Download Link:
1. Install VC Runtime 2015 x86 not x64
2. Install Netframework
3. Open the settings file in notepad in EUD Editor 3 directory, and put Lanuage = ko-KR and save.
4. Change the language to English
5. Specify SC:R and euddraft
Post has been edited 9 time(s), last time on Oct 17 2020, 9:44 pm by lifebot.
I love that you all have someone so actively working on easy to use EUD Editors, and he's kind enough to make an English translated version as well
There's now a third!?!?!?
The tool has been updated and is no longer in alpha.
What is needed to run it? For me it just fails to start no matter if I run as admin or not.
I can get EUD Editor 2 to open but I can't get EUD editor 3 to run.
Open the settings file and insert the following to make it work:
Lanuage = ko-KR
I downloaded EUD Editor 3 from the link provided, but when I extracted the ZIP there wasn't any type of executable file to open the program. Am I missing something obvious, or is the version I downloaded somehow bugged?

Unlimited N-word pass winner
I downloaded EUD Editor 3 from the link provided, but when I extracted the ZIP there wasn't any type of executable file to open the program. Am I missing something obvious, or is the version I downloaded somehow bugged?
You probably downloaded repo (source codes).
Try downloading
I downloaded EUD Editor 3 from the link provided, but when I extracted the ZIP there wasn't any type of executable file to open the program. Am I missing something obvious, or is the version I downloaded somehow bugged?
You probably downloaded repo (source codes).
Try downloading
releaseThanks for your help, T-warp! :] I was able to find the appropriate version and it opens up perfectly for me with Lifebot's instructions. Although I've only fiddled around with the program for a short time, it's looking pretty neat. The GUI is very clean and straightforward, which I like a lot.
Out of curiosity, will EUD Draft 3 receive more English patches/updates in the future? I really like the program so far, but even with the English setting turned on a lot of the menus and general text is in Korean, which makes it hard for me to know what I'm doing. The newest version of EUD Draft 2 doesn't seem to work due to the removal of MPQ files as well, so right now it's difficult for English-only users to do extensive EUD map-making. If anyone has some suggestions around these issues, I would be very appreciative.

I also want to thank JPoker for the excellent work on these programs so far, as well as Lifebot for managing a lot of these helpful EUD Editor threads. Thanks, guys!
Just tried using it, unfortunately, similar to Sophomancer, I'm finding it difficult to navigate the mostly Korean menus. I also found it confusing that we had to write Lanuage instead of Language, got stuck on that error for a while

For now I'm sticking to EUD Editor 2.
P.S. For anyone still wanting to use EUD Editor 2, all you need to do is download
SC 1.16.1 and link EUD Editor 2 up to the old MPQs.
Soooo. English not possible yet?
SCArchive.dll and SCArchiveConnecter.exe register as Trojans for me. Anyone know where he got those binaries from?
Thanks for creating this thread. It would be awesome if you could update to the latest versions on EUD Editor 3 and euddraft
Hi peeps!
Iam having a problem with the program. I think iam able to OPEN an existing Map of mine, because i can see the name of it been loaded aswell as some units name ive changed that are changed in EUD3 aswell.
The problem is, i cannot save the changes i made in EUD3. iam not able to either just save a new copy and open it in SC or SCMDRAFT2.
Or not able to save over my SCMDRAFT2 Map saved file.
EDIT: But in some save test i made i can now see a Green or Purple SCeud3 icon folder been made, but cant do nothing with it
Anyone can help on that ?
Hi peeps!
Iam having a problem with the program.
Hi COra, join the Staredit Network Discord ( and join #eud-discussion, I'm sure people can help
Open the settings file and insert the following to make it work: Lanuage = ko-KR
With the
latest release, this should no longer be required