What map moose. You should know better than to post results without any way for me to mimick them.
But I found a map that did basically the same thing. And I basically know why. So I'll do some more info gathering.
I have some more ideas on what to try. Consider this topic a failure.

Hope to fix soon.
Test at... your pleasure(?) for right now.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 14 2007, 2:41 pm by isolatedpurity.
Luna The Final
Width: 128
Height: 128
Tileset: UNKOWN???
Python 1.1
Width: 128
Height: 128
Tileset: Jungle World
Miles Laser Tag v8
Width: 64
Height: 96
Tileset: Space Platform
Works some of the time for me.
(off topic: why does moose have over 40k minerals?)
He was testing raffles and stuff.
Attach Luna The Final for me? (or a link to where I can get it)
The version of Luna The Final I used is attached.
Badlands = Works
Jungle = Works
Twilight = Unknown??
Ice = Unknown?? Width: 47088 / Height: 41569
Ash World = Works
Desert = Unknown??? Width: 47092 / Height: 33377
So I'm guessing the expansion terrains are kinda being ignored in your chk program =/
If all else fails, crowbar the fucker
Maybe you should email that guy that ported stormlib to linux asking him how to compile the library? That might be easiest way around...
All tilesets do work. The problem is somewhere else. IP is already working to get it fixed.
The problem is probably due to map protection, and it's reading the fake section.
If you need any help with unprotection, you know where to find me.
It's protection? hmmm i did it with some protected maps it it came out fine.
Apparently two different types of protections are causing me trouble...
One is corrupting the hash table or something.
One is screwing the chk in horrible, horrible ways.
I might take you up on that offer LW ;o