Staredit Network > Forums > Staredit Network > Topic: Group-think and Arrogance
Group-think and Arrogance
Dec 9 2009, 7:01 pm
By: Vanished  

Dec 9 2009, 7:01 pm Vanished Post #1

I prefer to discuss things in the public.

This thread is to discuss this topic:

Here is Mini Moose 2707 telling me about arrogance.
Quote from "Mini Moose 2707"
Hello there.

You are still relatively new to SEN, so I must inform you of how things work around here. (or how we try to have them work, anyway.) I'm not sure what forums you have used or communities you have been a part of in the past, but what you are doing here is not going to fly with us. We try to treat each other with a basic level of respect. You have told off veteran members, flamed and trolled (intentionally or not). You have also posted in a consistently arrogant tone, stated opinion as fact, and displayed a lack of paitence when dealing with other members -- ie., generally not playing nice with others.

As the administrator, it is my job to let you know that such behavior is unacceptable. I am asking you to be more paitent with other members. (Yes, even when they are wrong). You don't have to be nice to anyone, but you do have to get along. If you have no intentions of doing so, you will be asked to leave.


Here is UnholyUrine cursing and flaming my map before playing it.
Quote from UnholyUrine
my experience is enough to back my comments.

EDIT: *sigh* we're not trying to be rude, really. But, you're redoing Bunker Wars... It's a massing game... It's one of those really simple to make and it's one of those i-don't-know-why-pubbies-still-play-this-piece-of-shit games.
It is also one of those maps that have had TONS of remakes and versions, most of which suck ass.

Without describing your "gambling mechanic" and just debunking all our critique, you're just throwing your map away from us even more. Not all of us are gonna go "OMG THIS IS AWESOME!! ! ! !" .. Tell us WHY it's gonna be awesome.

Anyway, I'll "elaborate" on my comment. By gambling, the players gambles by themselves to get better things or lose things... this obviously has an effect to the game, but does not integrate with the gameplay. The reason being is that I can just NOT gamble at all, and I can still play and maybe win... That's not good gameplay, that's just Gimmicky.

I hope you'd understand why we don't think it's a good idea... really, you're new here, there hasn't been good new bunker war versions at all, and your gambling thing isn't well explained and don't seem very promising. If u still feel that I'm being ridiculous or just trying to shit over your map, then this place is most definately not for u :D. .cause I'm one of the nice ones already.

EDIT2: says the person who said "You are in no right to give advice to me"

Here is Mini Moose 2707 starting a tangential discussion (e.g. spam).
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
That has nothing to do with the Law of Large Numbers or the Central Limit Theorem.

I may have been arrogant. Is arrogance a crime on these forums? I believe arrogance is misplaced confidence.

Thank you. Discuss.


Dec 9 2009, 7:17 pm Neki Post #2

There's a difference between thinking your map is extremely good and defending it, and being straight out arrogant about it. I think most people don't mind that you think your map is good, but the way you convey that through your attitude is extremely off-putting. You have such a condescending attitude towards anyone that criticized your map, it's really not in good taste at all. People try to give you some points and it seems like you just straight out ignore them, the way you talk, you act like everything you say is right, and not many people really enjoy that tone.


Dec 9 2009, 7:21 pm Moose Post #3

We live in a society.

For everyone's reference, here are the original un-edited and/or deleted posts from the topic. The removed portions have been underlined.

Quote from Vanished

If you choose to use gamble, you only can kill yourself instantly. In other words, you can only ruin the game for yourself, not anyone else. I believe we disagree on our concepts of "ruin."

Your math is awful. I suggest remedial math classes. I will tutor you for a fee if you would like.


That message is for people who lack mathematical understanding. It's much easier to quiet the unintelligent by agreeing with their idiotic ideas and fallacies. I am not "screwing around." I am completely serious.

Quote from Vanished
Quote from MEMEME670
Quote from Vanished

If you choose to use gamble, you only can kill yourself instantly. In other words, you can only ruin the game for yourself, not anyone else. I believe we disagree on our concepts of "ruin."

I agree with this, although if you replace ruin with break, and add in the chance of jackpot...

