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SC1 Vs. SC2
Apr 12 2019, 5:07 am
By: Kolokol  

Apr 12 2019, 5:07 am Kolokol Post #1

What do you guys think about the mechanics, story, units, etc. of StarCraft: Brood War compared to that of StarCraft 2? What are some things that you like or dislike about each game? What did each game do better than the other? What are your thought on the story? How about your thoughts on the adding/removing of units in STarCraft 2?
I'll start this off:

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 12 2019, 5:14 am by Kolokol.


Apr 12 2019, 1:16 pm Dem0n Post #2

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Everything is worse in StarCraft 2 - the units, the mechanics, the dumbed down gameplay, the story. But to be fair, SC1's story was really shitty as well, so you can't expect much there.

Apr 12 2019, 2:42 pm MTiger156 Post #3

Veteran Mapper

But to be fair, SC1's story was really shitty as well, so you can't expect much there.
I'd say the SC1 story was extremely dark and realistic. Most of the CGI scenes were terrifying despite the graphics being rendered with a toaster. Raynor seemed to be the only character with "plot armor", seeing that many other named/main characters were brutally killed throughout.

Jun 10 2019, 9:51 pm CaptainWill Post #4

Well when I play a video game I don't generally expect an Academy Award winning plot. I accept the story in SC1 and SC2 for what it is - a narrative which serves its purpose of tying together a series of RTS missions for the player to solve, and making each mission make sense.

I actually preferred SC2 due to its shinier production values (I never played multi). I missed the SC1 units, although of course most are playable in the campaign.


Jun 12 2019, 7:16 pm Zycorax Post #5

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Have to say I prefer SC1 in pretty much all fields. The only cool gimmick SC2 got going for it is the unit customisation in the campaign.
The cartoony graphics really put me off, but I suppose it matches Blizzvision's general direction.

Quote from Dem0n
But to be fair, SC1's story was really shitty as well, so you can't expect much there.
I played through the campaign properly for the first time ever (lol) last year and the story is indeed quite bad ^^ The original is bearable, but the BW campaign is really bad. Still better than the clusterfuck that is SC2 though.

Quote from MTiger156
I'd say the SC1 story was extremely dark and realistic. Most of the CGI scenes were terrifying despite the graphics being rendered with a toaster.
This is really the thing I missed the most in SC2. Everything is too bright, colourful and happy! The Starcraft universe isn't supposed to be like that. SC is one of the few franchises I've actually gotten into the expanded lore of and all the books and manga I've read are pretty fucking dark (minus the censored swearing, which really bothers me :disgust: ). I suppose the general problem is that they keep going for a 12+ rating, rather than the 15+ their older games have. Sadly this is also reflected in the writing and general execution of their games in the past ten years.

Jun 12 2019, 11:10 pm Pr0nogo Post #6

The age rating may be a contributing factor but I think general incompetence is the main cause of the issue. Metzen was never a good writer and BW demonstrated the ill effects of his taking over pretty well, without the age rating even coming into question.

Jun 13 2019, 9:32 am Lanthanide Post #7

I quite liked the BW storyline :unsure:


Jun 13 2019, 8:57 pm MasterJohnny Post #8

Fenix had the most plot armor. SC2 should not have had filler storylines.

I am a Mathematician

Jun 14 2019, 10:38 am iquare Post #9

Quote from MasterJohnny
Fenix had the most plot armor.
Don't think so, and by the end he is killed nevertheless.

Quote from Zycorax
The only cool gimmick SC2 got going for it is the unit customisation in the campaign.
It is possible in SC1 as well. Unless you mean original Blizzard campaigns.


Sep 26 2019, 6:56 pm KrayZee Post #10

All I ever do in StarCraft II is to play co-op. I hardly play SC2's Arcade but I played Brood War's UMS a lot back then. I play as Vorazun because massing max upgraded Dark Templars and Corsairs is overpowered. Playing Dehaka as godzilla and yoshi at the same time is fun. I even like playing as Nova, Stukov, Fenix, Tychus, Zeratul and Karax. You have overpowered units with Nova, mass infested or infested mechs with Stukov, Xel'Naga version of Protoss units for Zeratul, Terran/Zerg Hybrid with Stetmann and my favorite: Han & Horner with 5 flying assault galleons that acts like flying barracks and as the terran version of carriers. Playing as Karax is basically tower defense for co-op.

There are StarCraft 1 units in StarCraft II. The defilers even appear in Nova Covert Ops. Nova actually has her own single player campaign and makes up for StarCraft Ghost being canceled. These units may not appear in multiplayer, but they do exist in campaign and co-op.


Sep 26 2019, 8:20 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #11

The Curious

I like them both for various reasons (SC1 being my lifelong love, for 20+ years now, notwithstanding). I do recognize the fact that much of the campaigns, especially in Heart of the Swarm, is garbage. :)

Trial and error... mostly error.

Sep 26 2019, 11:36 pm razorback9423 Post #12

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

When it comes to modding, StarCraft Brood War is the easiest to modify thanks to many modding tools like PyMs, Firegraft and GPTP despite engine limitations. SC2 modding for me is very complicated and convoluted, but it has no limits compared to the original.

I'm retiring from SC modding to focus on making games using the Unity engine.
YouTube channel:

Oct 15 2019, 6:04 am KrayZee Post #13

If anyone else plays StarCraft II for its co-op and mutation, I'm down to play.


