Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Assistance > Topic: Make a new unit .GRP
Make a new unit .GRP
Nov 1 2021, 3:07 am
By: Hoangquan123  

Nov 1 2021, 3:07 am Hoangquan123 Post #1

I need a help about a new building unit
it always errors, and I can't import new unit ".bmp" to ".grp" by 3 software: Photoshop, GRPEdit and PyGRP
I make a new unit by a new bitmap ".bmp"
Step 1:
I download a new unit in "Starcraft 1 File" and import Photoshop, I choose this image by mode: GRB Color, 8 bits channel (picture 1)
Step 2:
I fix this image by Photoshop, then I save as new image with a file ".bmp" (picture 2)
Step 3:
Import this new image ".bmp" into GRP Edit to convert a new file ".grp" (picture 3). Then I complete this step 3 (picture 4)
Step 4:
Import this new file image ".grp" into PYGRP, this color is error (picture 5)!!!
Why was the color of buiding errored ? I can't fix it. I wonder four step, which step was failed ?
Thanks for your helping !

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Nov 1 2021, 7:09 am UndeadStar Post #2

In image 5, you selected "terrain palette" instead of "unit palette".

Nov 1 2021, 4:19 pm DarkenedFantasies Post #3

Roy's Secret Service

On step 2 you have to convert the image to "Indexed Color" mode before saving it, using the starcraft in-game palette (usually named "gamebasic" or "units").

Nov 3 2021, 6:19 am Hoangquan123 Post #4

On step 2 you have to convert the image to "Indexed Color" mode before saving it, using the starcraft in-game palette (usually named "gamebasic" or "units").

Thanks, I don't know how to take the color in-game palette, and how to import this color palette in Photoshop, please teach me two problems, sir ?


Nov 3 2021, 6:22 am Hoangquan123 Post #5

Quote from UndeadStar
In image 5, you selected "terrain palette" instead of "unit palette".

Ok, but I have a problem in step 2, I can't find the color in-game palate, could you show me this palate color: 8bits 256 color in-game where are they ?


Nov 3 2021, 8:17 am UndeadStar Post #6

If you used PyGRP, you should be able to find a "Palettes" subfolder where you installed it, I guess that's where you will find what you need.
I'm not a graphics modder, so I don't really know that field of work.

edit: I thought of something else: maybe one of your tools got the way to extract the palette from an existing unit (since they should all use the same) ?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 3 2021, 10:20 am by UndeadStar.

Nov 3 2021, 4:44 pm DarkenedFantasies Post #7

Roy's Secret Service

Quote from Hoangquan123
Thanks, I don't know how to take the color in-game palette, and how to import this color palette in Photoshop, please teach me two problems, sir ?
Easiest way would be to open the original bmp image you downloaded, and going to Image > Mode > Color Table, and saving the palette. You can then load it when you convert your edited image to indexed.

You can also load Units.pal from the PyMS files. The extensions are PAL but they are raw palette data like ACT and can be opened by Photoshop.

Nov 3 2021, 11:21 pm Hoangquan123 Post #8

Sorry sir, I can't import Units.pal to Photoshop. Could you know how to import them to this software, pls ?

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Nov 4 2021, 12:15 am Hoangquan123 Post #9

Quote from Hoangquan123
Thanks, I don't know how to take the color in-game palette, and how to import this color palette in Photoshop, please teach me two problems, sir ?
Easiest way would be to open the original bmp image you downloaded, and going to Image > Mode > Color Table, and saving the palette. You can then load it when you convert your edited image to indexed.

You can also load Units.pal from the PyMS files. The extensions are PAL but they are raw palette data like ACT and can be opened by Photoshop.

I found 3 file ".pal", but I not sure them correctly
I can't import Table Color ".pal" to Photoshop, can you help me ?
This is my video, which step was I wrong ?


Nov 4 2021, 1:12 am DarkenedFantasies Post #10

Roy's Secret Service

The PyMS palette files have a .pal extension but they're identical to .act files. Open it as a "Color Table (ACT)" file, either by renaming the file from "units.pal" to "units.act" or typing the file name manually. When you open it as a "Microsoft Palette (PAL)" option, it's looking for a RIFF header, which doesn't exist in the pal file you're trying to open.

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