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Starcraft Fan campaign Listing V3
Jun 20 2021, 10:11 am
By: Zincoshine
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Jun 20 2021, 10:11 am Zincoshine Post #1

Originally posted by Church on CampaignCreations, and then the creator of V2 on staredit, the StarCraft Fan Campaign Listing boasts the most complete list of custom
campaigns created for SCBW in addition to up-to-date files, remasters where they exist, correctly designed and tested 1.16.1 mod patches where relevant and possible, and more.
Features a crude quality assurance for the vast majority of English language campaigns.
In addition, it features campaigns of all languages, not just english.
If you have information on any missing projects, please post below or send me a private message.

Quote from Church
With the advent of StarCraft: Remastered, it is important for us to pay respect to the history of StarCraft's fan campaign community.
Every year since the release of StarCraft in 1998, at least one fan campaign project has been released for this game to this date. For
a game to receive such treatment even two decades later is impressive, but unfortunately, many of these campaigns have become
difficult to locate over the years. As more and more StarCraft fansites go down and forum attachments get corrupted, the years and
years worth of effort, passion, and creativity put in by campaign makers is at a risk of being lost forever.

Here, with the help of the community, I have compiled a year-by-year list of as many StarCraft fan campaigns as I can find. It is the
most complete list you will be able to find online. Take some time to peruse the list, try out a few campaigns, and experience some
of the richness of StarCraft's fan campaign history.

Thanks to the following contributors:

- Church: For making the first version of this and his amazing campaigns.
- adam nesico: For providing a huge amount of campaigns that were missing from v2, including 90% of all of the foreign campaigns
- NudeRaider, CaHek, Alevice, Thalraxal, Laconius, Krazy, Lavarinth,Shinok, Sodon, Lotharan, Naiiphs, noname, Roberto Crissini, shekralstic, tiferet, and Mithras Gnosis for providing many of the campaigns in V1 and V2.
- Andrea Rosa: For providing a shining beacon of high-quality campaigns since 2019.
- Eredalis: For links to his campaigns as well as for encouraging me on with this project back when it was just a QA sheet.
- RdeRenato: For providing me with the most in-demand campaign on my list, the early access release of Heroes & Silence.
- Arkanis: For providing me with all of the missing Drake Clawfang campaign files.
- Fabrice leonard: For bringing me back and finding countless foreign language campaigns that adam nesico had trouble finding.
- David Kang: For being able to find some of the most obscure campaigns out there via the relative popularity of his youtube channel.
- Vorgozz: For providing me the latest files for his work and making insurrection enjoyable.
- Zergy: For providing many more campaigns, mostly French ones, and for joining in the effort to find and archive campaigns.
- CaHeK: For providing several campaigns that no one even knew existed.


Q: I'm new to brood war, there are so many campaigns! Where do I start?
A: If you have finished installing starcraft via the classic installer provided on the archive then you are strongly advised to start with Fall from Grace. While it isn't the best campaign in terms of gameplay, it will give you an awesome preview of the kind of cool stuff that awaits you and you'll see just how easy it really is to get started with playing custom campaigns. The download for it is here: just double click and have fun!

Q: Why was this made when V2 already exists?
A: Around late 2019 I discovered that custom campaigns had built up a bad reputation for having low quality. One comment on reddit in particular really pissed me off as the commenter claimed that a list of campaigns with quality assurance would be completely empty. I decided to prove to myself that the author wrong by playing through some campaigns and then adding them to a quality assurance list for myself to enjoy with scores for all the campaigns. It was around 20-30 campaigns long at that point.
Later on, I decided to make it public and have it act as a complement to V2. When the pandemic hit I began adding more and more campaigns to the list as it became clear that I was going to have a lot of free time for this. However, at the beginning of spring, I began to notice serious problems with the V2 list. The files for campaigns were usually of the very first release, despite the fact that the original authors had provided updates for them. There were a number of campaigns listed that didn't include all of the files despite the missing files being still available elsewhere on the internet (the visions of the future listing is especially notorious for this). Many campaigns were incorrectly listed as having all files when in fact a number of them actually had missing files such as the Scion IV saga among others. The mod info was often inaccurate, even the release dates were sometimes inaccurate or missing (EDAST). Foreign language campaigns were not allowed on it apart from a tiny group. Finally in May 2020 remastered campaigns were banned and removed from the wiki list thereby pretty much invalidating its status as an archive. It was at that point I decided that V2 and the wiki list had run their course and that the old adage was true: "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.". I set about converting my QA list into a proper campaign archive, added all campaigns to it, and fixing all the issues that plagued V2.

