Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Terrain > Topic: How do I make a jungled, mazelike terrian?
How do I make a jungled, mazelike terrian?
Feb 21 2009, 1:28 pm
By: XxMayhemxX  

Feb 22 2009, 3:30 pm NudeRaider Post #21

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from XxMayhemxX
I can do alot of things with triggers.. but i always have problems with figuring out who to give the triggers to..
neutral(p12)? all players? force1? player 11? enemy?
The only valid trigger owners are P1-8, Force1-4 and All Players. Triggers with another owner will be ignored.
Usually you give the trigger to the player that has something to do with the actions, so you can use Current Player as much as possible.
Scenery triggers like creating waterfall hallucinations are best given to a single computer player (can't leave) that already handles other gameplay triggers, like creating enemies, setting countdown, etc.

Feb 23 2009, 4:11 am XxMayhemxX Post #22

Quote from MobiusOne.
Player "#"
-Bring 0 units to "Create & Kill"
-Create unit "Protoss Carrier" with properties "Hallucination"
-Kill units at "Create & Kill"

i knew all of the trig except the part you left out... which player they go to..
but i gave it to player 8, and it works thanks tho

man the sprite limit sucks.... i cant decorate anything... unless i want like no trees...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 23 2009, 5:29 am by XxMayhemxX.


Feb 23 2009, 8:59 pm poison_us Post #23

Back* from the grave

I may sound retarded, but while you were having the trouble with the shrubs, were you placing sprites instead of doodads on accident?

Feb 25 2009, 5:49 am XxMayhemxX Post #24

Quote from poison_us
I may sound retarded, but while you were having the trouble with the shrubs, were you placing sprites instead of doodads on accident?

i tried both.. first doodads, then sprites.. then a little of both...

i noticed u have to max out sprites first then place doodads... so i might not place the doodad trees til the very end...
i need sprites for decoration in many parts of the map... otherwise i have a Swan Station and other areas in the game that will be completely empty.. lol

the beauty is... i won't have many units on the map.. in fact not many more then 10-20 if that...
all other units will be created and removed via triggers...
I wish there was a way to create and remove doodads and sprites... then i could have the swan decorated only when ppl go there... and undecorated when it is empty...

5 starting men for the players...then maybe some critters and maybe 5 or 10 more units.. i should be able to use alot of doodads.. not sure on sprites tho.. i dont want the map unplayable... i save and test it after each change..

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 25 2009, 5:55 am by XxMayhemxX.


Feb 25 2009, 6:06 am Pyro682 Post #25

If you have only 10-20 Units, I'm sure this may be solution (Depends on the size of the map, but you can always recycle your units, depending on where the player is.)
You can have 4 types of burrowed (Or cloaked) units... Basically something the player can't see-
For example, a burrowed Ling, Hydralisk, Devouring one, and Hunter killer.
The reason why you require these 4 units(Should you choose to take advantage of this opportunity) is because there are 4 generic directions - Up, down, left, right. 8 possibly may be better, but 4 will work just fine.
What happens here is that you have a location centered on the player's units, and if that location detects maybe a burrowed zergling owned by a computer or something, you can have a mobile grid system in which it teleports (or orders) that unit away from the zergling. You can use 2 Mobile grids. (one Taking advantage of Observers/Scourges, and one using either Gun Mercenary Ships, or Cargo Ships.) First you have the Gun Mercenary Ship move in the correct direction of teleporation/ordering, then have the observer/scourge grid move in the opposite direction, making a grid that teleports/orders the unit to a half a square away, thus not making a huge difference in mobility. If a unit goes into a corner, it is possible that the unit may be moved twice.

Btw, I just would like to mention that I love the whole "it doesnt post twice if you accidentally push the Post button twice" Thing on this website. Had it not been there, I would have posted at least 200 posts in duplicates (making 400). Score IsolatedPurity!!! :D


Feb 25 2009, 6:18 am XxMayhemxX Post #26

use your mobile grid for recycling you mean?

or what?

but as far as your mobile grid goes and wanting explosions all around a player controlled firebat anywhere on the map...
couldnt you just use a moving location that follows each player and use air explosions in that location?
Much easier then millions of locations or a mobile grid...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 25 2009, 6:28 am by XxMayhemxX.


