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SEN Awards 2010!
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Dec 7 2009, 10:56 pm
By: Corbo
Pages: 1 2 38 >

Dec 7 2009, 10:56 pm Corbo Post #1


You know the deal, there's categories and nominees, you may either vote for an already listed nominee or you can propose your own nominee!
Again, categories that created a bit of controversy before have been removed and remember, the voting closes on new year!

SEN Awards!

Most helpful mapping member
This goes to the member who has been the most helpful in the mapping section, this includes melee as well

Mapper of the year
This goes to the member you consider has been the mapper of the year, it may be an old mapper

Map of the year
This goes to whatever map you consider has been the best all around the year, can be old maps that influenced this year

Most helpful modding member
This goes to the member who has been the most helpful in the modding section, this includes melee as well

Modder of the year
This goes to the member you consider has been the modder of the year, it may be an old modder

Mod of the year
This goes to whatever mod you consider has been the best all around the year, can be old mods that influenced this year

Terrainer of the year
This goes to the member you consider has made the best terrain pieces

Best overall staff member
Goes to the best staff member, the one that did his job best or is cooler, whatever. Also includes admins, GMs, wiki and DLDB

Member of the year
Goes to whoever you think has been the best member overall in sen this year

Spammer of the year
This is for the member that has made the most unhelpful and pointless topics overall. Do not feel offended if you're nominated and do not flame! this also includes the shoutbox

Best fight
Has there been any fights on sen? liked any of them? that's your best fight!

Artist of the year
The member who has been the most creative and artistic in this year of SEN

Best discussional member
This goes to the member that always has the best arguments on any topic but specifically in the serious discussion forum.

Most useful tech-nerd
Goes to the member that provides the best help technology-wise

Newb of the year
This is NOT a flaming category. This award goes to the best ADDITION to SEN this year.

Best fad creator
This goes to the member who has created the best fads all around the year *cough* :hurr: *cough*

Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue
This award automatically goes to DTBK.
DT_Battlekruser (9001)

==Response sheet==
Most helpful mapper:
Best mapper:
Best map:
Most helpful modder:
Best modder:
Best mod:
Best terrainer:
Best staff:
Best member overall:
Worst spammer:
Best fight:
Artist of the year:
Discussion member:
Tech member:
Best newb:
Best fad creator:
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue:

fuck you all

Dec 7 2009, 11:08 pm Kaias Post #2

I propose we delay this until 2009 is over.
EDIT: Read: when real maps surface.


Dec 7 2009, 11:22 pm ToA Post #3

Que Sera, Sera.

==Response sheet==
Most helpful mapper:
Best mapper:
Best map:
Most helpful modder:
Best modder:
Best mod:
Best terrainer:
Best staff:
Best member overall:
Worst spammer: Sadly not ToA
Best fight:
Artist of the year: ToA or Ex
Discussion member:
Tech member:
Best newb:
Best fad creator: Corbo :hurr:

I'll do everything else later

Dec 7 2009, 11:31 pm Hug A Zergling Post #4

Most useless member: Hug A Zergling


Dec 8 2009, 12:22 am Excalibur Post #5

The sword and the faith

==Response sheet==
Most helpful mapper: NudeRaider
Best mapper: Norm
Best map: Hero Sanctuary
Most helpful modder: Poiy
Best modder: Polaris
Best mod: P.E.N.I.S (Yes its a real mod, ask Pol. :P)
Best terrainer: Myself
Best staff: JaFF
Best member overall: Doodan
Worst spammer: Tuxedo_Templar for his gay protoss porn in the shoutbox. :P
Best fight: Ex vs Everyone
Artist of the year: lolwut
Discussion member: lolwut
Tech member: Me.
Best newb: Contradiction in terms.
Best fad creator: Corbo
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue: DTBK

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Dec 8 2009, 1:09 am Fire_Kame Post #6

wth is starcraft

I'd like to nominate myself for "all of the above"

Dec 8 2009, 1:21 am LoveLess Post #7

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

==Response sheet==
Most helpful mapper: Nude
Best mapper: Lethal_Illusion
Best map: I want to see Nightfall. Now.
Best terrainer: Haven't really looked around, but shouldn't this go to the person who was adamant about setting up the Terrain Wiki? Sounds fair imo
Best staff: JaFF
Best member overall: JaFF
Worst spammer: Fire_Kame
Best fight: The war that we are losing in Op SEN, their taking over.
Artist of the year: Lady Gaga
Discussion member: Yoshi
Tech member: SI
Best fad creator: Well since Syphon is out of the picture, Corbo
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue: DTBK

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 8 2009, 1:31 am by LoveLess.


Dec 8 2009, 1:53 am Excalibur Post #8

The sword and the faith

Quote from LoveLess
Tech member: SI
What the fuck are you talking about? I haven't even SEEN SI, much less seen him post in Tech.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Dec 8 2009, 1:55 am Centreri Post #9

Relatively ancient and inactive

Most helpful mapper: NudeRaider
Best mapper: Lethal_Illusion
Best map: Elementa. Still.
Most helpful modder: ??
Best modder: VOYAGER. Because he's Voyager.
Best mod: JaFF
Best terrainer: Woodenfire. So none of you gets it.
Best staff: JaFF
Best member overall: Centreri. Fine, I'll get Voyager, Farty and JaFF as backups.
Worst spammer: Raccoon
Best fight: Centreri vs Vrael (pick one). Actually, I have an even better one: Me vs Krayzee.
Artist of the year: Centreri. Simply because I haven't seen much art out of this community lately. Maybe Cecil, he's supposedly learning.
Discussion member: Centreri
Tech member: Excalibur
Best newb: Cecil. I luv Cecil.
Best fad creator: Corbo
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue: Centreri

Biased? What?


