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Temple Siege v1
Jul 10 2008, 8:31 am
By: ClansAreForGays
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Jul 10 2009, 8:24 am Genocidal.Legend Post #2201

Quote from zany_001[RCDF
These are the people whose opinions you need and they are all too happy to give them. You need to eat some humble pie and start taking other peoples VALID CRITIQUES and do something about them.Allow me to eliminate all ambiguity here. It is not my goal to make a perfected classic 1.4. When I am asked to do that, I am asked to make a map that I do not want to make. Mapping does not work like this. I am an autonomous human being and I am not the mapping bitch of either TS professionals or the TS community.

Then there is no need for further discussion then. Thats the community needs right now, is a perfected 1.4 that we can rally around. If you do not want then it is a waste of time, and from your comments and changes nothing of any value will come out of these following M version releases, fix the foundation then build up from there problem was there was never a perfect foundation. Whatever agenda you have for your TS map, good luck with it.

Quote from name:zany_001
And whats wrong with endless debate?
While there is endless debate, my time is finite.

Apparently not since you have made so many useless updates, as killer_SSS has pointed out, nothing meaningful or nothing really being addressed at all since M3. You have been dragging this out for a long time, when in reality things could have been fixed a long time ago.

I find it funny that you say this:
Quote from Genocidal.Legend
Just because somone thinks something is unbalanced doesnt mean it is?
We are only dealing with subjective opinions. Hero X being the best, the worst, or just mediocre is not a fact and is not an objective truth. Spell X being overpowered or underpowered is not a fact and is not objective truth. No matter how much they are spoken of as concrete truth, they are not.

This is what Zany was exactly pointing out. Then you make changes claiming, that summoner is op'd with 12 lings and such, in addition, didnt you say "NUKE AND DROPSHIP WAS TOTALLY OVERPOWERED" or something along those lines. So by that same token, the change to summoner was not made for the better of the map it was made because YOU felt the summoner was too overpowered not the community.

How can you even claim that stuff? From what i gather, you are not even the best, or pro at TS. I'm sure if the PROS and the MAPMAKER collaborated they would come to a conclusion, not one that you just arbitraily came up with because "You felt 12 lings were overpowered". This is nonsense the Zany was exactly trying to point out. Whats worse is that you are not even one of the best players yet you are making judgements and critiques based upon YOUR opions and not PLAYERS or PROS opinions or what the current TS metagame is like. So dont start that that subjective opinion statement. It would be fine if you, made changes that were meaningful, but since M3 you have really slid downhill and so far have butchered a great hero, the firebat. From the look of things you should call this moose siege.

To further prove my point:

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from Genocidal.Legend
NOTE: M7 Seems alright, but why reduce the max zergling count, doesnt make much sense, it was perfectly fine with 12. Esepcially now since Warrior L3 has been fixed. Seems a bit unfair for summoner, and no summoner is not OP'd with 12 zerglings. Also why increase Rines HP, Sniper Rifle makes him invinc, saving him HP in the long run 4000 would have been fine. Though, thats very minor. Warrior Shields to 150,L3 works now, Lings down to ten, almost seems like summoner has a new hard counter lol.
If people are going to ask why for every change, then I might as might as well stop working on Temple Siege. Everything is apparently fine the way it is, change is absolutely despised. Changes are more often than not met with revulsion at the notion of being forced to adapt. I then log on to read exaggeration that would imply I've changed wine not into water, but into a desk or something even more outrageous. At that point, I'm just too busy to map anyway because I have to type justifications all day. I really feel I'm pointing out the obvious here: This is frustrating. This is not worth my time. How skilled is the skilled player if he refuses to adapt to change and re-learn a class?

And that's what grinds my gears.

Summoner: I feel [u]that Summoner is too powerful in late game without even using L2. The best way to lower Summoner's power is to decrease his max lings.
Special Ops: I've played it enough in M6 and I felt it needed more HP. That's really all there is to it and I was glad to have it when I killed a Light Mage and won the game with 10 HP left yesterday.
Warrior: His L4 was not as useful as I wanted it to be. I also felt he had too much HP. An HP decrease with a shield increase fixes both. The change also increases the incentive to get L4 in the first place.

You know what GRINDS MY GEARS?. When you contradict yourself blatantly. We get how YOU FEEL. How about what the Pros, Players, and the Current meta-game feels about TS. Not what moose thinks is meaningful and everyone elses opinions mean nothing. How about getting everyone in the TS community coming to a general consensus?

From what you have stated its quite clear and evident you have YOUIR own agenda for this map. Not for the good of the whole TS community. With that being said is there anyone who can help create a perfect 1.4?

It's either you want to help the TS community with subsquent release or tinker the map to mooses liking, i wonder which one you will choose. So keep making useless updates and minor changes which mean nothing, I will find a way to make a perfected m4 and try to get a map THAT the players want, because the ts players dont want to keep asking you for major changes and you keep sidestepping and dragging this out when its fairly simple. You stated your agenda, I have stated mine.

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 9:37 am by Genocidal.Legend.


Jul 10 2009, 1:07 pm ShredderIV Post #2202

Sorry Genocidal, but i think you're really getting off track...

Of course the map is going to be objective, by moose's liking... It's moose's map! He could make a hero completely op, and we could do nothing about it, other than play a different version. I think if you want your ideas heard, put them across to moose in a simple format, so that he can see what's wrong, and also offer a solution to it, not necissarily a solution that suits your interests also. The only problem with moose talking to pros about balancing issues like this is that it would most likely happen like it is now. There would not be an end to the debate, because once again everyone would be looking to increase the power of their favorite hero, just as is basically happening here. If you dont like the assault atm, then play a different version and tell him what's wrong, and if he never changes it, then dont play the new versions. There are plenty of other ppl out there who are testing it for moose.


