May 12 2008, 9:57 pm
By: fritfrat
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May 12 2008, 9:57 pm fritfrat Post #1

For updates, check my progress section at the bottom of this post; it really doesn't tell too much anymore, but oh well. To download and test the BETA, go to page 4 of replies.

All text/story stuff below this edit is old back from last summer, but I will keep it there. The bottom of this post had chronic updates up until the BETA release, for which I am actually making posts.

Now that summer comes around again, I decided to start mapping again, which includes finishing up the Monopoly map that DevliN made the terrain and a few basic triggers for years ago. I worked on the map and made a lot of triggers back last summer, and I will finish it this summer. Concerning release dates, since DevliN (he's awesome, don't get me wrong) did tons of hype for the map even though he did very little triggering, I won't estimate. He will of course still be credited with the great terrain he made. I assure you that this map will be completed.

However, I need testers. Reply to this and I will add you to a list of people I will send out the map to. Also, if your bnet account isn't in your profile, you can put that up if you want me to try sending out whispers when I'm about to test it myself. Thanks in advance :)

Second, the map will be the same in every way to the board game, except I figured I'd use starcraft-related messages to go with the community chest and chance cards. So, here's a chance for some creative input, with new text for the same effects :) EDIT: I am adding in the original messages, but I will change them if people have a lot of ideas before the final release.
Stars just mean they're confirmed to be working, excluding the monetary ones which all work.
`'s mean that the movement is working but the payment hasn't been tested.

Community Chests
*1. Get out of jail free. This card may be kept until needed or sold.
*2. You are assessed for street repairs: 40 per house, 115 per hotel
*3. Grand opera opening, collect 50 from every player, for opening night seats.
*4. Advance to Go (Collect $200)
*5. Go to Jail

6. You have won second prize in a beauty contest, collect $10.
7. Income tax refund, collect $20
8. Receive for services $25 (has a picture of a wedding)
9. From sale of stock, you get $45.
10. You inherit $100.
11. Xmas Fund Matures, Collect $100
12. Life insurance matures, collect $100
13. Bank error in your favor, collect $200
14. Doctors fee, pay $50
15. Pay hospital $100.
16. Pay school tax of $150.

Chance Cards.
*1. Get out of jail free. This card may be kept until needed or sold.
*2&3. Advance to the nearest railroad and pay owner Twice the Rental to which he is entitled. If Railroad is unowned, you may buy it from the bank.
*4. Advance to nearest utility; If UNOWNED you may buy it from the bank. If OWNED, throw dice and pay owner a total ten times the amount thrown.
*5. Make general repairs on all your property; For each house pay $25, for each hotel $100 per hotel
*6. You have been elected chairman of the board, pay each player 50
*7. Go to jail.
*8. Advance to go, collect $200.
*9. Advance to Illinois ave
*10. Take a ride on the Reading. If you pass go, collect $200.
*11. Advance to St Charles place. If you pass go, collect $200.
*12. Take a walk on the Board Walk. Advance to boardwalk.
*13. Go back 3 spaces.

14. Bank pays you dividend of $50
15. Your building loan matures, collect $150
16. Pay poor tax of $15

And a screenshot, because moose says so in the sticky. (This has been updated to the new terrain added as of 04/18/09)

**END OF OLD STUFF**. I'll still use the stars on the cards once they are tested, though. If anyone has any starcraft-related messages to replace those already there for the cards, the suggestion box is still open.

People I've tested with: killer_sss, Kaias, Lethal_Illusion, bg-payne, TheDream, groove_y, Echo, DevliN

