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A way indirect way to detect scanner sweep
Jan 14 2010, 4:39 am
By: GameLoader1337  

Jan 14 2010, 4:39 am GameLoader1337 Post #1

I've finally found a way to do it, and I need all the pros attention on the thread if they are interested... XD, please post back to me on your ideas of it.

Have you guys ever played WC3 Dota? and used the hero Invoker using the "sunstrike" spell? If you have then that's exactly what I can do with scanner sweep on SC, and if you don't know what "sunstrike" does, it's basically a global spell, it's like scanner sweeping at a location and in that AOE, enemy units would take damage.

Now you are all waiting for me to reveal the secret on how to do this...
This is my theory, have 2 spare computer players for this to be able to work.
Let Computer A be the "intake computer."
Let Computer B be the "trigger computer."
Have burrowed or cloaked units spread equally onto the 'arena' or battle field, make sure the computer is allied to all players and computers, and also give the hidden units 9999 life and 0 armor to avoid them dying on mistake by other people's spells, then have cloaked wraiths spread equally on the arena/battle field as well as the "trigger computer." Make sure the wraiths do at least 9999 damage to ground/air and is invincible, also use the hero wraith to avoid natural AI to disrupt you, ofc then you also make sure to keep all wraiths cloaked and full energy at all times. Make sure Computer B is also allied to all the players in the map along with other computers that are participating except for computer A. Make sure that Computer B has no vision of Computer A, and also make sure the player that is casting scanner sweep shares vision to Computer B. Now when you spread the hidden units across the map, make sure that no matter what, only 1 set of cloaked units can be revealed at once when scanned, so to speak spread the units far enough so you don't have doubles being revealed for glitches, and ofc you don't need to permanently keep those hidden units on the arena, maybe only when the person scans, we all know you can at least detect scanner with the "current player commands..." condition. Now the complete idea is to scan the specific location of the map, when a hidden unit is revealed to Computer B, it will fire at it, killing the unit then at that location is where the spell would be cast.

Of course this idea is limited to maps, unless you don't mind laying location over location across a large 256x256, but otherwise IMO it's pretty solid, let me have your opinions ^_^


Jan 14 2010, 4:50 am GameLoader1337 Post #2

oh, and obviously you can use this for many other combinations, special effects for summoning etc.


Jan 14 2010, 4:54 am Ultraviolet Post #3

I thought of that before. And thought it was terribly inconvenient.

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Jan 14 2010, 4:55 am GameLoader1337 Post #4

why though? the only way that you can detect across the map without traveling there ^_^


Jan 14 2010, 4:56 am Falkoner Post #5

Another way that was actually made into a test map a while back was to create observers and scourges when a scanner sweep was detected with Command, and find where the observers died.


Jan 14 2010, 4:57 am GameLoader1337 Post #6

ya, Falkon, that's the idea =p


Jan 14 2010, 5:17 am stickynote Post #7

Here's another way:
Spread burrowed zerglings, burrowed lurkers/infested terran/spidermines, and a burrowed drone, all stacked on top of each other.
Zerglings are owned by a comp. Lurker/infested terran/spidermine is owned by a computer with shared vision to the players but not ling comp. Drones can be owned by either.
Cast scanner sweep.
Zergling is killed by a lurker/infested terran/spidermine.
Center location on drone. No ling in location = scanner sweep right there.
Actually, that's almost the same as your method.

Falk, how would you know where to create obs and scourge? Just create them everywhere?


Jan 14 2010, 4:07 pm The Starport Post #8

Tried this method ages ago. Bad idea. Guzzles up too many resources and injects too many possible complications to be worth the cost.


Jan 14 2010, 4:22 pm Kaias Post #9

I think anyone who has thought seriously about detecting where scanner sweeps are has thought of some variant of this. The reality is that the minimal accuracy you could get with this is not worth what it would take to get there. The only practical use scanner sweep detection could have is if it were used to select a section of the map (IE A level in an impossibles map). Otherwise it is too inaccurate and too costly.


Jan 14 2010, 5:11 pm The Starport Post #10

Costly, yes. It can be made somewhat accurate with a bit of work, though. But not quickly responsive, and it has an inevitably high cooldown until subsequent castings are reliably detectable.


Jan 15 2010, 1:18 am ImagoDeo Post #11

Quote from name:Tuxedo-Templar
Costly, yes. It can be made somewhat accurate with a bit of work, though. But not quickly responsive, and it has an inevitably high cooldown until subsequent castings are reliably detectable.

I have to agree with you. Implementing a system like this over an entire map is not only highly inaccurate, but costly in terms of units. The largest grid pattern you could do would still require hundreds of units, even over a thousand on larger maps. The detection wouldn't be instant; and it will be off center, to a greater or lesser extent based on the spacing of whatever unit grid you use. I wouldn't even consider using this over an entire map. The only conceivable use of this system is on a very small scale, like Tuxlar said - in an Impossible level, or perhaps in an arena of some kind.

Kudos for being smart enough to think of the technique, but shame on you for not thinking of the incredibly high restrictions placed on it by its very nature.


Jan 15 2010, 6:27 am LokiArexon Post #12

Seems like it would be better to go cloaked wraith + observer from the outset just to avoid terrain issues. Patch of water = doom of this method.

HOWEVER, ultimately, I do appreciate this sort of thinking. And, I think this method would have some applications. For example, it could be a method of fast teleport.

Say you want a fast, easy system of teleporting back to base in a long RPG map. This method would work perfectly for that. You could also use it to return to "checkpoints" that you could indicate to the player with terrain. "Scan the Doodad to teleport here."

I think trying to implement it in combat would be quite difficult. But for some things, like teleports for specific locations in a 256x256, I can see it sometimes being useful.


Jan 16 2010, 2:27 am TiKels Post #13

Human = P1
Computer = P2
Computer 2 = P3
P1 is visioned to p3
P3 is enemy to only p2
There are burrowed units tiled that are infested terrans owned by p2.
P3 has a(n) mutalisk(s) that IS HUNGRY (is on AI scripts to attack) and depending if they head up/down left/right u can get an estimate as to which section the scanner sweep is in, narrowing it down. Then within that section you give each ling away one by one until the mutalisks stop moving, and that gives u the rightmost position, which could be used to more accurately approximate the actual center. This is made up on the spot so i mean meh... it could be improved. It also requires lotsa locations.

Idea: Don't lurkers tend to unburrow when they aren't scanned and are being attacked? perhaps this could be used (although it wouldnt look good)
Idea2: Ground units tend to target infested terrans first (i think?) so perhaps this could be used to better approximate where it is by which unit it chooses to attack.
Edit: You could also place independant CC's all over the map and when a person scans, it forces them to look at each position, and if they crashed when they center at a specific location, u know that they scanned there. Problem solved.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Jan 16 2010, 3:15 am Cinolt Post #14

A way direct way to detect scanner sweep, unit coordinate euds and works multiplayer

..even though it's highly limited and Unit Order Coordinates would much more fit the purpose

Scanner Sweep Location.scx
Hits: 8 Size: 39.06kb


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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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