Q: Why didn't you simply ask the creator of v2 to fix the various problems with the list?
A: I did. About 25% of the problems I mentioned to him back then did get fixed, but that percentage is far too little and it took too much time, time during which I would only find more and more problems. In the end, I found myself only using the old list for campaign names while relying on google to find the actual files and only using the list for download links as a last resort.

Q: Your scores are bullshit, can you remove them?
A: Well, no one is forcing you to use them, I have a tab where the campaigns are sorted by the score for those who want and one where they are sorted by year.

Q: Where are the files for Crossworlds saga, space hulk, etc?
A: If I had the files, I would upload them. They're grouped as missing for a reason. I don't have the missing files and if you have the files I would greatly appreciate it if you provided me with them.

Q: The primary mod file I downloaded for an old campaign named <insert name> from here is different from the one I downloaded on V2. Why?
A: Because I made a different patch for an old campaign than the creator of the v2 list did. Make sure you use mine unless you enjoy gamebreaking bugs or units without command buttons.

Q: I am deeply offended that you would try to make old campaigns playable in the latest version of starcraft and fix game-breaking bugs in five or so long-abandoned campaigns. How dare you!
A: This list is aimed at newcomers who might be interested in broodwar. It is because of these campaigns that broodwar is by far the best free game available. However, no one is going to be interested in playing these campaigns if all they find is either of terrible quality or something they can't run because they need to jump through hoops just to make the campaign run. I did only what was necessary to streamline the process for new player and nothing more.

Post has been edited 30 time(s), last time on Sep 10 2022, 4:16 pm by Zincoshine.


Jun 20 2021, 2:23 pm Nekron Post #2

There are no "endless remakes" of the entire SC story, unless you mean the low-quality "Terran Campaign Insane" map re-dos which would also cover 90% of any custom campaign list, feels like a weird comment.

Also obviously SCR isn't using Firegraft mods, and campaigns such as GTTE could be upgraded to a newer Samase version by anyone (or just UEDCom if he wasn't a lazy bum) so they aren't quite something that will "never run again", I could run them again in two minutes from now xd (much the same like how you needed to patch up pre-1.16 sempqs/fg mods)

Jun 20 2021, 3:03 pm Andrea Rosa Post #3

Just a glitch in the Matrix

This is definitely welcome, since V1 and V2 are obsolete by now. We needed a more analytical and up-to-date campaign listing, and this is by far the most complete collection so far: you are doing a great work.

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Jun 20 2021, 3:30 pm Zincoshine Post #4

Quote from Nekron
There are no "endless remakes" of the entire SC story, unless you mean the low-quality "Terran Campaign Insane" map re-dos which would also cover 90% of any custom campaign list, feels like a weird comment.

Don't take that note the wrong way Nekron, I've seen your work on youtube and I'm sure this campaign is awesome. It's just that I can only play through the same old main starcraft story so many times before it has grown too old. It's the same reason why I was never able to finish starcraft mass recall. I need new stories. :P I'll try to fix the note so that it doesn't give the wrong impression.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 20 2021, 6:58 pm by Zincoshine.


Jun 20 2021, 6:45 pm Nekron Post #5

Fair enough, the base story is admittedly also overused in fanfic or alternate story forms so I can definitely see how it's become tiresome. Thanks for updating the 'fire' mod category as well =)

Also I just now remembered one thing that may be useful to note down somewhere: even though non-mod campaigns are "mostly" fine on SCR, there are some added AI bugs in Remastered that you can't entirely ignore without modding - so maybe you could note down somewhere that 1.16 will be outright better to play non-mod macro campaigns, if you think it's appropriate, or otherwise some people may boot them up in SCR and be confused as to why Protoss Campaign Insane doesn't quite work properly. Admittedly I'm not sure how many campaigns this ultimately affects.

Jun 20 2021, 7:07 pm Zincoshine Post #6

Really? I had no idea. I wonder if this bug may have affected my experiences on any of the campaigns I've played through in the past. I'll definitely add a note somewhere about that.