UPDATES section.
5/14/08 - Expect something in about a week or so.
5/22/08 - I've been sick, and I've changed my mind to doing almost all the triggering before sending it out. As always with this map, you get to wait longer! Since my last edit... Trades+Auction terrain has been redone, Trade triggers done but not tested, and the purchase house triggers edited to include the 32 houses/12 hotels game limit.
5/24/08 - I'm still sick, making it so I haven't worked on it in 4 days.. I'll start up again today, in the new order of actions I listed below.
5/31/08 - Finally finished and fixed up the new turn control system, as well as auctions (since that incorporates it). I also added 200 dollars passing go (this was one trigger) and rolling doubles. I hit the 1000 trigger mark today :)
6/03/08 - Did taxes, railroads, and utilities... jail is next. Back to doing hard stuff -.o
6/04/08 - Finished Jail triggers... a lot easier than expected. Cards are going to be hard with how the get out of jail free cards are taken out of the rotation, but yay for challenges :)
6/08/08 - Been busy with other stuff/going out of town.. expect work to resume on the 11th. So much work done yet so far to go :(
6/14/08 - Started working again! Finished all card deck shuffling, rotations, and draws today. Effects start tomorrow!
6/15/08 - All chance cards effects are done but not tested. Community Chest will be easier :)
6/16/08 - All community chest effects finished AND I tested and fixed buying/selling houses as well as other random bugs I ran into... both took hours each to do, making the last 3 days the hardest I've worked on this since last summer. Only major aspect of the game left to add is mortgaging! Also, I hit 1510 triggers today, passing my Stratego map which was heavily duplicated anyways.
6/17/08 - Did some bugtesting with Kaias, been fixing lots of random things. Mortgaging will probably start tomorrow. Kaias is of course added to the testers list.
6/27/08 - Been slacking. I'll get the motivation again soon enough, but for now, it's gone... I guess I should have planned better as far as leaving all the not-fun-at-all stuff to the end, especially considering that I don't even know how I visually want to mortgaging.
2/19/09 - Work resumes. I split up the mortgaging triggers into what I have to do in my progress bar.
2/20/09 - Decided to test other things before moving on to help re-familiarize myself. Auctioning has been fixed for good; moving onto jail, since it still seems to allow actions it shouldn't at times.
2/21/09 - Jail has been bug-fixed... not to a certainty, but to a couple attempts' repeatability. Onto mortgaging.
2/23/09 - Decided to show mortgaging as only owning 12 crystals of the 20 normally surrounding the property. Redid the triggers to determine monopolies (since they used crystal counts), and completed the mortgage action for each property. Also tested a few things and got cosmetic suggestions, which are added to the list.
2/24/09 - Finished unmortgaging and editing rent triggers. My previous edits on determining monopolies already took care of it for the build triggers, as well, which finishes mortgaging minus trading (the tax + transfer of crystals).
2/27/09 - School has been busy.. trying to sneak in edits at any chance I can get. Over the last few days I tested and fixed mortgaging and unmortgaging and added crystal transfer for mortgaged properties. Next I decide how to let the player decide to unmortgage it or just pay the 10% tax :)
3/02/09 - Midterms week this week, plus being completely gone on spring break from 3/7-3/15! Expect fewer updates, but at least when I say it this time I actually have tremendous desire to work on it instead of none. It definitely is a shock to how much little free time I have and how much time this map takes to work on, but slow and steady work (what I always should have done) will pay off soon enough.
3/17/09 - Back from break! Interest on trading is outlined and begins today. The player just gets their mortgaged properties sent to the trade cancel/accept area to choose.
3/18/09 - Wrote the triggers for interest on trading mortgaged properties. Next is freeze-roller triggers and testing.
4/01/09 - Been working slowly but surely on it; It's mainly a lot of little and cosmetic stuff from here on out, even though it can be time consuming, so less recorded updates. Bankruptcy starts tomorrow, though; messages/information will all be after it's all functional.
4/18/09 - Except for a few minor things and cosmetics, everything has been "coded," if that includes faulty code. However, some things will be re-done as to become more user friendly, and there is a LOT of bug-fixing left to do. The terrain was overhauled to make it less blindingly white, and testing for everything left began today with Kaias and Lethal.
4/22/09 - Bankruptcy is tested without flaw, knock on wood. 2+ creditors/debtors won't take long at all, so mainly just leaves cosmetics and lots more testing. Tested with Donphilopilus and Echo; will post beta once a few games without bugs happen.
4/28/09 - Freezing is removed for now.. it might get re-added later, but for now, it just made it more complicated. Public BETA is released; download from last page. All that's left is mainly lots more testing and the cosmetic changes below.
5/01/09 - Uploaded BETA updated for a bugfix. This is probably one of the last major bugs, so cosmetic stuff is definitely next; this map is looking very strong for being released in 7-10 days, if I can get in enough testing.
5/03/09 - Started to hack at my very long list of cosmetic changes. Very, very annoying work, but the excitement of it being all that's left is more than enough!

Overall Progress

Done and Thoroughly Tested:
Rolling, moving around the board, doubles, etc.
Purchasing property, paying rent, collecting rent
Paying and collecting rent with houses and hotels
Cost display for purchasing, display of dice rolls
Build and sell houses
Turn control triggers
Income/luxery tax
Railroads/utilities rent.
Chance/community chest
Trade Triggers
Trading 12 crystals instead of 20 for mortgaged properties.
Selling hotels when there are less than 3 houses left in the game.
Tax/interest on trading mortgaged properties.
Bankruptcy- Declare debt (freeze+create declare person), declare bankruptcy (and give over turn), property transfer/ auction of bank-claimed properties.

Done and Tested, haven't come across an error yet:


Done, am still testing:


Yet to do, in the order I'm doing it:

Possible post-release additions as listed below.

