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Temple Siege M8e
Oct 27 2009, 4:30 am
By: Moose
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Oct 30 2009, 2:09 am Moose Post #61

We live in a society.

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Quote from xYoshix
Also, DM's l4 keeps on spawning broods regardless of how many broods are around the hero. This may be because of a small location being used for the counting of the broodlings.
No, it just has a higher max count.
Yeah, but I didn't notice that the location can't fit 15 Broodlings. >_<

Oct 30 2009, 2:41 am ShredderIV Post #62

Does this mean that an M8c will be coming out shortly with even more squished bugs?


Oct 30 2009, 2:56 am xYoshix Post #63

Firebat's L1 is much less useful now that the mana drain was taken out. Most people just disregard the d-web and walk through it. It has little use to ranged units, too. I think the mana drain should be returned, but with 1 mana drained every 2 dc's. The rate of the explosions should stay the same, though.


Oct 30 2009, 3:00 am Jack Post #64

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Or, instead of mana drain, just make hallus so units get slowed underneath.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 30 2009, 3:02 am xYoshix Post #65

The triggers could get problematic if there are more than one d-web out at a time.

Also, Medic should full heal itself. I got annoyed when I healed myself with medics after heal to 3000, then having to heal my teammates, which resulted in my hp going down to 1900 :flamer:


Oct 30 2009, 3:04 am ShredderIV Post #66

Quote from name:zany_001
Or, instead of mana drain, just make hallus so units get slowed underneath.
Isnt this already what happens? hallus of a unit are made over it and killed right away, slowing, but doesnt mana drain...


Oct 30 2009, 3:08 am DrakeClawfang Post #67

After playing against Firebat, I agree the slow-down isn't useful enough on its own. Add mana drain back, but slow down the drain rate.


Oct 30 2009, 3:08 am Jack Post #68

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Ahk, I thought that was ripped out as well.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 30 2009, 4:40 am killer_sss Post #69

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from killer_sss
So Certain units automatically lose outposts hmm? lets see lightmage too slow, sin slow and no dmg spells, ling no dmg. Idk i mean both sides i see where it is a pain to capture outposts but at same time units that can run arround like ling to interupt get no help at begining for doing that anymore.

If it stays as is or goes to size of beacons i think that favors the person on the beacon quite a bit. I can't tell you how many people i've seen die that thought they interupted and go in to interupt again and instead die to being trapped.
Since I've already written on the subject and saved my post, here you go:
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Outpost Capture System Revamp
To be honest, two things about the capture system are rather lame:
1. You can stand on the beacon for 29 seconds and then have all your effort instantly negated.
2. Only the beacon matters for capturing but a capture can be blocked over a large area. (disadvantage to melee units)

My plan is to have it redone to work like this:

<< NORTH (0) | ==== | (400) NEUTRAL (400) | ==== SOUTH (800) >>

Standing on the beacon unopposed will shift the outpost 1 point in your direction.

An outpost is captured when you get it ALL THE WAY over to your side. (0 or 800)
A previously captured outpost will become NEUTRAL again if it is pushed back to 400.

Yes I remember this post which is partially why I wrote what I did and i will try to expand.

Current advantages go to ranged and fast units which can dance arround the area to negate opponents capturing.

If you change it Advantage for capturing goes to those with the most dmg and those that are the speediest because they will reach the becaon first.

With the change all your work isn't lost when you drive away an opponent now but there is considerably much less micro since by your other two comments about interuption size I'm going to infer you intend to make only the beacon matter or a size considerably smaller than it currently is. Temple siege is mainly micro with spells and management of those spells.

Btw I also remember the discussion about making capturing faster. If three or two were on the becaon instead of one it would add a point for each. Idk if you were still planning on that or not also, I just remember it being brought up, by unholy if I remember correctly.

Quote from xYoshix
The triggers could get problematic if there are more than one d-web out at a time.

Also, Medic should full heal itself. I got annoyed when I healed myself with medics after heal to 3000, then having to heal my teammates, which resulted in my hp going down to 1900 :flamer:
yep. another annoying side effect of the current version of full health.


Oct 30 2009, 5:08 am MEMEME670 Post #70

Go make a game with only one unit to choose from. Basically an AoS fps, if you get what im saying.

Quote from killer_sss
Current advantages go to ranged and fast units which can dance arround the area to negate opponents capturing.

