Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Projects > Topic: {Name in Progress} Mod
{Name in Progress} Mod
Apr 22 2009, 1:32 pm
By: Pr0nogo  

Apr 22 2009, 1:32 pm Pr0nogo Post #1


Mmkay, intro's over.

I'm working on a modification that basically yoober powers (read as: uber-powers) the Terrans. I just snapped a few (lol, a few!) shots of my mod from two different vs. computer games, but I didn't reveal the whole techtree (the whole techtree?! You showcased THREE UNITS!), so you'll have to find some stuff out for yourself... (muahahaha yes you are very intimidating).

Oh, did I mention I have an imp inside me that likes to make personality changes very spontaneously? (no) Well, I do, so I should probably mention it now (no, don't mention it at all and leave them wondering WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU).

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So while photobucket loads my bazillion images (he has four) I'll tell you a bit about the mod (you mean you'll copy/paste it from the OTHER two forums you have this on...)

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Terran: - Racial ability: ALL UNITS HAVE SHIELDS

Marine fires a Phase Disruptor and has greater attack range.*

Firebat has an Acid-esque attack which ignores armor.**

Medic has enhanced armor, as well as shields.

Ghost fires a Burst-Laser Rifle.

SCV has no changes to it, other than the shields.

Vulture has an EMP Shockwave attack. It does damage rather than actual EMP effects because that would be WAAAAY to overpowered.

Siege Tank fires Seeker Spores when in tank mode and has Missiles for anti-air when in Siege Mode (can probably cause crashes due to LACK OF iSCRIPTS WTF). It fires Seeker Spores at enemy ground units when in Siege Mode as well.

Goliath has an enhanced attack for both air and ground.

Wraith has a Neutron Flare (anti-air) and Photon Blasters (anti-ground).

Dropship has a Hellfire Missile pack that doesn't work due to iscripts (or lack thereof).

Science Vessel is SUPPOSED to launch Anti-Matter Missiles, but creates a weird doodad above itself and the unit sprite turns blank. It also doesn't actually launch the missiles. Can cause crashes, probably due to lack of iscripts.

Battlecruiser attacks with Acid Spores (ground) and Seeker Spores (air).

Valkyrie launches several Gemeni Missiles and is very powerful (a.k.a. overpowered) due to low cooldown.***

Nuclear Missile still has yet to be changed. I was thinking of making it mortal (not invincible) so you could shoot it down on its way down. :)

Missile Turret launches Anti-Matter Missiles at both land and air targets. Has shields.

Bunker has weapons but no iscript entries for them, so it doesn't attack (at least I don't think it does... :P). Has shields.

Supply Depots are resource depots (workers can return resources to them instead of Command Centers). Has shields.

Command Center has shields (oh, really? REALLY?)

Spider Mines have a weird effect that was made with the Yamato Gun, and (thankfully) does NOT crash the game.

- - - - - -

Nothing yet for Zerg/Protoss... I might not even modify them. :bleh:

*Weapon graphics were cooler but could occasionally crash the game and thus have been changed.
**Ignoring armor makes the weapon insanely overpowered. It took five attacks for a single Firebat to destroy a Siege Tank.
***Dude, mass these if anything. They will rape your enemy very violently and thoroughly.

- - - - - -

Image time!

Here we see the start of the first game (he had lots of fun ordering his troops around here. I think it's because I'm always the dominant one... ;)). Notice the Command Center has a different portrait than usual (as well as shields).

Now I'm building a Barracks (good for you! no one cares). Notice the lack of shielding (that's right. he didn't put shields on all of the buildings. he's so radically awesome, amirite?)

Here my Barracks and a Supply Depot (as he mentioned, it can store resources) are complete. Note that the Supply Depot has shields as well.

Now here's the Marine. As you can see, my mod gave it a Phase Disruptor attack (didn't you just mention that FIVE SECONDS AGO?!)

And my SCV is making a deposit (LOL SHIT) at my Supply Depot (LOL TOILET).

