I'm sure there is a post somewhere in here that has a tutorial or a link to one, but can some one give me a link or type on up of a tutorial on advanced terrain please? I need it for my new RPG I'm working on... Thanks!
I dont actually think there are any tutorials on advanced terraining except for like high cliffs or something, it mostly comes naturally and with practice. I would just experiment until you get good at blending, or look at other maps that have advanced terrain and try and do some of the things they do in their maps.
Sweet thanks so much bro! This will help a lot!!!

I'm surprised how fast that took for some one to reply! Thanks again!
I recommend getting a copy of Cresent Dyne
that is an excellent assortment of terrian that can be learned from
i learned a lot of blending techniques from it.
Aight sweet thanks! This might help a bit... But first like I said I got to get my Starcraft back some how... Either buying a new CD (which is gonna take like 2 weeks) or a Torrent... Which I can't find...
Aight sweet thanks! This might help a bit... But first like I said I got to get my Starcraft back some how... Either buying a new CD (which is gonna take like 2 weeks) or a Torrent... Which I can't find...
I could send you the .mpq's for starcraft, and you could still map, but you wouldn't be able to play or test... But that's what I do for my laptop so that I can still map while my brother is suing the other computer.
Aight sweet thanks! This might help a bit... But first like I said I got to get my Starcraft back some how... Either buying a new CD (which is gonna take like 2 weeks) or a Torrent... Which I can't find...
I could send you the .mpq's for starcraft, and you could still map, but you wouldn't be able to play or test... But that's what I do for my laptop so that I can still map while my brother is suing the other computer.
Sure dude if you can that would be great!!!
heres a
Starcraft Torrent i hope this isnt against the rules.
It's all good I got my Starcraft working now! Borrowed a copy off my friend and I found a CD Key too, so everything is good! Thanks for the help guys!