Staredit Network > Forums > General StarCraft > Topic: Are my maps "Blocked Game" on fish server?
Are my maps "Blocked Game" on fish server?
Nov 17 2012, 5:13 pm
By: SiberianTiger  

Nov 17 2012, 5:13 pm SiberianTiger Post #1

I am now playing on the fish server which is packed with people unlike the US East or US West.

But I am frustrated because I can't host my maps. Pretty much no one joins. I know people here will say that's because my maps are unpopular and no one plays them and I am paranoid if I suspect someone is blocking/blacklisted my maps.

I've also been observing queer behavior such as someone joining the very millisecond I make and leaving even before his or her name appears on the player list. How is it even possible to join a game the moment it's made?

For those who don't know what I am talking about here is a screenshot of the blocked game on fish server.

Uploaded with

I am back to mapmaking, working on Footmen Frenzy IV. I hope more people will try my map.


Nov 17 2012, 6:11 pm Azrael Post #2

I think your best course of action would be to get someone to try to join your game, and see if it says "Blocked Game" for them.

They can screenshot your game in the list and show you how it looks, and try to join.

If worse comes to worst, you can play on USEast, it's not nearly as dead as USWest :kame:

Nov 17 2012, 8:23 pm staxx Post #3

Aside from what Azrael has mentioned, the only other things I can think of are...

Your ports need to be forwarded
Someones using some sort of hack to block/crash people when they click on your game (This happens on USEast a lot)

Expansion (Brood War) hop on USEast
Non-Expansion hop on USWest

Both are still filled with games and you should have no trouble getting people to join your game on either server.


Nov 18 2012, 2:27 am SiberianTiger Post #4

I don't think I am using a router, so I don't need any port forwarded.

What's expansion hop and non expansion hop?

It doesn't matter which server I try - be it US West or fish or iccup. No one freaking joins. Someone has something against me and my maps.

I hope I can rally people on to try my map Footmen Frenzy when it's completed.


Nov 18 2012, 3:04 am Dem0n Post #5

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

You should try to host a popular map such as Desert Strike or The Banning Game and see if people join those. If they do, maybe it is just your maps. D: If they don't, however, it could be that your games are getting blocked.

Nov 18 2012, 10:07 am SiberianTiger Post #6

I think the block is map-specific. The person who blocks/blacklists maps doesn't have a problem with popular maps. That's part of the reason why it was possible for them to become popular.

But how do popular maps become popular in the first place? It's because people try out the map. It's a problem when people can't even try out in modest amount.

(I did try hosting desert strike night and had a really difficult time getting just one person to join for a 1v1.)

Think why someone would block someone from hosting a map in the first place. It's because that person doesn't want the maps to become popular.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 18 2012, 10:22 am by SiberianTiger.


Nov 18 2012, 10:28 am Jack Post #7

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Fish server requires you to play 30 games before you can host in One on One mode, and perhaps UMS as well. Play 30 comp stomps or something in the Top vs Bottom game mode to unlock hosting.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Nov 18 2012, 10:41 am SiberianTiger Post #8

I doubt that. But thanks for your input.

I can host 1v1 on lost temple and people join that. I just have problem with ums.


Dec 4 2012, 9:53 pm NekoKyd Post #9

Quote from SiberianTiger
But I am frustrated because I can't host my maps. Pretty much no one joins. I know people here will say that's because my maps are unpopular and no one plays them and I am paranoid if I suspect someone is blocking/blacklisted my maps.

Regarding this, there has supposedly been a new hacker that started screwing with people on all servers. It's like what FruX did with the packet-hacking, only instead of making ALL games unable to be joined, the hacker can pick a certain game so that nobody else see's/can join your hosted game. So yes, maybe somebody does hate your maps, or something. Idk. I haven't had any encounter with this so-called new hacker. But who knows?


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