Jan 25 2009, 11:57 pm
By: l)ark_ssj9kevin  

Jan 25 2009, 11:57 pm l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #1

Just here for the activity... well not really

Yeah, the Endless series has been popular on B.net, and I want to see how many SeN has.
I only have 1, 2, 8, 9, and 10.
My collection

Brief Overview:
Endless is a multi-player campaign made by someone. I think its non-canon because it has characters that are already dead, so I'm sure it is. It takes place during the SCII era because it has some of the various SCII units.

I'm wanting to ask if you guys on SeN have 3, 5, 6, and 7.
Post here? And sorry if this is the wrong section, I thought of putting this in file request but I'm not just asking for the map, I want to showcase it.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Jan 26 2009, 12:00 am Marine Post #2

I havent even heard of the 'Endless' series. Is it an rpg? I'm clueless :dontgetit:

Edit: OHHHH nvm its a campeign. Hehe.. my bad :]


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[05:39 am]
Oh_Man -- unfortunately his reply was mostly mocking in nature
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O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- wb sen
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NudeRaider -- Zoan
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of course, hired by me. Get on my level!
[2024-9-30. : 6:05 pm]
Zoan -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: just post more, plebs :ego:
:O so that's why we get spambots about exercise equipment: they're just mineral farmers
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