Your math is awful. I suggest remedial math classes. I will tutor you for a fee if you would like.


Meaning 11/100 times i would get the 11% chance.



Round down for luck = 5 suicides

Your math is clearly bad. If "11/100 times you get an 11% chance of death," then that's the same thing as saying "11% of the time you get an 11% chance of death." This is obviously only a 1.21% chance of death by The Fundamental Theorem of Probability.

I will accept your offer of tutoring. Please provide me with adequate credentials, references, your phone number, and your address. I need a place to send the price for each tutoring session. What days are you free?

Or perhaps we can tutor each other. You can teach me how to do REALLY bad math, and I can teach you how to properly use a comma. Thank you.

Edit #1: That replay is from a very old version. Ignoring our quarrel, you should really download the new version that is posted on the first page.

Quote from Vanished
I don't think you realize how amazing this map is. This map is ten times better than Team Sage (sp?).

Dec 9 2009, 7:25 pm Echo Post #4

You shouldn't take things like this too personally. The map showcase is there to show off your map or for recieving critique and comments. Most of the time, they aren't attacking you personally, even if it sounds rude. The worst thing to do is to lash back at them. Be the bigger person and just ignore it or try to learn from it.

I agree with you that the post is a bit rude, but you shouldn't let it get to you. I hope you keep in mind that not everyone on SEN is like that.


Dec 9 2009, 7:30 pm Jack Post #5

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Team Sage = Temple Siege? If so, you're lying to yourself if you truly think that. Unlike a lot of SEN, I play massers every now and then. I also play TS, but not as much as other maps. There is no way a masser can be a) as trigger-complex/skilled as TS, and b) as fun as TS, while remaining a masser.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Dec 9 2009, 7:33 pm Doodan Post #6

True confidence does not insist on being noticed.

I've looked over the thread and I can see why you might've felt threatened or compelled to prove yourself early on. However, I must agree that the manner in which you did so was not the most becoming. Maybe you didn't fully understand the rules. Who knows? In a way, one can never really win an argument. They may present better facts, they may prove their opposition wrong, their opposition may admit to being wrong, but being argumentative with someone will not bring them to your side. What you ultimately want is for people to play and enjoy your map, right? The way you conduct yourself in your topic will set the tone of the discussion. Most members of this forum want you to be your best. Really, they do. However if their feedback (even if the feedback itself was not especially sound or positive) is met with patience and an openness to discussion, you'll find that things will progress much more smoothly.

In short, be patient with people and be willing to consider that you might be wrong about some things.


Dec 9 2009, 7:37 pm MadZombie Post #7

Quote from name:zany_001
Team Sage = Temple Siege? If so, you're lying to yourself if you truly think that. Unlike a lot of SEN, I play massers every now and then. I also play TS, but not as much as other maps. There is no way a masser can be a) as trigger-complex/skilled as TS, and b) as fun as TS, while remaining a masser.
Your not helping...


Dec 9 2009, 7:53 pm Excalibur Post #8

The sword and the faith

You're bawwing because you not only got pwnd on how bad your map actually is, but because you can't accept criticism. Probably because we just can't comprehend how revolutionary your mass map is.

You're lucky you didn't post something in the melee section, because I'd really have given you something to cry about.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Dec 9 2009, 8:25 pm Norm Post #9

I was trying to hint at your big head through PM about your issues... but I guess it didn't click.

You gotta tone down your attitude. No offense, but your mapping skills are nothing worth getting cocky about. Most mappers here are more experienced, practiced, and talented than yourself. Flaming them is not needed.


Dec 9 2009, 8:45 pm Vrael Post #10

Yous guys gotta stop whining over everything, I mean jesus christ, this is fucking starcraft we're talking about here. Grow some testicles, guys (and ovaries, girls).


Edit: And lol @ whoever reported Excalibur's post. He's a global mod, don't you guys realize that he's above everything except the final Moose-or-IP-law? Meaning, due to his global mod status, that he is allowed to decide whether or not his own post is rule-breaking or not, he's one of the people that gets a notification and has the power to deal with it... lol.