Jul 10 2009, 2:03 pm xYoshix Post #2203

I really just think he's trying to bug moose...


Jul 10 2009, 4:03 pm Genocidal.Legend Post #2204

Ok You two totally missed the point. I expected this.

Quote from ShredderIV
Sorry Genocidal, but i think you're really getting off track...

Of course the map is going to be objective, by moose's liking... It's moose's map! He could make a hero completely op, and we could do nothing about it, other than play a different version. I think if you want your ideas heard, put them across to moose in a simple format, so that he can see what's wrong, and also offer a solution to it, not necissarily a solution that suits your interests also. The only problem with moose talking to pros about balancing issues like this is that it would most likely happen like it is now. There would not be an end to the debate, because once again everyone would be looking to increase the power of their favorite hero, just as is basically happening here. If you dont like the assault atm, then play a different version and tell him what's wrong, and if he never changes it, then dont play the new versions. There are plenty of other ppl out there who are testing it for moose.

Not about my interests at all, you seem to be going back to the whole bat scenario. I complained about bat cause the new one was absolutely useless and it created an imbalance in the game. If you read my post carefully its about for the PLAYERS and TS COMMUNITY, not about GENOCIDAL.LEGEND. I said we need one that EVERYONE can rally around, not to one that MOOSE can really around, not one that GENOCIDAL.LEGEND can rally around. Again I repeat one that EVERYONE can rally around. I humbly suggest you re-read my post carefully please, I emphasized the greater whole of the TS community, Ok?

Put my ideas across in a simple format you say? Please go back about 4-5 pages and read my bat analysis, it is aa step by step guide to why he is bad. Are you sure you are reading my posts carefully? I do not think you are.

You seemed to have this warped idea of "YOU'RE TRYING TO PUMP UP YOUR FAVORITE HERO!". No, far from the truth. What I am doing is trying to create balance within the new version. How many times do i have to repeat this very same statement, here let me emphasize for you, and read this carefully:


There. Make no mistake about what I am trying to convey. Simple format right?

Quote from xYoshix
I really just think he's trying to bug moose...

This is a joke right?

Oh of course im trying to bug moose, i mean its not like I posted a whole ESSAY about why the current M6 bat is lacking, and he agreed with most of what my analysis of the bat was saying. No you are absolutely right, Its not because I wanted a fixed version that the whole community can enjoy. I came here to totally bug moose, dang, you got me.

Sorry about the sarcasm but, seriously get it together and post something relevant and on topic please.

Post has been edited 8 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 4:50 pm by Genocidal.Legend.


Jul 10 2009, 4:15 pm Moose Post #2205

We live in a society.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
Apparently not since you have made so many useless updates
You got me. I will live forever while simultaneously having no life. Rather than dedicate myself to something productive, I submit childishly to my inner sadist and appease that by corrupting Temple Siege.
All right, that's enough sarcasm. I want you to assume just a little good faith on my part.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
Then you make changes claiming, that summoner is op'd with 12 lings and such
This is the post you are referring to. I carefully chose my language in my reasonings there to be consistent with the objective/subjective viewpoint. Note that saying "I felt" does not necessarily mean "I and only I felt". Saying "I feel" does not exclude anyone else from sharing the same opinion.
For some reason you seem to think that I'm going completely over everyone's head on everything when this is simply not true. Recent example:
Quote from ::">]:: WARRIOR
- Increased max shields from 100 from 200. L1 still gives 10 and L4 still gives full.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
Here's what I people sharing my opinion think: Having a Ghost with Nuke and a Dropship makes it too easy to blow up the temple and forces excessive defensive play.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
With that being said is there anyone who can help create a perfect 1.4?
Glad to be of service:
Here's a link to 1.4.
Here's a google search for SCMDraft 2.

Okay, listen. I am still willing to reason with you.

Telling me that X is the opinion of "the pros" and therefore completely irrefutable is not reason. If you admit that there is nothing that can be said to change your mind, you cease being rational. (example: Light Mage.)

Telling me that X was a bad change solely because you really liked things the way they were before is not reason. Balance through weakening does exist and is sometimes acceptable.

Telling me about how I took a giant dump on Assault, burned his house down, slept with his wife and raped his first-born child is not constructive. Granted, I am exaggerating to make a point, but it is the same as saying he is now totally useless: filler text devoid of substance. I am able to ignore some exaggeration, but when it becomes chronic it is problematic.

Still unaddressed:
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from Genocidal.Legend
You want to change DM, hook up with r0xmebaby on USWEST, he probably has the best DM and is very good at DM strats also he is hosting his own tournament. Iceman16 has probably the best mech on USWEST, ask him if you want to make any mech changes, he is also a tournament champion and plays regularly and probably has a wealth of information you can tap. StalinG has one of the best Volts on USWEST, you can ask him about Volt. You want to change the bat,Then go ask o0MaXX0o , another tournament champion, about what should be changed and get his input and despite his complete asshat status, he has the best bat. My point is, go directly to the good players and people who know what they are talking about. This is no offense to SEN of course, because people here have good ideas too, but you need to reach the good TS players not guys who just play occosionally and are mapmakers. We need the good dedicated players, this is what is missing from the equation.
What is the incentive or motive of the "professionals" of each individual class to admit that their chosen class might be even slightly overpowered?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 4:27 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

