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Official Mystic Islands RPG Topic 2
Sep 22 2007, 2:36 am
By: Falkoner
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Sep 22 2007, 2:36 am Falkoner Post #1

The other topic can be found here:

The ships:

SS Nemesis-----Cargo Hauler--------Battle Cruiser---Slowest-6 passenger

This is a cargo ship, so it has no commodities for you. Occasionally while riding in this you will be attacked, you attempt to fight them off with the ship's guns (defiler) if you fail you are boarded, looted, and end up crashing on an island, this ship has no pilot and is flown by pure AI, so all you see are holograms.

SS Leviathan----Passenger Ship-----Carrier----------Slow----4 passenger

This is the party ship, disco floor, sink, drinks, tables, the pilot doesn't drive, he serves drinks, has a hologram projector, and will never be attacked.

SS Catalyst-----Heavy Cruiser-------Scout----------Normal--3 passenger

Your average ship, just has a pilot.

SS Liberator-----Light Cruiser--------Wraith---------Fast----2 passenger

Faster ship, has basics, not bad for a quick sail

SS Tempest-----Private Cruiser------Interceptor----Fastest--1 passenger

That's right, an interceptor, this ship will go lightning fast and has music to match it, the pilot is cocky, and this ride is quite expensive, but well worth it, with such a short ride you don't need anything extra to spend your time.

The Celestis---Medical Transport---Science Vessel--Normal--3 Passenger

Medical blimp, you die, this blimp comes and picks you up, you stay in the blimp for a while, while in the blimp you will hear transmissions about people injured all over the map, making you feel like part of the trigger system. This is probably not final, but here's a general idea of how it will look

Geyser Battle Arena, this is where you go when you attempt to attack a geyser, workers will be mining the oil in-game, they come in and out of the floor hatch, and depending on the level of defense the geyser has been put on by the owner, you will verse that many waves of enemies, coming out of the floor hatch, for a maximum of ten levels, if you die, you will end up on The Celestis, if not, you get the geyser.

Enjoy! Still left is the Bar and the Private Islands

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 27 2007, 10:59 pm by Falkoner.


Sep 22 2007, 2:55 am payne Post #2


Really likes the disco floor! :D


Sep 22 2007, 3:06 am MNeox Post #3

wow lol, I am so stealing your idea about those cannon placements
ha ha.I just like the design on them and yes i am kidding about stealing.
Cool use of the traps tho.seems cool how this map is gonna be on jungle, yeah
so don't quit on this cuz it looks like a good map!


Sep 22 2007, 3:13 am Falkoner Post #4

What do you mean about the cannon placements? The floor traps?

The traps are completely needs, without them the whole thing is a blocky mess.

You'd be surprised how hard it is to get a good screen shot of this, because SCM Draft 2 0.8.0 has a bug where the wall traps all have the same animation, I had to take the pic in an older version.


Sep 22 2007, 3:15 am The Starport Post #5

Wow. Pretty nifty.

But as I said, kiss your sprite/unit limits goodbye now. :P


Sep 22 2007, 3:38 am Falkoner Post #6

Unit limit is no problem, since my map isn't going to allow you to mass huge amounts of units, although I have 357 sprites so far throughout the whole map, but I think I'm pretty much done with sprites.


Sep 22 2007, 4:45 am Zell. Post #7

christ 357? The limit is 512 taking wild guess? I was thinking the same thing. kiss your unit/sprite limit goodbye.


Sep 22 2007, 5:14 am Falkoner Post #8

It's really 499 :P


Sep 22 2007, 1:03 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #9

Haha so does this game lag hardcore? Cause I don't think slow modems can handle that kinda stuff... But the ships look awesome! I'm glad sen could collaborate to make them look nice :D


Sep 22 2007, 3:03 pm Falkoner Post #10

I haven't noticed any lag, games only really lag if all the sprites are animated, like pylon auras, the sprites I have don't really lag much.


Sep 22 2007, 4:27 pm TricksOfDeath Post #11

Great job, very nice features, the only thing I could think of as far as suggestions were:

Have pilot location varry per ship occasional
Have two or more pilots for huge ships such as Cargo and Passenger
Use half built factorys insted of fully built ones to enhance the space ship apperance; and create awe from map players: Even Though We Are Better Than Have Some Good Explenations.


Sep 22 2007, 5:10 pm Falkoner Post #12

Can't use half built, as I AM getting extremely close to the limit on sprites, and that tutorial was unnecessary as I was the one who tested, and wrote the whole thing :P

I think that 2 pilots for the passenger ship is a good idea, but the cargo ship has no pilots, just a hologram that changes depending on what is going on.


Sep 22 2007, 5:20 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #13

Haha yeah that is a funny thing to say lol! No worries falk I like how it looks and I won't tell you to use more sprites lol! :lol:


Sep 22 2007, 5:54 pm Cob Post #14

Quote from Falkoner
I haven't noticed any lag, games only really lag if all the sprites are animated, like pylon auras, the sprites I have don't really lag much.

Pylons' auras don't lag at all.


Sep 22 2007, 8:28 pm TricksOfDeath Post #15

Your dance floor seems a bit random ;D anyways the high elevation will be a great side effect creating spazzing units, also if you used ai junk yard dog there for dancing it would be awsome. What about "beds" or areas to sleep... most RPGs forget about it and I just assume it takes place in one compleate day xD


Sep 22 2007, 9:14 pm MNeox Post #16

I was talking about the floor trap, four of them that are surrounding the cannon.It just reminds me of a flower :P


Sep 22 2007, 11:48 pm Falkoner Post #17

Oh yea, that :P

Meh, beds, I think that my people will die more often than sleep :P

I think that JYD doesn't work on human players, can someone reinforce that, because I'm not certain...


Sep 22 2007, 11:54 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #18

JYD? Eh well idk anything about that but I was kinda thinking the same thing about sleeping quarters. How would that work? And you wouldn't have to implement it but I think it would be nice to have a set idea for bed looking things :D Got any ideas?

And ps I thought that disco floor was super random as well but no body can resist it once its there :P


Sep 22 2007, 11:59 pm Falkoner Post #19

I think it turned out nicely, I am going to add some sort of triggers to make you dance, if JYD doesn't work.


Sep 23 2007, 12:01 am Dr. Brown Post #20

Hmm... All of the acronyms are way above my head but that dance floor is hella sick! love what you've done. Is there an expected date for this to be released?(am I blind cause I didn't see one...)


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