Oct 15 2019, 8:02 am Oh_Man Post #14

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Starcraft Brood War = Game of Thrones Season 1-6
Starcraft 2 = Game of Thrones Season 7-8

Oct 15 2019, 4:42 pm GGmano Post #15


I definately love sc1 the most, for the reason i know the modding language for it, i only played sc2 abit only the ums and the sc2 custom maps not as good as those for sc1 for me they tend to be too advanced sc1 maps without eud is simple but good. Thats what i think

Oct 25 2019, 10:35 pm KrayZee Post #16

I hardly play StarCraft II's Arcade. When Blizzard released a remaster for Brood War, I'm glad they changed for the better. Like you download the map before you join the lobby, so you don't have to worry about the lobby host kicking you out if they see you're downloading.


Oct 26 2019, 5:15 pm Andrea Rosa Post #17

Just a glitch in the Matrix

SC1 all the way. The original StarCraft is one of my top 10 games ever for any system, including 8-bit/16-bit computers and consoles from 1975 onward. SC2 is okay, but it doesn't have the same magic.

I also make distinctions between StarCraft and Brood War: I love the original story and characters, but I didn't like the BW story very much, in my opinion it felt unrealistic and rushed in several points. In my ideal, utopian world, StarCraft has Medics and Lurkers, Brood War never came out and the story ends with Tassadar's death.

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Oct 26 2019, 8:05 pm Lagi Post #18

Quote from Kolokol
Personally, I dislike the replacement of BW units with new units in StarCraft 2. I miss the SC1 Queen and Infested Terrans, the Defiler, Arbiter, Valkyrie, Devourer, Guardian, Dark Archon, Corsair, Dragoon, etc. I enjoy using these units in BW and feel as though no other unit can be as fun as any of those. I also don't like SC2's add-on system, where any Terran building can only build a Tech Lab or Reactor, to which any other building can attach. I preferred the system where buildings had their own add-ons and researched upgrades for their own units. I think that this made the gameplay more fun and added some nice variety compared to SC2. SC2's add-on system just reeks of laziness, as though the developers didn't want to bother fleshing it out, and removes some of the unit/building variety.
What I think SC2 did right was replacing the Firebat with the Hellion/Hellbat. However, I think that they dun goofed by rolling the Dropship and Medic into 1 unit and removing the medic's ability.

I agree both hands with it, excluding Firebat. Flamethrower is the best possible concept of melee unit that fit into modern human military esthetic. Too bad gameplay wise Firebat application is limited to rare occasion as hard counter to hard counter (use under Dark Swarm).

Queen is another great unit concept, as a zerg spell caster. Think about all that queen mother hatching eggs for ants, bees, aliens. Infesting stuff, spawn minions. Sadly in BW mechanic her spells are not reinforcing properly this "feeling" of being crucial to the swarm.


Oct 26 2019, 10:43 pm GGmano Post #19


Quote from Lagi
Quote from Kolokol
Personally, I dislike the replacement of BW units with new units in StarCraft 2. I miss the SC1 Queen and Infested Terrans, the Defiler, Arbiter, Valkyrie, Devourer, Guardian, Dark Archon, Corsair, Dragoon, etc. I enjoy using these units in BW and feel as though no other unit can be as fun as any of those. I also don't like SC2's add-on system, where any Terran building can only build a Tech Lab or Reactor, to which any other building can attach. I preferred the system where buildings had their own add-ons and researched upgrades for their own units. I think that this made the gameplay more fun and added some nice variety compared to SC2. SC2's add-on system just reeks of laziness, as though the developers didn't want to bother fleshing it out, and removes some of the unit/building variety.
What I think SC2 did right was replacing the Firebat with the Hellion/Hellbat. However, I think that they dun goofed by rolling the Dropship and Medic into 1 unit and removing the medic's ability.

I agree both hands with it, excluding Firebat. Flamethrower is the best possible concept of melee unit that fit into modern human military esthetic. Too bad gameplay wise Firebat application is limited to rare occasion as hard counter to hard counter (use under Dark Swarm).

Queen is another great unit concept, as a zerg spell caster. Think about all that queen mother hatching eggs for ants, bees, aliens. Infesting stuff, spawn minions. Sadly in BW mechanic her spells are not reinforcing properly this "feeling" of being crucial to the swarm.

I agree fully the firebat has its pros and cons those Are very good. Not a fast vehicle flamethrower, vultures Are for scout and lay Mines to mess with enemies. Scbw is perfect in my openion

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

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Oct 27 2019, 3:01 am KrayZee Post #20

Quote from Andrea Rosa
SC1 all the way. The original StarCraft is one of my top 10 games ever for any system, including 8-bit/16-bit computers and consoles from 1975 onward. SC2 is okay, but it doesn't have the same magic.

I also make distinctions between StarCraft and Brood War: I love the original story and characters, but I didn't like the BW story very much, in my opinion it felt unrealistic and rushed in several points. In my ideal, utopian world, StarCraft has Medics and Lurkers, Brood War never came out and the story ends with Tassadar's death.
Not even the badass UED? I didn't like how Kerrigan defeated the UED, but the fact the small expeditionary UED fleet defeated the Dominion and drugged the Overmind with an iron fist is my favorite storyline. They're the only ones we could even relate to in the storyline because they're from Earth. I actually like the idea that the people of Earth is powerful than being presented as weak as seen in most science fiction movies with aliens.


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