Jul 10 2009, 4:44 pm ClansAreForGays Post #2206

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
Quote from ClansAreForGays
The problem isn't making the spells work together in a way that they compound their effects, the problem is lv1+lv3 perma-stun. Being able to permanently lock down a unit with yours shouldn't be possible. I'm not saying Lv1 + Lv3 isn't good, I'm saying it's too good. As for the Lv2, I really don't have feelings toward it, although I'd rather it not be something that the dropship already does x10 better (like grenade was).
Quote from mini moose 2707
What is the incentive or motive of the "professionals" of each individual class to admit that their chosen class might be even slightly overpowered?
I always said bat was retarded strong before M versions :rolleyes:

L1+L3 is used to set up your teamates, because bat cannot attack through web. Also at about 200 mana, the web starts losing its effectiveness.
1+3 is not just used to set up your teammates, I know I can set the web up well enough to where I can attack and he can't(though easier said than done). I also simply do not see dwebs effect being negligible once you hit 200 mana. I forgot exactly how much it takes away in its duration, but I believe it to be over 100. Paralyzation + taking away a players ability to defend with spells + the fact they cant even manual under dweb or use things like reavers that spawn very close = too good. You should only be able to pull something like that off in gang bangs like medic+volt.It's one of those unwritten rules like never giving mutant a stun.
Whats worse is that you are not even one of the best players yet you are making judgements and critiques based upon YOUR opions and not PLAYERS or PROS opinions or what the current TS metagame is like.
I'm easily in the top 5, and I can say that Moose is easily in the top 10.

Also I feel like I'm the only one here that can empathize with you about begging moose for a bugless M3. But right now I'm kinda pissed at you because moose got the "I actually feel like fixing TS" bug for a little while again, but I fear that is now gone.

Also, I'd like to hear more about the USWest tourny u said something about, I'd like to actually play in one. My only advice would be not to make my mistake of using M3 over MT. I regret that a lot.

Jul 10 2009, 5:40 pm Genocidal.Legend Post #2207

Okay, listen. I am still willing to reason with you.

Telling me that X is the opinion of "the pros" and therefore completely irrefutable is not reason. If you admit that there is nothing that can be said to change your mind, you cease being rational. (example: Light Mage.)

Telling me that X was a bad change solely because you really liked things the way they were before is not reason. Balance through weakening does exist and is sometimes acceptable.

Telling me about how I took a giant dump on Assault, burned his house down, slept with his wife and raped his first-born child is not constructive. Granted, I am exaggerating to make a point, but it is the same as saying he is now totally useless: filler text devoid of substance. I am able to ignore some exaggeration, but when it becomes chronic it is problematic.

Still unaddressed:
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from Genocidal.Legend
You want to change DM, hook up with r0xmebaby on USWEST, he probably has the best DM and is very good at DM strats also he is hosting his own tournament. Iceman16 has probably the best mech on USWEST, ask him if you want to make any mech changes, he is also a tournament champion and plays regularly and probably has a wealth of information you can tap. StalinG has one of the best Volts on USWEST, you can ask him about Volt. You want to change the bat,Then go ask o0MaXX0o , another tournament champion, about what should be changed and get his input and despite his complete asshat status, he has the best bat. My point is, go directly to the good players and people who know what they are talking about. This is no offense to SEN of course, because people here have good ideas too, but you need to reach the good TS players not guys who just play occosionally and are mapmakers. We need the good dedicated players, this is what is missing from the equation.
What is the incentive or motive of the "professionals" of each individual class to admit that their chosen class might be even slightly overpowered?

-Never said pros opinions are irrefutable whatsoever. Where did you get this from. What i said was get opinions and imput from the pros, and the general TS community. Getting feedback from randoms and guys who dont TS much is not going to cut it (This is not, I repeat NOT A FLAME). Get feedback from the pros, the guys who are dedicated and develop the current meta-game, not randoms.

To further prove my point:
Quote from name:Dark_Marine
If you want the old firebat back, just play M3, because nobody wants to deal with that OP and Imba nuke session. The firebat needs to be more skillful anyway, it is a splash unit after all and should be one of the fastest training units. It needs to have a skillful usage of its L4, not something it can point and shoot and destroy everything in its path. If the firebat had 25% exp, fine, give it a nuke, until then its way to powerful to even think about.
Ok, I know it's the usual "OMG IT'S SO OP" but then I read this:

The firebat needs to be more skillful anyway

Coming from someone who spams hp and suicides at cannons. Am I supposed to take these thoughts seriously? Judging from that comment I'm assuming your thoughts are that heroes like Spec Ops takes skill while Dark Mage, Summoner and Assault take none
There are really bad opinions all over the place but, this was the closest one I could grab. The point is here, that, you are taking an opinion from what i assume, a guy (The Random), who played iceman (The Pro), spammed HP as bat and suicided into cannons in an attempt to do something asanine. Yet he has the opinion that the firebat needs to be more skillful, but has no idea how to play it. Is this not the definition of irony? You are surronded by guys like this.

Heres another example:
Quote from ShredderIV
Quote from name:FaZ-
Or he can just L2 or back up, and you won't finish him.

Not something that should be changed, though. The LM has counters, so does the Assassin.

I guess you didn't understand me. At night lm can't escape from sin unless he sits at the temple basically. The assassins l2+l3 combo allow him to bypass cannons and stun the lm for longer Than the lm can survive before he dies, and the assassin is also faster than the lm. And who came up with that l3 for assassin anyways? I really think it can be op a lot.
Assassin L3 OP'd? Thats cute. More inexperienced talk. Like i said, sure they may have some opinions that are valid everyone does. The problem is though you are surronded by guys like this. Talk to the pros, reach out the pros. Stop having inexperienced guys like the two above examples dictate what little input you take in from the players. I'm not saying "SCREW THEM LISTEN TO ONLY THE PROS", not at all. Listen to everyone! All i'm trying to say is stop surronding yourself with randoms and inexperienced talk.

