Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Projectile Systems
Projectile Systems
Sep 3 2007, 5:14 am
By: Falkoner  

Sep 4 2007, 4:07 am AntiSleep Post #21

basically, there is no acceleration in the horizontal component, and a constant acceleration in the vertical component(velocity changes at a steady rate)


Sep 4 2007, 4:16 am Falkoner Post #22

Okay, I get it now, thanks, basically, you just form a parabola depending on the X and Y values given.


Sep 4 2007, 11:20 am AntiSleep Post #23

yes, you can even fire from an arbitrary point, in an arbitrary direction. It would be fun to see this combined with the frags pointing system for a new aerial combat map. That would be a ton of triggering(and i don't mean the projectile triggers)


Sep 4 2007, 1:05 pm Falkoner Post #24

I can imagine it being used in a Worms Armageddon map, THAT would be cool.


Sep 5 2007, 12:56 am Fallen Post #25

That is seriously complicated and that takes a bit of undederstanding. But i gotta agree with the aerial combat being cool. that would be far be original and i can see it being a hit. If you could mod a carrier, wraith or anything of those fighters to be able to carry units that would be probly up there on the mods also.

Falknor you defently gotta add a map on how to do a basic one of these cause i cant even fathom understanding it then creating if you are new to it. Out of courosity when do the grid system couldnt you just have 4 air units as your grid to make it simple. Like 4 guareds as your positive, positve, 4 dev as your positive, negitive and so on and so forth.


Sep 5 2007, 1:33 am Falkoner Post #26

If you use a 2x2 unit you would need to create at least 8 more 2x2 units, giving you an 18x18 grid with 2x2 locations. This would allow you to go North, NW, NE, South, SW, SE, West, and East, which is really all you need.

Also, I already posted a map that shows you, it's just kinda complex.


Sep 5 2007, 2:42 am AntiSleep Post #27

it is not too complex, in the tens of triggers. Complex systems take hundreds or thousands of triggers.


Sep 5 2007, 2:44 am Akar Post #28

Well (we need a mapping dictionary), it is actually a bunch of smaller systems put into one big one, but the complex systems are really just alot of smaller systems working together.


Sep 5 2007, 2:44 am Falkoner Post #29

Of course, most of those are simply a lot of copying.


Sep 6 2007, 12:51 am AntiSleep Post #30

The trigger system in the old chess map was a complex system.


Sep 6 2007, 12:56 am Falkoner Post #31

Once again, a lot of copying and slight modifications.


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