Cosmetics to add: x = added but not tested. * = confirmed to work.
* Messages and cost display reset on Just Visiting, Free Parking, when current player owns the property, and when the property is mortgaged.
* Messages when making auction bids.
* Ally players so they can ping each other.
* Ally crystals so they aren't attacked. (Still don't know what to do, here.. at this point only tanks and goliaths attack the crystals)
* Game-wide displays of chance/community chest messages.
* A unit placed on each property to label it.
* Separate 2 units on the same property.
* Add a warning when bidding into debt.
* A banner/force to move; banning disabled after a certain time, probably.
* Ping auctioned properties.

Cosmetics I am leaving to DevliN's creativity:
(needed?) Messages when you can't buy a house, you can't unmortgage a property, your first time entering trade, an extra for your first time mortgaging.
Displays of property information
A tutorial of some sort.
Increased duration of messages, maybe.
During each player's first turn, show the directions of where to roll after rolling and buying a property.
An indicator in the beginning of the game that property cost and dice rolls are displayed on the minimap; perhaps something for the first doubles rolled, as well.
Interactive use of mission objectives and leaderboard, perhaps? I'm more for a static leaderboard, but whatever works.
Some way to show that after a long period in trade that that is why the roller is frozen; killer_sss's replay had a game where everyone quit because the roller couldn't move because no one even noticed that someone had something in trade.

Known bugs; ` = attempted to fix them, not tested. * = fixed, not in latest release
None, and will hopefully stay that way.

To be possibly added in a later release:
Multiple tokens to choose from
Custom auction bids; raise either 10 or 30 per bid. This might take forever if everyone does increments of 10, but might be added if people find the 30 dollar increments too much in the end.
Require players to put at least 1 thing up for trade; my minimum trade is 10 dollars instead of 1, and 0 is closer to 1. Buying things for a dollar and getting it for free isn't too different.. I may add it later.
Ability to freeze the roller from your area so you have time to build houses. This was added but removed; may be added again if requested.

To be added in a later release:
Revert all trades since the beginning of bankruptcy. The amount of time to accomplish is just absolutely astronomical, but I would go as far to say that this is an important part of the game, so it will be added one day. I do not find it reason, however, to prevent release of the map and for people to enjoy what has been made.
Auctioning for remaining houses in the game. This has never come up in all the monopoly games I've ever played, and would just make the game more complicated to play. From what I have read, this can be an important part of competitive games, so I may get around to adding it after the map is done.
A more comprehensive Income Tax system to make it so you start to pay less again as you become incredibly poor.
Sound effects.
Starcraft twists.

Post has been edited 101 time(s), last time on Jun 12 2009, 7:06 am by fritfrat.


May 12 2008, 10:44 pm Atlos Post #2

Looks good and sounds like you've come a long way from speaking with you. I have confidence that you'll finish this.


May 13 2008, 12:50 am DevliN Post #3


Sweet, lookin' good. :D

Not that it matters, but here's the original post from my "hype" thread. ;)

.:: MAP INFO ::.

Players: 6
Tileset: Badlands
Dimensions: 128 x 128
Creator: DevliN & Fritfrat(U)
Thanks to: D_Scypher, RexyRex, LegacyWeapon, (U)Bolt_Head, Oo.EviL.oO, and Fritfrat(U).


+ Design map terrain
+ Place units
+ Name units


+ Player Turn Triggers
+ Roll Dice Triggers
+ Movement Triggers
+ Pass Go Triggers
+ Property Triggers
+--- Mediterranean Avenue
+--- Baltic Avenue
+--- Oriental Avenue
+--- Vermont Avenue
+--- Connectivut Avenue
+--- St. Charles Place
+--- States Avenue
+--- Virginia Avenue
+--- St. James Place
+--- Tennessee Avenue
+--- New York Avenue
+--- Kentucky Avenue
+--- Indiana Avenue
+--- Illinois Avenue
+--- Atlantic Avenue
+--- Ventnor Avenue
+--- Marvin Gardens
+--- Pacific Avenue
+--- North Carolina Avenue
+--- Pennsylvania Avenue
+--- Park Place
+--- Boardwalk
+ Railroad Triggers
+--- Reading Railroad
+--- Pennsylvania Railroad
+--- B&O Railroad
+--- Short Line
+ Utilities Triggers
+--- Electric Company
+--- Water Works
+ Go to Jail Triggers
+--- Roll doubles 3 times
+--- Chance card
+--- Land on "Go to Jail"
+ Leave Jail Triggers
+--- Community Chest card
+--- Pay bail
+--- Roll doubles (may be removed)
+--- Wait 3 turns, and then force payment
+ Community Chest Triggers
+ Chance Triggers
+ Luxury Tax and Income Tax Triggers
+ Mortgage Property
+ Auction Triggers
+ Trade Triggers

WHITE = Yet to be completed.
RED = Completed.
ORANGE = Trigger(s) redone.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on May 13 2008, 12:58 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 13 2008, 1:10 am Demented Shaman Post #4

Let's place bets to see if this will be finished or not :D I bet it won't be.


