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Oct 9 2009, 9:17 pm
By: Pr0nogo  

Oct 9 2009, 9:17 pm Pr0nogo Post #1

-Player 1

-Player 2 has suffered exactly 13 deaths of [men]

-Wait for 1850 milliseconds
-Center View for current player at "Atison Move"
-Display [text]
-Show [portrait] for [time]
-Wait for 4500 milliseconds
-Center View for current player at "Atison Move"
-Wait for 1000 milliseconds
-Remove all Executor Atison for player 3
-Create 1 hallucination for player 3
-Kill all hallucination for player 3
-Wait for 1000 milliseconds
[repeat hallucination trigger]
-Create 1 Executor Atison for player 3 at "Arena Spawn 3"
-Display [text]
-Show [portrait] for [time]
-Pause the game
-Wait for 4000 milliseconds
-Display [text]
-Wait for 3000 milliseconds
-Unpause the game
-Give all Executor Atison owned by player 3 at "Arena Send 3" to player 2
-Comment "Wave 6"

It removes the starting unit, but doesn't create him or the hallucinated versions of him.

Map is attached.

Oct 9 2009, 9:27 pm Echo Post #2

You can't create Aldaris unit. You have to preplace him and move him onto the location when you want to use him.


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dumbducky -- I found a sneaky way to view some of my coworkers SAT scores and it is shocking
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dumbducky -- FaRTy1billion
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O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- o, i keep meaning to add things to it but instead don't
[2024-7-24. : 11:55 pm]
Roy -- Make that three changes to the wiki in the last month, all three being just edits to user pages.
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dumbducky -- Two changes to the wiki in the last month, both are just edits to user pages
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