To date I think there is only one campaign that I've played where there is a protoss insane AI and that's andrea rosa's champions of khandia. In light of this news, as well as the customised SCMDraft tiles there, I am going to change the game base for that to Starcraft 1.16.1

edit: There is actually another mission somewhere where there is an insane protoss AI. I don't remember which campaign anymore. I just remember that it was located directly to the north of the starting base on a jungle layout map and the easiest way to win that mission was to rush all units to the nexus at the very beginning of the game and destroy it before the AI gets out of control :P There were other enemy bases to deal with after that with the usual difficult AI.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 20 2021, 7:17 pm by Zincoshine.


Jun 20 2021, 7:47 pm Luigi Post #7

In God I trust.

Your list is way more complete than Pronogo's.
I think that unless these lists are complementary, there's no need for two or more campaign lists.
Different lists should be merged. Then it would be better to work in group curating the merged list, because it's a lot of work to do, very time consuming.
I see that you receive help from others, which is really cool.

I'm the creator of StarCraft Adventures.
For Spanish version "Aventuras de StarCraft":
Aventuras de StarCraft (blog)

Jun 20 2021, 8:12 pm Nekron Post #8

To be precise the bug isn't specifically protoss campaing insane-related (though protoss scripts suffer more from it); from what I remember it's mostly a priority issue that makes the AI much slower (at progressing with the scripted attacks, research etc) if they have *any* currently impossible requests - which can happen, for example, when protoss scripts request observers right at the beginning of the game (probably not the best design tbh, but it doesn't cause any issues with better priority handling =) )

Jun 20 2021, 8:26 pm Zincoshine Post #9

Good god.... The number of playthroughs this might have affected is tremendous... Oh well, it is what it is. At least there's a warning displayed now right at the top.

Quote from Luigi
Your list is way more complete than Pronogo's.
I think that unless these lists are complementary, there's no need for two or more campaign lists.
Different lists should be merged. Then it would be better to work in group curating the merged list, because it's a lot of work to do, very time consuming.
I see that you receive help from others, which is really cool.

Well, V1 also still exists. :P V1, V2 and V3 are all essentially just different versions of the same thing with lots of improvements. Just use the latest version.... Yeah I know it's a little annoying that the older versions still exist but there's nothing more than can be done about this. Just don't use the older versions. There's no need to as each version was designed to completely replace the previous version.

Edit: It would be nice if this got stickied instead of V2 though.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 20 2021, 8:54 pm by Zincoshine.


Jun 20 2021, 8:35 pm Andrea Rosa Post #10

Just a glitch in the Matrix

Quote from Nekron
To be precise the bug isn't specifically protoss campaing insane-related (though protoss scripts suffer more from it); from what I remember it's mostly a priority issue that makes the AI much slower (at progressing with the scripted attacks, research etc) if they have *any* currently impossible requests - which can happen, for example, when protoss scripts request observers right at the beginning of the game (probably not the best design tbh, but it doesn't cause any issues with better priority handling =) )

I have witnessed that in DK's playthrough of the 5th mission of my Protoss campaign. Everything seemed much easier in Remastered, and not only for DK's gaming skills... indeed, in that mission the enemy seemed to be on valium.

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Jun 20 2021, 10:15 pm Vorgozz Post #11

Hey thanks for some of the feedback here. I've been meaning to go back and update RoDC and FIU! at some point but that might take a while due to unrelated reasons. I actually released a pretty huge update for Insurrection recently which coincidentally addresses some of the specific issues you brought up here (like mission 5 is completely reterrained) so you might wanna check that out:
Also on the topic, that bug in mission 13 where Andraxxus's Interceptors get messed up happened even in the original, it's some issue with the map itself that I have no idea how or why is caused.

I wanted to reply to some points about RoDC and FIU! too:

Mission 5.5 wasn't "made out of frustration", just the message pointing out the limits of SC1 was. Mission 5 reached the location, doodad, and region limit for a single map, I couldn't physically add Area Delta with the rest. The frustration came from the fact that SC1 doesn't inform you at all that you've reached the region limit and you can only know when you try to open the map ingame, which just exits out saying "Map contains too many tight corridors", so while I could avoid the doodad and location limits by being more reserved with them, the region limit forced me to look up what the "too many corridors" message even meant and caused me to waste a bunch of time reworking a sizable part of what was already the map that took the most time to make in the whole campaign, since I made the entirety of the actual terraining from the start and only tested the map when at least some triggers were added, but regardless, making a separate map for at least one of the sections was unavoidable. As for your point about the story there not mattering because the whole place blew up afterwards anyway, Devours Children didn't come in with the idea of destroying the whole place, just killing everyone, it just happened that way when the core overheated, on top of that it's a big point that having his raw essence on hand was useful and used to created the Nightlings.
Yes, all of it was meant to happen on Brontes IV, it is a campaign about Devours Children after all.
The Zerg talking too much like Terran and Shepard just existing out of nowhere, I mean, the campaign mostly kind of a parody, I wasn't aiming for logical and rich characters.
For mission 2 there is a message whenever one of the main doors is opened though? Or are you referring to something else? Also if that "door that makes no sense" is the one near the top right, that's supposed to be an exit Shepard takes.
The main base in mission 4 being cramped is intentional so you have to build outside in more exposed spots.
For mission 3, you are right, going back to the map it turns out I messed up some of the buildings for the AI so it resulted in them frequently breaking, I didn't catch this because somehow they never did in the 2 or 3 times I tested it before release.
The easter egg in mission 5 is *beyond* tested, you're not supposed to just run past the tanks, there is a way to destroy them safely.
When I made RoDC I had used a sound editor for a whole 0 seconds ever so self made custom quotes wouldn't have happened, however I did remove one of Kerrigan's lines in which she says her name for obvious reasons, then left the rest as I felt they fit well enough for Shepard. Syndrea not having unique lines would be fixed now as I got my hands on some since.
The Terran you have in mission 6 are supposed to be infested (if that's what you mean with the SCVs not making sense), I can't really add a fourth faction even now much less when I barely knew how to use modding tools (and I was using shitty outdated ones).

The time was supposed to be about the last third of Rebel Yell, so the Zerg were already known but the Confederates still had some level of presence.
The idea in the prolog wasn't to sit around while your get more units and upgrades, it was to have them working in the background as your run around the map with what you have. GFA Firebats are absurdly strong and even the 3 you start with can get a good deal done at no upgrades, so you could make progress while you have more training to reinforce if you need.

Also as a side note: It's Devours Children, not Devourer's Children. The fact that it's a non name is why it became a meme lol.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jun 20 2021, 10:25 pm by Vorgozz.


Jun 21 2021, 5:03 pm Zincoshine Post #12

Well if it isn't the legend himself, Vorgozz!!! Nice to have you here.

I will immediately update the list in regard to the download. In order for me to update the score however I'll need some details on what were changed for each map.

Mission 5.5 wasn't "made out of frustration", just the message pointing out the limits of SC1 was. Mission 5 reached the location, doodad, and region limit for a single map, I couldn't physically add Area Delta with the rest.
yeah, I know, sorry for my poor choice of wording. I'll fix it now. I think it is too much to ask, but would you consider copying the rest of level 5 that comes after the delta section? When other campaign makers have run into the problem you have had, they have split up their level into twp parts. Same layout, but split doodads and units. Vile eggression has a great example of this.

Yes, all of it was meant to happen on Brontes IV, it is a campaign about Devours Children after all.
Well Devourers Children could have been on another planet before coming to brontes IV, I mean there's really no indication where the events of this campaign are occurring for a good while. maybe the first mission can somehow mention something like "once upon a time on brontes IV" or something like that in the mission briefing. Keep in mind, the player of this campaign may not necessarily have played insurrection.

For mission 2 there is a message whenever one of the main doors is opened though? Or are you referring to something else? Also if that "door that makes no sense" is the one near the top right, that's supposed to be an exit Shepard takes.
Sigh... I don't remember anymore. It was a year ago that I played this. I would have contacted you at the time if I knew where to find you.

The main base in mission 4 being cramped is intentional so you have to build outside in more exposed spots.
What? Why would you do this?


The easter egg in mission 5 is *beyond* tested, you're not supposed to just run past the tanks, there is a way to destroy them safely.
fair enough, I'll adjust the text.

The idea in the prolog wasn't to sit around while your get more units and upgrades, it was to have them working in the background as your run around the map with what you have. GFA Firebats are absurdly strong and even the 3 you start with can get a good deal done at no upgrades, so you could make progress while you have more training to reinforce if you need.

I remember that I literally didn't need to do anything but wait. I remember spending time chatting with some friends while I was waiting.

Anyway I have slightly improved some scores for RoDC :)

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 21 2021, 5:55 pm by Zincoshine.


Jun 22 2021, 4:27 am Vorgozz Post #13

Too much was changed in Insurrection for me to just give a quick convincing summary, there are countless changes both minor and major to the mod and maps, you'd really need to play it again, which I understand you might not wanna do now/yet, so it'll be there for whenever you feel like it.