And here's the Protoss base (he's up against 2 here).

And here we see the Terran Wraith with Dual Photon Blasters (lifted from the Scout) and a Neutron Flare anti-air attack (lifted from the Corsair, icon lifted from the Arbiter's Khaydarin Core).

And the 'toss come in with some Zealots (Shuttle drop FTW?). My Firebats and Marines hold 'em off until my Wraith can get topside (no one even knows what "topside" means anymore, let alone uses it...).

Here's one where you can see the Firebat's attack clearly.

A-droppin' I will go... A-droppin' I will go... (he means it, too. This is the last shot of the game that he gets before he crashes).


Don't worry, it was a Siege Tank issue that has been resolved.

- - - - - -

2nd Game! (SPARE ME)

I'll spare you the details (OH GOD YES) and just post the opening pics (OH GOD NO).

Here's where it starts to get interesting (WHY SATAN WHY).

A huntin' I will go... I huntin' I will go... (sadly, he doesn't crash ANYTIME soon...).

Hey, look! Elmer Fudd (he's referring to your mom, not the Zealots)!

Well, I ended up leading three Zealots back to my base. Thankfully, my Firebats popped out just in time to save my lard ass (and he means LARD).

Zooming in on the weapon...

Alright, back to the action (no one likes to watch other people play, mate). I go ahead and expand while my army builds.

I mobilize my army...

...and ATTACK!

It's safe to say the 'toss player got most of the hurt. I won't showcase the TvZ battle that I had (second comp was Zerg), mainly because I'm lazy and I don't feel like doing it (YES SATAN THANK YOU YES).

However, any glitches, suggestions, comments, praise (hopeful?), etc. are welcome. Spam belongs in my junk folder (it thrives there!), so don't post it here. Thanks!

- - - - - -


-Science Vessel attack.
BREAKDOWN: See above.
RECOMMENDATION: Don't use it for anything but spellcasting and detecting, mmkay?

-[your bug report here]

- - - - - -


-Terran modification
FILE NAME: SoP Current G.mpq
COMPLETION: Half (~52%).

- - - - - -

Yeah, I'm that much of a dick to go and make you use MPQDraft to run the mod. Oh, silly me (his reason is actually good; he won't make a .exe until he's finished with it so he doesn't clog up his 750 GIG COMPUTER OH THE HORROR).

Have fun with it! Happy modding!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 22 2009, 1:34 pm by Pronogo. Reason: Holy CRAP this is HUGE!

Apr 22 2009, 2:04 pm bajadulce Post #2

OK before anybody starts flaming this new comer because his mod looks like plain old starcraft, give the guy a chance! :)

Oh, did I mention I have an imp inside me that likes to make personality changes very spontaneously? (no) Well, I do, so I should probably mention it now (no, don't mention it at all and leave them wondering WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU).
More crazzies? Is everyone who plays SC these days not dealing with a full deck and on Meds?

Terran: - Racial ability: ALL UNITS HAVE SHIELDS
Cool. EMP Shockwave will be a premium spell. Hopefully all races will have access to this.

Medic has enhanced armor, as well as shields.
Those bitches could use some more padding that's for sure.

Siege Tank fires Seeker Spores when in tank mode and has Missiles for anti-air when in Siege Mode.
Cool. At first I thought this mod was going to be lacking iscript changes.. Thnk god it's not just a .dat mod.

Dropship has a Hellfire Missile pack that doesn't work due to iscripts (or lack thereof).

Science Vessel is SUPPOSED to launch Anti-Matter Missiles, but creates a weird doodad above itself and the unit sprite turns blank. It also doesn't actually launch the missiles. Can cause crashes, probably due to lack of iscripts.

Nuclear Missile ... I was thinking of making it mortal (not invincible) so you could shoot it down on its way down. :)
This would be cool. I've never seen this done, and this one aspect of mod is worth making a second experimental topic/mod to investigate/discuss what would be necessary to make this happen. This is of the most interest.

