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Snipers Death Mission
Aug 12 2009, 3:41 am
By: ejac1337  

Aug 12 2009, 3:41 am ejac1337 Post #1

Quote from God

Snipers Death Mission

My brother asked me to modify this snipers RPG. I was not the original creator of this map. Just a standard snipers RPG with many unique/interesting features. It''s pretty tough, don't expect to get very far your first couple tries. Check it out.


Pre-Game setup

• There are 3 game modes.
------- Nub Mode - For y'all nubs out there, choose this mode. You can only play the first level.
------- Normal Mode - It's uh, normal.
------- Pro Mode - Basically impossible but it's fun to play occasionally.
• Random Units - Before you choose the game mode, you can siege/unsiege the tank to toggle unit randomization. It is disabled on nub mode and the random spawns are significantly harder on pro mode than normal mode.


It is a sniper RPG. Use teamwork and progress through the game until you reach the final boss.

• Minerals
You receive minerals periodically throughout the game.
There are three typical builds of a sniper you can play
------- Offensive - Simply upgrade attack damage. You will be able to 1 hit kill most units throughout the game.
------- Defensive - Upgrade level 1 armor. It will allow you to survive an extra hit from certain units. Then upgrade cloak/energy.
------- Sniper - Upgrade sight, and build nukes.
-------------- Nukes - They are not nukes. They are simply a sniper shot. select nuke, click on a target, a few seconds later the unit will die.

• Flares (scanner sweep)
Scanner sweep acts like flares allowing you to see the region you scanned.
Slightly above the scanner sweeps are crystals. They are how many flares your team has.
------- DO NOT WASTE THEM. Once you run out of flares (crystals), no more scanner sweeps. Your whole team shares the amount you start with. The amount you start with varies with the game difficulty you selected.

• Mines - Your team has built in mine detectors. When you approach a mine, the mine detector starts beeping and the closer you approach the more frantic the signals become.

• Backstabbing - I dare you, just try.

Snipers Death Mission 1.13b.scx
Hits: 18 Size: 397.27kb

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Aug 12 2009, 11:14 am by ejac1337.


Aug 12 2009, 3:45 am Jack Post #2

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Map link? Also don't rip off other people's maps.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Aug 12 2009, 3:52 am ejac1337 Post #3

Quote from name:zany_001
Map link? Also don't rip off other people's maps.
Fixed, and I got permission from darthnemesis to modify the map that he stole from some Korean, thank you very much.


Aug 12 2009, 7:18 am DevliN Post #4


So you modified a stolen map...?

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 12 2009, 7:44 am ejac1337 Post #5

Quote from DevliN
So you modified a stolen map...?
With permission :D

I'm not sure the history of this map. All I know is that it was floating around unsupported, some guy named DarthNemisis edited it. As far as I know all he did was "translate" the Korean text to English. My brother then played it some, liked it, asked me to make some changes and I asked Darth if he cared that I edited "his map". I ended up rewriting all the triggers, not like there were any besides some basic reviving ones. The koreans guy name is still the one listed in the game as the creator.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 12 2009, 7:49 am by ejac1337.


Aug 12 2009, 10:32 am DevliN Post #6


Okay, just wanted to make sure, given SEN's vehement dislike of stolen maps.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 12 2009, 11:57 am Wormer Post #7

Basically I don't care who made a map, except of some rare cases when the map is really well-done or I personally know the maker. In everything overall and in mapmaking in particular I respect people who put their hearts and souls into their work, I respect people who make songs out of their most tedious and boring work, I respect people with good aesthetic sense and clear mind. This is not the case with this map.

The best reward for work a man once did is awareness his work is not wasted in vain but instead demanded among people. When the map is modified by the other people this means people care of it, like to play it, because usually no one would modify an obsolete map.

This is just another Snipers map... But there is something making it fun. I guess I have played the modified by deathnemesis version of this map. Have to admit I myself enjoyed it very much. I wished the map was more balanced and done better. With armor and other upgrades really useful.

Then once I played a new version of this with mines and everything. Yup it is very hard to pass it through, we've not even done the half of the first level on "pro". With the old map even one person could do it up to the end of the level, with this version it is not the case. And I like it. I also like those mines (sometimes they are even possible to kill! ^^ ), but I think there was not a sound beep in the version I played. Probably you could even consider highlighting a mine in vicinity by sending a transmission from it.

So, finally, good job modifying the map!

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Aug 12 2009, 12:04 pm by Wormer.


Aug 14 2009, 10:22 pm ejac1337 Post #8

Quote from Wormer
Basically I don't care who made a map, except of some rare cases when the map is really well-done or I personally know the maker. In everything overall and in mapmaking in particular I respect people who put their hearts and souls into their work, I respect people who make songs out of their most tedious and boring work, I respect people with good aesthetic sense and clear mind. This is not the case with this map.

The best reward for work a man once did is awareness his work is not wasted in vain but instead demanded among people. When the map is modified by the other people this means people care of it, like to play it, because usually no one would modify an obsolete map.

This is just another Snipers map... But there is something making it fun. I guess I have played the modified by deathnemesis version of this map. Have to admit I myself enjoyed it very much. I wished the map was more balanced and done better. With armor and other upgrades really useful.

Then once I played a new version of this with mines and everything. Yup it is very hard to pass it through, we've not even done the half of the first level on "pro". With the old map even one person could do it up to the end of the level, with this version it is not the case. And I like it. I also like those mines (sometimes they are even possible to kill! ^^ ), but I think there was not a sound beep in the version I played. Probably you could even consider highlighting a mine in vicinity by sending a transmission from it.

So, finally, good job modifying the map!
Little too poetic for my taste but thank for understanding and enjoying the map. :)


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