-CAFG and Iceman, one being a tourney champion and one being in the TOP 5, stated they wanted a bugless M3, aka they would like to have the old bat back. I wonder what Maxx, another pro, TS champ, would have to say about this...[/end sarcasm]. Point is those are THREE pros, right of the back who want a bugless M3. Making something weaker to the point of uselessness IS not acceptable. Many people have spoken about the bat being pretty, bad, I just elaborated on why he was so bad.

-Filler text devoid of substance? Heres one, M6 Assault, Filler hero devoid of substance: Make Scourage, chase with scourage, hope for the best, Useless L2, useless end game presence, Hope to get lucky with L4 vs morons. Pretty much countered by all. When the bats chronic uselessness becomes evident after the first 4 minutes of the game, it becomes problematic.

-Pros would naturally give better ideas on heros than Randoms and guys who play TS occasionally and go on about how LM is overpowered. Pros can tell you about balancing issues, critiques, changes, meta-game scenarios and such compared to say some random who played TS ocassionally. Again, most pros arent about this: "LOLOLOL IM PRO DM, MOOSE GIVE DM +100 PER UP". You seem to not give the pros any credit that would want to better the map.

*NOTE: Moose i hope you dont edit for length or unecessary quotes but i needed to put up the examples to prove my point. Thank You.

Post has been edited 11 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 6:29 pm by Genocidal.Legend.


Jul 10 2009, 6:30 pm Moose Post #2208

We live in a society.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
-Never said pros opinions are irrefutable whatsoever. Where did you get this from.
I am aware that you did not explicitly say this. This is the connotation I derived from your words, if you will. Let me know if you don't understand why I would say something like this.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
What i said was get opinions and imput from the pros, and the general TS community. Getting feedback from randoms and guys who dont TS much is not going to cut it (This is not, I repeat NOT A FLAME). Get feedback from the pros, the guys who are dedicated and develop the current meta-game, not randoms.
What happened to what "everyone" and "the TS community" wanted? Make up your mind between public or professionals.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
-Filler text devoid of substance? Heres one, M6 Assault, Filler hero devoid of substance: Make Scourage, chase with scourage, hope for the best, Useless L2, useless end game presence, Hope to get lucky with L4 vs morons. Pretty much countered by all. When the bats chronic uselessness becomes evident after the first 4 minutes of the game, it becomes problematic.
Calling the Assault a filler hero devoid of substance is devoid of substance. The "substance" in my context refers to substantial meaning within the language and words used.
Are you trying to mock me or make an argument? I won't counter anything because I don't care about the M6 Assault anymore. We can start a fresh debate on the M7 Assault.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
-Pros would naturally give better ideas on heros than Randoms and guys who play TS occasionally and go on about how LM is overpowered. Pros can tell you about balancing issues, critiques, changes, meta-game scenarios and such compared to say some random who played TS ocassionally. Again, most pros arent about this: "LOLOLOL IM PRO DM, MOOSE GIVE DM +100 PER UP". You seem to not give the pros any credit that would want to better the map.
I am aware that the pros are not going to suggest ridiculous powerups to their favorite heroes. You still have not addressed:
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from Genocidal.Legend
You want to change DM, hook up with r0xmebaby on USWEST, he probably has the best DM and is very good at DM strats also he is hosting his own tournament. Iceman16 has probably the best mech on USWEST, ask him if you want to make any mech changes, he is also a tournament champion and plays regularly and probably has a wealth of information you can tap. StalinG has one of the best Volts on USWEST, you can ask him about Volt. You want to change the bat,Then go ask o0MaXX0o , another tournament champion, about what should be changed and get his input and despite his complete asshat status, he has the best bat. My point is, go directly to the good players and people who know what they are talking about. This is no offense to SEN of course, because people here have good ideas too, but you need to reach the good TS players not guys who just play occosionally and are mapmakers. We need the good dedicated players, this is what is missing from the equation.
What is the incentive or motive of the "professionals" of each individual class to admit that their chosen class might be even slightly overpowered?
And yes, I will add this at the end of every post until you answer it.

Jul 10 2009, 6:43 pm Genocidal.Legend Post #2209

quote=name:Mini Moose 2707]
Quote from Genocidal.Legend
-Never said pros opinions are irrefutable whatsoever. Where did you get this from.
I am aware that you did not explicitly say this. This is the connotation I derived from your words, if you will. Let me know if you don't understand why I would say something like this.

I am letting you know now, why would you say something like this?. Faz-, the self pro-claimed best mech pro, has some of the worst opinions around and i refute his views and perspectives all the time. I refute your points to, and since ClansAreForGays said you are easyliy top ten, meaning you are pro. So why would you say something like this?

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
What i said was get opinions and imput from the pros, and the general TS community. Getting feedback from randoms and guys who dont TS much is not going to cut it (This is not, I repeat NOT A FLAME). Get feedback from the pros, the guys who are dedicated and develop the current meta-game, not randoms.
What happened to what "everyone" and "the TS community" wanted? Make up your mind between public or professionals.

When i say everyone that means the community (Pros,Decents,even randoms). I admit the paragraph was worded a bit awkward, My apologies. The general point is, stop surronding yourself with ONLY randoms and newbie talk. Get the pros input, get those who do not come to SEN input, reach out beyond the SEN community.

You can keep repeating that same paragraph all day. I have already answered it in the above post. Pros arent going to try to skew thier own hero even more, or not admit something may be a bit op'd, if they want to better the map.

You can nit-pick, quote and side-step all day but this is the Bottom-line:
Stop self-serving the map, to what you feel is ideal, and reach out beyond the SEN community for opinions. As I said before if you do not want to do this, I will gladly take on anyones offer to change the map for the greater good of the community without your input and hand in making the map. I will be more than willing to help lay a foundation of a perfect TS map we can all rally around and go on from there. Again, I play temple siege, I like the map, I want to help, I am active in the community and I am a fan.

