I was wondering how difficult would it be to create a tool that launches mods in windowed mode even when the mod didn't originally support it. Turns out that it wasn't that bad =)
How to useDrag and drop a mod .exe to chainwmode.exe. It should work with any kind of mod loader, or anything that launches starcraft. But to be fair, I didn't bother testing Memgraft/Stargraft/Stardraft mods. Alternatively you can run it from command line like 'chainwmode.exe "C:\mods\cool mod.exe"'
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 18 2017, 3:12 am by Neiv.
Good stuff. This will help make older mods playable. Thanks for the tool!
edit: if you have issues getting it to work, make sure you have wmode.dll and wmode_fix.dll in your starcraft 1.16.1 directory. I've attached them here.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 17 2019, 8:41 am by Pr0nogo.

This is an amazing addition. Thank you very much!
fuck you all
(Wanted to see if it would force w-mode exes to w-mode even if you hit no. It does!)
Not sure if it's an issue with the program or something I'm doing wrong, but this only worked once. Every time I try it now, the console shows up for a split second and then goes away, and nothing happens. Tried re-downloading but still getting the same results.
It definitely should work more than once.. The one possiblity that is not a bug in the program is that the first starcraft process was still running when you tried again.
Anyways, if you still have the problem, I updated the exe to be a bit better at reporting errors. Though due to technical reasons, some errors don't appear in the console window but get logged to a file in directory "%TEMP%\chainwmode_0" instead.
I was wondering if it would work the way I expected, and it did!
Modifying the Starcraft shortcut by adding the full path of chainwmode.exe before the full path of starcraft.exe (without a mod) do work.
I had added "" around the 2 paths initially, but Windows 10 removed them...maybe it's safer to still try to put them, it is more likely to fix things than break them.
Is there a way (command line parameter?) to start directly in 2x size?