If you change it Advantage for capturing goes to those with the most dmg and those that are the speediest because they will reach the becaon first.

Of course some units are going to have advantage and some will have disadvantage. Its not like one unit has all disadvantages. Sure sin might not be able to capture early, but once he has l3 he can capture with ease.

And maybe the slow LM isnt the best at disrupting. With good timing you can surround your opponent with l1 and kill them. And if your vs a ranged unit, then your at a disadvantage, but you have storm, atleast.

You keep complaining about advantages here and there, when that is what makes a game a game. If killign someone gave you no advantage, what would be the use in killing anyone?

The less advantages/disadvantages (assuming its all balanced) there are in a game, the less fun it is to play as you have to decide on less and its more repetitive.

That basically sums up all of what youve been saying....


Oct 30 2009, 5:14 am Decency Post #71

I like the beacon system suggestion, but I doubt most will. Depending on the size of the interruption zone that could actually make LM viable early-game.

I honestly thought it still drained, I was raping a LM with Firebat earlier. Lol. I still say drain normal speed for everyone and half speed for LM. Or just don't slow the LM because he's already slow as hell. The spell is not very useful for a melee class against competent opponents otherwise. Another thought is to maybe disable spellcasting for enemies while they are under it?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 30 2009, 5:57 am by FaZ-.


Oct 30 2009, 5:44 am ShredderIV Post #72

I too like the new system moose is suggesting... For those who might say it will mae it even harder for lm, at least now it's a viable solution. He wont beat out any ranged heroes cuz they'll kill him, but any melee heroes he will cap over, maybe excluding mutant due to his high movespeed. If any melee come in to get him, he just hits his l1 and rapes away. This makes lm a lot more balanced atm imo...

But i still dont like how he can't really see sin at night... That to me just seems like a total imba, considering assassin can basically kill him any time he wants, especially once he gets l3... light mage is basically forced to hide right next to his base unless you have another hero out on the field with detection. With any other hero, they can simply outrun the sin and get away, and at least have a viable way of escaping, if anything. LM has absolutely no way of getting away and is at the complete mercy of the assassin. Like i've said in the past, giving him obs on one of his spells, be it l3 or even l4, would not only pull focus off of the l2 only lm and also allow him to counter sin a little more. (and also, sin can win a game against lm without even killing him, so it doesnt really matter if the lm can ez beat the sin 1v1, ts is not a 1v1 arena map. If the sin runs and sneaks through the lm's base and kills his stuff, then so be it, at least he can't have a cheap win by l2ing and auto attacking)


Oct 30 2009, 7:12 am killer_sss Post #73

Quote from MEMEME670
Go make a game with only one unit to choose from. Basically an AoS fps, if you get what im saying.

Quote from killer_sss
Current advantages go to ranged and fast units which can dance arround the area to negate opponents capturing.

If you change it Advantage for capturing goes to those with the most dmg and those that are the speediest because they will reach the becaon first.

Of course some units are going to have advantage and some will have disadvantage. Its not like one unit has all disadvantages. Sure sin might not be able to capture early, but once he has l3 he can capture with ease.

And maybe the slow LM isnt the best at disrupting. With good timing you can surround your opponent with l1 and kill them. And if your vs a ranged unit, then your at a disadvantage, but you have storm, atleast.

You keep complaining about advantages here and there, when that is what makes a game a game. If killign someone gave you no advantage, what would be the use in killing anyone?

The less advantages/disadvantages (assuming its all balanced) there are in a game, the less fun it is to play as you have to decide on less and its more repetitive.

That basically sums up all of what youve been saying....

meme idk why your taking so many shots at me but whatever. You think having the upper left corner with no cannons makes it more strategic cause you fight over the other two while to me it having cannons would make fighting more fun imo.

I like choices too but they have to be somewhat balanced in respect. To me alot of the north team's gysers aren't as well setup as the south's. The north can obviously sim anywhere but of coarse it is easier to protect gysers closer to your heal.

The new capping system sounds great but I don't like how it shuffles things arround quite a bit. Slower units don't get the same chance they have now because you need to push not only from nuetral to capped but above capped which still gives them the same time to over power you. It also takes the micro portion out of the capture system because If you sit on the beacon with the better spells and the other person has to come in and out dmg you which is near impossible.

My biggest problem with this is some units won't be able to cap at all unless accompanied by a teamate from the get go. Before If you managed to stall you eventually get the help you need from your teamates once they capped or lost their spot.