Dec 8 2009, 1:57 am LoveLess Post #10

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Quote from Excalibur
Quote from LoveLess
Tech member: SI
What the fuck are you talking about? I haven't even SEEN SI, much less seen him post in Tech.
But he hasth given me the best tech of all that I use to this day.


Dec 8 2009, 2:13 am Jack Post #11

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

==Response sheet==
Most helpful mapper: rockz (close between him and nude. I vote teh underdog)
Best mapper: Might wait with this.
Best map: Same
Most helpful modder: TassadarZeratul. Or me even. That's how inactive the modding section is.
Best modder: TZ, cos IDKwho else even mods much anymore and gets to the release stage
Best mod: Cuddlecraft
Best terrainer: Tempz
Best staff: Hard one. Moose for now.
Best member overall: Ultimo
Worst spammer: Raccoon
Best fight: Me vs Ashamed, for now.
Artist of the year: 'but Beyonce's album is the best evar' 'nuff said
Discussion member: CecilSunkure
Tech member: Excalibur
Best newb: ImageDeo
Best fad creator: Corbo :hurr:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 8 2009, 2:21 am by zany_001.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Dec 8 2009, 2:17 am Kaias Post #12

FOR NOW: [Expect changes post-2009]

Most helpful mapper: UnholyUrine
Best mapper: RISKED911
Best map: RISKED911 RPG
Most helpful modder: Unknown
Best modder: Wouldn't know
Best mod: I like that people think this refers to Moderators
Best terrainer: qPirateKing
Best staff: Minimoose2707
Best member overall: Fire_Kame
Worst spammer: Fire_Kame
Best fight: Kanye West vs Taylor Swift; Tuxedo-Templar vs Edit button; Norm vs Sane people; TZ vs Girlfriend's Parents
Artist of the year: None
Discussion member: Vrael
Tech member: Excalibur
Best newb: Echo
Best fad creator: Corbo
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue: N/A

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Dec 8 2009, 2:36 am by Kaias. Reason: Added Kaias blue


Dec 8 2009, 2:22 am Corbo Post #13


Quote from Kaias
Best fight: Kanye West vs Taylor Swift
:( Don't even remind me of that, poor taylor.

fuck you all

Dec 8 2009, 2:28 am OlimarandLouie Post #14

I second waiting until 2009 is over


Dec 8 2009, 2:30 am Corbo Post #15


My turn:
Most helpful mapper: Falkoner, heard he helps a lot.
Best mapper: n/a
Best map: n/a
Most helpful modder: TassadarZeratul o.O
Best modder: Bajadulce
Best mod: PEAI! YES BAJA!
Best terrainer: AllStarEllis
Best staff: Jaff <3
Best member overall: Farty <3
Worst spammer: Maybe Kame, her topics get filled very fast and they're not THAT productive :P
Best fight: Norm vs Everyone else
Artist of the year: Howler, thanks for opening our minds dude.
Discussion member: Vrael?
Tech member: Excalibur
Best newb: kame
Best fad creator: CORBO :hurr:
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue: DTBK

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 8 2009, 5:10 am by Corbo.

fuck you all

Dec 8 2009, 2:39 am Norm Post #16

I'll try my hardest:

Most helpful mapper: Nuderaider
Best mapper: Me (Norm)
Best map: Mine (Hero Sanc)
Most helpful modder: n/a
Best modder: n/a
Best mod: n/a
Best terrainer: Samsizzle
Best staff: Moose
Best member overall: n/a (I don't like you guys)
Worst spammer: Fire Kame
Best fight: Me + Metal vs Everyone who doesn't like Metal
Artist of the year: Tommy Rogers
Discussion member: lSHaDoW-FoXl
Tech member: Ex
Best newb: TZ
Best fad creator: Corbo
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue: DTBK


Dec 8 2009, 2:42 am OlimarandLouie Post #17

However, I will go ahead and make one list anyway ^^

==Response sheet==
Most helpful mapper: Excalibur
Best mapper: Excalibur
Best map: Silent Hill: Restless Dreams (When it's finished)
Most helpful modder: *Insert Reader's name here*
Best modder: Nobody I know :lol:
Best mod: Nothing I know nor care about :lol:
Best terrainer: Excalibur
Best staff: Excalibur
Best member overall: Excalibur
Worst spammer: Fire_Kame
Best fight: Us vs They who reside in op sen
Artist of the year: Lady Gaga
Discussion member: ClansAreForGays
Tech member: Excalibur
Best newb: Me :|
Best fad creator: Corbo
Most superfluous use of DTBK's blue: DTBK. Most Definitely.


Dec 8 2009, 2:50 am Falkoner Post #18

Nude should get most helpful mapper(I've been pretty inactive as of late :/), MilleniumArmy should get best mapper, due to MiniGame Party, that or Lethal/Kaias and I call worst spammer, 6500 posts ftw :P

EDIT: Oh, and of course, Farty is the best staff member <3 :)


Dec 8 2009, 2:56 am Kaias Post #19

Quote from Corbo
Artist of the year: Howler, thanks for opening our minds dude.
Lol I was going say this but I thought people might be dumb enough to think I was serious. This is the same reason I didn't put Norm as Best Mapper.


Dec 8 2009, 3:02 am Echo Post #20

Ouch Kaias :(


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