I do not want to play Moose Siege, where you feels one thing is so OP'd he feels the need to change it without the consensus of the community. Do not worry though, you already have a community Moose, that is a great start. You have ShredderIV, Dark_Marine, Faz-, and Yoshi all lined up and waiting to play Moose Siege. It will be a spectacular success. Here is a tip, when you make M8, tone down the LM it is OP'd.

I am sure people who are tired of the back-and-forth, clowning around, and the useless updates will whole-heartedly agree.

Post has been edited 12 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 7:41 pm by Genocidal.Legend.


Jul 10 2009, 7:04 pm UnholyUrine Post #2210

Okay.. Usually I'd stop arguments like these before they got full blown...
But I didn't because both parties are making valid points...

Anyway... There's no need to go on with this. It's just a game and we all should just have some fun...
It is hard to completely and perfectly balance something... and it is probably impossible for everyone to agree on a single balance...

I feel that everyone who was part of this argument about pros and Firebat sucking and what not should take a step back and look at Temple Siege as a whole. Rather than dissecting each spell and each hero, we have to look at the game itself. Questions should always be asked similar to this order:
1. Is the hero Fun?
2. Does the hero have its own niche.
3. Is the hero capable in a team... What role can it fill?
4. Is the hero overpowered/underpowered in a team. If so, what things can be changed to make him/her better. Do these changes affect its role in the team. Do these changes affect its niche. Do these changes affect its ability in 1v1?
5. Is the hero overpowered/underpowered due to its counter against specific heroes? If so, what things can be change to make him/her more/less powerful/linear/can endure more and etc..

Anyway... I'm starting to dislike the fact that ppl dissect the heroes into bits while looking at it as a team or as a whole in the game.... I, myself, can be accused of this... So, without reading all that, the game itself caters to team gaming, and I would rather have the discussion move that way.

It is also because of this that there's many changes in v1.5.

As a side note... To those people that think I made these changes in v1.5 for the Sake of change... bugger off! Every change has a purpose. :O


Jul 10 2009, 7:30 pm Jack Post #2211

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Unholy speaks wisdom with ...'s at the end, hear him! Unholy also has a full inbox, he is popular, love him!

Jokes aside, is it ok if I made my own version of TS?

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jul 10 2009, 8:27 pm Moose Post #2212

We live in a society.

First, a small band-aid patch to 1.4M7:
1.4M7 band-aid patch
Removed Archon Meld and Dark Archon Meld.
- Assassin's L1 now casts properly.
- Assault's Disruption Web (L1) does not affect allies.

The currently known bug is regarding the elimination message purple (P4). If he is eliminated, the message will appear when P5 is eliminated because I didn't change the player when I copied triggers to fix the elimination messages.

All those interested in hosting M7 should redownload.

Quote from UnholyUrine
It is hard to completely and perfectly balance something... and it is probably impossible for everyone to agree on a single balance...
The difficulty cannot be understated.

Quote from UnholyUrine
1. Is the hero Fun?
Unfortunately, there is a certain area where fun and (slightly) overpowered overlap.
People like playing rigged characters. If you un-rig a character, those people complain. End of B.Net public. People bitch about any changes, whether they are warranted or not. It's the nature of people.

Quote from UnholyUrine
Anyway... I'm starting to dislike the fact that ppl dissect the heroes into bits while looking at it as a team or as a whole in the game.... I, myself, can be accused of this... So, without reading all that, the game itself caters to team gaming, and I would rather have the discussion move that way.
I agree. The "overall power" of a hero should be judged before it is compared to each individual hero.

For M8:
  • Put Warrior's shields back down to 100? Maybe a 120 compromise? Did he even need the shield compensation for reduced HP? I've heard a lot of talk about 150 being too much.
  • Give Assault the Dropship back for L3.
  • Give Assault a (heavily modified) Firebomb for L2.
  • Assault's L4 will not be Nuke, but I would appreciate input and debate on what it could be.
  • Special Ops seems to have a good current setup with L2 and L3. There has not been much clamor for returning to the old L2 or L3. (well, other than when Sniper Rifle was L2 and Special Ops was the new LM! :P)
  • Special Ops L4 will either be Nuke or open for debate. If we so please, we can just remove Nuke and simply give both Special Ops and Assault new L4s?
  • Do HP + 20% for Medic's L4.
  • Implement functional anti-hack.
  • Change Medic L2? L3?
  • Redo the capture system? Save this for M9?
  • Change Summoner spells?
  • Change Light Mage spells?
  • Add Physicist?
  • Enlist a terrainer to fix some imbalances in the terrain?

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 8:41 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

Jul 10 2009, 8:40 pm Decency Post #2213

Genocidal, you seem to be missing the point. It's all well and good to say that something is bad, but that doesn't fix it. We know the M6 assault sucks, you're probably the dozenth person that's told Moose. However, most of us agree that the Dropship+Nuke together sucks too, for various reasons, so we think the classic Assault isn't the right way to go, either.

So far the only SOLUTIONS you've given are literally exact echos of what someone has said earlier, meaning you don't even need to be posting unless you're giving reasons that the Dropship+Nuke combo isn't a problem.

If you think an idea presented by someone else, such as myself, is bad, give reasons why you think so. Try to avoid these logical fallacies which your posts have been rife with thus far, so that people might actually take you more seriously: and

As for new spell ideas for vastly underused options to balance classes against themselves, I had a bunch of time at work today to be lazy so I thought of some interesting spell changes. I'm really sort of blanking on what could combo well with the Firebat so these are really unique ideas.

