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Let's Play A Little Game
Mar 9 2009, 4:57 am
By: A_of-s_t  

Mar 9 2009, 4:57 am A_of-s_t Post #1

aka idmontie

I was bored and I came upon this article:

I think everyone should partake in this awesome life experience. Discuss! GOGOGO!

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Mar 9 2009, 6:05 am MillenniumArmy Post #2

How about not.

Well actually, we should teach our kids this.


Mar 9 2009, 6:28 am ClansAreForGays Post #3

Is there an Easy Mode?

Mar 9 2009, 12:13 pm NudeRaider Post #4

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Is there an Easy Mode?
Windows with the same kind of interpreter.
Don't use "cmd.exe" and you should be fine.

Mar 9 2009, 12:51 pm Forsaken Archer Post #5

Installing that on SEN's box.


Mar 9 2009, 4:52 pm Brontobyte Post #6

Quote from name:isolatedpurity
Installing that on SEN's box.

Shoutbox? That would be cool. If someone spells something wrong, they get their account deleted and a permanent IP ban. :lol:


Mar 10 2009, 3:47 am A_of-s_t Post #7

aka idmontie

I started playing that game with me and my friends. We're all using it in our IB Psych papers :P.

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Mar 10 2009, 5:25 am Syphon Post #8

Quote from A_of-s_t

I started playing that game with me and my friends. We're all using it in our IB Psych papers :P.

Lucky, my school doesn't have IB psych. SL or HL?


Mar 10 2009, 6:44 am MillenniumArmy Post #9

IB is epic fail. My high school had IB as well as all that SL and HL stuff.

AP was good enough for me :P


Mar 10 2009, 7:22 am rockz Post #10

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

IB is good when taken in large quantities. AP is good when taken in small quantities. Of course, there's only one IB elementary/middle school in NC, which severely limits that. It is, however, a very good curriculum. Most colleges don't accept IB credits as readily as AP credits, however. It's all BS anyway, since the only way to get a lot of credits is to go to a top 500 high school. I know a few people who could take a total of 3 AP courses at their HS.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Mar 10 2009, 9:22 pm Centreri Post #11

Relatively ancient and inactive

I lol'd.


Mar 10 2009, 11:04 pm Syphon Post #12

Quote from MillenniumArmy
IB is epic fail. My high school had IB as well as all that SL and HL stuff.

AP was good enough for me :P

It's only epic fail if you want to go to school in Ontario.


Mar 10 2009, 11:25 pm Fire_Kame Post #13

wth is starcraft

suicide made me lol. As for cheesecake, that isn't anything new. In my freshman english class, we'd see how many times we could fit a work in without the teacher taking off points. You see, we learned he didn't actually read in class essays, he just looked to see if we wrote enough. Whoever inserted the word the most won a buck from each of us. Totally worth it. I think we all got A's in that class, too (there were four or five other people we did it with)

O/T: AP is one trillion times more useful than IB, but only if you get straight 5's on your tests. Otherwise, all it does it bring down your unweighted GPA and look like a 'nice try' to colleges. So for all the extra effort you put into it, you got less.

Mar 11 2009, 12:10 am A_of-s_t Post #14

aka idmontie

Quote from name:-_- Kame -_-
suicide made me lol. As for cheesecake, that isn't anything new. In my freshman english class, we'd see how many times we could fit a work in without the teacher taking off points. You see, we learned he didn't actually read in class essays, he just looked to see if we wrote enough. Whoever inserted the word the most won a buck from each of us. Totally worth it. I think we all got A's in that class, too (there were four or five other people we did it with)

O/T: AP is one trillion times more useful than IB, but only if you get straight 5's on your tests. Otherwise, all it does it bring down your unweighted GPA and look like a 'nice try' to colleges. So for all the extra effort you put into it, you got less.
ROFLOL. AP classes are horrible -- all they are is learning as much usless information as possible and regurgetating it on a test and then forgetting all of it right after. I've taken AP and IB classes/tests and IB is much more useful in actually learning things. And besides, which sounds cooler? Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate Programme?

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Mar 11 2009, 12:10 am Syphon Post #15

Quote from name:-_- Kame -_-
suicide made me lol. As for cheesecake, that isn't anything new. In my freshman english class, we'd see how many times we could fit a work in without the teacher taking off points. You see, we learned he didn't actually read in class essays, he just looked to see if we wrote enough. Whoever inserted the word the most won a buck from each of us. Totally worth it. I think we all got A's in that class, too (there were four or five other people we did it with)

O/T: AP is one trillion times more useful than IB, but only if you get straight 5's on your tests. Otherwise, all it does it bring down your unweighted GPA and look like a 'nice try' to colleges. So for all the extra effort you put into it, you got less.

Getting straight 7s in IB will get you a lot further than straight 5s in AP, if the Uni recognises both. However, it is much, much, much harder to do.


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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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