7. Sides Quests + Mini Games
Monster Arena,
Optional Super Boss =),
Hidden Items (Ultimate Armors of Sexy Pwnage)
My rpg has all this
On a happy note: Moving ever-closer to a playable DEMO. Have Just completed all Screen Movement triggers for the needed areas. Have just completed all functions of the "Stones" portion of the Menu.
haha! don't be sorry Norm, they are common in good rpgs
. Just make them better then mine... If you can! bwhahaha that's not a race but it's a challenge!
I really do like what you've got here.
Well, if you are going to make another map, I have a suggestion: Keep the amount of triggers constantly firing to a minimum. There are a few maps that were recently released, including HS, that make older computers like mine cry. It doesn't take too much effort to keep things from constantly firing; just keep this in mind while making your triggers.
haha! don't be sorry Norm, they are common in good rpgs
. Just make them better then mine... If you can! bwhahaha that's not a race but it's a challenge!
I really do like what you've got here.
Haha, thanks. Even if my side quests & stuff are slightly less epic than yours, it's only because my RPG is mini
Well, if you are going to make another map, I have a suggestion: Keep the amount of triggers constantly firing to a minimum. There are a few maps that were recently released, including HS, that make older computers like mine cry. It doesn't take too much effort to keep things from constantly firing; just keep this in mind while making your triggers.
I know it.
TY to mods for deleting some of the spam that was going on in here. Also, Updated first post with more information about the different kinds of armors available to wear. HS Players will recognize some of them =).
Edit: Some more information added to OP, it's starting to look like an actual RPG intro now =)
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 18 2010, 4:25 pm by Norm.
The dungeon terrain looks kind of funny with the half extended half rectangular terrain. Maybe you should decide on one of them?
The dungeon terrain looks kind of funny with the half extended half rectangular terrain. Maybe you should decide on one of them?
Oh, lol I only do that for the exits of the dungeon so that people will be be able to tell that it's an exit. The majority of a dungeon is 100% rectangular. Besides the Exits of dungeans, regular terrain and rectangular are pretty much never seen beside eachother.
UPDATES: So, today I finished a couple small systems and THEN I finished my spell-casting system (which I was happy about). I am currently working on the monster system (like how they're going to work) and one thing I wanted to prevent is grinding, or players becoming too powerful by farming kills for either drops/level up/growth. In order to counter this, I'm making it so that monsters are pre-placed on the world map, but do not respawn. However, they DO respawn inside
normal dungeon rooms.
That's another thing you'll be able to see in the DEMO, but the main reason is because let's say a certain type of monster has a 2% chance to drop Dark Mail, I wouldn't want the player having access to 100+ of this type of monster and take the luck factor out of finding said armor. (That's just an example, not an actual scenario as of now.)
Completed RPG
Official DEMO
Another RPG I'm looking forward to
If you need a week end tester, you know who to ask haha
Official DEMO
I have to do a complete overhaul on my terrain lay out though =/.
Norm, my offer to race still stands. I've had a much better (and better thought out) map idea.
Quote from name:TassadarZeratul
Norm, my offer to race still stands. I've had a much better (and better thought out) map idea.
Okay you better start mapping quickly then, because I almost have a full DEMO ready.
I probably won't be able to get a demo out before you but the full map will be out first.
>be faceless void >mfw I have no face
Yo Norm, are you going to make an official race topic?
Red classic.
"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."
Well, whichever has the most quality in their map wins anyways.
Yo Norm, are you going to make an official race topic?
Yeah. I'll do it AFTER I put the finishing touches on my DEMO
Hm, if you switch out stones, does the stone that you switch out loses all the exp that has been accumulated in it, or does it stay?
I don't know if this is relevant to you or not, but the past tense of "bond" is "bound," not "bonded"
Hm, if you switch out stones, does the stone that you switch out loses all the exp that has been accumulated in it, or does it stay?
You gain experience in using that particular type of stone. For example, you have 1 Null Stone inserted into your sword. You gain 1NullStoneEXP for each kill you make (under normal circumstances). If you have 2 Null Stones inserted into your sword, You gain 2NullStoneEXP for each kill you make. These StoneEXP's build up just like your normal EXP and they never decrease even if you remove all stones of that type from your sword. The end result is a double sided sword - perhaps you have maxed out Flame Stone and you destroy everything with fire magic, but suddenly you fight monster that is I dunno like - Immune to fire element. Then you're gunna wish you spent time leveling up the other stones - which will not have gained much if you only socket your weapon with Flame Stones.
tl;dr = No, EXP for each stone type never goes down.
Hm, that's interesting. So you have a choice of going for a rapid stone growth with the downside of being unable to kill certain spawns or a balanced build at a much slower pace. I like