My only ideas for the Assault were:
L2: A fire wall where he spawns allied invincible firebats in his place as he runs. They need to hold position, though, and I'm not sure if this is possible while still allowing them to attack... Spawn a flame trap under them too, or don't allow them to attack, that might still work. This could be used to surround someone, cut off an escape route, and definitely more. They should spawn for about 10 seconds and last for another 5 seconds or so after they stop spawning. To trigger, just spawn one on the firebat's location anytime he's not in that location, then recenter it.
L3: I can definitely agree that the Dropship is probably better served as the Assault's L3 than as the Marine L4, and it would combo well with the next suggestion:
L4: I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but a permanent marine squadron (3? 5? 7? at 18+1, and a full mana medic too) summon. It's similar to the spawn conversion, but a spell that requires spawns to be nearby is much less useful, especially as an L4.

This means that the Spec Ops would need a new L4, and I don't think nukes would be good for him unless someone's Laser pointer idea could be triggered, which I don't know how to.

Other than that, underused spell replacements/modifications:

Modify L1 max lings based on game type (at start). 1 opponent = 4 lings max; 2 opponents = 6 lings, 3 opponents stays the same.
L2 creates a queen above the Summoner. It has enough energy to ensnare once.
Modify the L3 to add both life and mana to the summoner, and make it more obvious how it works in the text.
L4 stays the same.

This would encourage the summoner to do something besides sit in his base; ensnare plus Zerglings is incredibly powerful, in addition to his consume, plague, and dark swarm, plus burrow already being highly useful for a good offensive summoner.

L1: Stays. Allow killing your own medics as suggested if you have not already done so.
L2: Stays. Also should "disable" spawns and already cast spells within range (Dropship, Lurkers, DT's, whatever.)
L3: Stays. Also makes nearby allies invincible for 10 seconds!
L4: Medic heals to 100%, allies heal to level (or +20%) and have negative effects removed.

This sort of combines all the ideas that have been suggested, or those used by Unholy. I would love to experiment with this Medic, it would initially seem to be a more fun hero to play.

Light Mage
Still needs a teleport to be a decent hero. My suggestion is:
L2: The teleport should probably have some sort of offensive power too, like spawning Dragoons when it's finished, or Dragoons along the way, or something to make it not require L1 or L3 to be used too. I think a speedy observer or speedy shuttle would be the best options for controlling it, at 6-8 seconds.
L3: Reavers, moving to L3 and going back to a higher damage (by giving players starting Reaver upgrades, not by making the spawns do more too).
L4: Transform into Invincible Dragoon plus Reaver Blasts, or transform into an Invincible Reaver with Dragoon Blasts.

L2 or L3 become Guardian semi-chaingun and Summons Hydras for the other. I'm not sure which would be better where. If hydras are L2, lower their stats.

Get rid of Drones, they're not needed anymore with the dropship+nuke combo being separated. It wasn't really worth it for them to be used except for nydus in the first place, Sunkens were always taken out almost immediately and they took too long and too much mana to get running. If you add the razings change, they will be worse than useless.

Feedback to 55 or 60. Other than that I don't really think anything needs to be changed here.

Machine shop idea has already been voiced many times, I won't repeat it but I still think it's needed to stop Mech from being such a ridiculously hard counter to every melee unit.

I think the other heroes are well-balanced.

One final change that might be better than the razings change but solves the same problem: Killing enemy spawn gates simply automatically gives you experience for kills anytime units would have spawned. Similar to controlling a warp gate, this would give you an edge without making it a huge one or a game-ending one, and it allows you to kill the gates WITHOUT hurting your ability to level and/or finish the game.

I welcome (logical and well constructed) critiques.

EDIT: Didn't see your post, Moose. I think I hit a lot of your propositions anyway.

If you add the Physicist (which is still a dumb name), I think you should also add a Sniper/Phantom unit in the same go, as well as modifying the capture system so as to get all experimentation out in one fell swoop. However, I'd wait on all 3 of these additions until the initial 12 are well balanced and agreed to be versatile and fun.

Perhaps you could use a Ghost as a "Pilot/Sniper" and give him Terran air units for attacks, such as (These may very well be horrible, I spent literally 2 minutes typing this):

L1: A single Yamato
L2: Valkyrie as a make-shift transport? Probably some ghost spell in here wouldn't hurt, either.
L3: Wraith chaingun
L4: BC fleet air strike, similar to Archer's L4 except they don't fly at you and ruin the spell.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 9:00 pm by FaZ-.


Jul 10 2009, 9:10 pm Moose Post #2214

We live in a society.

Quote from name:FaZ-
They need to hold position, though, and I'm not sure if this is possible while still allowing them to attack...
It's very difficult to keep them close but not in the way.

Quote from name:FaZ-
Spawn a flame trap under them too, or don't allow them to attack, that might still work.
We can't spawn flame traps. We can continually move them, though. They would have to be invincible. Also, Flame Traps only point down-right or down-left, which I don't like.
Spell idea...
Mobile Turret: Moves an invincible Floor Gun Trap to your hero. It remains permanently (or maybe some "long" time like 30 or 60 seconds) until the spell is recast. ... Now that's map control. :P I forget if they use Terran Infantry upgrades... either way, depending on the damage this might not actually be a bad L2 for Assault.

Quote from name:FaZ-
L4: I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but a permanent marine squadron (3? 5? 7? at 18+1, and a full mana medic too) summon. It's similar to the spawn conversion, but a spell that requires spawns to be nearby is much less useful, especially as an L4.
My only fear is that Assault will become too Summoner-esque with this. It's a good possibility.

