somewhere? So that you could gather more fuel and all. Not sure I follow how getting you back to base would help. But then I've only played twice as the A.I.

AI can refuel at base.


Mar 2 2010, 1:28 am Norm Post #749

Quote from Xero
Quote from -BW-Map_God
Wouldn't they have to teleport you to a mineral patch to save you if your the A.I. and get stuck somewhere? So that you could gather more fuel and all. Not sure I follow how getting you back to base would help. But then I've only played twice as the A.I.

AI can refuel at base.

Truth. Also, if AI has no gas, it can't extract gas from mineral patch because it costs 1gas to do so.

Sorry for not providing much of a changelog guys. All I can say is that it's a tad more balanced now, and the map size has been decreased by 3kbs. (Weeded out about 70-75 unneeded triggers)

I didn't include any additional back stories into 1.05 because there are like 4? that i haven't gotten around to editing / including yet. I guess that means that I owe you guys a 1.06.



Mar 2 2010, 2:27 pm -BW-Map_God Post #750

Whoa.. never noticed the A.I. could refuel at base, that would have been a lot easier than my long trip around the map to it's resource spots to refuel. Will definitely keep that in mind next time I randomly get AI :bleh:.


Mar 12 2010, 6:58 pm Liberty-Prime Post #751

Samurai seriously needs to be nerfed...


Mar 12 2010, 10:36 pm Norm Post #752

Quote from Liberty-Prime
Samurai seriously needs to be nerfed...

Again? He was nerfed once already from 1.04 --> 1.05


Mar 13 2010, 5:22 am fat_flying_pigs Post #753

Quote from Norm
Quote from Liberty-Prime
Samurai seriously needs to be nerfed...

Again? He was nerfed once already from 1.04 --> 1.05
liberty-prime has 1 activity. My guess is that he's just some pub/nub that played the game a couple times, and has no idea how to counter the sam, or possibly how to farm effectively.


Mar 14 2010, 9:35 pm gentlemEn. Post #754

actually me & libby play this all the time on west and the samurai is p. op'd if you know how to use him @ beginning.


Mar 15 2010, 9:10 am fat_flying_pigs Post #755

Quote from gentlemEn.
actually me & libby play this all the time on west and the samurai is p. op'd if you know how to use him @ beginning.
oh? Then please elaborate. Exactly what does the sammy do to be so op, any what did the other heroes do/not do to allow this to take place.

edit: are you playing version 1.5? The sam was nerfed a lil bit.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 15 2010, 5:32 pm by fat_flying_pigs.


Mar 15 2010, 3:28 pm stickynote Post #756

None of these heroes are particularly overpowered. All have effective counters. If he was OP, then blame yourself for letting him get so strong.


Mar 17 2010, 1:01 am Liberty-Prime Post #757

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Quote from gentlemEn.
actually me & libby play this all the time on west and the samurai is p. op'd if you know how to use him @ beginning.
oh? Then please elaborate. Exactly what does the sammy do to be so op, any what did the other heroes do/not do to allow this to take place.

edit: are you playing version 1.5? The sam was nerfed a lil bit.

He has the highest health, upgrades by 6s and long stun times. The green aura allow him to keep pumping out mana at a high rate which allows him to constantly use stunning spells and because of the gold arua he gets increased mineral gain so he normally has more upgrades than you so he can do insanely high damage at a fast rate while you're stunned, because of the health and higher upgrades he can take anything you can dish out. He is definitely Over Powered. And yes I am playing 1.05

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 17 2010, 1:19 am by Liberty-Prime.


Mar 17 2010, 3:40 am fat_flying_pigs Post #758

Quote from Liberty-Prime
Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Quote from gentlemEn.
actually me & libby play this all the time on west and the samurai is p. op'd if you know how to use him @ beginning.
oh? Then please elaborate. Exactly what does the sammy do to be so op, any what did the other heroes do/not do to allow this to take place.

edit: are you playing version 1.5? The sam was nerfed a lil bit.

He has the highest health, upgrades by 6s and long stun times. The green aura allow him to keep pumping out mana at a high rate which allows him to constantly use stunning spells and because of the gold arua he gets increased mineral gain so he normally has more upgrades than you so he can do insanely high damage at a fast rate while you're stunned, because of the health and higher upgrades he can take anything you can dish out. He is definitely Over Powered. And yes I am playing 1.05
That's just listing his powers. That's not describing what happened that game. I could also say that the Illu has the strongest final that can kill a player anywhere on the map, although that is only true if he has a ton of ups and mana.

A pro Samurai won't be able to get a lot of hp and spells, shields, and weapons all at the same time. The Sam's main counters are the dt, rm, psycho, and alch (mid game with steel).


