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Early alpha map/tileset
Mar 24 2021, 6:52 pm
By: X405  

Mar 24 2021, 6:52 pm X405 Post #1

At end of 1996 Starcraft looked something like this:

Most of it looks familiar. But some things are totally different. One of those things is the tileset. It's obviously a space platform, but it's not the one in the final game. Not only are the visuals different, but this one has tiles that do not follow the rhombs that form the isometric grid. That's somewhat normal for alpha and early beta screenshots. There are more of these screenshots that have surfaced from various sources. The best curation of these is But these three screenshots are special for another reason. The image compression is lossless. This means that certain elements can be perfectly recreated. We have the full graphics of certain tiles. Some are covered by units or the interface, but by merging elements of the screenshots, we can clean that up:

Another example is the minimap. When the units are removed, it looks like this:

It's a map with 64x64 tiles contained in a square of 128x128 pixels. So each tile is encoded in square of 2x2 pixels. And these 2x2 squares are fairly unique in identifying a tile. Which turns this into a sort of a puzzle. Which I solved partially:

There are some pixelated areas. These are the places that need more work. I'll be fixing those too, but I'm in no rush.

Mar 25 2021, 10:51 am Black_Overseer Post #2

Nice work!!

Mar 25 2021, 8:29 pm Heinermann Post #3

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

The old creep edge texture prior to 02_10_1997 looks cool.

Mar 26 2021, 6:41 am UndeadStar Post #4

Those interceptors look completely like Starcraft 2 Han&Horner (Coop) Assault Drones (equivalent of interceptor for the Assault Galleon) to me.
I thought in Starcraft 2 coop gave a way for devs to insert canceled/beta units of SC2, but I think here they may have used SC1 alpha as a base.

Mar 26 2021, 10:53 pm X405 Post #5

Quote from Heinermann
The old creep edge texture prior to 02_10_1997 looks cool.

Yeah. There's some interesting art in the beta screenshots. Too bad it's mostly JPGs. Or scans from 90's gaming magazines.

I've tried to reconstruct the other tileset form the early beta (this one), but there's just not enough material to work with.

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