Quote from name:FaZ-
This means that the Spec Ops would need a new L4, and I don't think nukes would be good for him unless someone's Laser pointer idea could be triggered, which I don't know how to.
Me neither.

Quote from name:FaZ-
L2 creates a queen above the Summoner. It has enough energy to ensnare once.
Summon pet queen ala Dark Orb or a one-shot deal?

Quote from name:FaZ-
L1: Stays. Allow killing your own medics as suggested if you have not already done so.
Time to redo some alliance triggers. :P

Quote from name:FaZ-
L2: Stays. Also should "disable" spawns and already cast spells within range (Dropship, Lurkers, DT's, whatever.)
I am really afraid this will break a lot of triggers if things were just removed. Also, it's hard to inhibit spells in progress via trigger that don't have a unit corresponding on the map.
(Do summons like Lings and Dark Orb and Vessel count?)

Quote from name:FaZ-
L3: Stays. Also makes nearby allies invincible for 10 seconds!
Fierce. Whatever happened to that Rally spell turning medics into marines that we were tossing around awhile ago?

Quote from name:FaZ-
L2: The teleport should probably have some sort of offensive power too, like spawning Dragoons when it's finished, or Dragoons along the way, or something to make it not require L1 or L3 to be used too. I think a speedy observer or speedy shuttle would be the best options for controlling it, at 6-8 seconds.
Does the LM stick around for this teleportation process? I don't really want to overload him with spells incorporating invincibility.

Quote from name:FaZ-
L4: Transform into Invincible Dragoon plus Reaver Blasts, or transform into an Invincible Reaver with Dragoon Blasts.
IMO, it's too much like a super Light Barrier. I need that Dragoon anyway. ;) And we all remember the transform-to-Reaver spell that was Mech's L4. ;)

Quote from name:FaZ-
L2 or L3 become Guardian semi-chaingun and Summons Hydras for the other. I'm not sure which would be better where. If hydras are L2, lower their stats.
I favor L3 for the semi-chaingun and Hydras to L2. I'd like a new L4 if this happens.

Quote from name:FaZ-
Machine shop idea has already been voiced many times, I won't repeat it but I still think it's needed to stop Mech from being such a ridiculously hard counter to every melee unit.
Indeed it has. I need to play around with it a bit.

Quote from name:FaZ-
One final change that might be better than the razings change but solves the same problem: Killing enemy spawn gates simply automatically gives you experience for kills anytime units would have spawned. Similar to controlling a warp gate, this would give you an edge without making it a huge one or a game-ending one, and it allows you to kill the gates WITHOUT hurting your ability to level and/or finish the game.
I came up with this idea in my head, but don't remember if I posted it. I would probably put a respawn time on the gates with this.

Jul 10 2009, 9:28 pm Vi3t-X Post #2215

Even though I rarely play it now, I'd still like to ask.

Is the trigger for the Dweb

"P12 brings Dweb to location Hero P1"
"P1 brings Hero to location "Dweb".

You could make Dwebs more effective in such a manner. But, I haven't checked updates or anything.


Jul 10 2009, 9:44 pm Moose Post #2216

We live in a society.

When D-Webs are placed and stay creating an area of effect, they use the first. (current) Now they also now use the smaller hit-detection location used in Volt L1 hits instead of the older 2x2.
When D-Web was a one-shot check, it used the second. (M4-M6)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 10:12 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

Jul 10 2009, 10:08 pm Genocidal.Legend Post #2217

Just as I predicted, Faz- coming in with the lame ideas again. Then, he proposes making the medic with L3 invincible and disabling all spawns with L2, man this guy never ceases to amaze me, as if she wasnt already a top tier unit. This doesnt suprise me at all, coming from a guy who thinks LM is op'd and losing 3v1 to volt with Mech w/ map assims. This is useless, I'm going to find way to perfect the map, you guys can sit here screw up Moose Siege, I'll go play temple siege.


Jul 10 2009, 10:21 pm Moose Post #2218

We live in a society.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
Just as I predicted, Faz- coming in with the lame ideas again. Then, he proposes making the medic with L3 invincible and disabling all spawns with L2
This is what I mean by "no substance". You have asserted that you do not like the ideas but provide absolutely no reasoning or justification.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
man this guy never ceases to amaze me, as if she wasnt already a top tier unit. This doesnt suprise me at all, coming from a guy who thinks LM is op'd and losing 3v1 to volt with Mech w/ map assims.
You have attacked FaZ- but not his argument. This is the logical fallacy known as ad hominem.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
This is useless, I'm going to find way to perfect the map, you guys can sit here screw up Moose Siege, I'll go play temple siege.
What about my ideas? :(

Jul 10 2009, 10:22 pm Decency Post #2219

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
It's very difficult to keep them close but not in the way.
I just did this in about 5 minutes, it seems to be exactly what I'd want. Maybe you can spawn the Firebats as neutral until the spawning stops, then give them to the player?

