I had previously made a topic in the Computers/Technology forum to ask the people of SEN their ideas on making a group within Steam
(click here if you don't know what Steam is) just for SEN and StarCraft
(here is the original topic). From that point, I made this group and I had in mind the goals of 1. bringing more people to SEN by promoting this group, 2. by bringing people to SEN, this might help get people back into the mood of playing StarCraft once again, and 3. give an almost 'hangin' place for the people of SEN when there is nothing to talk about on the boards or when they want to go into a match with someone or something. Having the ability to go into the SEN chat room within Steam makes it very easy to schedule a match with someone or see where they are. Steam also makes things easy for match making due to the ability to launch StarCraft right from Steam. If you need to chat with anyone then hold shift and hit tab and you will be able to view the Steam overlay and chat with people, this also helps with making a match than over Battle.net. I have gotten this approved by IP so this isn't something that I'm just pulling out of my butt. I understand that in the beginning it will be hard to get used to but I'm asking anyone who has/uses Steam to please join this group and help promote my goals that I have set for making this. Any feedback is welcomed...
Ok, people... Things have changed. No longer are we going to be dealing with the way Steam has been messing with us and thanks to Nintendo_Confed we have now moved on out to XFire. The clan site on XFire can be found at
http://www.xfire.com/clans/stareditnetwork/. Simply make an account and sign up, much easier than Steam and the overlay on XFire is said to work with StarCraft. I have not had the ability to learn how to use the overlay yet but that is a different story. Please sign up if you can because I think that having all of the SEN community on their will help a lot with some of our functions that we currently have going on.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 18 2008, 1:49 am by Joshgt2.
I'll register an account when I get windows. The only FPS games I have are Halo, CoD, and CoD:2.

Relatively ancient and inactive
Well, if I want to know what's happening on SEN, I go to SEN... I guess, if many people use Steam its a good idea, but certainly not as a primary communication service.
I hope it wouldn't become the new place for SEN, but I think it might help promote us and maybe get more people to come here. And yes, if you do want to know whats happening with SEN then you should come here. But I know I play StarCraft in the Steam window (which means I can hit Alt+Tab to chat to people while in game) and it might be good for setting up SEN maps and matches

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
Sounds like a good idea to me. It makes the games a bit more entertaining when you're playing with people you "know"
I decided to make it just to see what happens. If no one likes it then they don't have to be involved with it. You can find it at
SteamCommunity.com/groups/StarEditNetwork or search StarEdit Network in Steam itself. Also updated the first post to contain this link...
Perhaps... if I can find my Starcraft CD that is...
You need the CD to play? Why not simply modify your directory to play StarCraft without the CD... Well, you need the v1.15 patch I believe however to begin with...
No, I need to find the Install.exe first, so I can play without using a third party loader. But Yea, Im in with the steam account.
Right... I better set up SC to work with Steam...
It is simple to make it work with Steam... but having the overlay work correctly when playing Starcraft through Steam seems to be the issue right now...
I still think that we should make this group on Xfire instead of Steam. Xfire's overlay works with any game, including Starcraft.
Let me check it out... I will download XFire again, even though I'm not fond of it, and I will see what I can do...
Quote from Nintendo_Confed
I still think that we should make this group on Xfire instead of Steam. Xfire's overlay works with any game, including Starcraft.
You've gotten your wish...
http://www.staredit.net/topic/2057/... Read it and weep...