I'll just post my entire anticcmu trigger system. If one of you aweseome guys likes riddles it would be great if we could brainstorm what causes the errors
CCMU-detection part (p8 = computer)
Trigger("Player 8"){
Bring("Player 8", "Drohne (Zerg)", "Anticcmu", At least, 20);
Set Switch("Switch50", set);
Preserve Trigger();
Trigger("Player 8"){
Bring("Player 8", "Drohne (Zerg)", "Anticcmu", At most, 19);
Switch("Switch51", not set);
Set Switch("Switch50", clear);
Remove Unit At Location("Player 8", "Drohne (Zerg)", All, "Anywhere");
Create Unit with Properties("Player 8", "Drohne (Zerg)", 20, "Anticcmu", 3);
Preserve Trigger();
Triggers/reinforcement part:
Trigger("Player 6"){
Elapsed Time(At least, 4000);
Switch("Switch50", set);
Remove Unit("Player 8", "Drohne (Zerg)");
Set Switch("Switch50", clear);
Set Switch("Switch51", set);
Trigger("Player 6"){
Elapsed Time(At least, 4000);
Switch("Switch51", set);
Command("Player 8", "Drohne (Zerg)", At most, 0);
Center View("ZRussian Tank");
Create Unit("Player 6", "Belagerungspanzer (Terraner) (Panzermodus)", 12, "ZRussian Tank");
Display Text Message(Always Display, "\x007More Tanks have been produced for the war with Germany.");
Set Switch("Switch51", clear);
So the system simplified is like this:
-If computer was able to place 20 drones --> switch50 set (=no ccmu present).
-before reinforcments get placed: if switch50 is set -> remove all drones, clear switch50, set switch51 (=currently processing a trigger - do not replace drones!)
-if switch51 is set --> place the reinforcments, clear switch51.
Alright, now the weird thing is, that from time to time - like in 15% of the games - a trigger/reinforcement does not occur when it should - despite no ccmu being present.
Particularities I have observed about this:
- The reinforcement most of the times happens at a later stage of the game (usually when another reinforcement gets processed). This can take up to 10 mins (delay).
- The Anticcmu system - also after having missed 1 reinforcement - continues to work just fine. Other reinforcements get processed as the should.
- I am under the impression that reinforcement nearly exclusively of players with a higher number (5,6,7) are effected.
- There is no consitency which triggers are effected.
Do you think I should slow down the hypertriggers?
Would be really grateful for every piece of advice you guys could provide me with! Thank you very much