Effectively, all your work is PERFECT!
By the way, I'd like to use your Misc Ruin blends for my diablo 2 map, I would use it for Monastery Gate and possibly the Cathedral.
If ever you accept, PM me
Haha, I knew it
So payne, how's that map getting along?
Hmm... I couldn't work on it for a while because of parents and school...
The only time I can work on it is between midnight and 4h30 AM... and I don't always want to sleep only 30 minutes before going to school...
You still one Nazi bastard.
By the way, I discovered this in an old map, I think I made it...
I think it's been done before, but I dunno how well comparatively... gonna work on this, but I think it's pretty damn cool:
Snow to Snow CliffWell, you haven't changed at all. I'll go download a terraining program now.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 29 2007, 11:50 pm by Hitok1r1.
I really need Misc Ruin terrain...
Please post or send by PM.
Can't you tell what he did just by looking at it?
uh yeah he posted pictures of it... it shouldn't be that hard to recreate...
Also, I intend to use that Miscellaneous ruins area. The blends, however, are up for grabs, even if they kinda suck.
Don't copy and paste, use it as an example.
Hey thanks for the maps they have some sweet ideas
Finally, I've been able to remake your Misc Ruin thing... with even some better blends
show us payne. I wanna see what you did
Lol... it's not even more than 2 tiles on a lil part of his stuff...
And because I'm a new terrainer, the part I've made took me 2 hours 37 minutes to realise... lol.
Oh, and I havn't blended the top (ruin) cause I was too lazy...
My terrain can be found into my D2 map wich is in Maplantis DLDB in Incomplete section, first page.
My terrain can be found into my D2 map wich is in Maplantis DLDB in Incomplete section, first page.
Screw maplantis for shizle! Post a link here and I'll check it out.
LOL! AHAHAHAH! good one falkoner.
NOT FUNNY FALK lol! yeah a little but I refuse to go there haha! but really I don't endorse them...
And why not? They have the best DLDB around and they support OS Map, what more do you want?
And why not? They have the best DLDB around and they support OS Map, what more do you want?
I think sen had a way better one before we cleared it. And who even likes OS map? what a waste, learn how to make a map your own way
yes honestly I can't stand Mexicans that cross the boarder and don't speak English
(but those are just my view and don't get offended if your dad crossed the boarder or something...)
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 3 2007, 9:24 pm by Jello-Jigglers.
I honestly can't stand people that still think OSMap is only for stealing maps, get over it already. Just like devilesk says, no one makes good enough maps to get stolen anyway.
Wilhelm, awesome terrain. I have my doubts that payne actually "improved" on your work.