1) no...any lazy person who doesn't have job will be punished with point reductions
What I'm saying is that labor would be misallocated. Not enough people would want to become doctors. Why study medicine for 10 years if you get paid the same as a janitor? There will be
some people that become doctors because they enjoy the medical field, but much fewer people will become doctors than society will need.
2) no there should different group of public servants to deal with the economy... how should choosing the right people for the job is whole other discussion. And this group of people will probably have to be intertwined with the pillars of leadership although a fair system would be that any changes has to be consoled with politicians and leadership so as to not be radically devalue any items.
This sounds like our current system, except the bureaucrats have even more power than they currently do. There are committees in Congress right now that set policy for different sectors of the economy. For example, price floors on milk cause farmers to produce extra milk, even when consumers do not desire as much dairy as what has been produced.
3)That's why a unrelated 3rd parties will vote...
As you can see in our current government, votes from third parties in Congress can help either side. Oil, gas,
and solar companies have been receiving subsidies. Legislators can form coalitions and logroll, benefiting all members of the party.
4)I see what you did there... perhaps you want me to say that points are not trade-able which will entrap me but a system i was thinking of would be that farming and any form of business will require permits.
The problem is not registering a business. The problem is that people could produce more goods and services without direction from the government, therefore setting the society back to our current capitalist system. The "Free Money System + Capitalism" would be the equivalent of everyone getting a welfare check, and then having no taxes on other sources of income.
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