Staredit Network > Forums > Games > Topic: Antichamber - A really good puzzle game
Antichamber - A really good puzzle game
Aug 3 2013, 12:57 pm
By: Devourer  

Aug 3 2013, 12:57 pm Devourer Post #1


So, a friend of mine over the internet recently purchased a game called Antichamber, he highly recommended to me.
Since I do not have spare money for that I decided to watch a Let's Play of that game, and guess what, one of the best (not to be discussed in this topic ;D) commentator made one.

For everyone interested, here is his attempt: Clicky!

About the game.
It is a singleplayer mindgame which surely is to mess with your brain a lot.
It also features a nice unique graphic style which I did not see before, to be honest.
(looks like they didn't feel like spending much time on rendering/graphics ;D)

However, here is the trailer:

It can be purchased on Steam.

So, what do you guys think about it? Anyone of you played it?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 3 2013, 1:03 pm by Devourer.

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Aug 5 2013, 7:01 pm Fire_Kame Post #2

wth is starcraft

This looks really interesting. It actually reminds me of The Manhole for some unexplainable reason.

Unfortunately I hate first person view, that's why I haven't played portal yet. It makes me sick bleh

Aug 6 2013, 10:44 am Oh_Man Post #3

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

I've been enjoying The Swapper.

Unique puzzle game with nice existential crisis storyline. Reminded me of that Arnold Swarznigger movie when he was being cloned.

Aug 8 2013, 9:09 am Lanthanide Post #4

Just finished Antichamber. Got about 85-90% completion on it, probably took about 5-6 hours all up (I was sick today so didn't go to work). I wouldn't really say it plays mindgames on you - it's just a puzzle game. I got stuck in a couple of spots and used youtube, but overall it wasn't too difficult; probably the hardest part was working out that you can use cubes to create more cubes - the game doesn't make that particularly clear. Once you get the final red gun upgrade the game becomes fairly easy and the puzzles become a bit less interesting. Also I found the trailer to be really crappy at actually portraying the game.


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