The issue with splitting the mission in 2 maps is that it would've taken away from the "non linear micro mission" aspect I was aiming for, separating Area Omega wasn't enough for the limits to be good for the rest of the map and there's no other area that's linearly blocked, also the regions are something added by the terraining itself so it'd be impossible for me to leave the same terrain on both maps, I'd have to arbitrarily cut off a section of the map (which could be done with Area Gamma but again that would require making it the first area you're forced to linearly go through).

Well it's a meme based on a "character" from Insurrection I made off a silly comment Jay made in one of his videos about it and that I first sent to him before it being public, I pretty much was expecting people to be familiar with it, though it wouldn't have been vague if the Protoss you fight in mission 3 weren't unnamed, that's definitely my bad, I didn't think that one until later.

Well now I'm here if you wanna know anything :^)

Mainly for two reasons: 1. so you'd have to "cover" the civilians more and 2. so Hunger Heralds were harder to deal with (and yes the civilians are a fake objective that is intentionally annoying, that was the point).

Also to be more specific, on the side to the entrance of the tank hallway there is a doodad you can "enter".

There definitely was no required waiting in the prolog at all, like I said you're free to move and get things done immediately, so I'm guessing you saw that you could train and upgrade and did that before moving out thinking you needed to.


Jun 22 2021, 9:14 pm Zincoshine Post #14

I think I'll just go ahead and play through it again before going through visions of the future. Votf is a sequel to both insurrection and retribution.

By the way, did you know that Aztech new media copied Nargil from another campaign named Aiurgax? Seriously, go play Aiurgax. I was absolutely shocked.


Jun 23 2021, 1:40 am Vorgozz Post #15

No no, Nargil is a canon Cerebrate, the official Cerebrate of the Fenris Brood, she's mentioned in the manual too, Aiurgax just took it from there, meanwhile Insurrection was actually "shadow" written by Blizzard themselves (at least partially) while Aztech New Media were tasked with the bulk of everything else (which explains the story being pretty interesting while some of the maps must've come from the depths of the abyss), plus pretty sure Insurrection was already in development before Aiurgax came out (and it's unlikely Blizzard or Aztech heard of it).


Jun 24 2021, 12:57 pm Zincoshine Post #16

Hmm I see... You know, it would be awesome if you could get jayborino to play the first mission in UGF. I REALLY want to see his reaction to the mission briefing. I can see it becoming a meme...

By the way, I'm adding links to playlists and videos in the notes column. It's time to give StarCraft YouTubers the spotlight. ^^


Jun 24 2021, 6:27 pm Zincoshine Post #17

Updates (24,6,2021):

1) 4 newly found campaigns added to the list.
- Dark nemesis (English, missing files)
- El enfrentamiento a Mengsk (Spanish, missing files)
- Furgia, la tragedia de dos colonial (Spanish, missing files)
- Starcraft: Gritos de libertad (Spanish, 40 maps, all files available)

2) Existing campaigns updated to latest versions:
- Starcraft insurrection
- Additional Story series

3) A link to a video for each campaign has been made for a lot of campaigns.
4) remaster column added (but you probably already noticed this)

On another note, the steam summer sale has just started so it's time for me to return to steam. :)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 25 2021, 7:27 am by Zincoshine.


Jun 25 2021, 2:45 am Fruitdispenser Post #18

Maybe I'm missing something here, but the document says that there are 4 Stukov series scenarios. I only know about Deception, Mercenaries II and Resurrection IV. What scenario have I forgotten?


Jun 25 2021, 5:06 am C(a)HeK Post #19

>Only the initial release will be provided as later updates appear to have computer viruses.

so funny

i have no any viruses, even now i downloaded my pack from the link without problem

Hello everyone, friends. You can call me Alexander. :)
Additional Story Series creator
Maps & Info -
Videos -

Jun 25 2021, 7:01 am Zincoshine Post #20

Ah I forgot to change that note. Sorry. I actually have updated the files already :)

Quote from Fruitdispenser
Maybe I'm missing something here, but the document says that there are 4 Stukov series scenarios. I only know about Deception, Mercenaries II and Resurrection IV. What scenario have I forgotten?

There's a fourth one exclusive for the Nintendo 64.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jun 25 2021, 7:29 am by Zincoshine.


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