Fire Wall

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
Mobile Turret: Moves an invincible Floor Gun Trap to your hero. It remains permanently (or maybe some "long" time like 30 or 60 seconds) until the spell is recast. ... Now that's map control. :P I forget if they use Terran Infantry upgrades... either way, depending on the damage this might not actually be a bad L2 for Assault.
Meh. Easily avoided. Would be wayyy too good for taking out structures/gaining exp, and hell you could even capture with it. THIS would turn him into a summoner.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
My only fear is that Assault will become too Summoner-esque with this. It's a good possibility.
I don't see that happening simply because this is a level 4 spell. At that point in the game this would not be able to feed well unless it's hugely rushed, and then the lack of upgrades will make them easy pickings for enemy heroes. I think it would work if we found the proper number of Marines.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
Quote from name:FaZ-
L2 creates a queen above the Summoner. It has enough energy to ensnare once.
Summon pet queen ala Dark Orb or a one-shot deal?
One shot. If it's a pet the Defiler has no reason to leave the base.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
Quote from name:FaZ-
L2: Stays. Also should "disable" spawns and already cast spells within range (Dropship, Lurkers, DT's, whatever.)
I am really afraid this will break a lot of triggers if things were just removed. Also, it's hard to inhibit spells in progress via trigger that don't have a unit corresponding on the map.
(Do summons like Lings and Dark Orb and Vessel count?)
Yeah, the idea was to make it like any other stun in terms of removing spawns. Those don't break the game, so I don't see why this would. And yes, summons would count (assuming they count for Sin L2, War L3, etc.). I think that's a yes, except I'm not sure about that being an air-remover.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
Quote from name:FaZ-
L3: Stays. Also makes nearby allies invincible for 10 seconds!
Fierce. Whatever happened to that Rally spell turning medics into marines that we were tossing around awhile ago?
Still possible, but this seems to fit more with the "assist" role that the Medic plays, and hoarding medics just doesn't seem like a sane strategy. I think this would make it see some use over the L4 at certain times; could save a retreating/stunned hero, etc.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
Quote from name:FaZ-
L2: The teleport should probably have some sort of offensive power too, like spawning Dragoons when it's finished, or Dragoons along the way, or something to make it not require L1 or L3 to be used too. I think a speedy observer or speedy shuttle would be the best options for controlling it, at 6-8 seconds.
Does the LM stick around for this teleportation process? I don't really want to overload him with spells incorporating invincibility.
Good point. I was thinking the flier would be attackable, a la the observer for the Earth Demon in 1.5, but no, the LM would not be present. I think stunning the LM when killing it would be excessive though; simply not spawning the Dragoons at the end would be a sufficient penalty.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
Quote from name:FaZ-
L4: Transform into Invincible Dragoon plus Reaver Blasts, or transform into an Invincible Reaver with Dragoon Blasts.
IMO, it's too much like a super Light Barrier. I need that Dragoon anyway. ;) And we all remember the transform-to-Reaver spell that was Mech's L4. ;)
Since Light Barrier wouldn't exist anymore under this build, that's the idea. I should have specified, however: this would be a 15 to 20 second type deal where the Mage would basically just kill anything near him. As a glorified Light Barrier, it would work well, and you could probably re-use the same dragoon from the Teleport.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
Quote from name:FaZ-
L2 or L3 become Guardian semi-chaingun and Summons Hydras for the other. I'm not sure which would be better where. If hydras are L2, lower their stats.
I favor L3 for the semi-chaingun and Hydras to L2. I'd like a new L4 if this happens.
That was my initial thought, but there were legitimate complaints that this would lead to a summoner-Archer, to which I replied "Robin Hood." To which I actually replied that the max should be low for an L2, no more than 3-5.

As far as a new L4, the mutalisk salvo isn't a bad idea at all, it maintains its role of basekill. It's just not archery, because they run at you which is annoying as hell. If you want to modify it to just spawn the initial outer group, then let them be controlled for the duration, it would be a great spell.

Quote from name:Mini Moose 2707
I came up with this idea in my head, but don't remember if I posted it. I would probably put a respawn time on the gates with this.
How would that work...? Respawning the gates would allow you to kill them multiple times, getting your exp per spawn multiplied as well? That's interesting and trigger intensive...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 24 2023, 12:35 pm by Decency.


Jul 10 2009, 10:34 pm Genocidal.Legend Post #2220

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from Genocidal.Legend
Just as I predicted, Faz- coming in with the lame ideas again. Then, he proposes making the medic with L3 invincible and disabling all spawns with L2
This is what I mean by "no substance". You have asserted that you do not like the ideas but provide absolutely no reasoning or justification.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
man this guy never ceases to amaze me, as if she wasnt already a top tier unit. This doesnt suprise me at all, coming from a guy who thinks LM is op'd and losing 3v1 to volt with Mech w/ map assims.
You have attacked FaZ- but not his argument. This is the logical fallacy known as ad hominem.

Quote from Genocidal.Legend
This is useless, I'm going to find way to perfect the map, you guys can sit here screw up Moose Siege, I'll go play temple siege.
What about my ideas? :(

You know why i dont provide a reason anymore is because, all if not most of his ideas are bad. Ive have read the forums thoroughly and ive talked to many people, and they all agree his ideas are bad. Are you serious, A top tier unit ALREADY, the medic, and he wants the L3 to make it invinicble. This is ludacris, he cannot even begin to comprehand the imbalance that this alone would bring to the meta-game. I will say it right now, edit this if you want, he is not good, he doesnt even grasp the fundamentals of temple siege. Again Moose this goes back to what i was saying. A guy screaming "LM is OP", 99% of the time will come out with warped ideas or ideas that are just horrible because his perceptions of the game are just so bad that he will never be able see what the game really needs and what the game doesnt need.

Your ideas, however, are not always bad. In fact some i agree with. Though just so self-serving. I'm tired of this back and forth, talk to pros, stop talking to Faz, stop surronding yourself with the noob talk. Reach out and communicate otherwise you will get things like this.


Just no. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. INSANELY BAD.
And this is coming from the guy who says: "NUKE AND DROPSHIP IS SO OVERPOWERED LOLOLOLOLOL"

Medic is already a top tier unit. Leave it alone.

Faz-, go play good people, stop playing noobs.
Moose, stop entertaining this guy.

EDIT: I will give credit where credit is due, the guardian chaingun idea is good, he needs a longer range spell especially when retreating vs an L3 ling, otherwise the rest of the post is garbage. See the 1% shined through :D.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 11:20 pm by Genocidal.Legend.


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