Feb 25 2009, 6:27 am Pyro682 Post #27

No, What i'm saying is this:
You may need to recycle units (the burrowed ones) if your map is extremely large, and the maze in which you would need the mobile grids takes up alot of space. (As the maze gets larger, the amount of units needed to make the trees "unpassable" increases)
So, To recycle, you may need to place these units via trigger.
Basically, if players are in 1 area of the map, keep the burrowed units there. when they get to another large area of the map, remove all of the burrowed units in area 1, and create the burrowed units (or move them) to the needed locations in area 2.(This example assuming that this hypothetical map has 2 areas.)


Feb 25 2009, 6:30 am XxMayhemxX Post #28

ohh.... like i could move cloaked dts.... to block trees you mean?


Feb 25 2009, 6:32 am Pyro682 Post #29

Not what I had in mind, but yes, DTs might work.

Burrowed units wouldn't obstruct the paths in the way that the DTs would, they would start a trigger that would acheive a somewhat similar effect.


Feb 25 2009, 6:42 am XxMayhemxX Post #30

so using a mobile grid... depending on where your at on the map, the burrowed units would be used in trigs.. to block in between trees?


Feb 25 2009, 7:38 am Pyro682 Post #31

Not block, but just move back a bit away from the trees when they get to close to the passing between the trees.


Feb 25 2009, 7:47 am XxMayhemxX Post #32

ok.. so when a player unit gets too close to the trees.. the burrowed units would push the player back a little
what do they do raise and sink repeatedly? or?


Feb 25 2009, 5:51 pm samsizzle Post #33

If your still wondering about the terrain, look at this map


Feb 25 2009, 11:07 pm XxMayhemxX Post #34

I already have a trig for a BC being created and issued for player 7...
and during its flight, I have a trigger to make the screen shake.. but it isn't working...
I'm centering the view for force 1 on a number of locations
to create the illusion of turbulence during player 7's flight/crash
Trigger("Force 1"){
Bring("Player 7", "Terran Battlecruiser", "Flight Path", Exactly, 1);

Play WAV("staredit\\wav\\a310flyinglow.wav", 0);
Run AI Script(" Vi6");
Center View("shake1");
Center View("shake3");
Center View("shake2");
Center View("shake4");
Center View("shake5");
Center View("shake13");
Center View("shake7");
Center View("shake10");
Center View("shake8");
Center View("shake11");
Center View("shake9");
Center View("shake6");
Center View("shake12");
Run AI Script At Location("-Vi6", "Anywhere");
Center View("Crash Site");
With the trig(for now), the players all get to see player 7's flight and freefall, and the screen is supposed to shake like turbulence.. then after the turbulence, the screen will go dark..

everything is working except the multiple centering views(turbulence/shaking)

I tried giving the trig to both Force 1 and Players 1-5(Force 1)

i added 750ms waits in between the shakes.. and it works now sort of...
they move really super slow.. and looks like crap... and only the first 4 shakes fire

i have hypertriggers for P8 with no other waits for P8
3 sets of 63 0 waits with preserves on all of them...
so not sure why the shakes arent faster..

oh sorry
im used to other forums.. where you can post as often as you like..
you mean just editing previous posts instead of making new posts.. weird but ok...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 26 2009, 1:43 am by Doodan. Reason: merging posts


Feb 26 2009, 1:14 am rockz Post #35

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

transmission is a wait. You're encountering wait blocks. Think about what you're trying to do, and see if there is a better way to do it, rather than by using waits. For example, hyper triggers run every 84 ms, so you can base a timer off of that.

Please read up on the wiki on wait blocks and hyper triggers. That way you can understand why they work and how to avoid common problems associated with them.

Finally, don't triple post unless there's a good reason to bump your thread (no new posts for like a few days).

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Feb 26 2009, 3:54 am MobiusOne. Post #36

Do you ever add a Preserve Trigger?
I mean, i've been looking at your script posts and they don't seem to have a preserve trigger O.o??


Mar 1 2009, 7:50 pm NudeRaider Post #37

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

After some time being in the UMS assistance forum I think I can move it to the Terrain section. Maybe those guys know a trick or 2 we don't.

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