Another thing it takes out is the decision of wether or not the team should just split up and exp while continuing to stall. This may force a better situation until the team can get different spells to try and capture the spot. IMO the new system takes more than it gives back which is why i'm not in favor of it.

This just seems to take out the micro at the begining which sometimes leads to a very close battle for the becacon and results in someones death which was extremly fun.


Oct 30 2009, 10:52 am Decency Post #74

What this also allows is capturing by multiple heroes together faster, something the current system poorly lacks. I think that would be a welcome change, compared to the "oh we have middle, unless you're assassin we'll have it for the entire game."

Run in 3 guys, tank cannons for 10 seconds, and it's yours.


Oct 30 2009, 1:58 pm ShredderIV Post #75

I can just see the system being abused. If one team has assault or spec ops, they can double team mid or bottom to cap both of them, and then just take the top later or something.... I just see that this might cause certain hero combinations to have too much of an advantage early game.


Oct 30 2009, 3:11 pm MEMEME670 Post #76

Top is more valuable then suspected by most. With proper guarding anyone who gets in pretty much wont get out unless they would on bottom/mid.

Its small size makes trapping a potentail capturer very easy, too.


Not taking shots at you, but most of your imbalances appear to be game choices.

Also, slower characters normally have better spells.

What this does is add diversity. Heroes that were bad at getting bases were always bad at getting bases, and thats a gameplay choice. Heroes taht were good at it were always good at it, no difference except it makes it much easier and more fun because if someone walks in on 29 seconds its not all lost. Basically it lets all y our work have meaning, so if you can only cap three seconds hear two seconds there its still worth it.


Oct 30 2009, 3:23 pm Norm Post #77

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Outpost Capture System Revamp
To be honest, two things about the capture system are rather lame:
1. You can stand on the beacon for 29 seconds and then have all your effort instantly negated.
2. Only the beacon matters for capturing but a capture can be blocked over a large area. (disadvantage to melee units)

My plan is to have it redone to work like this:

<< NORTH (0) | ==== | (400) NEUTRAL (400) | ==== SOUTH (800) >>

Standing on the beacon unopposed will shift the outpost 1 point in your direction.

An outpost is captured when you get it ALL THE WAY over to your side. (0 or 800)
A previously captured outpost will become NEUTRAL again if it is pushed back to 400.

This is a very similar system to that which my AoS uses, and just to let you know- most people prefer the TS method, even though I too believe that the continuum capturing is superior.


Oct 30 2009, 5:09 pm Neki Post #78

I like your system Norm, but you're right, many people are vehemently opposed to changing anything. They'd prefer to stagnate the map than accept new changes. It's ridiculous.


Oct 30 2009, 8:12 pm Excalibur Post #79

The sword and the faith

Quote from name:Ultimo
I like your system Norm, but you're right, many people are vehemently opposed to changing anything. They'd prefer to stagnate the map than accept new changes. It's ridiculous.
DOTA had the same problems but the devs said this is whats right and this is the way its going to be. I believe that this alone is the reason TS's terrain has remained the same for so long. Not because its good, balanced, or works, but because players are so used to exploiting the imbalances of each area, that they don't want to have to re-learn anything. I myself would give them a rude gesture, followed by the changes they so adamantly protest for such little and trivial reason.

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Oct 30 2009, 8:25 pm ShredderIV Post #80

Quote from Excalibur
Quote from name:Ultimo
I like your system Norm, but you're right, many people are vehemently opposed to changing anything. They'd prefer to stagnate the map than accept new changes. It's ridiculous.
DOTA had the same problems but the devs said this is whats right and this is the way its going to be. I believe that this alone is the reason TS's terrain has remained the same for so long. Not because its good, balanced, or works, but because players are so used to exploiting the imbalances of each area, that they don't want to have to re-learn anything. I myself would give them a rude gesture, followed by the changes they so adamantly protest for such little and trivial reason.
I loled ex, in a good way.

This is part of the reason everyone plays 1.4 and refuses to play anything else. I once played a game of i think m7? where assault didnt have nukes and dropship. The player then ranted the entire game about how he hated the version due to assault now being "useless cauz he cant nuke". The very next game i played as assault and killed hima ll 3 times when he was lm with firebomb, the l3, at which point he claimed assault was op and should be completely removed from the game. People want their overpowered heroes and dont want balance, which makes everything a lot harder to balance.


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