Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Assistance > Topic: Let Restoration self-target
Let Restoration self-target
Oct 8 2020, 10:20 am
By: Netbek  

Oct 8 2020, 10:20 am Netbek Post #1

I know it's possilbe to make ALL orders able to self-target via Firegraft's Exe Edits. But that solution also allows self-targeting Yamato Gun etc. I just want self-targeting for the Restoration spell. Is it possible, through coding in GPTP maybe?

Oct 8 2020, 12:47 pm UndeadStar Post #2

Maybe in hooks/recv_commands/receive_command.cpp ?
There's a CanTargetSelf, maybe skipping it (making it as if it returned true) if the mainOrderId is Restoration would be enough?

Oct 8 2020, 3:42 pm Netbek Post #3

Excellent, it now works: Restoration can self-target, but Yamato etc. can't! Thank you very much!
Here's the modified beginning of the CanTargetSelf function in receive_command.cpp:
bool CanTargetSelf(CUnit* unit, u8 orderId) {

    bool return_value;

    /////// OWN // -------
    if (orderId == OrderId::Restoration)
        return_value = true;
    /////// OWN Ende -------
        unit->status & UnitStatus::GroundedBuilding &&

^^Additional note for future beginner searchers: I had to use orderID instead of MainOrderID

I also attached the modified receive_command.cpp (& modified game_hooks.cpp that makes Restoration heal hp) for future visitors.

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