Nothing yet for Zerg/Protoss... I might not even modify them. :bleh:
Hijack the units and make a 1 race mod then like CU or AA or others. "Multiple races are overrated" as Corbs would say.

Image time!
You have a lot of images that really don't show anything other than default Starcraft. This will probably incite a lot of bad comments unfortunately. Nicely cropped and framed pics tho. :)

Yeah, I'm that much of a dick to go and make you use MPQDraft to run the mod. Oh, silly me (his reason is actually good; he won't make a .exe until he's finished with it so he doesn't clog up his 750 GIG COMPUTER OH THE HORROR).
An SEMPQ for this mod would prob. be less then 400kb.

Happy modding!
Good line. and welcome to the modding forum.


Apr 22 2009, 4:38 pm Pr0nogo Post #3

Hah, thanks. I never thought YOU would be the first guy to respond. :lol:

Anyways, I definately will be adding iscript changes and ~possibly~ a completely new vehicle (he's lying. no really, he is)! Yay.

And I tried to zero in on the changes I made (weapon graphic changes, etc.). Thanks for the support, though. :P

Apr 22 2009, 4:54 pm Hercanic Post #4

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Ahhh to be young to modding again, where every change is exciting.

To be realistic, Pronogo, I hate to say this mod won't attract much attention here, due to its simplicity in modding techniques. It's like telling us you've made fire when people are splitting atoms. As a learning experience, it's fine, just keep your expectations at that level until you learn more.

Apr 22 2009, 5:16 pm Vi3t-X Post #5

Shields on Non-Protoss buildings are a no-no. If you haven't noticed, those shields don't fully "grow" when the building is completed.


Apr 22 2009, 6:05 pm Pr0nogo Post #6

Quote from Hercanic
Ahhh to be young to modding again, where every change is exciting.

To be realistic, Pronogo, I hate to say this mod won't attract much attention here, due to its simplicity in modding techniques. It's like telling us you've made fire when people are splitting atoms. As a learning experience, it's fine, just keep your expectations at that level until you learn more.

I knew it wouldn't garner much attention before I posted it here. It's a pretty simple thing (and he's sorry he ever made it, right?),

Quote from Vi3t-X
Shields on Non-Protoss buildings are a no-no. If you haven't noticed, those shields don't fully "grow" when the building is completed.

...which is EXACTLY why I didn't put them on all of the buildings. It drives me mad to no end.

I was thinking of making a copy of the Shield Battery and allowing "recharge shields" to target buildings for this exact thing, but I doubt I should clog up the tech tree more than I have.

On a side note, the new unit I was making is the Terran Stealth Tank. However, it has more than a few bugs, so I won't be releasing it.

Apr 22 2009, 6:38 pm Hercanic Post #7

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Shields on non-Protoss buildings are not a "no-no" just because they don't start out at full power. Shields regenerate over time, thus you can treat it as a way for a building to strengthen over time yet be weaker when initially built.

Apr 22 2009, 11:48 pm RoryFenrir Post #8

lol you do seem kinda skitsofrenic ;) but ya, all it seems like is datedit so far, but you have to start somewhere right? You should try some GRP work with buildings, thats always fun and easy and can make your mod stand out from others very quickly


Apr 23 2009, 12:23 am Pr0nogo Post #9

Mmkay, as soon as I figure out how to edit those, lol.

iscript changes are coming along nicely. Should have an updated version with enhanced Siege Tanks, Goliaths, Wraiths, Science Vessels, Dropships, Ghosts, Firebats... holy crap I think too much.

tl;dr: Stuff happens. In this case, I'm learning stuff. And more stuff. Yeah. (kill me. please. I'm trapped inside this dolt of a human being. not to mention... oh god, don't get me started.)

TL;DR #2: Public Beta #2 should be out pretty soon. :D

Jul 8 2010, 3:30 pm Sand Wraith Post #10


hey this mod is rlly cool except it's gay because it's like playing normal StarCraft on drugs

i bet normal sc on drugs is better than this, actually.

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