Dec 9 2009, 8:49 pm Symmetry Post #11

Dungeon Master

Quote from Vrael

Fucking lol'd

Edit: And lol @ whoever reported Excalibur's post. He's a global mod, don't you guys realize that he's above everything except the final Moose-or-IP-law? Meaning, due to his global mod status, that he is allowed to decide whether or not his own post is rule-breaking or not, he's one of the people that gets a notification and has the power to deal with it... lol.

That was me. Of course I know. It doesn't mean Excalibur's post wasn't entirely innapropriate. I reported it in hopes that either a) Ex would see that he said something stupid or b) Moose or IP would delete it.


:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Dec 9 2009, 8:50 pm Vrael Post #12

Oh, my bad. I had assumed it was someone new, like perhaps the topic creator, who wasn't aware of that sort of thing.


Dec 9 2009, 8:52 pm lil-Inferno Post #13

Just here for the pie

Quote from Norm
You gotta tone down your attitude. No offense, but your mapping skills are nothing worth getting cocky about. Most mappers here are more experienced, practiced, and talented than yourself. Flaming them is not needed.
I'm being a bit off-topic, but I don't think most people, including you, have the mapping skills necessary to be cocky about. In fact, no one should be cocky about their skills; they're playing an eleven year old game.

As for Vanished, you can't possibly come out of the blue and tell us that you have an absolutely revolutionary massing game.

Dec 9 2009, 9:03 pm FoxWolf1 Post #14

As much as everyone would like to run to the defense of "the community" against an outsider, wouldn't it be more fair to say that in this case, both sides are in the wrong?

SEN has a rather nasty habit of being unreflective as to the standards that it uses in evaluating maps; it is all too common to see people here advocating one specific set of criteria as if they should apply to all maps, when really any attribute of a map is important or necessary only insofar as it contributes to the enjoyment of the map by the targeted group of players-- and that group is not always SEN. A bunker wars map is not supposed to be complex, or original; it's supposed to provide enjoyment for Bunker Wars players on Add too much uniqueness or too many advanced features, and players will actually be less happy, because they won't be getting what they joined the game to play. And it is also not the case that aiming for a different set of standards itself makes a map inferior, because there are certainly enough people in non-SEN Starcraft communities for maps that succeed well in meeting different sets of standards to create significant differences in overall happiness. Besides, it seems silly to think that we say that a map is better just because it involved a greater amount of work; if a map appealing very successfully to non-SEN standards just thanks to a few changes to a basic form generates many good games and creates a lot of happiness, then isn't that a better map than some all-new thing with thousands of sophisticated triggers that is only played by a few people, and thus generates only a relatively small amount of happiness? I think it would be justifiable to take offense if a genuine piece of good work receives a lot of unthinking criticism just because it's not "politically correct" by the standards of the local community.

At the same time, there are better ways to resolve disputes than by carrying on at length without getting at the underlying, substantial value issues. Doing so, by definition, does not get to the cause of the problem, and is thus not constructive to its resolution.


Dec 9 2009, 11:01 pm Excalibur Post #15

The sword and the faith

Quote from Symmetry
That was me. Of course I know. It doesn't mean Excalibur's post wasn't entirely innapropriate. I reported it in hopes that either a) Ex would see that he said something stupid or b) Moose or IP would delete it.
He deserved every word. And more, but I was on MSN with Moose and decided I didn't want to cause more of a fuss than our lovely OP.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Dec 9 2009, 11:28 pm l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #16

Just here for the activity... well not really

There's always room for improvement and changes.
May suggestions be good or bad, you still must take them into consideration. You can reject an idea, but know that we're here to improve a map and not bash it.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Dec 9 2009, 11:48 pm Symmetry Post #17

Dungeon Master

Quote from Excalibur
Quote from Symmetry
That was me. Of course I know. It doesn't mean Excalibur's post wasn't entirely innapropriate. I reported it in hopes that either a) Ex would see that he said something stupid or b) Moose or IP would delete it.
He deserved every word. And more, but I was on MSN with Moose and decided I didn't want to cause more of a fuss than our lovely OP.

