Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Messed up or Glitchy triggers?
Messed up or Glitchy triggers?
Aug 10 2008, 4:51 am
By: blac_k_night  

Aug 10 2008, 4:51 am blac_k_night Post #1

I maxed quite a bit of stuff out, like 'locations' and the 'create units with properties' triggers, i didn't completly max it or go over, because i always want to make sure this is at least 3 locations or triggers left incase of a glitch, and i'm experiencing a create unit trigger that wont preserve trigger even though its there. I have hyper triggers if that makes a difference, but they're with a seperate force/player. Heres a picture


Aug 10 2008, 5:22 am Morphling Post #2

You are experiencing Wait Blocks.
Edit: Nvm

Aug 10 2008, 5:33 am LegacyWeapon Post #3

Quote from Morphling
You are experiencing Wait Blocks.
Edit: Nvm
Not nvm.

You are experiencing Wait Blocks.


Aug 10 2008, 5:36 am blac_k_night Post #4

i also have another problem, when i create an infested terran for 100 vespene gas, the game crashes


Aug 10 2008, 5:37 am LegacyWeapon Post #5

Is the build time 0?

Aug 10 2008, 5:39 am KyleIs1337 Post #6

Are you running hyper triggers for player 8? If you are you are experiencing wait blocks, as morphing said. Solve it by using death count waits. As for your other problem, can you be more specific?


Aug 10 2008, 5:39 am blac_k_night Post #7

lol, thank you

Aug 10 2008, 5:39 am Morphling Post #8

Quote from LegacyWeapon
Quote from Morphling
You are experiencing Wait Blocks.
Edit: Nvm
Not nvm.

You are experiencing Wait Blocks.

No, I said nvm because the link wouldn't show up and I was saying something then it all the sudden started working.
Quote from blac_k_night
i also have another problem, when i create an infested terran for 100 vespene gas, the game crashes
Sc crashes when you set build times to 0.


Aug 10 2008, 5:39 am blac_k_night Post #9

it was, and yeah thanks to the rest of you too...

Aug 10 2008, 5:40 am KyleIs1337 Post #10

Yea, If build time is 0 for a unit, the game crashes. Try setting it to about 2 or 3.

Aug 10 2008, 5:41 am Morphling Post #11

Quote from KyleIs1337
Yea, If build time is 0 for a unit, the game crashes. Try setting it to about 2 or 3.
Try 1 its faster ^^


Aug 10 2008, 5:41 am blac_k_night Post #12

my map is an rpg with alot of spawns with alot of differnt units, would it be better if i just made one big trigger for them to spawn all at the same time?

Aug 10 2008, 5:42 am Morphling Post #13

Thats your choice it doesn't matter

Aug 10 2008, 5:43 am LegacyWeapon Post #14

Quote from blac_k_night
my map is an rpg with alot of spawns with alot of differnt units, would it be better if i just made one big trigger for them to spawn all at the same time?
The wait will still be blocked. Read the Wait blocks article.


Aug 10 2008, 5:43 am KyleIs1337 Post #15

Not by much morphling :P.

Aug 10 2008, 5:53 am blac_k_night Post #16

it worked but i guess later on it'll still get jacked up in the ass

Aug 10 2008, 6:00 am KyleIs1337 Post #17

And why is that?

Aug 10 2008, 6:07 am blac_k_night Post #18

Not sure, but from what I read I'm guessing it will mix up some how.

Aug 10 2008, 11:23 pm Falkoner Post #19

my map is an rpg with alot of spawns with alot of differnt units, would it be better if i just made one big trigger for them to spawn all at the same time?

If you put the Hyper Triggers at the bottom of the trigger list and put them under All Players, they will turn off for that player when a wait is hit, but will be running for all the other players, so the hypertriggers won't actually stop unless all players run a wait at the same time.

Sc crashes when you set build times to 0.

Not on Macs :P


Aug 11 2008, 2:22 am Vi3t-X Post #20

But the question is, who really wants to use a Mac?

I've always wondered if you could make build times set to 0.5, or something like that.


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