READING ISCRIPT AND GRAPHIC RELATED INFOIscripts & OpcodesBefore we move onto more complicated things it's important to learn the basics of what iscript is and what it can do. Although we aren't able to edit iscripts, we can manipulate and overlap them which is the next best thing. The hierarchy of the things within the datedit portion of eud editor is important and each serves a specific purpose.
Units are linked to all of these tabs. We will mainly cover sprites and images. In terms of graphics (UI not included) the hierarchy is this:
1. Unit: All units are composed of weapons (if they have any), flingys, sprites, and images. Units are affected by triggers which make them preferred to work with but have the lowest count limits.
2. Weapon: Units can use weapons to creates sprites or flingys. The sprites/flingys created by weapons are usually considered bullets which have their behavior controlled by both weapons.dat and iscript.
3. Flingy: Flingys handle the movement portion of units. They can be either weapon/flingy controlled which is somewhat physics controlled movement or iscript which is fairly rigid.
4. Sprite: Sprites are the lowest form of graphics that can exist on the map by itself such as doodads and remains. They are not affected by triggers so we must rely entirely on iscripts to control their behavior.
5. Image: Images are ultimately what determine something will look like. They cannot exist by themselves and must have a parent sprite. Doodads and units are usually composed of several images such as the main graphic, shadow, and any overlays.
Iscripts are very important and I recommend you to learn and memorize them if you want to do any graphic related euds. Iscripts handle many things such as creating bullets, creating new sprites, movement behavior, etc. Iscripts are read from top to bottom and will go down the animation list unless there's an opcode that brings them to a different animation or there's an order that calls an animation.
#: Image ID. This is the number on the list within the image tab of datedit.
IsId: The iscript ID.
Type: The type of iscript?
Init: The starting animation of the image. Usually this creates a shadow image and whatever else the image does when it's first created.
Death: The ending animation of the image. This will normally kill both the image and the sprite.
GndAttkInit: The beginning of the ground attack animation.
AirAttkInit: The beginning of the air attack animation. If a unit lacks this they may not have an air attack animation but this isn't always the case. Refer to the image tab in datedit.
GndAttkRpt: The animation for repeated ground attacks.
AirAttkRpt: The animation for repeated air attacks.
CastSpell: The casting animation.
GndAttkToIdle: After attacking ground the unit uses this animation. Sometimes used as an idle animation as well.
AirAttkToIdle: After attacking air the unit uses this animation.
Walking: The animation used when the unit moves.
WalkingToIdle: The animation used when the unit stops walking.
SpecialState1: The animation used for special animations. i.e. suicide attacks, building, birthing, etc.
SpecialState2: The animation used for more special animations. Usually related to burrowing.
WarpIn: Warping in animation. All Protoss units have this animation although buildings are the only ones that use it.
This covers most of the animations. You'll notice things such as "local" aren't on this list. These are usually used for looping animations such as being idle or a ghost using a nuke laser. There's also animations related to buildings which I wont go over but you should have a good idea of how they work after reading this.
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 11 2022, 4:51 am by Sie_Sayoka.