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[Campaign] Alliance Chronicles
Jan 4 2022, 4:15 am
By: Zergy  

Mar 8 2022, 4:49 pm C(a)HeK Post #21

Is it normal that I take control command center only?
I thought this area will be mine. It's unusual.

Hello everyone, friends. You can call me Alexander. :)
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Mar 8 2022, 7:07 pm Zergy Post #22

Quote from C(a)HeK
Is it normal that I take control command center only?
I thought this area will be mine. It's unusual.

It is, I never imagined someone would think about taking possession of the whole base.
Maybe it could simplify the beginning of the mission.

Meanwhile :
- README.html file translated, added to the full archive and the "Prologue 01.scx" map.
- Prologues mission updated, just a minor orthographic correction.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 22 2022, 12:09 pm by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Mar 9 2022, 11:35 am C(a)HeK Post #23

Do you want to test your campaign?
If yes read it, you can see examples and rules.
I see download link, but I need a picture.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 9 2022, 12:27 pm by C(a)HeK.

Hello everyone, friends. You can call me Alexander. :)
Additional Story Series creator
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Mar 9 2022, 11:58 am Zergy Post #24

Quote from C(a)HeK
Do you want to test your campaign?
If yes read it, you can see examplaes and rules.
I see download link, but I need a picture.
I'm not against you test it, but I sadly don't have any pictures to provide to you, I'm quite bad well it come to create pictures. :/

French map maker, not really active these days.

Mar 9 2022, 12:40 pm C(a)HeK Post #25

Well, let me know if you'll have a picture.

Hello everyone, friends. You can call me Alexander. :)
Additional Story Series creator
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Mar 20 2022, 1:27 pm Zergy Post #26

Prologue 1 and 6 updated.
  • Prologue 1: The neutrals Conveyers are now invincible, so you can't lockdown them anymore (Thank to C(a)HeK for reporting this bug)
  • Prologue 6: Every buildings of the outpost are now given to you, not only the Command Center, it should ease the beginning of the mission (Thank to C(a)HeK for this suggestion)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 20 2022, 1:34 pm by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Mar 23 2022, 11:54 am Zergy Post #27

English versions of Prologue 3 and 6 updated, look like I forgot to translate some little things. :)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 23 2022, 12:09 pm by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Mar 24 2022, 8:40 pm Zergy Post #28

Prologue 04.scx
  • Score text translated in English in the English version of the map.
    I try to use SCMDraft's string editor to have all the texts in one go, but it look like it sometime doesn't save the change I made, so, I get back on directly editing the triggers.
  • The Terran Beacon is removed once you bring all the Civilians. (Only occur on the English version)
  • Prisoners are now invincible, a trigger will remove their invincibility once you own them.
  • The "Unauthorized Entry Detected" sound is now in English in the English version of the map.

Prologue 07.scx
  • Prisoners are now invincible, a trigger will remove their invincibility once you own them.

Mission 12.scx
  • The "Unauthorized Entry Detected" sound is now in English in the English version of the map.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Mar 26 2022, 5:07 pm by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Mar 26 2022, 4:55 pm Zergy Post #29

Prologue 05 and Mission 01 (English version): Some custom units names wasn't translated, fixed.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Mar 28 2022, 6:45 pm Zergy Post #30

  • English version of Prologue 07 updated.
  • Mission 01 updated, in earlier versions, Science Vessel wasn't available, I forgot to re-enable all it upgrades, it's now fixed.

I added some alternatives downloads links as the server who host my website is down due to a PSU problem.
PSU replaced, server is up.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 30 2022, 2:22 am by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Mar 31 2022, 7:38 pm Zergy Post #31

English version of Mission 03 updated, now everything should be translated now.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Apr 4 2022, 12:33 pm Zergy Post #32

OK, so, I reviewed all the English version of the maps, **normally** everything should be translated, thank to SCMDraft's String Editor, way better than searching in the triggers for some text.
I also modified the victory triggers to some of the maps to "Current player command exactly 0 [buildings]" to "Current player command exactly 0 [factories]".

French map maker, not really active these days.

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