Mar 24 2010, 5:58 am Liberty-Prime Post #759

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Quote from Liberty-Prime
Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Quote from gentlemEn.
actually me & libby play this all the time on west and the samurai is p. op'd if you know how to use him @ beginning.
oh? Then please elaborate. Exactly what does the sammy do to be so op, any what did the other heroes do/not do to allow this to take place.

edit: are you playing version 1.5? The sam was nerfed a lil bit.

He has the highest health, upgrades by 6s and long stun times. The green aura allow him to keep pumping out mana at a high rate which allows him to constantly use stunning spells and because of the gold arua he gets increased mineral gain so he normally has more upgrades than you so he can do insanely high damage at a fast rate while you're stunned, because of the health and higher upgrades he can take anything you can dish out. He is definitely Over Powered. And yes I am playing 1.05
That's just listing his powers. That's not describing what happened that game. I could also say that the Illu has the strongest final that can kill a player anywhere on the map, although that is only true if he has a ton of ups and mana.

A pro Samurai won't be able to get a lot of hp and spells, shields, and weapons all at the same time. The Sam's main counters are the dt, rm, psycho, and alch (mid game with steel).

How the samurai counters your "counters"

Impulse/Counjered - Crying heavens
Mindlock/Wizardry Orb - Crying heavens
Anything else The Samurai can just tank.

Dropship - Crying Heavens
(Undead) Berserker - Easily Tanked
Mines are either tanked, avoided with Defensive Stance (Multiple Castings) or Killed with spells (spells, like black dragon, keep enemies away).

Alchemist (steel spells)
Shrapnel - Tanked or Avoided Defensive Stance (Multiple Castings)
Inferno - Defensive Stance (Multiple Castings)

Ninja is the only decent counter I've seen but countering with Ninja can only be done with multiple castings of Shadow Stitch, at night.


Mar 24 2010, 9:22 pm fat_flying_pigs Post #760

Quote from Liberty-Prime
Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Quote from Liberty-Prime
Quote from fat_flying_pigs
Quote from gentlemEn.
actually me & libby play this all the time on west and the samurai is p. op'd if you know how to use him @ beginning.
oh? Then please elaborate. Exactly what does the sammy do to be so op, any what did the other heroes do/not do to allow this to take place.

edit: are you playing version 1.5? The sam was nerfed a lil bit.

He has the highest health, upgrades by 6s and long stun times. The green aura allow him to keep pumping out mana at a high rate which allows him to constantly use stunning spells and because of the gold arua he gets increased mineral gain so he normally has more upgrades than you so he can do insanely high damage at a fast rate while you're stunned, because of the health and higher upgrades he can take anything you can dish out. He is definitely Over Powered. And yes I am playing 1.05
That's just listing his powers. That's not describing what happened that game. I could also say that the Illu has the strongest final that can kill a player anywhere on the map, although that is only true if he has a ton of ups and mana.

A pro Samurai won't be able to get a lot of hp and spells, shields, and weapons all at the same time. The Sam's main counters are the dt, rm, psycho, and alch (mid game with steel).

How the samurai counters your "counters"

Impulse/Counjered - Crying heavens
Mindlock/Wizardry Orb - Crying heavens
Anything else The Samurai can just tank.

Dropship - Crying Heavens
(Undead) Berserker - Easily Tanked
Mines are either tanked, avoided with Defensive Stance (Multiple Castings) or Killed with spells (spells, like black dragon, keep enemies away).

Alchemist (steel spells)
Shrapnel - Tanked or Avoided Defensive Stance (Multiple Castings)
Inferno - Defensive Stance (Multiple Castings)

Ninja is the only decent counter I've seen but countering with Ninja can only be done with multiple castings of Shadow Stitch, at night.
Impulse isn't a hero killing spell, but rather a base killer.
Mindlock is used as a trap or ambush. It's easy to sneak it in the zealot's escape path and rape him. The goons w/ range upgrade & ups will rape zealot if he is low on life.

The dropship has a distinct advantage against the sam, as archons have a small range. A skilled player will be able to out maneuver the zealot, and do much damage. In addition, attacking with spawn nullifies the effect of crying heaven, as the ds isn't automatically targeted.

The alch will ass rape the zealot night 1 to night 2. Alch has the fastest exp gain in the game, and w/ steel spells, does a ton of damage to small units like the zealot (even w/o spells). The bat can also manual attack, making offensive stance moot. Later in the game, the zealot does have an advantage over the alch. (assuming the alch didn't steal all his kills from splash).

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 24 2010, 9:34 pm by fat_flying_pigs.


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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