So you being an arrogant prick is justified because he was acting slightly arrogant? That's a little bit hypocrtical of you.

We should be trying to welcome new members, teach them to play nice and support their map making - WITHOUT being giant douches ourselves.

Here's the situation as I see it:

A new member decided to join the community and post his map. He was met with hostility and naturally retaliated. Moose sent him a well-spoken and appropriate response. <- administrative action should've stopped here. YOU, ex, decided to come into this thread and act like a GIANT DOUCHE, giving a bad name to the staff and members of this website.

And don't even dare fucking delete or edit this post, because you deserved every word.

To the overall problem at hand:

Yes, Vanished is at fault for the way he reacted. But simply put, he should NEVER have been put in a situation where he could have reacted that way. If you've got ideas and concepts you'd like to share with a map-maker, it is more than possible to do so in a constructive, positive manner - and if the map-maker decides to not take your advice or add your ideas, you should respect the map-maker's stance on his own map. If you feel your feedback is being ignored, then provide feedback to someone else. Seriously.

I've noticed something of a trend recently in map production/showcase topics, where any topic that doesn't have reams of info and thousands of screenshots will be spammed with posts like "WTF NOT ENOUGH INFO" or "PROVIDE SCREENIES OR I WON'T PLAY YOUR MAP". This is fucking retarded. Most of the people posting this shit wouldn't have downloaded or played the map at all REGARDLESS of whether there were screenshots. This is stupid. There is no point to this kind of posting. Yossarian put it nicely:

Quote from Yossarian
What I find most striking and disturbing about SEN is that people who provide little to no information about their maps when they post them and then argue about the maps...get a lot more attention than people who are informative and open-minded from the start.

FoxWolf said this:

Quote from FoxWolf1
SEN has a rather nasty habit of being unreflective as to the standards that it uses in evaluating maps; it is all too common to see people here advocating one specific set of criteria as if they should apply to all maps, when really any attribute of a map is important or necessary only insofar as it contributes to the enjoyment of the map by the targeted group of players-- and that group is not always SEN. A bunker wars map is not supposed to be complex, or original; it's supposed to provide enjoyment for Bunker Wars players on Add too much uniqueness or too many advanced features, and players will actually be less happy, because they won't be getting what they joined the game to play. And it is also not the case that aiming for a different set of standards itself makes a map inferior, because there are certainly enough people in non-SEN Starcraft communities for maps that succeed well in meeting different sets of standards to create significant differences in overall happiness. Besides, it seems silly to think that we say that a map is better just because it involved a greater amount of work; if a map appealing very successfully to non-SEN standards just thanks to a few changes to a basic form generates many good games and creates a lot of happiness, then isn't that a better map than some all-new thing with thousands of sophisticated triggers that is only played by a few people, and thus generates only a relatively small amount of happiness? I think it would be justifiable to take offense if a genuine piece of good work receives a lot of unthinking criticism just because it's not "politically correct" by the standards of the local community.

and he is all too correct.

I'm done talking. Let's do something.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Dec 10 2009, 12:25 am Vanished Post #18

I appreciate everyone's comments, but Mini Moose 2707 didn't reply concerning his spam in my thread. He, as administrator, edited a number of my posts. He also removed a post of mine.

I would like my post to be reposted or have Mini Moose 2707's spam removed from my thread. That's a request. Thank you.


Dec 10 2009, 12:32 am Moose Post #19

We live in a society.

If you had rechecked the thread, you would have found that my post was already removed.

Dec 10 2009, 12:33 am CecilSunkure Post #20

Quote from Vanished
I appreciate everyone's comments, but Mini Moose 2707 didn't reply concerning his spam in my thread. He, as administrator, edited a number of my posts. He also removed a post of mine.

I would like my post to be reposted or have Mini Moose 2707's spam removed from my thread. That's a request. Thank you.
Sounds like you're just looking for others to make a mistake in order to redeem your horrid attitude.

Just admit your fault and move on -don't try to blame anyone else for anything. That's a request. Thank you.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 10 2009, 12:35 am by CecilSunkure. Reason: Ultimoooo


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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