Doe's anyone know how to fix an X Box 360 where the screen keeps freezing... Evertime I play it the screen freezes about ever five minutes, and I've tried all the suggestions that microsoft has provided me with. Maybe you can leave a step by step keys?
When I sent it in they sent it back to me 2 weeks later saying that I had "tampered" with it. All I did was try adding a new fan and upgrading the hardware! I hoped they wouldn't notice the hardware update but they did, so they sent it back, and I have yet to install another fan.
Please let me know if you know how to fix! Thanks!
You sure you didn't fry it? Screen freezing kinda sounds like over heating, so I wasn't surprised when you said you were screwing with the fans.
Why did you have to try to fuck with it?

What hardware update?
You voided the warranty by opening your xbox 360.
Quote from name:isolatedpurity
You sure you didn't fry it? Screen freezing kinda sounds like over heating, so I wasn't surprised when you said you were screwing with the fans.
Why did you have to try to fuck with it?

What hardware update?
I know I didn't fry it... I wore one of those anti-static wrist bands so I couldn't have fried it with static electricity... I didn't hit anything. Also, a hardware update I made to it just makes it faster download speed and better running speed without the lag and shit.
Quote from name:NerdyTerdy
Doe's anyone know how to fix an X Box 360 where the screen keeps freezing... Evertime I play it the screen freezes about ever five minutes, and I've tried all the suggestions that microsoft has provided me with. Maybe you can leave a step by step keys?
When I sent it in they sent it back to me 2 weeks later saying that I had "tampered" with it. All I did was try adding a new fan and upgrading the hardware! I hoped they wouldn't notice the hardware update but they did, so they sent it back, and I have yet to install another fan.
Please let me know if you know how to fix! Thanks!

If I was you I would destroy it enough to the point that they couldn't tell that you had tampered with it. I have a friend who buys broken X-Boxes on eBay and sends them into Microsoft and they replace them. I believe one time when sending one in he told them "It wasn't working so I took a bat to it." and they still replaced it, lol.Ummm... I'd rather not, because my friend told me they have a sticker on it and its removed that's how they tell if it's been tampered with (to bad I threw the sticker out! WAAH!!!).
I don't really want to mess it up to much to the point it can't be fixed... so I'd rather not risk it...
You voided the warranty by opening your xbox 360.
What do you mean "I" voided it?
He means by YOU dinking around with the insides while upgrading it, microsoft is under no obligation to fix whatever YOU did. Read the warranty info, you are out of luck my friend. Also, NEVER use Nyko fan for 360, it makes it HOTTER. if you eventually get the RROD, try these steps...
1. Make sure your Xbox 360 actually has the 3 red lights, also known as the Red Rings of Death (RROD)
2. Get 2 common towels (obviously not paper towels, you'll want towels like the ones you use to dry yourself off after a shower)
3. Remove everything from the 360, including hard drives, wired controllers, games, etc, EXCEPT for the power supply.
4. Wrap your Xbox 360 with the 2 towels.
5. While wrapped, plug your 360's power supply into a wall socket and turn it on. You'll get your usual RROD. Let it run for 15-20 minutes.
6. Afterwards, turn the Xbox 360 off and let it cool for 10 minutes
7. Plug everything back in and turn it on again. It should work.
this too shall pass
Sweet! I'll give it a shot! Hopefully it will work!
Only do it on a RROD system. It isn't a permanent fix (people report it working anywhere between 2 hours and 4 days)
this too shall pass
Alright... I just turned it on and it has the RROD... So I will give it a shot and hopefully it will work... Thanks for the help!

I heard this from my neighbor too, but I wasn't positive is it would work, so now that you mentioned it I will give it a shot!
What do you mean "I" voided it?
You opened the xbox and took off that sticker on the side. When you tamper with that sticker you can no longer send it in for repairs because microsoft won't fix it if you've been messing with the insides.