May 13 2008, 1:58 am Vi3t-X Post #5

I remember this. Although I remember the layout being a bit different...


May 13 2008, 2:45 am fritfrat Post #6

Devilesk, what do you want to bet? 'Cause you're on :P I don't blame you for your guess, but you should know that I wouldn't make a thread unless I knew I'd finish it because of the history of this map.

And ya, the stuff that DevliN has shown there is completely unrelated actual progress; I'm doing it function by function, not by property, and such broad categories would almost all stay white until 95% done. Those he did turn red were just for the rent triggers, which I had to redo all over yet again anyways.

The roll dice and movement triggers are all still his though :)

But really, the purpose of making this thread is not to tell people I am working on this map, but that I need testers to send BETA's of this map to. Anyone?


May 13 2008, 2:55 am Demented Shaman Post #7

Quote from name:fritfrat(U)
Devilesk, what do you want to bet? 'Cause you're on :P I don't blame you for your guess, but you should know that I wouldn't make a thread unless I knew I'd finish it because of the history of this map.

And ya, the stuff that DevliN has shown there is completely unrelated actual progress; I'm doing it function by function, not by property, and such broad categories would almost all stay white until 95% done. Those he did turn red were just for the rent triggers, which I had to redo all over yet again anyways.

The roll dice and movement triggers are all still his though :)

But really, the purpose of making this thread is not to tell people I am working on this map, but that I need testers to send BETA's of this map to. Anyone?
Well with a bet either way I win :bleh: If this map doesn't get made I win the bet and get mins. If the map does get made, Monopoly has finally been made and I get to play it :P


May 13 2008, 5:42 am DevliN Post #8


Quote from name:fritfrat(U)
Devilesk, what do you want to bet? 'Cause you're on :P I don't blame you for your guess, but you should know that I wouldn't make a thread unless I knew I'd finish it because of the history of this map.

And ya, the stuff that DevliN has shown there is completely unrelated actual progress; I'm doing it function by function, not by property, and such broad categories would almost all stay white until 95% done. Those he did turn red were just for the rent triggers, which I had to redo all over yet again anyways.

The roll dice and movement triggers are all still his though :)

But really, the purpose of making this thread is not to tell people I am working on this map, but that I need testers to send BETA's of this map to. Anyone?
Yeah, we were doing all the triggers for each property and then moving on, hence that way of showing progress. But since you're redoing all of it, it doesn't matter. :P

Oh and I wanna be a tester, I have a lot of time on my hands now.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 13 2008, 3:54 pm Paravin. Post #9

I shat bricks, finish or I'll eat your kids.


May 13 2008, 6:41 pm Vi3t-X Post #10

I are hasing lots of the times on the hands. I would like-es to be a tesester pleases.


May 13 2008, 8:19 pm ReHaB Post #11

I can test as well.


Jun 17 2008, 7:10 pm Snipe)r( Post #12

Wow, sweet. I would love to beta test this!
(And finally... when i came back to staredit i thought the monopoly idea was gone, but i guess its still going! This is awesome!)


Jun 17 2008, 10:02 pm Kaias Post #13

I guess since I tested it, I'll be a tester. Its pretty nice what you've got going here, and its nice to play with a reliable bank/banker for once haha.


Jun 17 2008, 11:52 pm fritfrat Post #14

Sniper, do you play on USEast? What's your account? Usually I'm either hanging out in op sen and you can find me, or if I feel like testing at the moment, I'll try sending a whisper out to everyone I have on the list.


Jun 18 2008, 2:55 am Snipe)r( Post #15

ya dude, i play on East and West, name is Snipe)r(


Jun 18 2008, 3:31 am Vi3t-X Post #16

As a new note, You may detect me playing under a foreign name "IcY-"


Jun 18 2008, 6:34 pm payne Post #17


Can I test? :D
I'm on East! :D
Account: bg-payne


Jun 18 2008, 7:14 pm fritfrat Post #18

After I quirk out most of the more obvious bugs and finish the last few things in my to do list, to clarify, I will actually PM a BETA out to everyone who has signed up. This way they can all play it, hopefully finding the more rare bugs that I don't come across. As always, I won't guess times, but hopefully not too long. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm, everyone! :)


Jun 19 2008, 4:41 pm payne Post #19


In that famous PM, could you please write down what you know has been tested so we don't test uselessly?


Jun 19 2008, 7:40 pm fritfrat Post #20

Well, "testing" for this game is really just playing through it quickly and seeing where things don't work :) As far as where to especially look for it, every single time I complete something or confirm it's working, I always update my original post. It's all listed what is confirmed to be working or not. I plan to star (*) all the chance/community cards as I confirm they are working as well.


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